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SSLIOP_OpenSSL_st_T.h File Reference
#include "ace/config-all.h"
#include "tao/Versioned_Namespace.h"
#include "orbsvcs/SSLIOP/SSLIOP_OpenSSL_st_T.inl"
#include "orbsvcs/SSLIOP/SSLIOP_OpenSSL_st_T.cpp"


struct  TAO::SSLIOP::OpenSSL_traits< T >
 Template traits structure for OpenSSL data structures. More...
class  TAO::SSLIOP::OpenSSL_st_var< T >
 "_var" class for the OpenSSL More...


 Security ORB initializer.


CORBA-style Reference Count Manipulation Methods

These reference count manipulation methods are generally specific to OpenSSL structures.

template<typename T >
T * TAO::SSLIOP::_duplicate (T *st)
 Increase the reference count on the given OpenSSL structure. More...
template<typename T >
T * TAO::SSLIOP::copy (T const &st)
 Deep copy the given OpenSSL structure. More...
template<typename T >
void TAO::SSLIOP::release (T *st)
 Decrease the reference count on the given OpenSSL structure. More...

Detailed Description


Ossama Othman ossam.nosp@m.a@dr.nosp@m.e.van.nosp@m.derb.nosp@m.ilt.e.nosp@m.du