LAPACK  3.7.0
LAPACK: Linear Algebra PACKage
subroutine slaror ( character  SIDE,
character  INIT,
integer  M,
integer  N,
real, dimension( lda, * )  A,
integer  LDA,
integer, dimension( 4 )  ISEED,
real, dimension( * )  X,
integer  INFO 


 SLAROR pre- or post-multiplies an M by N matrix A by a random
 orthogonal matrix U, overwriting A.  A may optionally be initialized
 to the identity matrix before multiplying by U.  U is generated using
 the method of G.W. Stewart (SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 17, 1980, 403-409).
          SIDE is CHARACTER*1
          Specifies whether A is multiplied on the left or right by U.
          = 'L':         Multiply A on the left (premultiply) by U
          = 'R':         Multiply A on the right (postmultiply) by U'
          = 'C' or 'T':  Multiply A on the left by U and the right
                          by U' (Here, U' means U-transpose.)
          INIT is CHARACTER*1
          Specifies whether or not A should be initialized to the
          identity matrix.
          = 'I':  Initialize A to (a section of) the identity matrix
                   before applying U.
          = 'N':  No initialization.  Apply U to the input matrix A.

          INIT = 'I' may be used to generate square or rectangular
          orthogonal matrices:

          For M = N and SIDE = 'L' or 'R', the rows will be orthogonal
          to each other, as will the columns.

          If M < N, SIDE = 'R' produces a dense matrix whose rows are
          orthogonal and whose columns are not, while SIDE = 'L'
          produces a matrix whose rows are orthogonal, and whose first
          M columns are orthogonal, and whose remaining columns are

          If M > N, SIDE = 'L' produces a dense matrix whose columns
          are orthogonal and whose rows are not, while SIDE = 'R'
          produces a matrix whose columns are orthogonal, and whose
          first M rows are orthogonal, and whose remaining rows are
          M is INTEGER
          The number of rows of A.
          N is INTEGER
          The number of columns of A.
          A is REAL array, dimension (LDA, N)
          On entry, the array A.
          On exit, overwritten by U A ( if SIDE = 'L' ),
           or by A U ( if SIDE = 'R' ),
           or by U A U' ( if SIDE = 'C' or 'T').
          LDA is INTEGER
          The leading dimension of the array A.  LDA >= max(1,M).
          ISEED is INTEGER array, dimension (4)
          On entry ISEED specifies the seed of the random number
          generator. The array elements should be between 0 and 4095;
          if not they will be reduced mod 4096.  Also, ISEED(4) must
          be odd.  The random number generator uses a linear
          congruential sequence limited to small integers, and so
          should produce machine independent random numbers. The
          values of ISEED are changed on exit, and can be used in the
          next call to SLAROR to continue the same random number
          X is REAL array, dimension (3*MAX( M, N ))
          Workspace of length
              2*M + N if SIDE = 'L',
              2*N + M if SIDE = 'R',
              3*N     if SIDE = 'C' or 'T'.
          INFO is INTEGER
          An error flag.  It is set to:
          = 0:  normal return
          < 0:  if INFO = -k, the k-th argument had an illegal value
          = 1:  if the random numbers generated by SLARND are bad.
Univ. of Tennessee
Univ. of California Berkeley
Univ. of Colorado Denver
NAG Ltd.
December 2016

Definition at line 148 of file slaror.f.

148 *
149 * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.7.0) --
150 * -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, --
151 * -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..--
152 * December 2016
153 *
154 * .. Scalar Arguments ..
155  CHARACTER init, side
156  INTEGER info, lda, m, n
157 * ..
158 * .. Array Arguments ..
159  INTEGER iseed( 4 )
160  REAL a( lda, * ), x( * )
161 * ..
162 *
163 * =====================================================================
164 *
165 * .. Parameters ..
166  REAL zero, one, toosml
167  parameter ( zero = 0.0e+0, one = 1.0e+0,
168  $ toosml = 1.0e-20 )
169 * ..
170 * .. Local Scalars ..
171  INTEGER irow, itype, ixfrm, j, jcol, kbeg, nxfrm
172  REAL factor, xnorm, xnorms
173 * ..
174 * .. External Functions ..
175  LOGICAL lsame
176  REAL slarnd, snrm2
177  EXTERNAL lsame, slarnd, snrm2
178 * ..
179 * .. External Subroutines ..
180  EXTERNAL sgemv, sger, slaset, sscal, xerbla
181 * ..
182 * .. Intrinsic Functions ..
183  INTRINSIC abs, sign
184 * ..
185 * .. Executable Statements ..
186 *
187  info = 0
188  IF( n.EQ.0 .OR. m.EQ.0 )
189  $ RETURN
190 *
191  itype = 0
192  IF( lsame( side, 'L' ) ) THEN
193  itype = 1
194  ELSE IF( lsame( side, 'R' ) ) THEN
195  itype = 2
196  ELSE IF( lsame( side, 'C' ) .OR. lsame( side, 'T' ) ) THEN
197  itype = 3
198  END IF
199 *
200 * Check for argument errors.
201 *
202  IF( itype.EQ.0 ) THEN
203  info = -1
204  ELSE IF( m.LT.0 ) THEN
205  info = -3
206  ELSE IF( n.LT.0 .OR. ( itype.EQ.3 .AND. n.NE.m ) ) THEN
207  info = -4
208  ELSE IF( lda.LT.m ) THEN
209  info = -6
210  END IF
211  IF( info.NE.0 ) THEN
212  CALL xerbla( 'SLAROR', -info )
214  END IF
215 *
216  IF( itype.EQ.1 ) THEN
217  nxfrm = m
218  ELSE
219  nxfrm = n
220  END IF
221 *
222 * Initialize A to the identity matrix if desired
223 *
224  IF( lsame( init, 'I' ) )
225  $ CALL slaset( 'Full', m, n, zero, one, a, lda )
226 *
227 * If no rotation possible, multiply by random +/-1
228 *
229 * Compute rotation by computing Householder transformations
230 * H(2), H(3), ..., H(nhouse)
231 *
232  DO 10 j = 1, nxfrm
233  x( j ) = zero
234  10 CONTINUE
235 *
236  DO 30 ixfrm = 2, nxfrm
237  kbeg = nxfrm - ixfrm + 1
238 *
239 * Generate independent normal( 0, 1 ) random numbers
240 *
241  DO 20 j = kbeg, nxfrm
242  x( j ) = slarnd( 3, iseed )
243  20 CONTINUE
244 *
245 * Generate a Householder transformation from the random vector X
246 *
247  xnorm = snrm2( ixfrm, x( kbeg ), 1 )
248  xnorms = sign( xnorm, x( kbeg ) )
249  x( kbeg+nxfrm ) = sign( one, -x( kbeg ) )
250  factor = xnorms*( xnorms+x( kbeg ) )
251  IF( abs( factor ).LT.toosml ) THEN
252  info = 1
253  CALL xerbla( 'SLAROR', info )
255  ELSE
256  factor = one / factor
257  END IF
258  x( kbeg ) = x( kbeg ) + xnorms
259 *
260 * Apply Householder transformation to A
261 *
262  IF( itype.EQ.1 .OR. itype.EQ.3 ) THEN
263 *
264 * Apply H(k) from the left.
265 *
266  CALL sgemv( 'T', ixfrm, n, one, a( kbeg, 1 ), lda,
267  $ x( kbeg ), 1, zero, x( 2*nxfrm+1 ), 1 )
268  CALL sger( ixfrm, n, -factor, x( kbeg ), 1, x( 2*nxfrm+1 ),
269  $ 1, a( kbeg, 1 ), lda )
270 *
271  END IF
272 *
273  IF( itype.EQ.2 .OR. itype.EQ.3 ) THEN
274 *
275 * Apply H(k) from the right.
276 *
277  CALL sgemv( 'N', m, ixfrm, one, a( 1, kbeg ), lda,
278  $ x( kbeg ), 1, zero, x( 2*nxfrm+1 ), 1 )
279  CALL sger( m, ixfrm, -factor, x( 2*nxfrm+1 ), 1, x( kbeg ),
280  $ 1, a( 1, kbeg ), lda )
281 *
282  END IF
283  30 CONTINUE
284 *
285  x( 2*nxfrm ) = sign( one, slarnd( 3, iseed ) )
286 *
287 * Scale the matrix A by D.
288 *
289  IF( itype.EQ.1 .OR. itype.EQ.3 ) THEN
290  DO 40 irow = 1, m
291  CALL sscal( n, x( nxfrm+irow ), a( irow, 1 ), lda )
292  40 CONTINUE
293  END IF
294 *
295  IF( itype.EQ.2 .OR. itype.EQ.3 ) THEN
296  DO 50 jcol = 1, n
297  CALL sscal( m, x( nxfrm+jcol ), a( 1, jcol ), 1 )
298  50 CONTINUE
299  END IF
301 *
302 * End of SLAROR
303 *
subroutine sger(M, N, ALPHA, X, INCX, Y, INCY, A, LDA)
Definition: sger.f:132
subroutine sgemv(TRANS, M, N, ALPHA, A, LDA, X, INCX, BETA, Y, INCY)
Definition: sgemv.f:158
real function snrm2(N, X, INCX)
Definition: snrm2.f:56
subroutine xerbla(SRNAME, INFO)
Definition: xerbla.f:62
real function slarnd(IDIST, ISEED)
Definition: slarnd.f:75
subroutine slaset(UPLO, M, N, ALPHA, BETA, A, LDA)
SLASET initializes the off-diagonal elements and the diagonal elements of a matrix to given values...
Definition: slaset.f:112
logical function lsame(CA, CB)
Definition: lsame.f:55
subroutine sscal(N, SA, SX, INCX)
Definition: sscal.f:55

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function: