LAPACK  3.7.0
LAPACK: Linear Algebra PACKage
subroutine slaqr1 ( integer  N,
real, dimension( ldh, * )  H,
integer  LDH,
real  SR1,
real  SI1,
real  SR2,
real  SI2,
real, dimension( * )  V 

SLAQR1 sets a scalar multiple of the first column of the product of 2-by-2 or 3-by-3 matrix H and specified shifts.

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      Given a 2-by-2 or 3-by-3 matrix H, SLAQR1 sets v to a
      scalar multiple of the first column of the product

      (*)  K = (H - (sr1 + i*si1)*I)*(H - (sr2 + i*si2)*I)

      scaling to avoid overflows and most underflows. It
      is assumed that either

              1) sr1 = sr2 and si1 = -si2
              2) si1 = si2 = 0.

      This is useful for starting double implicit shift bulges
      in the QR algorithm.
          N is integer
              Order of the matrix H. N must be either 2 or 3.
          H is REAL array of dimension (LDH,N)
              The 2-by-2 or 3-by-3 matrix H in (*).
          LDH is integer
              The leading dimension of H as declared in
              the calling procedure.  LDH.GE.N
          SR1 is REAL
          SI1 is REAL
          SR2 is REAL
          SI2 is REAL
              The shifts in (*).
          V is REAL array of dimension N
              A scalar multiple of the first column of the
              matrix K in (*).
Univ. of Tennessee
Univ. of California Berkeley
Univ. of Colorado Denver
NAG Ltd.
December 2016
Karen Braman and Ralph Byers, Department of Mathematics, University of Kansas, USA

Definition at line 123 of file slaqr1.f.

123 *
124 * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.7.0) --
125 * -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, --
126 * -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..--
127 * December 2016
128 *
129 * .. Scalar Arguments ..
130  REAL si1, si2, sr1, sr2
131  INTEGER ldh, n
132 * ..
133 * .. Array Arguments ..
134  REAL h( ldh, * ), v( * )
135 * ..
136 *
137 * ================================================================
138 *
139 * .. Parameters ..
140  REAL zero
141  parameter ( zero = 0.0e0 )
142 * ..
143 * .. Local Scalars ..
144  REAL h21s, h31s, s
145 * ..
146 * .. Intrinsic Functions ..
147  INTRINSIC abs
148 * ..
149 * .. Executable Statements ..
150  IF( n.EQ.2 ) THEN
151  s = abs( h( 1, 1 )-sr2 ) + abs( si2 ) + abs( h( 2, 1 ) )
152  IF( ) THEN
153  v( 1 ) = zero
154  v( 2 ) = zero
155  ELSE
156  h21s = h( 2, 1 ) / s
157  v( 1 ) = h21s*h( 1, 2 ) + ( h( 1, 1 )-sr1 )*
158  $ ( ( h( 1, 1 )-sr2 ) / s ) - si1*( si2 / s )
159  v( 2 ) = h21s*( h( 1, 1 )+h( 2, 2 )-sr1-sr2 )
160  END IF
161  ELSE
162  s = abs( h( 1, 1 )-sr2 ) + abs( si2 ) + abs( h( 2, 1 ) ) +
163  $ abs( h( 3, 1 ) )
164  IF( ) THEN
165  v( 1 ) = zero
166  v( 2 ) = zero
167  v( 3 ) = zero
168  ELSE
169  h21s = h( 2, 1 ) / s
170  h31s = h( 3, 1 ) / s
171  v( 1 ) = ( h( 1, 1 )-sr1 )*( ( h( 1, 1 )-sr2 ) / s ) -
172  $ si1*( si2 / s ) + h( 1, 2 )*h21s + h( 1, 3 )*h31s
173  v( 2 ) = h21s*( h( 1, 1 )+h( 2, 2 )-sr1-sr2 ) +
174  $ h( 2, 3 )*h31s
175  v( 3 ) = h31s*( h( 1, 1 )+h( 3, 3 )-sr1-sr2 ) +
176  $ h21s*h( 3, 2 )
177  END IF
178  END IF

Here is the caller graph for this function: