LAPACK  3.7.0
LAPACK: Linear Algebra PACKage
subroutine spteqr ( character  COMPZ,
integer  N,
real, dimension( * )  D,
real, dimension( * )  E,
real, dimension( ldz, * )  Z,
integer  LDZ,
real, dimension( * )  WORK,
integer  INFO 


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 SPTEQR computes all eigenvalues and, optionally, eigenvectors of a
 symmetric positive definite tridiagonal matrix by first factoring the
 matrix using SPTTRF, and then calling SBDSQR to compute the singular
 values of the bidiagonal factor.

 This routine computes the eigenvalues of the positive definite
 tridiagonal matrix to high relative accuracy.  This means that if the
 eigenvalues range over many orders of magnitude in size, then the
 small eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors will be computed
 more accurately than, for example, with the standard QR method.

 The eigenvectors of a full or band symmetric positive definite matrix
 can also be found if SSYTRD, SSPTRD, or SSBTRD has been used to
 reduce this matrix to tridiagonal form. (The reduction to tridiagonal
 form, however, may preclude the possibility of obtaining high
 relative accuracy in the small eigenvalues of the original matrix, if
 these eigenvalues range over many orders of magnitude.)
          COMPZ is CHARACTER*1
          = 'N':  Compute eigenvalues only.
          = 'V':  Compute eigenvectors of original symmetric
                  matrix also.  Array Z contains the orthogonal
                  matrix used to reduce the original matrix to
                  tridiagonal form.
          = 'I':  Compute eigenvectors of tridiagonal matrix also.
          N is INTEGER
          The order of the matrix.  N >= 0.
          D is REAL array, dimension (N)
          On entry, the n diagonal elements of the tridiagonal
          On normal exit, D contains the eigenvalues, in descending
          E is REAL array, dimension (N-1)
          On entry, the (n-1) subdiagonal elements of the tridiagonal
          On exit, E has been destroyed.
          Z is REAL array, dimension (LDZ, N)
          On entry, if COMPZ = 'V', the orthogonal matrix used in the
          reduction to tridiagonal form.
          On exit, if COMPZ = 'V', the orthonormal eigenvectors of the
          original symmetric matrix;
          if COMPZ = 'I', the orthonormal eigenvectors of the
          tridiagonal matrix.
          If INFO > 0 on exit, Z contains the eigenvectors associated
          with only the stored eigenvalues.
          If  COMPZ = 'N', then Z is not referenced.
          LDZ is INTEGER
          The leading dimension of the array Z.  LDZ >= 1, and if
          COMPZ = 'V' or 'I', LDZ >= max(1,N).
          WORK is REAL array, dimension (4*N)
          INFO is INTEGER
          = 0:  successful exit.
          < 0:  if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value.
          > 0:  if INFO = i, and i is:
                <= N  the Cholesky factorization of the matrix could
                      not be performed because the i-th principal minor
                      was not positive definite.
                > N   the SVD algorithm failed to converge;
                      if INFO = N+i, i off-diagonal elements of the
                      bidiagonal factor did not converge to zero.
Univ. of Tennessee
Univ. of California Berkeley
Univ. of Colorado Denver
NAG Ltd.
December 2016

Definition at line 147 of file spteqr.f.

147 *
148 * -- LAPACK computational routine (version 3.7.0) --
149 * -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, --
150 * -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..--
151 * December 2016
152 *
153 * .. Scalar Arguments ..
154  CHARACTER compz
155  INTEGER info, ldz, n
156 * ..
157 * .. Array Arguments ..
158  REAL d( * ), e( * ), work( * ), z( ldz, * )
159 * ..
160 *
161 * =====================================================================
162 *
163 * .. Parameters ..
164  REAL zero, one
165  parameter ( zero = 0.0e0, one = 1.0e0 )
166 * ..
167 * .. External Functions ..
168  LOGICAL lsame
169  EXTERNAL lsame
170 * ..
171 * .. External Subroutines ..
172  EXTERNAL sbdsqr, slaset, spttrf, xerbla
173 * ..
174 * .. Local Arrays ..
175  REAL c( 1, 1 ), vt( 1, 1 )
176 * ..
177 * .. Local Scalars ..
178  INTEGER i, icompz, nru
179 * ..
180 * .. Intrinsic Functions ..
181  INTRINSIC max, sqrt
182 * ..
183 * .. Executable Statements ..
184 *
185 * Test the input parameters.
186 *
187  info = 0
188 *
189  IF( lsame( compz, 'N' ) ) THEN
190  icompz = 0
191  ELSE IF( lsame( compz, 'V' ) ) THEN
192  icompz = 1
193  ELSE IF( lsame( compz, 'I' ) ) THEN
194  icompz = 2
195  ELSE
196  icompz = -1
197  END IF
198  IF( icompz.LT.0 ) THEN
199  info = -1
200  ELSE IF( n.LT.0 ) THEN
201  info = -2
202  ELSE IF( ( ldz.LT.1 ) .OR. ( icompz.GT.0 .AND. ldz.LT.max( 1,
203  $ n ) ) ) THEN
204  info = -6
205  END IF
206  IF( info.NE.0 ) THEN
207  CALL xerbla( 'SPTEQR', -info )
209  END IF
210 *
211 * Quick return if possible
212 *
213  IF( n.EQ.0 )
214  $ RETURN
215 *
216  IF( n.EQ.1 ) THEN
217  IF( icompz.GT.0 )
218  $ z( 1, 1 ) = one
220  END IF
221  IF( icompz.EQ.2 )
222  $ CALL slaset( 'Full', n, n, zero, one, z, ldz )
223 *
224 * Call SPTTRF to factor the matrix.
225 *
226  CALL spttrf( n, d, e, info )
227  IF( info.NE.0 )
228  $ RETURN
229  DO 10 i = 1, n
230  d( i ) = sqrt( d( i ) )
231  10 CONTINUE
232  DO 20 i = 1, n - 1
233  e( i ) = e( i )*d( i )
234  20 CONTINUE
235 *
236 * Call SBDSQR to compute the singular values/vectors of the
237 * bidiagonal factor.
238 *
239  IF( icompz.GT.0 ) THEN
240  nru = n
241  ELSE
242  nru = 0
243  END IF
244  CALL sbdsqr( 'Lower', n, 0, nru, 0, d, e, vt, 1, z, ldz, c, 1,
245  $ work, info )
246 *
247 * Square the singular values.
248 *
249  IF( info.EQ.0 ) THEN
250  DO 30 i = 1, n
251  d( i ) = d( i )*d( i )
252  30 CONTINUE
253  ELSE
254  info = n + info
255  END IF
256 *
258 *
259 * End of SPTEQR
260 *
subroutine sbdsqr(UPLO, N, NCVT, NRU, NCC, D, E, VT, LDVT, U, LDU, C, LDC, WORK, INFO)
Definition: sbdsqr.f:232
subroutine xerbla(SRNAME, INFO)
Definition: xerbla.f:62
subroutine slaset(UPLO, M, N, ALPHA, BETA, A, LDA)
SLASET initializes the off-diagonal elements and the diagonal elements of a matrix to given values...
Definition: slaset.f:112
logical function lsame(CA, CB)
Definition: lsame.f:55
subroutine spttrf(N, D, E, INFO)
Definition: spttrf.f:93

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function: