Todo List

Member Deployment::ApplicationManager::startLaunch (in Properties configProperty, out Connections providedReference, in boolean start)
Spec mentions another few exceptions in the raises cluase

Member Deployment::ExecutionManager::preparePlan (in DeploymentPlan plan, in boolean commitResources)
ResourceCommitmentManger is missing

Member CIAO::MonitorCB::orb_
Make this a _var

Member CIAO::MonitorCB::target_mgr_
Make this a _var

Member CIAO::MonitorCB::update_data (Deployment::Domain &data)
Check return value, seems not used at this moment

Member CIAO::MonitorController::orb_
Make this a _var

Member CIAO::NodeApplication_Impl::init ()
initialize this NodeApplication properties

Member Options::usage (void)
Exit is not nice, return -1 so that the caller can do something and we don't exit abruptly

Member Deployment::TargetManager::updateDomain (in::CORBA::StringSeq elements, in Domain domainSubset, in DomainUpdateKind updateKind)
This is not part of 06-04-01

Member Deployment::DomainUpdateKind
, UpdateAvailable is not in the spec, must be UpdateDynamic

Generated on Fri Dec 14 04:37:20 2007 for DAnCE by  doxygen 1.5.3-6