TAO_RTEvent  2.3.1
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RtecEventChannelAdmin.idl File Reference

Define the RtecEventChannelAdmin module. More...

import "RtecEventComm.idl";
import "RtecBase.idl";


exception  RtecEventChannelAdmin::AlreadyConnected
 Exception raised if a consumer or supplier tries to reconnect even though it is connected already. More...
struct  RtecEventChannelAdmin::Dependency
 Encapsulate the parameters of a consumer QoS property. More...
struct  RtecEventChannelAdmin::ConsumerQOS
 Define the complete QoS properties of a consumer. More...
struct  RtecEventChannelAdmin::Publication
 Encapsulate one supplier publication and the QoS properties for that publication. More...
struct  RtecEventChannelAdmin::SupplierQOS
 Describe the complete QoS and filtering properties for a supplier. More...
exception  RtecEventChannelAdmin::TypeError
 Obsolete exception. More...
interface  RtecEventChannelAdmin::ProxyPushSupplier
 Interface used to implement the Abstract Session pattern for the consumers. More...
interface  RtecEventChannelAdmin::ProxyPushConsumer
 Interface used to implement the Abstract Session pattern for the suppliers. More...
interface  RtecEventChannelAdmin::ConsumerAdmin
 Implement an Abstract Factory to create ProxyPushSupplier objects. More...
class  RtecEventChannelAdmin::SupplierAdmin
 Implement an Abstract Factory to create ProxyPushConsumer objects. More...
class  RtecEventChannelAdmin::Observer
 Monitor changes in the consumer subscriptions and/or supplier publciations. More...
class  RtecEventChannelAdmin::EventChannel
 The main interface for the event service. More...
exception  RtecEventChannelAdmin::EventChannel::SYNCHRONIZATION_ERROR
 Exception raised if the Event Channel cannot acquire its internal locks. More...
exception  RtecEventChannelAdmin::EventChannel::CANT_APPEND_OBSERVER
 Exception raised if the Event Channel is unable to add an observer due to some internal limitation. More...
exception  RtecEventChannelAdmin::EventChannel::CANT_REMOVE_OBSERVER
 Exception raised if the Event Channel is unable to remove an observer due to some internal limitation or because the observer cannot be found. More...
exception  RtecEventChannelAdmin::EventChannel::QOS_ERROR
exception  RtecEventChannelAdmin::EventChannel::SUBSCRIPTION_ERROR
 Exception raised if the subscriptions are invalid. More...
exception  RtecEventChannelAdmin::EventChannel::CORRELATION_ERROR
exception  RtecEventChannelAdmin::EventChannel::DISPATCH_ERROR
 Exception raised if the event cannot be dispatched. More...


 Interfaces and data structures provided by TAO's Real-time Event Service implementation.


typedef sequence< Dependency > RtecEventChannelAdmin::DependencySet
 Define a list of consumer QoS properties. More...
typedef sequence< Publication > RtecEventChannelAdmin::PublicationSet
 A list of Publication structures. More...
typedef unsigned long RtecEventChannelAdmin::Observer_Handle
 Opaque identifier for a connected Observer. More...

Detailed Description

Define the RtecEventChannelAdmin module.


TAO's Real-time Event Service is described in:


Carlos O'Ryan corya.nosp@m.n@uc.nosp@m.i.edu
Tim Harrison harri.nosp@m.son@.nosp@m.cs.wu.nosp@m.stl..nosp@m.edu