![]() |
GNU Octave
A high-level interpreted language, primarily intended for numerical computations, mostly compatible with Matlab
This is the complete list of members for symbol_table, including all inherited members.
add_dispatch(const std::string &name, const std::string &type, const std::string &fname) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
add_nest_child(symbol_table &st) | symbol_table | inlineprivate |
add_to_parent_map(const std::string &classname, const std::list< std::string > &parent_list) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
alias_built_in_function(const std::string &alias, const std::string &name) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
all_instances | symbol_table | privatestatic |
all_instances_const_iterator typedef | symbol_table | private |
all_instances_iterator typedef | symbol_table | private |
all_variables(scope_id scope=xcurrent_scope, context_id context=xdefault_context, bool defined_only=true, unsigned int exclude=symbol_record::hidden) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
alloc_scope(void) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
assign(const std::string &name, const octave_value &value=octave_value(), scope_id scope=xcurrent_scope, context_id context=xdefault_context, bool force_add=false) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
at_top_level(void) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
built_in_function_names(void) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
builtin_find(const std::string &name) | symbol_table | static |
cache_name(scope_id scope, const std::string &name) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
class_precedence_table | symbol_table | privatestatic |
class_precedence_table_const_iterator typedef | symbol_table | private |
class_precedence_table_iterator typedef | symbol_table | private |
cleanup(void) | symbol_table | static |
clear(const std::string &name) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
clear_all(bool force=false) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
clear_dispatch(const std::string &name, const std::string &type) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
clear_dld_function(const std::string &name) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
clear_function(const std::string &name) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
clear_function_pattern(const std::string &pat) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
clear_functions(bool force=false) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
clear_global(const std::string &name) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
clear_global_pattern(const std::string &pat) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
clear_mex_functions(void) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
clear_objects(scope_id scope=xcurrent_scope) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
clear_symbol(const std::string &name) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
clear_symbol_pattern(const std::string &pat) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
clear_user_function(const std::string &name) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
clear_variable(const std::string &name) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
clear_variable_pattern(const std::string &pat) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
clear_variable_regexp(const std::string &pat) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
clear_variables(scope_id scope) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
clear_variables(void) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
cmdline_function_names(void) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
const_parent_map_iterator typedef | symbol_table | private |
context_id typedef | symbol_table | |
curr_fcn | symbol_table | private |
current_context(void) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
current_scope(void) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
do_all_variables(context_id context, bool defined_only, unsigned int exclude) const | symbol_table | inlineprivate |
do_assign(const std::string &name, const octave_value &value, context_id context, bool force_add) | symbol_table | inlineprivate |
do_builtin_find(const std::string &name) | symbol_table | private |
do_cache_name(const std::string &name) | symbol_table | inlineprivate |
do_clear_global(const std::string &name) | symbol_table | inlineprivate |
do_clear_global_pattern(const std::string &pat) | symbol_table | inlineprivate |
do_clear_objects(void) | symbol_table | inlineprivate |
do_clear_variable(const std::string &name) | symbol_table | inlineprivate |
do_clear_variable_pattern(const std::string &pat) | symbol_table | inlineprivate |
do_clear_variable_regexp(const std::string &pat) | symbol_table | inlineprivate |
do_clear_variables(void) | symbol_table | inlineprivate |
do_dump(std::ostream &os) | symbol_table | private |
do_dup_scope(symbol_table &new_symbol_table) const | symbol_table | inlineprivate |
do_erase_persistent(const std::string &name) | symbol_table | inlineprivate |
do_find(const std::string &name, const octave_value_list &args, bool skip_variables, bool local_funcs) | symbol_table | private |
do_find_symbol(const std::string &name) | symbol_table | inlineprivate |
do_glob(const std::string &pattern, bool vars_only=false) const | symbol_table | inlineprivate |
do_inherit(symbol_table &donor_table, context_id donor_context) | symbol_table | inlineprivate |
do_insert(const std::string &name, bool force_add=false) | symbol_table | inlineprivate |
do_is_global(const std::string &name) const | symbol_table | inlineprivate |
do_is_local_variable(const std::string &name) const | symbol_table | inlineprivate |
do_is_variable(const std::string &name) const | symbol_table | inlineprivate |
do_mark_automatic(const std::string &name) | symbol_table | inlineprivate |
do_mark_global(const std::string &name) | symbol_table | inlineprivate |
do_mark_hidden(const std::string &name) | symbol_table | inlineprivate |
do_persistent_assign(const std::string &name, const octave_value &value) | symbol_table | inlineprivate |
do_persistent_varref(const std::string &name) | symbol_table | inlineprivate |
do_persistent_varval(const std::string &name) | symbol_table | inlineprivate |
do_pop_context(void) | symbol_table | inlineprivate |
do_push_context(void) | symbol_table | inlineprivate |
do_regexp(const std::string &pattern, bool vars_only=false) const | symbol_table | inlineprivate |
do_rename(const std::string &old_name, const std::string &new_name) | symbol_table | inlineprivate |
do_update_nest(void) | symbol_table | private |
do_variable_names(void) | symbol_table | inlineprivate |
do_varref(const std::string &name, context_id context, bool force_add) | symbol_table | inlineprivate |
do_varval(const std::string &name, context_id context) const | symbol_table | inlineprivate |
do_workspace_info(void) const | symbol_table | private |
dump(std::ostream &os, scope_id scope=xcurrent_scope) | symbol_table | static |
dump_functions(std::ostream &os) | symbol_table | static |
dump_global(std::ostream &os) | symbol_table | static |
dup_scope(scope_id scope) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
erase_persistent(const std::string &name) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
erase_scope(scope_id scope) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
erase_subfunctions_in_scope(scope_id scope) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
fcn_table | symbol_table | privatestatic |
fcn_table_const_iterator typedef | symbol_table | private |
fcn_table_iterator typedef | symbol_table | private |
find(const std::string &name, const octave_value_list &args=octave_value_list(), bool skip_variables=false, bool local_funcs=true) | symbol_table | static |
find_autoload(const std::string &name) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
find_built_in_function(const std::string &name) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
find_function(const std::string &name, const octave_value_list &args=octave_value_list(), bool local_funcs=true) | symbol_table | static |
find_method(const std::string &name, const std::string &dispatch_type) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
find_symbol(const std::string &name, scope_id scope=xcurrent_scope) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
find_user_function(const std::string &name) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
force_assign(const std::string &name, const octave_value &value=octave_value(), scope_id scope=xcurrent_scope, context_id context=xdefault_context) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
force_varref(const std::string &name, scope_id scope=xcurrent_scope, context_id context=xdefault_context) GCC_ATTR_DEPRECATED | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
free_scope(scope_id scope) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
get_curr_fcn(scope_id scope=xcurrent_scope) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
get_dispatch(const std::string &name) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
get_fcn_info(const std::string &name) | symbol_table | inlineprivatestatic |
get_instance(scope_id scope, bool create=true) | symbol_table | inlineprivatestatic |
glob(const std::string &pattern) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
glob_global_variables(const std::string &pattern) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
glob_variables(const std::string &pattern) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
glob_variables(const string_vector &patterns) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
global_assign(const std::string &name, const octave_value &value=octave_value()) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
global_scope(void) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
global_table | symbol_table | privatestatic |
global_table_const_iterator typedef | symbol_table | private |
global_table_iterator typedef | symbol_table | private |
global_variable_names(void) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
global_varref(const std::string &name) GCC_ATTR_DEPRECATED | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
global_varval(const std::string &name) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
help_for_dispatch(const std::string &name) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
inherit(scope_id scope, scope_id donor_scope, context_id donor_context) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
insert(const std::string &name, scope_id scope=xcurrent_scope) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
insert_symbol_record(const symbol_record &sr) | symbol_table | inlineprivate |
install_built_in_function(const std::string &name, const octave_value &fcn) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
install_cmdline_function(const std::string &name, const octave_value &fcn) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
install_nestfunction(const std::string &name, const octave_value &fcn, scope_id parent_scope) | symbol_table | static |
install_subfunction(const std::string &name, const octave_value &fcn, scope_id scope) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
install_user_function(const std::string &name, const octave_value &fcn) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
instance | symbol_table | privatestatic |
is_built_in_function_name(const std::string &name) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
is_global(const std::string &name) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
is_local_variable(const std::string &name) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
is_superiorto(const std::string &a, const std::string &b) | symbol_table | static |
is_variable(const std::string &name) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
lock_subfunctions(scope_id scope=xcurrent_scope) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
look_nonlocal(const std::string &name, symbol_record &result) | symbol_table | inlineprivate |
mark_automatic(const std::string &name) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
mark_global(const std::string &name) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
mark_hidden(const std::string &name) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
mark_subfunctions_in_scope_as_private(scope_id scope, const std::string &class_name) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
my_scope | symbol_table | private |
nest_children | symbol_table | private |
nest_parent | symbol_table | private |
operator=(const symbol_table &) | symbol_table | private |
parent_classes(const std::string &dispatch_type) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
parent_map | symbol_table | privatestatic |
parent_map_iterator typedef | symbol_table | private |
persistent_assign(const std::string &name, const octave_value &value=octave_value()) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
persistent_table | symbol_table | private |
persistent_table_const_iterator typedef | symbol_table | private |
persistent_table_iterator typedef | symbol_table | private |
persistent_varref(const std::string &name) GCC_ATTR_DEPRECATED | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
persistent_varval(const std::string &name) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
pop_context(void) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
pop_context(void *) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
print_dispatch(std::ostream &os, const std::string &name) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
push_context(void) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
regexp(const std::string &pattern) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
regexp_global_variables(const std::string &pattern) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
regexp_variables(const std::string &pattern) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
regexp_variables(const string_vector &patterns) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
rename(const std::string &old_name, const std::string &new_name, scope_id scope=xcurrent_scope) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
scope_id typedef | symbol_table | |
scopes(void) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
set_class_relationship(const std::string &sup_class, const std::string &inf_class) | symbol_table | static |
set_curr_fcn(octave_user_function *curr_fcn, scope_id scope=xcurrent_scope) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
set_scope(scope_id scope) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
set_scope_and_context(scope_id scope, context_id context) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
stash_dir_name_for_subfunctions(scope_id scope, const std::string &dir_name) | symbol_table | static |
static_workspace | symbol_table | private |
subfunctions_defined_in_scope(scope_id scope=xcurrent_scope) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
symbol_table(const symbol_table &) | symbol_table | private |
symbol_table(scope_id scope) | symbol_table | inlineprivate |
table | symbol_table | private |
table_const_iterator typedef | symbol_table | private |
table_iterator typedef | symbol_table | private |
table_name | symbol_table | private |
top_level_assign(const std::string &name, const octave_value &value=octave_value()) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
top_level_variable_names(void) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
top_level_varref(const std::string &name) GCC_ATTR_DEPRECATED | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
top_level_varval(const std::string &name) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
top_scope(void) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
unlock_subfunctions(scope_id scope=xcurrent_scope) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
update_nest(scope_id scope) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
user_function_names(void) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
variable_names(void) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
varref(const std::string &name, scope_id scope=xcurrent_scope, context_id context=xdefault_context, bool force_add=false) GCC_ATTR_DEPRECATED | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
varval(const std::string &name, scope_id scope=xcurrent_scope, context_id context=xdefault_context) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
workspace_info(void) | symbol_table | inlinestatic |
xcurrent_context | symbol_table | privatestatic |
xcurrent_scope | symbol_table | privatestatic |
xdefault_context | symbol_table | privatestatic |
xglobal_scope | symbol_table | privatestatic |
xtop_scope | symbol_table | privatestatic |
~symbol_table(void) | symbol_table | inlineprivate |