LAPACK  3.7.0
LAPACK: Linear Algebra PACKage
subroutine slaed5 ( integer  I,
real, dimension( 2 )  D,
real, dimension( 2 )  Z,
real, dimension( 2 )  DELTA,
real  RHO,
real  DLAM 

SLAED5 used by sstedc. Solves the 2-by-2 secular equation.

Download SLAED5 + dependencies [TGZ] [ZIP] [TXT]

 This subroutine computes the I-th eigenvalue of a symmetric rank-one
 modification of a 2-by-2 diagonal matrix

            diag( D )  +  RHO * Z * transpose(Z) .

 The diagonal elements in the array D are assumed to satisfy

            D(i) < D(j)  for  i < j .

 We also assume RHO > 0 and that the Euclidean norm of the vector
 Z is one.
          I is INTEGER
         The index of the eigenvalue to be computed.  I = 1 or I = 2.
          D is REAL array, dimension (2)
         The original eigenvalues.  We assume D(1) < D(2).
          Z is REAL array, dimension (2)
         The components of the updating vector.
          DELTA is REAL array, dimension (2)
         The vector DELTA contains the information necessary
         to construct the eigenvectors.
          RHO is REAL
         The scalar in the symmetric updating formula.
          DLAM is REAL
         The computed lambda_I, the I-th updated eigenvalue.
Univ. of Tennessee
Univ. of California Berkeley
Univ. of Colorado Denver
NAG Ltd.
December 2016
Ren-Cang Li, Computer Science Division, University of California at Berkeley, USA

Definition at line 110 of file slaed5.f.

110 *
111 * -- LAPACK computational routine (version 3.7.0) --
112 * -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, --
113 * -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..--
114 * December 2016
115 *
116 * .. Scalar Arguments ..
117  INTEGER i
118  REAL dlam, rho
119 * ..
120 * .. Array Arguments ..
121  REAL d( 2 ), delta( 2 ), z( 2 )
122 * ..
123 *
124 * =====================================================================
125 *
126 * .. Parameters ..
127  REAL zero, one, two, four
128  parameter ( zero = 0.0e0, one = 1.0e0, two = 2.0e0,
129  $ four = 4.0e0 )
130 * ..
131 * .. Local Scalars ..
132  REAL b, c, del, tau, temp, w
133 * ..
134 * .. Intrinsic Functions ..
135  INTRINSIC abs, sqrt
136 * ..
137 * .. Executable Statements ..
138 *
139  del = d( 2 ) - d( 1 )
140  IF( i.EQ.1 ) THEN
141  w = one + two*rho*( z( 2 )*z( 2 )-z( 1 )*z( 1 ) ) / del
142  IF( ) THEN
143  b = del + rho*( z( 1 )*z( 1 )+z( 2 )*z( 2 ) )
144  c = rho*z( 1 )*z( 1 )*del
145 *
146 * B > ZERO, always
147 *
148  tau = two*c / ( b+sqrt( abs( b*b-four*c ) ) )
149  dlam = d( 1 ) + tau
150  delta( 1 ) = -z( 1 ) / tau
151  delta( 2 ) = z( 2 ) / ( del-tau )
152  ELSE
153  b = -del + rho*( z( 1 )*z( 1 )+z( 2 )*z( 2 ) )
154  c = rho*z( 2 )*z( 2 )*del
155  IF( ) THEN
156  tau = -two*c / ( b+sqrt( b*b+four*c ) )
157  ELSE
158  tau = ( b-sqrt( b*b+four*c ) ) / two
159  END IF
160  dlam = d( 2 ) + tau
161  delta( 1 ) = -z( 1 ) / ( del+tau )
162  delta( 2 ) = -z( 2 ) / tau
163  END IF
164  temp = sqrt( delta( 1 )*delta( 1 )+delta( 2 )*delta( 2 ) )
165  delta( 1 ) = delta( 1 ) / temp
166  delta( 2 ) = delta( 2 ) / temp
167  ELSE
168 *
169 * Now I=2
170 *
171  b = -del + rho*( z( 1 )*z( 1 )+z( 2 )*z( 2 ) )
172  c = rho*z( 2 )*z( 2 )*del
173  IF( ) THEN
174  tau = ( b+sqrt( b*b+four*c ) ) / two
175  ELSE
176  tau = two*c / ( -b+sqrt( b*b+four*c ) )
177  END IF
178  dlam = d( 2 ) + tau
179  delta( 1 ) = -z( 1 ) / ( del+tau )
180  delta( 2 ) = -z( 2 ) / tau
181  temp = sqrt( delta( 1 )*delta( 1 )+delta( 2 )*delta( 2 ) )
182  delta( 1 ) = delta( 1 ) / temp
183  delta( 2 ) = delta( 2 ) / temp
184  END IF
186 *
187 * End OF SLAED5
188 *

Here is the caller graph for this function: