DL_PrivateKey_GFP< GP > Member List

This is the complete list of members for DL_PrivateKey_GFP< GP >, including all inherited members.
AccessAbstractGroupParameters() (defined in DL_PrivateKeyImpl< GP >)DL_PrivateKeyImpl< GP > [inline]
AccessAbstractGroupParameters()=0 (defined in DL_Key< GP::Element >)DL_Key< GP::Element > [pure virtual]
AccessGroupParameters() (defined in DL_KeyImpl< PKCS8PrivateKey, GP >)DL_KeyImpl< PKCS8PrivateKey, GP > [inline]
AssignFrom(const NameValuePairs &source)DL_PrivateKeyImpl< GP > [inline, virtual]
AssignFrom(const NameValuePairs &source) (defined in DL_PrivateKey< GP::Element >)DL_PrivateKey< GP::Element > [inline]
BERDecode(BufferedTransformation &bt) (defined in PKCS8PrivateKey)PKCS8PrivateKey
ASN1CryptoMaterial< PrivateKey >::BERDecode(BufferedTransformation &bt)=0ASN1Object [pure virtual]
BERDecodeAlgorithmParameters(BufferedTransformation &bt) (defined in DL_KeyImpl< PKCS8PrivateKey, GP >)DL_KeyImpl< PKCS8PrivateKey, GP > [inline, virtual]
BERDecodeOptionalAttributes(BufferedTransformation &bt)PKCS8PrivateKey [virtual]
BERDecodePrivateKey(BufferedTransformation &bt, bool, size_t)DL_PrivateKeyImpl< GP > [inline, virtual]
BEREncode(BufferedTransformation &bt) const ASN1Object [inline, virtual]
DEREncode(BufferedTransformation &bt) const (defined in PKCS8PrivateKey)PKCS8PrivateKey
ASN1CryptoMaterial< PrivateKey >::DEREncode(BufferedTransformation &bt) const =0ASN1Object [pure virtual]
DEREncodeAlgorithmParameters(BufferedTransformation &bt) const (defined in DL_KeyImpl< PKCS8PrivateKey, GP >)DL_KeyImpl< PKCS8PrivateKey, GP > [inline, virtual]
DEREncodeOptionalAttributes(BufferedTransformation &bt) const PKCS8PrivateKey [virtual]
DEREncodePrivateKey(BufferedTransformation &bt) const DL_PrivateKeyImpl< GP > [inline, virtual]
DoQuickSanityCheck() const (defined in CryptoMaterial)CryptoMaterial [inline]
Element typedef (defined in DL_PrivateKeyImpl< GP >)DL_PrivateKeyImpl< GP >
Element typedef (defined in DL_PrivateKey< GP::Element >)DL_PrivateKey< GP::Element >
GenerateRandom(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const NameValuePairs &params)DL_PrivateKeyImpl< GP > [inline, virtual]
GenerateRandomWithKeySize(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, unsigned int keySize)GeneratableCryptoMaterial
GetAbstractGroupParameters() const (defined in DL_PrivateKeyImpl< GP >)DL_PrivateKeyImpl< GP > [inline]
GetAbstractGroupParameters() const =0 (defined in DL_Key< GP::Element >)DL_Key< GP::Element > [pure virtual]
GetAlgorithmID() const (defined in DL_KeyImpl< PKCS8PrivateKey, GP >)DL_KeyImpl< PKCS8PrivateKey, GP > [inline, virtual]
GetGroupParameters() const (defined in DL_KeyImpl< PKCS8PrivateKey, GP >)DL_KeyImpl< PKCS8PrivateKey, GP > [inline]
GetIntValue(const char *name, int &value) const NameValuePairs [inline]
GetIntValueWithDefault(const char *name, int defaultValue) const NameValuePairs [inline]
GetPrivateExponent() const (defined in DL_PrivateKeyImpl< GP >)DL_PrivateKeyImpl< GP > [inline]
GetPrivateExponent() const =0 (defined in DL_PrivateKey< GP::Element >)DL_PrivateKey< GP::Element > [pure virtual]
GetRequiredIntParameter(const char *className, const char *name, int &value) const (defined in NameValuePairs)NameValuePairs [inline]
GetRequiredParameter(const char *className, const char *name, T &value) const (defined in NameValuePairs)NameValuePairs [inline]
GetThisObject(T &object) const NameValuePairs [inline]
GetThisPointer(T *&p) const NameValuePairs [inline]
GetValue(const char *name, T &value) const NameValuePairs [inline]
GetValueNames() const NameValuePairs [inline]
GetValueWithDefault(const char *name, T defaultValue) const NameValuePairs [inline]
GetVoidValue(const char *name, const std::type_info &valueType, void *pValue) const DL_PrivateKeyImpl< GP > [inline, virtual]
GetVoidValue(const char *name, const std::type_info &valueType, void *pValue) const (defined in DL_PrivateKey< GP::Element >)DL_PrivateKey< GP::Element > [inline]
GroupParameters typedef (defined in DL_KeyImpl< PKCS8PrivateKey, GP >)DL_KeyImpl< PKCS8PrivateKey, GP >
Initialize(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, unsigned int modulusBits) (defined in DL_PrivateKey_GFP< GP >)DL_PrivateKey_GFP< GP > [inline]
Initialize(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const Integer &p, const Integer &g) (defined in DL_PrivateKey_GFP< GP >)DL_PrivateKey_GFP< GP > [inline]
Initialize(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const Integer &p, const Integer &q, const Integer &g) (defined in DL_PrivateKey_GFP< GP >)DL_PrivateKey_GFP< GP > [inline]
Initialize(const DL_GroupParameters_IntegerBased &params, const Integer &x) (defined in DL_PrivateKey_GFP< GP >)DL_PrivateKey_GFP< GP > [inline]
Initialize(const Integer &p, const Integer &g, const Integer &x) (defined in DL_PrivateKey_GFP< GP >)DL_PrivateKey_GFP< GP > [inline]
Initialize(const Integer &p, const Integer &q, const Integer &g, const Integer &x) (defined in DL_PrivateKey_GFP< GP >)DL_PrivateKey_GFP< GP > [inline]
Load(BufferedTransformation &bt) (defined in ASN1CryptoMaterial< PrivateKey >)ASN1CryptoMaterial< PrivateKey > [inline, virtual]
LoadPrecomputation(BufferedTransformation &storedPrecomputation)DL_PrivateKeyImpl< GP > [inline, virtual]
m_optionalAttributes (defined in PKCS8PrivateKey)PKCS8PrivateKey [protected]
MakePublicKey(DL_PublicKey< GP::Element > &pub) const (defined in DL_PrivateKey< GP::Element >)DL_PrivateKey< GP::Element > [inline]
Precompute(unsigned int precomputationStorage=16)DL_PrivateKeyImpl< GP > [inline, virtual]
Save(BufferedTransformation &bt) const (defined in ASN1CryptoMaterial< PrivateKey >)ASN1CryptoMaterial< PrivateKey > [inline, virtual]
SavePrecomputation(BufferedTransformation &storedPrecomputation) const DL_PrivateKeyImpl< GP > [inline, virtual]
SetPrivateExponent(const Integer &x) (defined in DL_PrivateKeyImpl< GP >)DL_PrivateKeyImpl< GP > [inline]
SetPrivateExponent(const Integer &x)=0 (defined in DL_PrivateKey< GP::Element >)DL_PrivateKey< GP::Element > [pure virtual]
SupportsPrecomputation() const DL_PrivateKeyImpl< GP > [inline, virtual]
ThrowIfInvalid(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, unsigned int level) const CryptoMaterial [inline, virtual]
ThrowIfTypeMismatch(const char *name, const std::type_info &stored, const std::type_info &retrieving)NameValuePairs [inline, static]
Validate(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, unsigned int level) const DL_PrivateKeyImpl< GP > [inline, virtual]
~ASN1Object() (defined in ASN1Object)ASN1Object [inline, virtual]
~NameValuePairs() (defined in NameValuePairs)NameValuePairs [inline, virtual]