LAPACK  3.7.0
LAPACK: Linear Algebra PACKage
subroutine dlar1v ( integer  N,
integer  B1,
integer  BN,
double precision  LAMBDA,
double precision, dimension( * )  D,
double precision, dimension( * )  L,
double precision, dimension( * )  LD,
double precision, dimension( * )  LLD,
double precision  PIVMIN,
double precision  GAPTOL,
double precision, dimension( * )  Z,
logical  WANTNC,
integer  NEGCNT,
double precision  ZTZ,
double precision  MINGMA,
integer  R,
integer, dimension( * )  ISUPPZ,
double precision  NRMINV,
double precision  RESID,
double precision  RQCORR,
double precision, dimension( * )  WORK 

DLAR1V computes the (scaled) r-th column of the inverse of the submatrix in rows b1 through bn of the tridiagonal matrix LDLT - λI.

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 DLAR1V computes the (scaled) r-th column of the inverse of
 the sumbmatrix in rows B1 through BN of the tridiagonal matrix
 L D L**T - sigma I. When sigma is close to an eigenvalue, the
 computed vector is an accurate eigenvector. Usually, r corresponds
 to the index where the eigenvector is largest in magnitude.
 The following steps accomplish this computation :
 (a) Stationary qd transform,  L D L**T - sigma I = L(+) D(+) L(+)**T,
 (b) Progressive qd transform, L D L**T - sigma I = U(-) D(-) U(-)**T,
 (c) Computation of the diagonal elements of the inverse of
     L D L**T - sigma I by combining the above transforms, and choosing
     r as the index where the diagonal of the inverse is (one of the)
     largest in magnitude.
 (d) Computation of the (scaled) r-th column of the inverse using the
     twisted factorization obtained by combining the top part of the
     the stationary and the bottom part of the progressive transform.
          N is INTEGER
           The order of the matrix L D L**T.
          B1 is INTEGER
           First index of the submatrix of L D L**T.
          BN is INTEGER
           Last index of the submatrix of L D L**T.
           The shift. In order to compute an accurate eigenvector,
           LAMBDA should be a good approximation to an eigenvalue
           of L D L**T.
          L is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N-1)
           The (n-1) subdiagonal elements of the unit bidiagonal matrix
           L, in elements 1 to N-1.
          D is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N)
           The n diagonal elements of the diagonal matrix D.
          LD is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N-1)
           The n-1 elements L(i)*D(i).
          LLD is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N-1)
           The n-1 elements L(i)*L(i)*D(i).
           The minimum pivot in the Sturm sequence.
           Tolerance that indicates when eigenvector entries are negligible
           w.r.t. their contribution to the residual.
          Z is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N)
           On input, all entries of Z must be set to 0.
           On output, Z contains the (scaled) r-th column of the
           inverse. The scaling is such that Z(R) equals 1.
          WANTNC is LOGICAL
           Specifies whether NEGCNT has to be computed.
          NEGCNT is INTEGER
           If WANTNC is .TRUE. then NEGCNT = the number of pivots < pivmin
           in the  matrix factorization L D L**T, and NEGCNT = -1 otherwise.
           The square of the 2-norm of Z.
           The reciprocal of the largest (in magnitude) diagonal
           element of the inverse of L D L**T - sigma I.
          R is INTEGER
           The twist index for the twisted factorization used to
           compute Z.
           On input, 0 <= R <= N. If R is input as 0, R is set to
           the index where (L D L**T - sigma I)^{-1} is largest
           in magnitude. If 1 <= R <= N, R is unchanged.
           On output, R contains the twist index used to compute Z.
           Ideally, R designates the position of the maximum entry in the
          ISUPPZ is INTEGER array, dimension (2)
           The support of the vector in Z, i.e., the vector Z is
           nonzero only in elements ISUPPZ(1) through ISUPPZ( 2 ).
           NRMINV = 1/SQRT( ZTZ )
           The residual of the FP vector.
           RESID = ABS( MINGMA )/SQRT( ZTZ )
           The Rayleigh Quotient correction to LAMBDA.
           RQCORR = MINGMA*TMP
          WORK is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (4*N)
Univ. of Tennessee
Univ. of California Berkeley
Univ. of Colorado Denver
NAG Ltd.
December 2016
Beresford Parlett, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Jim Demmel, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Inderjit Dhillon, University of Texas, Austin, USA
Osni Marques, LBNL/NERSC, USA
Christof Voemel, University of California, Berkeley, USA

Definition at line 232 of file dlar1v.f.

232 *
233 * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.7.0) --
234 * -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, --
235 * -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..--
236 * December 2016
237 *
238 * .. Scalar Arguments ..
239  LOGICAL wantnc
240  INTEGER b1, bn, n, negcnt, r
241  DOUBLE PRECISION gaptol, lambda, mingma, nrminv, pivmin, resid,
242  $ rqcorr, ztz
243 * ..
244 * .. Array Arguments ..
245  INTEGER isuppz( * )
246  DOUBLE PRECISION d( * ), l( * ), ld( * ), lld( * ),
247  $ work( * )
249 * ..
250 *
251 * =====================================================================
252 *
253 * .. Parameters ..
254  DOUBLE PRECISION zero, one
255  parameter ( zero = 0.0d0, one = 1.0d0 )
257 * ..
258 * .. Local Scalars ..
259  LOGICAL sawnan1, sawnan2
260  INTEGER i, indlpl, indp, inds, indumn, neg1, neg2, r1,
261  $ r2
262  DOUBLE PRECISION dminus, dplus, eps, s, tmp
263 * ..
264 * .. External Functions ..
265  LOGICAL disnan
267  EXTERNAL disnan, dlamch
268 * ..
269 * .. Intrinsic Functions ..
270  INTRINSIC abs
271 * ..
272 * .. Executable Statements ..
273 *
274  eps = dlamch( 'Precision' )
277  IF( r.EQ.0 ) THEN
278  r1 = b1
279  r2 = bn
280  ELSE
281  r1 = r
282  r2 = r
283  END IF
285 * Storage for LPLUS
286  indlpl = 0
287 * Storage for UMINUS
288  indumn = n
289  inds = 2*n + 1
290  indp = 3*n + 1
292  IF( b1.EQ.1 ) THEN
293  work( inds ) = zero
294  ELSE
295  work( inds+b1-1 ) = lld( b1-1 )
296  END IF
298 *
299 * Compute the stationary transform (using the differential form)
300 * until the index R2.
301 *
302  sawnan1 = .false.
303  neg1 = 0
304  s = work( inds+b1-1 ) - lambda
305  DO 50 i = b1, r1 - 1
306  dplus = d( i ) + s
307  work( indlpl+i ) = ld( i ) / dplus
308  IF( neg1 = neg1 + 1
309  work( inds+i ) = s*work( indlpl+i )*l( i )
310  s = work( inds+i ) - lambda
311  50 CONTINUE
312  sawnan1 = disnan( s )
313  IF( sawnan1 ) GOTO 60
314  DO 51 i = r1, r2 - 1
315  dplus = d( i ) + s
316  work( indlpl+i ) = ld( i ) / dplus
317  work( inds+i ) = s*work( indlpl+i )*l( i )
318  s = work( inds+i ) - lambda
319  51 CONTINUE
320  sawnan1 = disnan( s )
321 *
322  60 CONTINUE
323  IF( sawnan1 ) THEN
324 * Runs a slower version of the above loop if a NaN is detected
325  neg1 = 0
326  s = work( inds+b1-1 ) - lambda
327  DO 70 i = b1, r1 - 1
328  dplus = d( i ) + s
329  IF(abs(dplus).LT.pivmin) dplus = -pivmin
330  work( indlpl+i ) = ld( i ) / dplus
331  IF( neg1 = neg1 + 1
332  work( inds+i ) = s*work( indlpl+i )*l( i )
333  IF( work( indlpl+i ) )
334  $ work( inds+i ) = lld( i )
335  s = work( inds+i ) - lambda
336  70 CONTINUE
337  DO 71 i = r1, r2 - 1
338  dplus = d( i ) + s
339  IF(abs(dplus).LT.pivmin) dplus = -pivmin
340  work( indlpl+i ) = ld( i ) / dplus
341  work( inds+i ) = s*work( indlpl+i )*l( i )
342  IF( work( indlpl+i ) )
343  $ work( inds+i ) = lld( i )
344  s = work( inds+i ) - lambda
345  71 CONTINUE
346  END IF
347 *
348 * Compute the progressive transform (using the differential form)
349 * until the index R1
350 *
351  sawnan2 = .false.
352  neg2 = 0
353  work( indp+bn-1 ) = d( bn ) - lambda
354  DO 80 i = bn - 1, r1, -1
355  dminus = lld( i ) + work( indp+i )
356  tmp = d( i ) / dminus
357  IF( neg2 = neg2 + 1
358  work( indumn+i ) = l( i )*tmp
359  work( indp+i-1 ) = work( indp+i )*tmp - lambda
360  80 CONTINUE
361  tmp = work( indp+r1-1 )
362  sawnan2 = disnan( tmp )
364  IF( sawnan2 ) THEN
365 * Runs a slower version of the above loop if a NaN is detected
366  neg2 = 0
367  DO 100 i = bn-1, r1, -1
368  dminus = lld( i ) + work( indp+i )
369  IF(abs(dminus).LT.pivmin) dminus = -pivmin
370  tmp = d( i ) / dminus
371  IF( neg2 = neg2 + 1
372  work( indumn+i ) = l( i )*tmp
373  work( indp+i-1 ) = work( indp+i )*tmp - lambda
374  IF( )
375  $ work( indp+i-1 ) = d( i ) - lambda
376  100 CONTINUE
377  END IF
378 *
379 * Find the index (from R1 to R2) of the largest (in magnitude)
380 * diagonal element of the inverse
381 *
382  mingma = work( inds+r1-1 ) + work( indp+r1-1 )
383  IF( ) neg1 = neg1 + 1
384  IF( wantnc ) THEN
385  negcnt = neg1 + neg2
386  ELSE
387  negcnt = -1
388  ENDIF
389  IF( abs(mingma) )
390  $ mingma = eps*work( inds+r1-1 )
391  r = r1
392  DO 110 i = r1, r2 - 1
393  tmp = work( inds+i ) + work( indp+i )
394  IF( )
395  $ tmp = eps*work( inds+i )
396  IF( abs( tmp ).LE.abs( mingma ) ) THEN
397  mingma = tmp
398  r = i + 1
399  END IF
400  110 CONTINUE
401 *
402 * Compute the FP vector: solve N^T v = e_r
403 *
404  isuppz( 1 ) = b1
405  isuppz( 2 ) = bn
406  z( r ) = one
407  ztz = one
408 *
409 * Compute the FP vector upwards from R
410 *
411  IF( .NOT.sawnan1 .AND. .NOT.sawnan2 ) THEN
412  DO 210 i = r-1, b1, -1
413  z( i ) = -( work( indlpl+i )*z( i+1 ) )
414  IF( (abs(z(i))+abs(z(i+1)))* abs(ld(i)).LT.gaptol )
415  $ THEN
416  z( i ) = zero
417  isuppz( 1 ) = i + 1
418  GOTO 220
419  ENDIF
420  ztz = ztz + z( i )*z( i )
421  210 CONTINUE
422  220 CONTINUE
423  ELSE
424 * Run slower loop if NaN occurred.
425  DO 230 i = r - 1, b1, -1
426  IF( z( i+1 ) ) THEN
427  z( i ) = -( ld( i+1 ) / ld( i ) )*z( i+2 )
428  ELSE
429  z( i ) = -( work( indlpl+i )*z( i+1 ) )
430  END IF
431  IF( (abs(z(i))+abs(z(i+1)))* abs(ld(i)).LT.gaptol )
432  $ THEN
433  z( i ) = zero
434  isuppz( 1 ) = i + 1
435  GO TO 240
436  END IF
437  ztz = ztz + z( i )*z( i )
438  230 CONTINUE
439  240 CONTINUE
440  ENDIF
442 * Compute the FP vector downwards from R in blocks of size BLKSIZ
443  IF( .NOT.sawnan1 .AND. .NOT.sawnan2 ) THEN
444  DO 250 i = r, bn-1
445  z( i+1 ) = -( work( indumn+i )*z( i ) )
446  IF( (abs(z(i))+abs(z(i+1)))* abs(ld(i)).LT.gaptol )
447  $ THEN
448  z( i+1 ) = zero
449  isuppz( 2 ) = i
450  GO TO 260
451  END IF
452  ztz = ztz + z( i+1 )*z( i+1 )
453  250 CONTINUE
454  260 CONTINUE
455  ELSE
456 * Run slower loop if NaN occurred.
457  DO 270 i = r, bn - 1
458  IF( z( i ) ) THEN
459  z( i+1 ) = -( ld( i-1 ) / ld( i ) )*z( i-1 )
460  ELSE
461  z( i+1 ) = -( work( indumn+i )*z( i ) )
462  END IF
463  IF( (abs(z(i))+abs(z(i+1)))* abs(ld(i)).LT.gaptol )
464  $ THEN
465  z( i+1 ) = zero
466  isuppz( 2 ) = i
467  GO TO 280
468  END IF
469  ztz = ztz + z( i+1 )*z( i+1 )
470  270 CONTINUE
471  280 CONTINUE
472  END IF
473 *
474 * Compute quantities for convergence test
475 *
476  tmp = one / ztz
477  nrminv = sqrt( tmp )
478  resid = abs( mingma )*nrminv
479  rqcorr = mingma*tmp
480 *
481 *
483 *
484 * End of DLAR1V
485 *
double precision function dlamch(CMACH)
Definition: dlamch.f:65
logical function disnan(DIN)
DISNAN tests input for NaN.
Definition: disnan.f:61

Here is the caller graph for this function: