This is the complete list of members for Server_Info, including all inherited members.
activation_mode_ | Server_Info | |
activator | Server_Info | |
active_info(void) | Server_Info | |
active_info(void) const | Server_Info | |
alt_info_ | Server_Info | |
clear(void) | Server_Info | |
cmdline | Server_Info | |
createImRServerInfo(void) const | Server_Info | |
death_notify | Server_Info | |
dir | Server_Info | |
env_vars | Server_Info | |
fqname_to_key(const char *fqname, ACE_CString &key) | Server_Info | static |
gen_id(const Server_Info *si, ACE_CString &id) | Server_Info | static |
gen_key(const ACE_CString &server_id, const ACE_CString &poa_name, ACE_CString &key) | Server_Info | static |
has_peer(const char *name) const | Server_Info | |
ior | Server_Info | |
is_jacorb | Server_Info | |
is_mode(ImplementationRepository::ActivationMode m) const | Server_Info | |
is_running(void) const | Server_Info | |
is_server(const char *name) const | Server_Info | |
key_name_ | Server_Info | |
last_ping | Server_Info | |
operator=(const Server_Info &other) | Server_Info | |
parse_id(const char *id, ACE_CString &server_id, ACE_CString &poa_name) | Server_Info | static |
partial_ior | Server_Info | |
peers | Server_Info | |
pid | Server_Info | |
ping_id(void) const | Server_Info | |
poa_name | Server_Info | |
reset_runtime(void) | Server_Info | |
server | Server_Info | |
server_id | Server_Info | |
Server_Info(void) | Server_Info | |
Server_Info(const Server_Info &other) | Server_Info | |
Server_Info(const ACE_CString &fqname, const ACE_CString &aname, const ACE_CString &cmdline, const ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList &env, const ACE_CString &working_dir, ImplementationRepository::ActivationMode amode, int start_limit, const ACE_CString &partial_ior=ACE_CString(""), const ACE_CString &server_ior=ACE_CString(""), ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_ptr svrobj=ImplementationRepository::ServerObject::_nil()) | Server_Info | |
Server_Info(const ACE_CString &serverId, const ACE_CString &pname, bool jacorb, Server_Info_Ptr alt) | Server_Info | |
set_contact(const char *pior, const char *sior, ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_ptr svrobj) | Server_Info | |
setImRInfo(ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation *info) const | Server_Info | |
start_allowed(void) | Server_Info | |
start_count_ | Server_Info | |
start_limit(int lim) | Server_Info | |
start_limit_ | Server_Info | |
started(bool success) | Server_Info | |
update_options(const ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions &options) | Server_Info |