TAO_RTEvent  2.3.1
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
oCACE_ConsumerQOS_FactoryConsumer QOS Factory
oCACE_Event_Handler [external]
oCACE_Message_Block [external]
oCACE_Message_Queue_Base [external]
oCACE_Shared_Object [external]
oCRtecUDPAdmin::AddrServerDefines a interface to configure the mapping between events and multicast groups (or UDP broadcast or UDP unicast) addresses
oCRtecEventChannelAdmin::AlreadyConnectedException raised if a consumer or supplier tries to reconnect even though it is connected already
oCTAO_ECG_Mcast_Gateway::AttributesHelper class to initialize a TAO_ECG_Mcast_Gateway
oCRtecEventChannelAdmin::EventChannel::CANT_APPEND_OBSERVERException raised if the Event Channel is unable to add an observer due to some internal limitation
oCRtecEventChannelAdmin::EventChannel::CANT_REMOVE_OBSERVERException raised if the Event Channel is unable to remove an observer due to some internal limitation or because the observer cannot be found
oCRtecEventChannelAdmin::ConsumerAdminImplement an Abstract Factory to create ProxyPushSupplier objects
oCRtecEventChannelAdmin::ConsumerQOSDefine the complete QoS properties of a consumer
oCRtecEventChannelAdmin::DependencyEncapsulate the parameters of a consumer QoS property
oCRtecBase::Dependency_InfoDefine dependencies between two RT_Infos
oCRtecEventChannelAdmin::EventChannel::DISPATCH_ERRORException raised if the event cannot be dispatched
oCRtecEventComm::EventThe basic events delivered by the Event Service
oCRtecEventChannelAdmin::EventChannelThe main interface for the event service
oCRtecEventComm::EventHeaderDefine the structure of an event header
oCTAO_ECG_CDR_Message_Receiver::Mcast_HeaderHelper for decoding, validating and storing mcast header
oCRtecEventChannelAdmin::ObserverMonitor changes in the consumer subscriptions and/or supplier publciations
oCTAO_ECG_Mcast_EH::Observer_Disconnect_CommandDisconnects Observer from the Event Channel
oCTAO_EC_Basic_ObserverStrategy::Observer_EntryThe data kept for each observer
oCRtecEventChannelAdmin::PublicationEncapsulate one supplier publication and the QoS properties for that publication
oCRtecEventComm::PushConsumerDefine the interface used by consumers to receive events
oCRtecEventComm::PushSupplierDefines the interface used by suppliers to receive callbacks from the Event Channel
oCRtecEventDataUser defined Event Data
oCRtecEventChannelAdmin::EventChannel::SUBSCRIPTION_ERRORException raised if the subscriptions are invalid
oCRtecEventChannelAdmin::SupplierAdminImplement an Abstract Factory to create ProxyPushConsumer objects
oCRtecEventChannelAdmin::SupplierQOSDescribe the complete QoS and filtering properties for a supplier
oCRtecEventChannelAdmin::EventChannel::SYNCHRONIZATION_ERRORException raised if the Event Channel cannot acquire its internal locks
oCTAO_EC_Auto_Command< T >
oCTAO_EC_Auto_Command< COMMAND >Utility class which executes COMMAND in its destructor
oCTAO_EC_Auto_Command< TAO_ECG_Mcast_EH::Observer_Disconnect_Command >
oCTAO_EC_Auto_Command< TAO_ECG_UDP_Receiver_Disconnect_Command >
oCTAO_EC_Auto_Command< TAO_ECG_UDP_Sender_Disconnect_Command >
oCTAO_EC_Busy_Lock_Adapter< Adaptee >
oCTAO_EC_Channel_DestroyerHelper class to destroy event channel
oCTAO_EC_Channel_Destroyer_FunctorImplements a functor for the TAO_EC_Channel_Destroyer class
oCTAO_EC_Consumer_Proxy_Disconnect_FunctorImplements a functor for the TAO_EC_Consumer_Proxy_Disconnector class
oCTAO_EC_Consumer_Proxy_DisconnectorHelper class to disconnect a PushSupplier from the event channel
oCTAO_EC_Deactivated_ObjectObject deactivation utility (mix-in) class
oCTAO_EC_DispatchingAbstract base class for the dispatching strategies
oCTAO_EC_Event_Channel_AttributesDefines the construction time attributes for the Event Channel
oCTAO_EC_Event_Channel_HolderUtility for automatically destroying the Event Channel
oCTAO_EC_FilterAbstract base class for the filter hierarchy
oCTAO_EC_Filter_BuilderAbstract base class for the filter builders
oCTAO_EC_Object_DeactivatorUtility for deactivating servants from POA
oCTAO_EC_ObserverStrategyThe strategy to handle observers for the Event Channel subscriptions and publication
oCTAO_EC_ORB_HolderUtility for automatically destroying the ORB
oCTAO_EC_ProxyPushConsumer_GuardA Guard for the ProxyPushConsumer reference count
oCTAO_EC_QOS_InfoA representation of QoS information for the event channel filters
oCTAO_EC_Scheduling_StrategyDefine the interface for the scheduling strategy
oCTAO_EC_Shutdown_Command< T >
oCTAO_EC_Supplier_FilterThe strategy to filter close to the supplier
oCTAO_EC_Supplier_Filter_BuilderAbstract base class for the supplier filter builders
oCTAO_EC_Supplier_Proxy_Disconnect_FunctorImplements a functor for the TAO_EC_Supplier_Proxy_Disconnector class
oCTAO_EC_Supplier_Proxy_DisconnectorHelper class to disconnect a PushConsumer from the event channel
oCTAO_EC_Thread_FlagsParse thread flags from string to a long
oCTAO_EC_Timeout_GeneratorDefine the interface for the generators of timeout events
oCTAO_ECG_CDR_Message_ReceiverReceives UDP and Multicast messages
oCTAO_ECG_CDR_Message_SenderSends CDR messages using UDP. NOT THREAD-SAFE
oCTAO_ECG_CDR_ProcessorInterface for callback objects used by TAO_ECG_CDR_Message_Receiver to propagate received data to its callers
oCTAO_ECG_Dgram_HandlerInterface used by mcast/udp handlers to notify interested components (usually Event Receivers) that there is data available on the dgram for reading, and to query them about event type to mcast group mappings
oCTAO_ECG_Handler_ShutdownInterface that should be implemented by multicast and udp handlers in EC gateways, so the handlers can be notified of shutdown (usually by Event Receivers)
oCTAO_ECG_UDP_Out_EndpointMaintains information about an outgoing endpoint
oCTAO_ECG_UDP_Receiver_Disconnect_CommandDisconnects supplier represented by proxy from the Event Channel
oCTAO_ECG_UDP_Request_EntryKeeps information about an incomplete request
oCTAO_ECG_UDP_Sender_Disconnect_CommandDisconnects consumer represented by proxy from the Event Channel
oCTAO_ESF_Proxy_Admin< class, class, class > [external]
oCTAO_ESF_Worker< TAO_EC_ProxyPushConsumer > [external]
oCTAO_ESF_Worker< TAO_EC_ProxyPushSupplier > [external]
oCRtecEventChannelAdmin::TypeErrorObsolete exception
oCRtecUDPAdmin::UDP_AddrRepresent a UDP SAP
oCRtecUDPAdmin::UDP_Addr_v6Represent a UDP SAP sufficient to hold an IPv6 address
\CRtecUDPAdmin::UDP_AddressHolds either an IPv4 or IPv6 address and used for the return value from get_address below