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gameplay::Image Member List
This is the complete list of members for gameplay::Image, including all inherited members.
create(const char *path)gameplay::Image [static]
create(unsigned int width, unsigned int height, Format format, unsigned char *data=NULL)gameplay::Image [static]
Format enum namegameplay::Image
getData() const gameplay::Image [inline]
getFormat() const gameplay::Image [inline]
getHeight() const gameplay::Image [inline]
getRefCount() const gameplay::Ref
getWidth() const gameplay::Image [inline]
Ref()gameplay::Ref [protected]
Ref(const Ref &copy)gameplay::Ref [protected]
RGB enum value (defined in gameplay::Image)gameplay::Image
RGBA enum value (defined in gameplay::Image)gameplay::Image
~Ref()gameplay::Ref [protected, virtual]
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