DomainApplicationManager_ActiveObject_Impl.h File Reference

#include "ace/config-all.h"
#include "DomainApplicationManager_Impl.h"
#include "Task_StartLaunch.h"

Include dependency graph for DomainApplicationManager_ActiveObject_Impl.h:

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namespace  CIAO


class  CIAO::DomainApplicationManager_ActiveObject_Impl
 A subclass of the DomainApplicationManager_Impl servant which uses active object mechanism to handle deployment. Internally it spawns threads with each thread runs an active object to invoke the remote invocation, such as invoking startLaunch on a corresponding NodeApplicationManager. More...

Detailed Description


This file contains implementation for the servant of Deployment::DomainApplicationManager_AMI_Impl.

Gan Deng <[email protected]>

Generated on Mon Sep 3 04:55:19 2007 for DAnCE by  doxygen 1.5.3