LAPACK  3.7.0
LAPACK: Linear Algebra PACKage
subroutine cchkec ( real  THRESH,
logical  TSTERR,
integer  NIN,
integer  NOUT 


 CCHKEC tests eigen- condition estimation routines

 In all cases, the routine runs through a fixed set of numerical
 examples, subjects them to various tests, and compares the test
 results to a threshold THRESH. In addition, CTRSNA and CTRSEN are
 tested by reading in precomputed examples from a file (on input unit
 NIN).  Output is written to output unit NOUT.
          THRESH is REAL
          Threshold for residual tests.  A computed test ratio passes
          the threshold if it is less than THRESH.
          TSTERR is LOGICAL
          Flag that indicates whether error exits are to be tested.
          NIN is INTEGER
          The logical unit number for input.
          NOUT is INTEGER
          The logical unit number for output.
Univ. of Tennessee
Univ. of California Berkeley
Univ. of Colorado Denver
NAG Ltd.
December 2016

Definition at line 77 of file cchkec.f.

77 *
78 * -- LAPACK test routine (version 3.7.0) --
79 * -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, --
80 * -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..--
81 * December 2016
82 *
83 * .. Scalar Arguments ..
84  LOGICAL tsterr
85  INTEGER nin, nout
86  REAL thresh
87 * ..
88 *
89 * =====================================================================
90 *
91 * .. Local Scalars ..
92  LOGICAL ok
93  CHARACTER*3 path
94  INTEGER ktrexc, ktrsen, ktrsna, ktrsyl, ltrexc, ltrsyl,
95  $ ntests, ntrexc, ntrsyl
96  REAL eps, rtrexc, rtrsyl, sfmin
97 * ..
98 * .. Local Arrays ..
99  INTEGER ltrsen( 3 ), ltrsna( 3 ), ntrsen( 3 ),
100  $ ntrsna( 3 )
101  REAL rtrsen( 3 ), rtrsna( 3 )
102 * ..
103 * .. External Subroutines ..
104  EXTERNAL cerrec, cget35, cget36, cget37, cget38
105 * ..
106 * .. External Functions ..
107  REAL slamch
108  EXTERNAL slamch
109 * ..
110 * .. Executable Statements ..
111 *
112  path( 1: 1 ) = 'Complex precision'
113  path( 2: 3 ) = 'EC'
114  eps = slamch( 'P' )
115  sfmin = slamch( 'S' )
116  WRITE( nout, fmt = 9994 )
117  WRITE( nout, fmt = 9993 )eps, sfmin
118  WRITE( nout, fmt = 9992 )thresh
119 *
120 * Test error exits if TSTERR is .TRUE.
121 *
122  IF( tsterr )
123  $ CALL cerrec( path, nout )
124 *
125  ok = .true.
126  CALL cget35( rtrsyl, ltrsyl, ntrsyl, ktrsyl, nin )
127  IF( rtrsyl.GT.thresh ) THEN
128  ok = .false.
129  WRITE( nout, fmt = 9999 )rtrsyl, ltrsyl, ntrsyl, ktrsyl
130  END IF
131 *
132  CALL cget36( rtrexc, ltrexc, ntrexc, ktrexc, nin )
133  IF( rtrexc.GT.thresh .OR. ntrexc.GT.0 ) THEN
134  ok = .false.
135  WRITE( nout, fmt = 9998 )rtrexc, ltrexc, ntrexc, ktrexc
136  END IF
137 *
138  CALL cget37( rtrsna, ltrsna, ntrsna, ktrsna, nin )
139  IF( rtrsna( 1 ).GT.thresh .OR. rtrsna( 2 ).GT.thresh .OR.
140  $ ntrsna( 1 ).NE.0 .OR. ntrsna( 2 ).NE.0 .OR. ntrsna( 3 ).NE.0 )
141  $ THEN
142  ok = .false.
143  WRITE( nout, fmt = 9997 )rtrsna, ltrsna, ntrsna, ktrsna
144  END IF
145 *
146  CALL cget38( rtrsen, ltrsen, ntrsen, ktrsen, nin )
147  IF( rtrsen( 1 ).GT.thresh .OR. rtrsen( 2 ).GT.thresh .OR.
148  $ ntrsen( 1 ).NE.0 .OR. ntrsen( 2 ).NE.0 .OR. ntrsen( 3 ).NE.0 )
149  $ THEN
150  ok = .false.
151  WRITE( nout, fmt = 9996 )rtrsen, ltrsen, ntrsen, ktrsen
152  END IF
153 *
154  ntests = ktrsyl + ktrexc + ktrsna + ktrsen
155  IF( ok )
156  $ WRITE( nout, fmt = 9995 )path, ntests
157 *
158  9999 FORMAT( ' Error in CTRSYL: RMAX =', e12.3, / ' LMAX = ', i8,
159  $ ' NINFO=', i8, ' KNT=', i8 )
160  9998 FORMAT( ' Error in CTREXC: RMAX =', e12.3, / ' LMAX = ', i8,
161  $ ' NINFO=', i8, ' KNT=', i8 )
162  9997 FORMAT( ' Error in CTRSNA: RMAX =', 3e12.3, / ' LMAX = ',
163  $ 3i8, ' NINFO=', 3i8, ' KNT=', i8 )
164  9996 FORMAT( ' Error in CTRSEN: RMAX =', 3e12.3, / ' LMAX = ',
165  $ 3i8, ' NINFO=', 3i8, ' KNT=', i8 )
166  9995 FORMAT( / 1x, 'All tests for ', a3,
167  $ ' routines passed the threshold ( ', i6, ' tests run)' )
168  9994 FORMAT( ' Tests of the Nonsymmetric eigenproblem condition',
169  $ ' estimation routines', / ' CTRSYL, CTREXC, CTRSNA, CTRSEN',
170  $ / )
171  9993 FORMAT( ' Relative machine precision (EPS) = ', e16.6,
172  $ / ' Safe minimum (SFMIN) = ', e16.6, / )
173  9992 FORMAT( ' Routines pass computational tests if test ratio is ',
174  $ 'less than', f8.2, / / )
176 *
177 * End of CCHKEC
178 *
subroutine cerrec(PATH, NUNIT)
Definition: cerrec.f:58
subroutine cget35(RMAX, LMAX, NINFO, KNT, NIN)
Definition: cget35.f:86
subroutine cget36(RMAX, LMAX, NINFO, KNT, NIN)
Definition: cget36.f:87
real function slamch(CMACH)
Definition: slamch.f:69
subroutine cget38(RMAX, LMAX, NINFO, KNT, NIN)
Definition: cget38.f:93
subroutine cget37(RMAX, LMAX, NINFO, KNT, NIN)
Definition: cget37.f:92

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function: