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1 ## @file
2 # @brief Documentation file for GnuCashs python bindings, input file for doxygen.
3 #
4 # This file holds the more explanatory parts of the doxygen-source-documentation.
5 # You will find the contents at @ref python_bindings_page.
6 #
7 # @par To-Do:
8 # @li Work out the relation of scheme/guile and python-bindings
9 # @li maybe join python_bindings_page and group
10 # @li work on the structure of the documentation to make it more clear
11 # @li try to make SWIG include the documentation of the c-source
12 # @li make function-links in SWIG-generated files work.
13 # @li some words to the tests
14 #
15 # @author Christoph Holtermann
16 # @date December 2010
17 # @ingroup python_bindings
20 ## @defgroup python_bindings Python Bindings Module
21 # Also have a look at the page @ref python_bindings_page.
23 ## @defgroup python_bindings_examples Python Bindings Examples Module
24 # @ingroup python_bindings
25 # The python-bindings come with quite a lot of example scripts.
27 ## @page python_bindings_page Python bindings
28 # Also have a look at group @ref python_bindings.
29 #
30 # They can be found in src/optional/python-bindings.
31 #
32 # To enable them in the compilation process you have to add --enable-python-bindings
33 # to the call of ./configure.
34 #
35 # As a starting point have a look at the \link python_bindings_examples example-scripts\endlink.
36 #
37 # @section possibilities What are the Python bindings good for ?
38 #
39 # The python bindings supply the ability to access a wide range of the core functions of GnuCash. You
40 # can read and write Transactions, Commodities, Lots, access the business stuff... You gain the ability
41 # to manipulate your financial data with a flexible scripting language.
42 #
43 # Not everything GnuCash can is possible to access though. The bindings focus on basic accounting functions.
44 # Have a look at the examples to get an impression.
45 #
46 # @section python_bindings_section Principles
47 # The python-bindings are generated using SWIG from parts of the source-files of GnuCash.
48 #
49 # @note Python-scripts should not be executed while GnuCash runs. GnuCash is designed as
50 # a single user application with only one program accessing the data at one time. You can force your
51 # access but that may corrupt data. Maybe one day that may change but for the moment there is no active development on that.
52 #
53 # @subsection swigworks What SWIG does
54 #
55 # SWIG extracts informations from the c-sources and provides access to the structures
56 # to python. It's work is controlled by interface files :
57 #
58 # @li gnucash_core.i
59 # @li timespec.i
60 # @li glib.i
61 # @li @link base-typemaps.i src/base-typemaps.i @endlink This file is shared with Guile.
62 #
63 # it outputs:
64 #
65 # @li gnucash_core.c
66 # @li
67 #
68 # If you have generated your own local doxygen documentation (by "make doc") after having compiled the python-bindings, doxygen
69 # will include SWIGs output-files.
70 # It's actually quite interesting to have a look at them through doxygen, because they contain all that you can
71 # access from python.
72 #
73 # This c-style-api is the bottom layer. It is a quite raw extract and close to the original source. Some more details are described further down.
74 #
75 # For some parts there is a second layer of a nice pythonic interface. It is declared
76 # in
77 # @li and
78 # @li
79 # @li contains helper functions for that.
80 #
81 # @section howto How to use the Python bindings
82 # @subsection highlevel High level python wrapper classes
83 # If you
84 #
85 # @code >> import gnucash @endcode
86 #
87 # You can access the structures of the high level api. For Example you get a Session object by
88 #
89 # @code >> session=gnucash.Session() @endcode
90 #
91 # Here you will find easy to use things. But sometimes - and at the current level rather sooner than
92 # later - you may be forced to search for solutions at the :
93 #
94 # @subsection c_style_api C-style-api
95 #
96 # If you
97 #
98 # @code >> import gnucash @endcode
99 #
100 # The c-style-api can be accessed via gnucash.gnucash_core_c. You can have a look at all the possibilities
101 # at
102 #
103 # You will find a lot of pointers here which you can just ignore if input and output of the function have the
104 # same type.
105 #
106 # For example you could start a session by gnucash.gnucash_core_c.qof_session_begin(). But if you just try
107 #
108 # @code session=gnucash.gnucash_core_c.qof_session_begin() @endcode
109 #
110 # you will get an error message and realize the lack of convenience for you have to add the correct function parameters.
111 #
112 # Not all of the available structures will work. SWIG just takes everything from the sources that it is fed with and translates it. Not everything
113 # is a working translation, because not everything has been worked through. At this point you are getting closer to the developers who you can
114 # contact at the mailing-list [email protected]. There may be a workaround. Maybe the problem can only be fixed by changing SWIGs input
115 # files to correctly translate the c-source. Feel free to post a question at the developers list. It may awaken the interest of someone who creates
116 # some more beautiful python-interfaces.
117 #
118 # @section Thisorthat When to use which api ?
119 #
120 # The start would surely be the high-level api for you can be quite sure to have something working and you will maybe find
121 # explanations in the example-scripts. If you search for something that is not yet implemented in that way you will have to
122 # take your way to the c-style-api.
123 #
124 # @section pydoc (Further) documentation
125 #
126 # @li The documentation you just read uses doxygen. It collects documentation in GnuCash's sources. Besides that there is
127 # @li the classic python-documentation using help() and docstrings. Have a look at both.
128 # @li There is a page in the GnuCash wiki at
129 # @li You may also have a look into the archives of [email protected].
130 # @li On Bugzilla there is also some interesting talk regarding the development process.
131 # @li Then you can use the abilities of svn to see the history of the code by @code svn log @endcode done in the directory of the python-bindings.
132 #