LAPACK  3.7.0
LAPACK: Linear Algebra PACKage
subroutine slaeda ( integer  N,
integer  TLVLS,
integer  CURLVL,
integer  CURPBM,
integer, dimension( * )  PRMPTR,
integer, dimension( * )  PERM,
integer, dimension( * )  GIVPTR,
integer, dimension( 2, * )  GIVCOL,
real, dimension( 2, * )  GIVNUM,
real, dimension( * )  Q,
integer, dimension( * )  QPTR,
real, dimension( * )  Z,
real, dimension( * )  ZTEMP,
integer  INFO 

SLAEDA used by sstedc. Computes the Z vector determining the rank-one modification of the diagonal matrix. Used when the original matrix is dense.

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 SLAEDA computes the Z vector corresponding to the merge step in the
 CURLVLth step of the merge process with TLVLS steps for the CURPBMth
          N is INTEGER
         The dimension of the symmetric tridiagonal matrix.  N >= 0.
          TLVLS is INTEGER
         The total number of merging levels in the overall divide and
         conquer tree.
          CURLVL is INTEGER
         The current level in the overall merge routine,
         0 <= curlvl <= tlvls.
          CURPBM is INTEGER
         The current problem in the current level in the overall
         merge routine (counting from upper left to lower right).
          PRMPTR is INTEGER array, dimension (N lg N)
         Contains a list of pointers which indicate where in PERM a
         level's permutation is stored.  PRMPTR(i+1) - PRMPTR(i)
         indicates the size of the permutation and incidentally the
         size of the full, non-deflated problem.
          PERM is INTEGER array, dimension (N lg N)
         Contains the permutations (from deflation and sorting) to be
         applied to each eigenblock.
          GIVPTR is INTEGER array, dimension (N lg N)
         Contains a list of pointers which indicate where in GIVCOL a
         level's Givens rotations are stored.  GIVPTR(i+1) - GIVPTR(i)
         indicates the number of Givens rotations.
          GIVCOL is INTEGER array, dimension (2, N lg N)
         Each pair of numbers indicates a pair of columns to take place
         in a Givens rotation.
          GIVNUM is REAL array, dimension (2, N lg N)
         Each number indicates the S value to be used in the
         corresponding Givens rotation.
          Q is REAL array, dimension (N**2)
         Contains the square eigenblocks from previous levels, the
         starting positions for blocks are given by QPTR.
          QPTR is INTEGER array, dimension (N+2)
         Contains a list of pointers which indicate where in Q an
         eigenblock is stored.  SQRT( QPTR(i+1) - QPTR(i) ) indicates
         the size of the block.
          Z is REAL array, dimension (N)
         On output this vector contains the updating vector (the last
         row of the first sub-eigenvector matrix and the first row of
         the second sub-eigenvector matrix).
          ZTEMP is REAL array, dimension (N)
          INFO is INTEGER
          = 0:  successful exit.
          < 0:  if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value.
Univ. of Tennessee
Univ. of California Berkeley
Univ. of Colorado Denver
NAG Ltd.
December 2016
Jeff Rutter, Computer Science Division, University of California at Berkeley, USA

Definition at line 168 of file slaeda.f.

168 *
169 * -- LAPACK computational routine (version 3.7.0) --
170 * -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, --
171 * -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..--
172 * December 2016
173 *
174 * .. Scalar Arguments ..
175  INTEGER curlvl, curpbm, info, n, tlvls
176 * ..
177 * .. Array Arguments ..
178  INTEGER givcol( 2, * ), givptr( * ), perm( * ),
179  $ prmptr( * ), qptr( * )
180  REAL givnum( 2, * ), q( * ), z( * ), ztemp( * )
181 * ..
182 *
183 * =====================================================================
184 *
185 * .. Parameters ..
186  REAL zero, half, one
187  parameter ( zero = 0.0e0, half = 0.5e0, one = 1.0e0 )
188 * ..
189 * .. Local Scalars ..
190  INTEGER bsiz1, bsiz2, curr, i, k, mid, psiz1, psiz2,
191  $ ptr, zptr1
192 * ..
193 * .. External Subroutines ..
194  EXTERNAL scopy, sgemv, srot, xerbla
195 * ..
196 * .. Intrinsic Functions ..
197  INTRINSIC int, REAL, sqrt
198 * ..
199 * .. Executable Statements ..
200 *
201 * Test the input parameters.
202 *
203  info = 0
204 *
205  IF( n.LT.0 ) THEN
206  info = -1
207  END IF
208  IF( info.NE.0 ) THEN
209  CALL xerbla( 'SLAEDA', -info )
211  END IF
212 *
213 * Quick return if possible
214 *
215  IF( n.EQ.0 )
216  $ RETURN
217 *
218 * Determine location of first number in second half.
219 *
220  mid = n / 2 + 1
221 *
222 * Gather last/first rows of appropriate eigenblocks into center of Z
223 *
224  ptr = 1
225 *
226 * Determine location of lowest level subproblem in the full storage
227 * scheme
228 *
229  curr = ptr + curpbm*2**curlvl + 2**( curlvl-1 ) - 1
230 *
231 * Determine size of these matrices. We add HALF to the value of
232 * the SQRT in case the machine underestimates one of these square
233 * roots.
234 *
235  bsiz1 = int( half+sqrt( REAL( QPTR( CURR+1 )-QPTR( CURR ) ) ) )
236  bsiz2 = int( half+sqrt( REAL( QPTR( CURR+2 )-QPTR( CURR+1 ) ) ) )
237  DO 10 k = 1, mid - bsiz1 - 1
238  z( k ) = zero
239  10 CONTINUE
240  CALL scopy( bsiz1, q( qptr( curr )+bsiz1-1 ), bsiz1,
241  $ z( mid-bsiz1 ), 1 )
242  CALL scopy( bsiz2, q( qptr( curr+1 ) ), bsiz2, z( mid ), 1 )
243  DO 20 k = mid + bsiz2, n
244  z( k ) = zero
245  20 CONTINUE
246 *
247 * Loop through remaining levels 1 -> CURLVL applying the Givens
248 * rotations and permutation and then multiplying the center matrices
249 * against the current Z.
250 *
251  ptr = 2**tlvls + 1
252  DO 70 k = 1, curlvl - 1
253  curr = ptr + curpbm*2**( curlvl-k ) + 2**( curlvl-k-1 ) - 1
254  psiz1 = prmptr( curr+1 ) - prmptr( curr )
255  psiz2 = prmptr( curr+2 ) - prmptr( curr+1 )
256  zptr1 = mid - psiz1
257 *
258 * Apply Givens at CURR and CURR+1
259 *
260  DO 30 i = givptr( curr ), givptr( curr+1 ) - 1
261  CALL srot( 1, z( zptr1+givcol( 1, i )-1 ), 1,
262  $ z( zptr1+givcol( 2, i )-1 ), 1, givnum( 1, i ),
263  $ givnum( 2, i ) )
264  30 CONTINUE
265  DO 40 i = givptr( curr+1 ), givptr( curr+2 ) - 1
266  CALL srot( 1, z( mid-1+givcol( 1, i ) ), 1,
267  $ z( mid-1+givcol( 2, i ) ), 1, givnum( 1, i ),
268  $ givnum( 2, i ) )
269  40 CONTINUE
270  psiz1 = prmptr( curr+1 ) - prmptr( curr )
271  psiz2 = prmptr( curr+2 ) - prmptr( curr+1 )
272  DO 50 i = 0, psiz1 - 1
273  ztemp( i+1 ) = z( zptr1+perm( prmptr( curr )+i )-1 )
274  50 CONTINUE
275  DO 60 i = 0, psiz2 - 1
276  ztemp( psiz1+i+1 ) = z( mid+perm( prmptr( curr+1 )+i )-1 )
277  60 CONTINUE
278 *
279 * Multiply Blocks at CURR and CURR+1
280 *
281 * Determine size of these matrices. We add HALF to the value of
282 * the SQRT in case the machine underestimates one of these
283 * square roots.
284 *
285  bsiz1 = int( half+sqrt( REAL( QPTR( CURR+1 )-QPTR( CURR ) ) ) )
286  bsiz2 = int( half+sqrt( REAL( QPTR( CURR+2 )-QPTR( CURR+ $ 1 ) ) ) )
287  IF( bsiz1.GT.0 ) THEN
288  CALL sgemv( 'T', bsiz1, bsiz1, one, q( qptr( curr ) ),
289  $ bsiz1, ztemp( 1 ), 1, zero, z( zptr1 ), 1 )
290  END IF
291  CALL scopy( psiz1-bsiz1, ztemp( bsiz1+1 ), 1, z( zptr1+bsiz1 ),
292  $ 1 )
293  IF( bsiz2.GT.0 ) THEN
294  CALL sgemv( 'T', bsiz2, bsiz2, one, q( qptr( curr+1 ) ),
295  $ bsiz2, ztemp( psiz1+1 ), 1, zero, z( mid ), 1 )
296  END IF
297  CALL scopy( psiz2-bsiz2, ztemp( psiz1+bsiz2+1 ), 1,
298  $ z( mid+bsiz2 ), 1 )
299 *
300  ptr = ptr + 2**( tlvls-k )
301  70 CONTINUE
302 *
304 *
305 * End of SLAEDA
306 *
subroutine sgemv(TRANS, M, N, ALPHA, A, LDA, X, INCX, BETA, Y, INCY)
Definition: sgemv.f:158
subroutine srot(N, SX, INCX, SY, INCY, C, S)
Definition: srot.f:53
subroutine xerbla(SRNAME, INFO)
Definition: xerbla.f:62
subroutine scopy(N, SX, INCX, SY, INCY)
Definition: scopy.f:53

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function: