$Revision: 1.3 $
$Date: 2002/06/11 01:19:48 $
articleinfo — Meta-information for an Article
articleinfo ::= ((mediaobject|legalnotice|subjectset|keywordset|abbrev|abstract| author|authorgroup|bibliomisc|copyright|corpauthor|date|edition| editor|issuenum|othercredit|pubdate|publishername|releaseinfo| revhistory|subtitle|title|titleabbrev|volumenum|citetitle| honorific|firstname|surname|lineage|othername|affiliation| authorblurb)+)
Common attributes
The ArticleInfo element is a wrapper for a large collection of meta-information about a Article. Much of this data is bibliographic in nature.
Prior to version 4.0 of DocBook, this element was named ArtHeader.
Suppressed. Many of the elements in this wrapper may be used in presentation, but they are not generally printed as part of the formatting of the wrapper. It merely serves to identify where they occur.
These elements contain articleinfo: article.
The following elements occur in articleinfo: abbrev, abstract, affiliation, author, authorblurb, authorgroup, bibliomisc, citetitle, copyright, corpauthor, date, edition, editor, firstname, honorific, issuenum, keywordset, legalnotice, lineage, mediaobject, othercredit, othername, pubdate, publishername, releaseinfo, revhistory, subjectset, subtitle, surname, title, titleabbrev, volumenum.