LAPACK  3.7.0
LAPACK: Linear Algebra PACKage
subroutine ssvdct ( integer  N,
real, dimension( * )  S,
real, dimension( * )  E,
real  SHIFT,
integer  NUM 


 SSVDCT counts the number NUM of eigenvalues of a 2*N by 2*N
 tridiagonal matrix T which are less than or equal to SHIFT.  T is
 formed by putting zeros on the diagonal and making the off-diagonals
 equal to S(1), E(1), S(2), E(2), ... , E(N-1), S(N).  If SHIFT is
 positive, NUM is equal to N plus the number of singular values of a
 bidiagonal matrix B less than or equal to SHIFT.  Here B has diagonal
 entries S(1), ..., S(N) and superdiagonal entries E(1), ... E(N-1).
 If SHIFT is negative, NUM is equal to the number of singular values
 of B greater than or equal to -SHIFT.

 See W. Kahan "Accurate Eigenvalues of a Symmetric Tridiagonal
 Matrix", Report CS41, Computer Science Dept., Stanford University,
 July 21, 1966
          N is INTEGER
          The dimension of the bidiagonal matrix B.
          S is REAL array, dimension (N)
          The diagonal entries of the bidiagonal matrix B.
          E is REAL array of dimension (N-1)
          The superdiagonal entries of the bidiagonal matrix B.
          SHIFT is REAL
          The shift, used as described under Purpose.
          NUM is INTEGER
          The number of eigenvalues of T less than or equal to SHIFT.
Univ. of Tennessee
Univ. of California Berkeley
Univ. of Colorado Denver
NAG Ltd.
December 2016

Definition at line 89 of file ssvdct.f.

89 *
90 * -- LAPACK test routine (version 3.7.0) --
91 * -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, --
92 * -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..--
93 * December 2016
94 *
95 * .. Scalar Arguments ..
96  INTEGER n, num
97  REAL shift
98 * ..
99 * .. Array Arguments ..
100  REAL e( * ), s( * )
101 * ..
102 *
103 * =====================================================================
104 *
105 * .. Parameters ..
106  REAL one
107  parameter ( one = 1.0e0 )
108  REAL zero
109  parameter ( zero = 0.0e0 )
110 * ..
111 * .. Local Scalars ..
112  INTEGER i
113  REAL m1, m2, mx, ovfl, sov, sshift, ssun, sun, tmp,
114  $ tom, u, unfl
115 * ..
116 * .. External Functions ..
117  REAL slamch
118  EXTERNAL slamch
119 * ..
120 * .. Intrinsic Functions ..
121  INTRINSIC abs, max, sqrt
122 * ..
123 * .. Executable Statements ..
124 *
125 * Get machine constants
126 *
127  unfl = 2*slamch( 'Safe minimum' )
128  ovfl = one / unfl
129 *
130 * Find largest entry
131 *
132  mx = abs( s( 1 ) )
133  DO 10 i = 1, n - 1
134  mx = max( mx, abs( s( i+1 ) ), abs( e( i ) ) )
135  10 CONTINUE
136 *
137  IF( ) THEN
138  IF( ) THEN
139  num = 0
140  ELSE
141  num = 2*n
142  END IF
144  END IF
145 *
146 * Compute scale factors as in Kahan's report
147 *
148  sun = sqrt( unfl )
149  ssun = sqrt( sun )
150  sov = sqrt( ovfl )
151  tom = ssun*sov
152  IF( ) THEN
153  m1 = one / mx
154  m2 = tom
155  ELSE
156  m1 = one
157  m2 = tom / mx
158  END IF
159 *
160 * Begin counting
161 *
162  u = one
163  num = 0
164  sshift = ( shift*m1 )*m2
165  u = -sshift
166  IF( u.LE.sun ) THEN
167  IF( ) THEN
168  num = num + 1
169  IF( u.GT.-sun )
170  $ u = -sun
171  ELSE
172  u = sun
173  END IF
174  END IF
175  tmp = ( s( 1 )*m1 )*m2
176  u = -tmp*( tmp / u ) - sshift
177  IF( u.LE.sun ) THEN
178  IF( ) THEN
179  num = num + 1
180  IF( u.GT.-sun )
181  $ u = -sun
182  ELSE
183  u = sun
184  END IF
185  END IF
186  DO 20 i = 1, n - 1
187  tmp = ( e( i )*m1 )*m2
188  u = -tmp*( tmp / u ) - sshift
189  IF( u.LE.sun ) THEN
190  IF( ) THEN
191  num = num + 1
192  IF( u.GT.-sun )
193  $ u = -sun
194  ELSE
195  u = sun
196  END IF
197  END IF
198  tmp = ( s( i+1 )*m1 )*m2
199  u = -tmp*( tmp / u ) - sshift
200  IF( u.LE.sun ) THEN
201  IF( ) THEN
202  num = num + 1
203  IF( u.GT.-sun )
204  $ u = -sun
205  ELSE
206  u = sun
207  END IF
208  END IF
209  20 CONTINUE
211 *
212 * End of SSVDCT
213 *
real function slamch(CMACH)
Definition: slamch.f:69

Here is the caller graph for this function: