LAPACK  3.7.0
LAPACK: Linear Algebra PACKage
lapack_int LAPACKE_ssyrfsx_work ( int  matrix_layout,
char  uplo,
char  equed,
lapack_int  n,
lapack_int  nrhs,
const float *  a,
lapack_int  lda,
const float *  af,
lapack_int  ldaf,
const lapack_int ipiv,
const float *  s,
const float *  b,
lapack_int  ldb,
float *  x,
lapack_int  ldx,
float *  rcond,
float *  berr,
lapack_int  n_err_bnds,
float *  err_bnds_norm,
float *  err_bnds_comp,
lapack_int  nparams,
float *  params,
float *  work,
lapack_int iwork 

Definition at line 36 of file lapacke_ssyrfsx_work.c.

46 {
47  lapack_int info = 0;
48  if( matrix_layout == LAPACK_COL_MAJOR ) {
49  /* Call LAPACK function and adjust info */
50  LAPACK_ssyrfsx( &uplo, &equed, &n, &nrhs, a, &lda, af, &ldaf, ipiv, s,
51  b, &ldb, x, &ldx, rcond, berr, &n_err_bnds,
52  err_bnds_norm, err_bnds_comp, &nparams, params, work,
53  iwork, &info );
54  if( info < 0 ) {
55  info = info - 1;
56  }
57  } else if( matrix_layout == LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR ) {
58  lapack_int lda_t = MAX(1,n);
59  lapack_int ldaf_t = MAX(1,n);
60  lapack_int ldb_t = MAX(1,n);
61  lapack_int ldx_t = MAX(1,n);
62  float* a_t = NULL;
63  float* af_t = NULL;
64  float* b_t = NULL;
65  float* x_t = NULL;
66  float* err_bnds_norm_t = NULL;
67  float* err_bnds_comp_t = NULL;
68  /* Check leading dimension(s) */
69  if( lda < n ) {
70  info = -7;
71  LAPACKE_xerbla( "LAPACKE_ssyrfsx_work", info );
72  return info;
73  }
74  if( ldaf < n ) {
75  info = -9;
76  LAPACKE_xerbla( "LAPACKE_ssyrfsx_work", info );
77  return info;
78  }
79  if( ldb < nrhs ) {
80  info = -13;
81  LAPACKE_xerbla( "LAPACKE_ssyrfsx_work", info );
82  return info;
83  }
84  if( ldx < nrhs ) {
85  info = -15;
86  LAPACKE_xerbla( "LAPACKE_ssyrfsx_work", info );
87  return info;
88  }
89  /* Allocate memory for temporary array(s) */
90  a_t = (float*)LAPACKE_malloc( sizeof(float) * lda_t * MAX(1,n) );
91  if( a_t == NULL ) {
93  goto exit_level_0;
94  }
95  af_t = (float*)LAPACKE_malloc( sizeof(float) * ldaf_t * MAX(1,n) );
96  if( af_t == NULL ) {
98  goto exit_level_1;
99  }
100  b_t = (float*)LAPACKE_malloc( sizeof(float) * ldb_t * MAX(1,nrhs) );
101  if( b_t == NULL ) {
103  goto exit_level_2;
104  }
105  x_t = (float*)LAPACKE_malloc( sizeof(float) * ldx_t * MAX(1,nrhs) );
106  if( x_t == NULL ) {
108  goto exit_level_3;
109  }
110  err_bnds_norm_t = (float*)
111  LAPACKE_malloc( sizeof(float) * nrhs * MAX(1,n_err_bnds) );
112  if( err_bnds_norm_t == NULL ) {
114  goto exit_level_4;
115  }
116  err_bnds_comp_t = (float*)
117  LAPACKE_malloc( sizeof(float) * nrhs * MAX(1,n_err_bnds) );
118  if( err_bnds_comp_t == NULL ) {
120  goto exit_level_5;
121  }
122  /* Transpose input matrices */
123  LAPACKE_ssy_trans( matrix_layout, uplo, n, a, lda, a_t, lda_t );
124  LAPACKE_ssy_trans( matrix_layout, uplo, n, af, ldaf, af_t, ldaf_t );
125  LAPACKE_sge_trans( matrix_layout, n, nrhs, b, ldb, b_t, ldb_t );
126  LAPACKE_sge_trans( matrix_layout, n, nrhs, x, ldx, x_t, ldx_t );
127  /* Call LAPACK function and adjust info */
128  LAPACK_ssyrfsx( &uplo, &equed, &n, &nrhs, a_t, &lda_t, af_t, &ldaf_t,
129  ipiv, s, b_t, &ldb_t, x_t, &ldx_t, rcond, berr,
130  &n_err_bnds, err_bnds_norm_t, err_bnds_comp_t, &nparams,
131  params, work, iwork, &info );
132  if( info < 0 ) {
133  info = info - 1;
134  }
135  /* Transpose output matrices */
136  LAPACKE_sge_trans( LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, n, nrhs, x_t, ldx_t, x, ldx );
137  LAPACKE_sge_trans( LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, nrhs, n_err_bnds, err_bnds_norm_t,
138  nrhs, err_bnds_norm, nrhs );
139  LAPACKE_sge_trans( LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, nrhs, n_err_bnds, err_bnds_comp_t,
140  nrhs, err_bnds_comp, nrhs );
141  /* Release memory and exit */
142  LAPACKE_free( err_bnds_comp_t );
143 exit_level_5:
144  LAPACKE_free( err_bnds_norm_t );
145 exit_level_4:
146  LAPACKE_free( x_t );
147 exit_level_3:
148  LAPACKE_free( b_t );
149 exit_level_2:
150  LAPACKE_free( af_t );
151 exit_level_1:
152  LAPACKE_free( a_t );
153 exit_level_0:
155  LAPACKE_xerbla( "LAPACKE_ssyrfsx_work", info );
156  }
157  } else {
158  info = -1;
159  LAPACKE_xerbla( "LAPACKE_ssyrfsx_work", info );
160  }
161  return info;
162 }
void LAPACKE_ssy_trans(int matrix_layout, char uplo, lapack_int n, const float *in, lapack_int ldin, float *out, lapack_int ldout)
void LAPACK_ssyrfsx(char *uplo, char *equed, lapack_int *n, lapack_int *nrhs, const float *a, lapack_int *lda, const float *af, lapack_int *ldaf, const lapack_int *ipiv, const float *s, const float *b, lapack_int *ldb, float *x, lapack_int *ldx, float *rcond, float *berr, lapack_int *n_err_bnds, float *err_bnds_norm, float *err_bnds_comp, lapack_int *nparams, float *params, float *work, lapack_int *iwork, lapack_int *info)
Definition: lapacke.h:119
void LAPACKE_sge_trans(int matrix_layout, lapack_int m, lapack_int n, const float *in, lapack_int ldin, float *out, lapack_int ldout)
#define MAX(x, y)
Definition: lapacke_utils.h:47
#define LAPACKE_free(p)
Definition: lapacke.h:113
#define LAPACKE_malloc(size)
Definition: lapacke.h:110
Definition: lapacke.h:120
void LAPACKE_xerbla(const char *name, lapack_int info)
#define lapack_int
Definition: lapacke.h:47
Definition: lapacke.h:123

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function: