►Ncaffe2 | Simple registry implementation in Caffe2 that uses static variables to register object creators during program initialization time |
►Ndb | |
CCursor | An abstract class for the cursor of the database while reading |
CDB | An abstract class for accessing a database of key-value pairs |
CDBReader | A reader wrapper for DB that also allows us to serialize it |
CDBReaderDeserializer | |
CDBReaderSerializer | |
CLevelDB | |
CLevelDBCursor | |
CLevelDBTransaction | |
CLMDBCursor | |
CLMDBTransaction | |
CMiniDB | |
CMiniDBCursor | |
CMiniDBTransaction | |
CProtoDB | |
CProtoDBCursor | |
CProtoDBTransaction | |
CRocksDB | |
CRocksDBCursor | |
CRocksDBTransaction | |
CTransaction | An abstract class for the current database transaction while writing |
CZmqDB | |
CZmqDBCursor | |
►Ndetail | |
C_ScopeGuard | |
►Nenforce_detail | Rich logging messages |
CEnforceFailMessage | |
CEnforceOK | |
►Ngpu_single_thread | Code for special net type that uses one executor -thread per GPU |
CGPUExecutor | |
CTask | |
►Ninternal | |
CCaffe2InitializeRegistry | |
CEvent | |
COperatorNode | |
COpGraphNode | |
CStream | |
►Nmath | |
►Ndetail | |
CAxpyImpl | |
CAxpyImpl< T, CPUContext, 1 > | |
CScaleImpl | |
CScaleImpl< T, CPUContext, 1 > | |
►Nmkl | |
CLayoutWrapper | |
CMKLMemory | A wrapper around an opaque MKL internal resource that has certain layouts and convertion primitives set up |
CMKLOperator | |
CMKLPackedMatrix | |
CPrimitiveWrapper | |
CArgumentHelper | A helper class to index into arguments |
CAsyncDAGNet | |
CAvgExportedStat | |
CBlob | Blob is a general container that hosts a typed pointer |
CBlobDeserializerBase | BlobDeserializerBase is an abstract class that deserializes a blob from a BlobProto or a TensorProto |
CBlobSerializerBase | BlobSerializerBase is an abstract class that serializes a blob to a string |
CBlobsQueue | |
CBlobStatGetter | |
►CBlobStatRegistry | |
CRegistrar | |
CCaffe2FlagParser | |
CCompiledExecutionStep | |
CCPUAllocator | |
CCPUContext | The CPU Context, representing the bare minimum of what a Context class in Caffe2 should implement |
CCUDAContext | |
CCudaRTCFunction | |
CcudnnFilterDescWrapper | |
CCuDNNHandles | CuDNNHandles wraps around cudnnHandle_t so they can be properly destructed when threads exit |
CCuDNNState | |
CcudnnTensorDescWrapper | CudnnTensorDescWrapper is the placeholder that wraps around a cudnnTensorDescriptor_t, allowing us to do descriptor change as-needed during runtime |
CcudnnTypeWrapper | CudnnTypeWrapper is a wrapper class that allows us to refer to the cudnn type in a template function |
CcudnnTypeWrapper< double > | |
CcudnnTypeWrapper< float > | |
CcudnnTypeWrapper< float16 > | |
CCuDNNWorkspace | CuDNNWorkspace is a wrapper around a raw cuda pointer that holds the cudnn scratch space |
►CCuDNNWrapper | CuDNNWrapper is a class that wraps the cudnn handles and cudnn workspaces |
CSyncedCuDNNState | |
CDAGNet | |
CDAGNetBase | |
CDefaultCPUAllocator | |
CDefaultEngine | |
CDetailedExportedStat | |
CDeviceGuard | |
CDeviceTypeRegisterer | |
CDispatchHelper | |
CDispatchHelper< FixedValues< FirstVal, Values... >, ExtraArgs... > | |
CDispatchHelper< FixedValues<>, ExtraArgs... > | |
CElementwiseRTCOp | A GPU operator that can generate limited elementwise operations |
CEnforceNotMet | |
CExportedStat | |
CExportedStatValue | |
CFixedDivisor | |
CFixedDivisor< int32_t > | |
CFixedValues | |
CGenericTensorImplementation | |
CGradientMakerBase | |
CGradientNotImplementedYet | A helper class to indicate that the gradient mechanism is not ready |
CGradientOpsMeta | A struct that holds the gradient operators and related gradient maps |
CGradientWrapper | |
CInitRegisterer | |
CLoggerVoidify | |
CMaxPoolGradientRTCOp | |
CMaxPoolRTCOp | |
CMemoryAllocationReporter | |
CMessageLogger | |
CMKLContext | The MKL Context, which is largely the same as the CPUContext |
CMPICommonWorldWrapper | A simple wrapper over an MPI common world |
CMPIDataTypeWrapper | |
CNetBase | |
CNoGradient | A helper class to indicate that the operator does not need gradient computation |
COperator | |
COperatorBase | |
COpSchema | A class to record the schema of an op |
COpSchemaRegistry | A registry to hold all the operator schemas |
CPinnedCPUAllocator | An allocator that does the CPU memory allocation with pinned memory |
CPredictor | |
CQTensor | |
CQTensorDeserializer | |
CQTensorSerializer | |
CRegisterer | |
CRegistry | A template class that allows one to register classes by keys |
CScopeGuardImpl | |
CScopeGuardImplBase | ScopeGuard is a general implementation of the "Initialization is
Resource Acquisition" idiom |
CSignalHandler | |
CSimpleNet | |
CSimpleQueue | |
CSkipIndices | |
CSkipIndices<> | |
CStat | |
CStatRegistry | Holds a map of atomic counters keyed by name |
CStatValue | |
CStopOnSignal | |
CStringDeserializer | StringDeserializer is the deserializer for Strings |
CStringSerializer | StringSerializer is the serializer for String |
CTensor | Tensor is the basic class in Caffe2 that stores a contiguous memory with its shape information |
CTensorDeserializer | TensorDeserializer is the deserializer for Tensors |
CTensorPrinter | |
CTensorSerializer | TensorSerializer is the serializer for Tensors |
CTensorTypes | |
CTensorTypes2 | |
CThreadLocalCUDAObjects | A struct to host thread-local cuda objects |
CThrowInTheTowelIfGradientIsCalled | A helper class to indicate that the operator should have no gradient |
CTimer | A simple timer object for measuring time |
CTypeMeta | TypeMeta is a thin class that allows us to store the type of a container such as a blob, or the data type of a tensor, with a unique run-time id |
CTypeNameRegisterer | |
CUnsupportedOperatorFeature | |
CWorkspace | Workspace is a class that holds all the related objects created during runtime: (1) all blobs, and (2) all instantiated networks |
CZmqContext | |
CZmqMessage | |
CZmqSocket | |
►Nstd | |
Cis_fundamental< caffe2::__f16 > | |
CTaskThreadPool | |