LAPACK  3.7.0
LAPACK: Linear Algebra PACKage
subroutine zlavsp ( character  UPLO,
character  TRANS,
character  DIAG,
integer  N,
integer  NRHS,
complex*16, dimension( * )  A,
integer, dimension( * )  IPIV,
complex*16, dimension( ldb, * )  B,
integer  LDB,
integer  INFO 


    ZLAVSP  performs one of the matrix-vector operations
       x := A*x  or  x := A^T*x,
    where x is an N element vector and  A is one of the factors
    from the symmetric factorization computed by ZSPTRF.
    ZSPTRF produces a factorization of the form
         U * D * U^T     or     L * D * L^T,
    where U (or L) is a product of permutation and unit upper (lower)
    triangular matrices, U^T (or L^T) is the transpose of
    U (or L), and D is symmetric and block diagonal with 1 x 1 and
    2 x 2 diagonal blocks.  The multipliers for the transformations
    and the upper or lower triangular parts of the diagonal blocks
    are stored columnwise in packed format in the linear array A.

    If TRANS = 'N' or 'n', ZLAVSP multiplies either by U or U * D
    (or L or L * D).
    If TRANS = 'C' or 'c', ZLAVSP multiplies either by U^T or D * U^T
    (or L^T or D * L^T ).
           On entry, UPLO specifies whether the triangular matrix
           stored in A is upper or lower triangular.
              UPLO = 'U' or 'u'   The matrix is upper triangular.
              UPLO = 'L' or 'l'   The matrix is lower triangular.
           Unchanged on exit.

           On entry, TRANS specifies the operation to be performed as
              TRANS = 'N' or 'n'   x := A*x.
              TRANS = 'T' or 't'   x := A^T*x.
           Unchanged on exit.

           On entry, DIAG specifies whether the diagonal blocks are
           assumed to be unit matrices, as follows:
              DIAG = 'U' or 'u'   Diagonal blocks are unit matrices.
              DIAG = 'N' or 'n'   Diagonal blocks are non-unit.
           Unchanged on exit.

  N      - INTEGER
           On entry, N specifies the order of the matrix A.
           N must be at least zero.
           Unchanged on exit.

           On entry, NRHS specifies the number of right hand sides,
           i.e., the number of vectors x to be multiplied by A.
           NRHS must be at least zero.
           Unchanged on exit.

  A      - COMPLEX*16 array, dimension( N*(N+1)/2 )
           On entry, A contains a block diagonal matrix and the
           multipliers of the transformations used to obtain it,
           stored as a packed triangular matrix.
           Unchanged on exit.

  IPIV   - INTEGER array, dimension( N )
           On entry, IPIV contains the vector of pivot indices as
           determined by ZSPTRF.
           If IPIV( K ) = K, no interchange was done.
           If IPIV( K ) <> K but IPIV( K ) > 0, then row K was inter-
           changed with row IPIV( K ) and a 1 x 1 pivot block was used.
           If IPIV( K ) < 0 and UPLO = 'U', then row K-1 was exchanged
           with row | IPIV( K ) | and a 2 x 2 pivot block was used.
           If IPIV( K ) < 0 and UPLO = 'L', then row K+1 was exchanged
           with row | IPIV( K ) | and a 2 x 2 pivot block was used.

  B      - COMPLEX*16 array, dimension( LDB, NRHS )
           On entry, B contains NRHS vectors of length N.
           On exit, B is overwritten with the product A * B.

           On entry, LDB contains the leading dimension of B as
           declared in the calling program.  LDB must be at least
           max( 1, N ).
           Unchanged on exit.

           INFO is the error flag.
           On exit, a value of 0 indicates a successful exit.
           A negative value, say -K, indicates that the K-th argument
           has an illegal value.
Univ. of Tennessee
Univ. of California Berkeley
Univ. of Colorado Denver
NAG Ltd.
December 2016

Definition at line 133 of file zlavsp.f.

133 *
134 * -- LAPACK test routine (version 3.7.0) --
135 * -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, --
136 * -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..--
137 * December 2016
138 *
139 * .. Scalar Arguments ..
140  CHARACTER diag, trans, uplo
141  INTEGER info, ldb, n, nrhs
142 * ..
143 * .. Array Arguments ..
144  INTEGER ipiv( * )
145  COMPLEX*16 a( * ), b( ldb, * )
146 * ..
147 *
148 * =====================================================================
149 *
150 * .. Parameters ..
151  COMPLEX*16 one
152  parameter ( one = ( 1.0d+0, 0.0d+0 ) )
153 * ..
154 * .. Local Scalars ..
155  LOGICAL nounit
156  INTEGER j, k, kc, kcnext, kp
157  COMPLEX*16 d11, d12, d21, d22, t1, t2
158 * ..
159 * .. External Functions ..
160  LOGICAL lsame
161  EXTERNAL lsame
162 * ..
163 * .. External Subroutines ..
164  EXTERNAL xerbla, zgemv, zgeru, zscal, zswap
165 * ..
166 * .. Intrinsic Functions ..
167  INTRINSIC abs, max
168 * ..
169 * .. Executable Statements ..
170 *
171 * Test the input parameters.
172 *
173  info = 0
174  IF( .NOT.lsame( uplo, 'U' ) .AND. .NOT.lsame( uplo, 'L' ) ) THEN
175  info = -1
176  ELSE IF( .NOT.lsame( trans, 'N' ) .AND. .NOT.lsame( trans, 'T' ) )
177  $ THEN
178  info = -2
179  ELSE IF( .NOT.lsame( diag, 'U' ) .AND. .NOT.lsame( diag, 'N' ) )
180  $ THEN
181  info = -3
182  ELSE IF( n.LT.0 ) THEN
183  info = -4
184  ELSE IF( ldb.LT.max( 1, n ) ) THEN
185  info = -8
186  END IF
187  IF( info.NE.0 ) THEN
188  CALL xerbla( 'ZLAVSP ', -info )
190  END IF
191 *
192 * Quick return if possible.
193 *
194  IF( n.EQ.0 )
195  $ RETURN
196 *
197  nounit = lsame( diag, 'N' )
198 *------------------------------------------
199 *
200 * Compute B := A * B (No transpose)
201 *
202 *------------------------------------------
203  IF( lsame( trans, 'N' ) ) THEN
204 *
205 * Compute B := U*B
206 * where U = P(m)*inv(U(m))* ... *P(1)*inv(U(1))
207 *
208  IF( lsame( uplo, 'U' ) ) THEN
209 *
210 * Loop forward applying the transformations.
211 *
212  k = 1
213  kc = 1
214  10 CONTINUE
215  IF( k.GT.n )
216  $ GO TO 30
217 *
218 * 1 x 1 pivot block
219 *
220  IF( ipiv( k ).GT.0 ) THEN
221 *
222 * Multiply by the diagonal element if forming U * D.
223 *
224  IF( nounit )
225  $ CALL zscal( nrhs, a( kc+k-1 ), b( k, 1 ), ldb )
226 *
227 * Multiply by P(K) * inv(U(K)) if K > 1.
228 *
229  IF( k.GT.1 ) THEN
230 *
231 * Apply the transformation.
232 *
233  CALL zgeru( k-1, nrhs, one, a( kc ), 1, b( k, 1 ),
234  $ ldb, b( 1, 1 ), ldb )
235 *
236 * Interchange if P(K) != I.
237 *
238  kp = ipiv( k )
239  IF( kp.NE.k )
240  $ CALL zswap( nrhs, b( k, 1 ), ldb, b( kp, 1 ), ldb )
241  END IF
242  kc = kc + k
243  k = k + 1
244  ELSE
245 *
246 * 2 x 2 pivot block
247 *
248  kcnext = kc + k
249 *
250 * Multiply by the diagonal block if forming U * D.
251 *
252  IF( nounit ) THEN
253  d11 = a( kcnext-1 )
254  d22 = a( kcnext+k )
255  d12 = a( kcnext+k-1 )
256  d21 = d12
257  DO 20 j = 1, nrhs
258  t1 = b( k, j )
259  t2 = b( k+1, j )
260  b( k, j ) = d11*t1 + d12*t2
261  b( k+1, j ) = d21*t1 + d22*t2
262  20 CONTINUE
263  END IF
264 *
265 * Multiply by P(K) * inv(U(K)) if K > 1.
266 *
267  IF( k.GT.1 ) THEN
268 *
269 * Apply the transformations.
270 *
271  CALL zgeru( k-1, nrhs, one, a( kc ), 1, b( k, 1 ),
272  $ ldb, b( 1, 1 ), ldb )
273  CALL zgeru( k-1, nrhs, one, a( kcnext ), 1,
274  $ b( k+1, 1 ), ldb, b( 1, 1 ), ldb )
275 *
276 * Interchange if P(K) != I.
277 *
278  kp = abs( ipiv( k ) )
279  IF( kp.NE.k )
280  $ CALL zswap( nrhs, b( k, 1 ), ldb, b( kp, 1 ), ldb )
281  END IF
282  kc = kcnext + k + 1
283  k = k + 2
284  END IF
285  GO TO 10
286  30 CONTINUE
287 *
288 * Compute B := L*B
289 * where L = P(1)*inv(L(1))* ... *P(m)*inv(L(m)) .
290 *
291  ELSE
292 *
293 * Loop backward applying the transformations to B.
294 *
295  k = n
296  kc = n*( n+1 ) / 2 + 1
297  40 CONTINUE
298  IF( k.LT.1 )
299  $ GO TO 60
300  kc = kc - ( n-k+1 )
301 *
302 * Test the pivot index. If greater than zero, a 1 x 1
303 * pivot was used, otherwise a 2 x 2 pivot was used.
304 *
305  IF( ipiv( k ).GT.0 ) THEN
306 *
307 * 1 x 1 pivot block:
308 *
309 * Multiply by the diagonal element if forming L * D.
310 *
311  IF( nounit )
312  $ CALL zscal( nrhs, a( kc ), b( k, 1 ), ldb )
313 *
314 * Multiply by P(K) * inv(L(K)) if K < N.
315 *
316  IF( k.NE.n ) THEN
317  kp = ipiv( k )
318 *
319 * Apply the transformation.
320 *
321  CALL zgeru( n-k, nrhs, one, a( kc+1 ), 1, b( k, 1 ),
322  $ ldb, b( k+1, 1 ), ldb )
323 *
324 * Interchange if a permutation was applied at the
325 * K-th step of the factorization.
326 *
327  IF( kp.NE.k )
328  $ CALL zswap( nrhs, b( k, 1 ), ldb, b( kp, 1 ), ldb )
329  END IF
330  k = k - 1
331 *
332  ELSE
333 *
334 * 2 x 2 pivot block:
335 *
336  kcnext = kc - ( n-k+2 )
337 *
338 * Multiply by the diagonal block if forming L * D.
339 *
340  IF( nounit ) THEN
341  d11 = a( kcnext )
342  d22 = a( kc )
343  d21 = a( kcnext+1 )
344  d12 = d21
345  DO 50 j = 1, nrhs
346  t1 = b( k-1, j )
347  t2 = b( k, j )
348  b( k-1, j ) = d11*t1 + d12*t2
349  b( k, j ) = d21*t1 + d22*t2
350  50 CONTINUE
351  END IF
352 *
353 * Multiply by P(K) * inv(L(K)) if K < N.
354 *
355  IF( k.NE.n ) THEN
356 *
357 * Apply the transformation.
358 *
359  CALL zgeru( n-k, nrhs, one, a( kc+1 ), 1, b( k, 1 ),
360  $ ldb, b( k+1, 1 ), ldb )
361  CALL zgeru( n-k, nrhs, one, a( kcnext+2 ), 1,
362  $ b( k-1, 1 ), ldb, b( k+1, 1 ), ldb )
363 *
364 * Interchange if a permutation was applied at the
365 * K-th step of the factorization.
366 *
367  kp = abs( ipiv( k ) )
368  IF( kp.NE.k )
369  $ CALL zswap( nrhs, b( k, 1 ), ldb, b( kp, 1 ), ldb )
370  END IF
371  kc = kcnext
372  k = k - 2
373  END IF
374  GO TO 40
375  60 CONTINUE
376  END IF
377 *-------------------------------------------------
378 *
379 * Compute B := A^T * B (transpose)
380 *
381 *-------------------------------------------------
382  ELSE
383 *
384 * Form B := U^T*B
385 * where U = P(m)*inv(U(m))* ... *P(1)*inv(U(1))
386 * and U^T = inv(U^T(1))*P(1)* ... *inv(U^T(m))*P(m)
387 *
388  IF( lsame( uplo, 'U' ) ) THEN
389 *
390 * Loop backward applying the transformations.
391 *
392  k = n
393  kc = n*( n+1 ) / 2 + 1
394  70 CONTINUE
395  IF( k.LT.1 )
396  $ GO TO 90
397  kc = kc - k
398 *
399 * 1 x 1 pivot block.
400 *
401  IF( ipiv( k ).GT.0 ) THEN
402  IF( k.GT.1 ) THEN
403 *
404 * Interchange if P(K) != I.
405 *
406  kp = ipiv( k )
407  IF( kp.NE.k )
408  $ CALL zswap( nrhs, b( k, 1 ), ldb, b( kp, 1 ), ldb )
409 *
410 * Apply the transformation:
411 * y := y - B' * conjg(x)
412 * where x is a column of A and y is a row of B.
413 *
414  CALL zgemv( 'Transpose', k-1, nrhs, one, b, ldb,
415  $ a( kc ), 1, one, b( k, 1 ), ldb )
416  END IF
417  IF( nounit )
418  $ CALL zscal( nrhs, a( kc+k-1 ), b( k, 1 ), ldb )
419  k = k - 1
420 *
421 * 2 x 2 pivot block.
422 *
423  ELSE
424  kcnext = kc - ( k-1 )
425  IF( k.GT.2 ) THEN
426 *
427 * Interchange if P(K) != I.
428 *
429  kp = abs( ipiv( k ) )
430  IF( kp.NE.k-1 )
431  $ CALL zswap( nrhs, b( k-1, 1 ), ldb, b( kp, 1 ),
432  $ ldb )
433 *
434 * Apply the transformations.
435 *
436  CALL zgemv( 'Transpose', k-2, nrhs, one, b, ldb,
437  $ a( kc ), 1, one, b( k, 1 ), ldb )
438 *
439  CALL zgemv( 'Transpose', k-2, nrhs, one, b, ldb,
440  $ a( kcnext ), 1, one, b( k-1, 1 ), ldb )
441  END IF
442 *
443 * Multiply by the diagonal block if non-unit.
444 *
445  IF( nounit ) THEN
446  d11 = a( kc-1 )
447  d22 = a( kc+k-1 )
448  d12 = a( kc+k-2 )
449  d21 = d12
450  DO 80 j = 1, nrhs
451  t1 = b( k-1, j )
452  t2 = b( k, j )
453  b( k-1, j ) = d11*t1 + d12*t2
454  b( k, j ) = d21*t1 + d22*t2
455  80 CONTINUE
456  END IF
457  kc = kcnext
458  k = k - 2
459  END IF
460  GO TO 70
461  90 CONTINUE
462 *
463 * Form B := L^T*B
464 * where L = P(1)*inv(L(1))* ... *P(m)*inv(L(m))
465 * and L^T = inv(L(m))*P(m)* ... *inv(L(1))*P(1)
466 *
467  ELSE
468 *
469 * Loop forward applying the L-transformations.
470 *
471  k = 1
472  kc = 1
473  100 CONTINUE
474  IF( k.GT.n )
475  $ GO TO 120
476 *
477 * 1 x 1 pivot block
478 *
479  IF( ipiv( k ).GT.0 ) THEN
480  IF( k.LT.n ) THEN
481 *
482 * Interchange if P(K) != I.
483 *
484  kp = ipiv( k )
485  IF( kp.NE.k )
486  $ CALL zswap( nrhs, b( k, 1 ), ldb, b( kp, 1 ), ldb )
487 *
488 * Apply the transformation
489 *
490  CALL zgemv( 'Transpose', n-k, nrhs, one, b( k+1, 1 ),
491  $ ldb, a( kc+1 ), 1, one, b( k, 1 ), ldb )
492  END IF
493  IF( nounit )
494  $ CALL zscal( nrhs, a( kc ), b( k, 1 ), ldb )
495  kc = kc + n - k + 1
496  k = k + 1
497 *
498 * 2 x 2 pivot block.
499 *
500  ELSE
501  kcnext = kc + n - k + 1
502  IF( k.LT.n-1 ) THEN
503 *
504 * Interchange if P(K) != I.
505 *
506  kp = abs( ipiv( k ) )
507  IF( kp.NE.k+1 )
508  $ CALL zswap( nrhs, b( k+1, 1 ), ldb, b( kp, 1 ),
509  $ ldb )
510 *
511 * Apply the transformation
512 *
513  CALL zgemv( 'Transpose', n-k-1, nrhs, one,
514  $ b( k+2, 1 ), ldb, a( kcnext+1 ), 1, one,
515  $ b( k+1, 1 ), ldb )
516 *
517  CALL zgemv( 'Transpose', n-k-1, nrhs, one,
518  $ b( k+2, 1 ), ldb, a( kc+2 ), 1, one,
519  $ b( k, 1 ), ldb )
520  END IF
521 *
522 * Multiply by the diagonal block if non-unit.
523 *
524  IF( nounit ) THEN
525  d11 = a( kc )
526  d22 = a( kcnext )
527  d21 = a( kc+1 )
528  d12 = d21
529  DO 110 j = 1, nrhs
530  t1 = b( k, j )
531  t2 = b( k+1, j )
532  b( k, j ) = d11*t1 + d12*t2
533  b( k+1, j ) = d21*t1 + d22*t2
534  110 CONTINUE
535  END IF
536  kc = kcnext + ( n-k )
537  k = k + 2
538  END IF
539  GO TO 100
540  120 CONTINUE
541  END IF
542 *
543  END IF
545 *
546 * End of ZLAVSP
547 *
subroutine zgemv(TRANS, M, N, ALPHA, A, LDA, X, INCX, BETA, Y, INCY)
Definition: zgemv.f:160
subroutine zswap(N, ZX, INCX, ZY, INCY)
Definition: zswap.f:52
subroutine xerbla(SRNAME, INFO)
Definition: xerbla.f:62
logical function lsame(CA, CB)
Definition: lsame.f:55
subroutine zgeru(M, N, ALPHA, X, INCX, Y, INCY, A, LDA)
Definition: zgeru.f:132
subroutine zscal(N, ZA, ZX, INCX)
Definition: zscal.f:54

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function: