TAO_CosNotification  2.3.1
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CosNotifyFilter.idl File Reference

Defines the CosNotifyFilter module. More...

import "orb.idl";
import "CosNotifyComm.idl";


struct  CosNotifyFilter::ConstraintExp
 Defines a constraint expression. More...
struct  CosNotifyFilter::ConstraintInfo
 Helper data structure to modify a constraint expression. More...
struct  CosNotifyFilter::MappingConstraintPair
 Helper structure used to modify a mapping constraint expression. More...
struct  CosNotifyFilter::MappingConstraintInfo
 Helper structure used to represent a mapping constraint, its property value and the ID assigned to it in a MappingFilter. More...
exception  CosNotifyFilter::UnsupportedFilterableData
 Exception raised when an event with unsupported filtered data is tested against a Filter. More...
exception  CosNotifyFilter::InvalidGrammar
 Exception raised if the filtering expression is using an invalid grammar. More...
exception  CosNotifyFilter::InvalidConstraint
 Exception raised if a constraint's grammar does not match the Filter grammar. More...
exception  CosNotifyFilter::DuplicateConstraintID
 Exception raised if a duplicate ID is used while modifying or removing multiple constraints. More...
exception  CosNotifyFilter::ConstraintNotFound
 Exception raised if a constraint ID is not found while modifying or removing multiple constraints. More...
exception  CosNotifyFilter::CallbackNotFound
 Exception raised if the application tries to remove a Filter callback that does not exists. More...
exception  CosNotifyFilter::InvalidValue
 Exception raised if a modification or addition of a mapping constraint does not matches the mapping filter type. More...
interface  CosNotifyFilter::Filter
 Interface used to manipulate and evaluate filters. More...
interface  CosNotifyFilter::MappingFilter
 Mapping filters can be used to change properties of an event as it traverses the Notification Service. More...
interface  CosNotifyFilter::FilterFactory
 Create Filter and MappingFilter objects. More...
exception  CosNotifyFilter::FilterNotFound
 Exception raised if a filter ID is not found. More...
interface  CosNotifyFilter::FilterAdmin
 Interface used to modify the Filters attached to a Notification Service component. More...


 Defines the interfaces used in Event Filtering.


typedef long CosNotifyFilter::ConstraintID
typedef sequence< ConstraintID > CosNotifyFilter::ConstraintIDSeq
 A sequence of constraint IDs. More...
typedef sequence< ConstraintExp > CosNotifyFilter::ConstraintExpSeq
 A sequence of constraint expressions. More...
typedef sequence< ConstraintInfo > CosNotifyFilter::ConstraintInfoSeq
 Sequence of Constraint infos, modify multiple constraints. More...
typedef sequence
< MappingConstraintPair > 
 Sequence of mapping constraint pairs. More...
typedef sequence
< MappingConstraintInfo > 
 A list of MappingConstraintInfo. More...
typedef long CosNotifyFilter::CallbackID
typedef sequence< CallbackID > CosNotifyFilter::CallbackIDSeq
 Batch management of callback objects in the Filter interface. More...
typedef long CosNotifyFilter::FilterID
 Each filter is assigned a unique ID. More...
typedef sequence< FilterID > CosNotifyFilter::FilterIDSeq
 List of filter IDs. More...

Detailed Description

Defines the CosNotifyFilter module.


This module is taken from the standard CORBA Notification Service 1.0, as described in:


In particular the following two documents were used: formal/2000-06-20 formal/01-03-03

Pradeep Gore prade.nosp@m.ep@c.nosp@m.s.wus.nosp@m.tl.e.nosp@m.du