LAPACK  3.7.0
LAPACK: Linear Algebra PACKage
subroutine zchkpo ( logical, dimension( * )  DOTYPE,
integer  NN,
integer, dimension( * )  NVAL,
integer  NNB,
integer, dimension( * )  NBVAL,
integer  NNS,
integer, dimension( * )  NSVAL,
double precision  THRESH,
logical  TSTERR,
integer  NMAX,
complex*16, dimension( * )  A,
complex*16, dimension( * )  AFAC,
complex*16, dimension( * )  AINV,
complex*16, dimension( * )  B,
complex*16, dimension( * )  X,
complex*16, dimension( * )  XACT,
complex*16, dimension( * )  WORK,
double precision, dimension( * )  RWORK,
integer  NOUT 


 ZCHKPO tests ZPOTRF, -TRI, -TRS, -RFS, and -CON
          DOTYPE is LOGICAL array, dimension (NTYPES)
          The matrix types to be used for testing.  Matrices of type j
          (for 1 <= j <= NTYPES) are used for testing if DOTYPE(j) =
          .TRUE.; if DOTYPE(j) = .FALSE., then type j is not used.
          NN is INTEGER
          The number of values of N contained in the vector NVAL.
          NVAL is INTEGER array, dimension (NN)
          The values of the matrix dimension N.
          NNB is INTEGER
          The number of values of NB contained in the vector NBVAL.
          NBVAL is INTEGER array, dimension (NBVAL)
          The values of the blocksize NB.
          NNS is INTEGER
          The number of values of NRHS contained in the vector NSVAL.
          NSVAL is INTEGER array, dimension (NNS)
          The values of the number of right hand sides NRHS.
          The threshold value for the test ratios.  A result is
          included in the output file if RESULT >= THRESH.  To have
          every test ratio printed, use THRESH = 0.
          TSTERR is LOGICAL
          Flag that indicates whether error exits are to be tested.
          NMAX is INTEGER
          The maximum value permitted for N, used in dimensioning the
          work arrays.
          A is COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (NMAX*NMAX)
          AFAC is COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (NMAX*NMAX)
          AINV is COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (NMAX*NMAX)
          B is COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (NMAX*NSMAX)
          where NSMAX is the largest entry in NSVAL.
          X is COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (NMAX*NSMAX)
          XACT is COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (NMAX*NSMAX)
          WORK is COMPLEX*16 array, dimension
          RWORK is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension
          NOUT is INTEGER
          The unit number for output.
Univ. of Tennessee
Univ. of California Berkeley
Univ. of Colorado Denver
NAG Ltd.
December 2016

Definition at line 170 of file zchkpo.f.

170 *
171 * -- LAPACK test routine (version 3.7.0) --
172 * -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, --
173 * -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..--
174 * December 2016
175 *
176 * .. Scalar Arguments ..
177  LOGICAL tsterr
178  INTEGER nmax, nn, nnb, nns, nout
180 * ..
181 * .. Array Arguments ..
182  LOGICAL dotype( * )
183  INTEGER nbval( * ), nsval( * ), nval( * )
184  DOUBLE PRECISION rwork( * )
185  COMPLEX*16 a( * ), afac( * ), ainv( * ), b( * ),
186  $ work( * ), x( * ), xact( * )
187 * ..
188 *
189 * =====================================================================
190 *
191 * .. Parameters ..
192  COMPLEX*16 czero
193  parameter ( czero = ( 0.0d+0, 0.0d+0 ) )
194  INTEGER ntypes
195  parameter ( ntypes = 9 )
196  INTEGER ntests
197  parameter ( ntests = 8 )
198 * ..
199 * .. Local Scalars ..
200  LOGICAL zerot
201  CHARACTER dist, TYPE, uplo, xtype
202  CHARACTER*3 path
203  INTEGER i, imat, in, inb, info, ioff, irhs, iuplo,
204  $ izero, k, kl, ku, lda, mode, n, nb, nerrs,
205  $ nfail, nimat, nrhs, nrun
206  DOUBLE PRECISION anorm, cndnum, rcond, rcondc
207 * ..
208 * .. Local Arrays ..
209  CHARACTER uplos( 2 )
210  INTEGER iseed( 4 ), iseedy( 4 )
211  DOUBLE PRECISION result( ntests )
212 * ..
213 * .. External Functions ..
214  DOUBLE PRECISION dget06, zlanhe
215  EXTERNAL dget06, zlanhe
216 * ..
217 * .. External Subroutines ..
218  EXTERNAL alaerh, alahd, alasum, xlaenv, zerrpo, zget04,
221  $ zpotri, zpotrs
222 * ..
223 * .. Scalars in Common ..
224  LOGICAL lerr, ok
225  CHARACTER*32 srnamt
226  INTEGER infot, nunit
227 * ..
228 * .. Common blocks ..
229  COMMON / infoc / infot, nunit, ok, lerr
230  COMMON / srnamc / srnamt
231 * ..
232 * .. Intrinsic Functions ..
233  INTRINSIC max
234 * ..
235 * .. Data statements ..
236  DATA iseedy / 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 /
237  DATA uplos / 'U', 'L' /
238 * ..
239 * .. Executable Statements ..
240 *
241 * Initialize constants and the random number seed.
242 *
243  path( 1: 1 ) = 'Zomplex precision'
244  path( 2: 3 ) = 'PO'
245  nrun = 0
246  nfail = 0
247  nerrs = 0
248  DO 10 i = 1, 4
249  iseed( i ) = iseedy( i )
250  10 CONTINUE
251 *
252 * Test the error exits
253 *
254  IF( tsterr )
255  $ CALL zerrpo( path, nout )
256  infot = 0
257 *
258 * Do for each value of N in NVAL
259 *
260  DO 120 in = 1, nn
261  n = nval( in )
262  lda = max( n, 1 )
263  xtype = 'N'
264  nimat = ntypes
265  IF( n.LE.0 )
266  $ nimat = 1
267 *
268  izero = 0
269  DO 110 imat = 1, nimat
270 *
271 * Do the tests only if DOTYPE( IMAT ) is true.
272 *
273  IF( .NOT.dotype( imat ) )
274  $ GO TO 110
275 *
276 * Skip types 3, 4, or 5 if the matrix size is too small.
277 *
278  zerot = imat.GE.3 .AND. imat.LE.5
279  IF( zerot .AND. n.LT.imat-2 )
280  $ GO TO 110
281 *
282 * Do first for UPLO = 'U', then for UPLO = 'L'
283 *
284  DO 100 iuplo = 1, 2
285  uplo = uplos( iuplo )
286 *
287 * Set up parameters with ZLATB4 and generate a test matrix
288 * with ZLATMS.
289 *
290  CALL zlatb4( path, imat, n, n, TYPE, kl, ku, anorm, mode,
291  $ cndnum, dist )
292 *
293  srnamt = 'ZLATMS'
294  CALL zlatms( n, n, dist, iseed, TYPE, rwork, mode,
295  $ cndnum, anorm, kl, ku, uplo, a, lda, work,
296  $ info )
297 *
298 * Check error code from ZLATMS.
299 *
300  IF( info.NE.0 ) THEN
301  CALL alaerh( path, 'ZLATMS', info, 0, uplo, n, n, -1,
302  $ -1, -1, imat, nfail, nerrs, nout )
303  GO TO 100
304  END IF
305 *
306 * For types 3-5, zero one row and column of the matrix to
307 * test that INFO is returned correctly.
308 *
309  IF( zerot ) THEN
310  IF( imat.EQ.3 ) THEN
311  izero = 1
312  ELSE IF( imat.EQ.4 ) THEN
313  izero = n
314  ELSE
315  izero = n / 2 + 1
316  END IF
317  ioff = ( izero-1 )*lda
318 *
319 * Set row and column IZERO of A to 0.
320 *
321  IF( iuplo.EQ.1 ) THEN
322  DO 20 i = 1, izero - 1
323  a( ioff+i ) = czero
324  20 CONTINUE
325  ioff = ioff + izero
326  DO 30 i = izero, n
327  a( ioff ) = czero
328  ioff = ioff + lda
329  30 CONTINUE
330  ELSE
331  ioff = izero
332  DO 40 i = 1, izero - 1
333  a( ioff ) = czero
334  ioff = ioff + lda
335  40 CONTINUE
336  ioff = ioff - izero
337  DO 50 i = izero, n
338  a( ioff+i ) = czero
339  50 CONTINUE
340  END IF
341  ELSE
342  izero = 0
343  END IF
344 *
345 * Set the imaginary part of the diagonals.
346 *
347  CALL zlaipd( n, a, lda+1, 0 )
348 *
349 * Do for each value of NB in NBVAL
350 *
351  DO 90 inb = 1, nnb
352  nb = nbval( inb )
353  CALL xlaenv( 1, nb )
354 *
355 * Compute the L*L' or U'*U factorization of the matrix.
356 *
357  CALL zlacpy( uplo, n, n, a, lda, afac, lda )
358  srnamt = 'ZPOTRF'
359  CALL zpotrf( uplo, n, afac, lda, info )
360 *
361 * Check error code from ZPOTRF.
362 *
363  IF( info.NE.izero ) THEN
364  CALL alaerh( path, 'ZPOTRF', info, izero, uplo, n,
365  $ n, -1, -1, nb, imat, nfail, nerrs,
366  $ nout )
367  GO TO 90
368  END IF
369 *
370 * Skip the tests if INFO is not 0.
371 *
372  IF( info.NE.0 )
373  $ GO TO 90
374 *
375 *+ TEST 1
376 * Reconstruct matrix from factors and compute residual.
377 *
378  CALL zlacpy( uplo, n, n, afac, lda, ainv, lda )
379  CALL zpot01( uplo, n, a, lda, ainv, lda, rwork,
380  $ result( 1 ) )
381 *
382 *+ TEST 2
383 * Form the inverse and compute the residual.
384 *
385  CALL zlacpy( uplo, n, n, afac, lda, ainv, lda )
386  srnamt = 'ZPOTRI'
387  CALL zpotri( uplo, n, ainv, lda, info )
388 *
389 * Check error code from ZPOTRI.
390 *
391  IF( info.NE.0 )
392  $ CALL alaerh( path, 'ZPOTRI', info, 0, uplo, n, n,
393  $ -1, -1, -1, imat, nfail, nerrs, nout )
394 *
395  CALL zpot03( uplo, n, a, lda, ainv, lda, work, lda,
396  $ rwork, rcondc, result( 2 ) )
397 *
398 * Print information about the tests that did not pass
399 * the threshold.
400 *
401  DO 60 k = 1, 2
402  IF( result( k ).GE.thresh ) THEN
403  IF( nfail.EQ.0 .AND. nerrs.EQ.0 )
404  $ CALL alahd( nout, path )
405  WRITE( nout, fmt = 9999 )uplo, n, nb, imat, k,
406  $ result( k )
407  nfail = nfail + 1
408  END IF
409  60 CONTINUE
410  nrun = nrun + 2
411 *
412 * Skip the rest of the tests unless this is the first
413 * blocksize.
414 *
415  IF( inb.NE.1 )
416  $ GO TO 90
417 *
418  DO 80 irhs = 1, nns
419  nrhs = nsval( irhs )
420 *
421 *+ TEST 3
422 * Solve and compute residual for A * X = B .
423 *
424  srnamt = 'ZLARHS'
425  CALL zlarhs( path, xtype, uplo, ' ', n, n, kl, ku,
426  $ nrhs, a, lda, xact, lda, b, lda,
427  $ iseed, info )
428  CALL zlacpy( 'Full', n, nrhs, b, lda, x, lda )
429 *
430  srnamt = 'ZPOTRS'
431  CALL zpotrs( uplo, n, nrhs, afac, lda, x, lda,
432  $ info )
433 *
434 * Check error code from ZPOTRS.
435 *
436  IF( info.NE.0 )
437  $ CALL alaerh( path, 'ZPOTRS', info, 0, uplo, n,
438  $ n, -1, -1, nrhs, imat, nfail,
439  $ nerrs, nout )
440 *
441  CALL zlacpy( 'Full', n, nrhs, b, lda, work, lda )
442  CALL zpot02( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, x, lda, work,
443  $ lda, rwork, result( 3 ) )
444 *
445 *+ TEST 4
446 * Check solution from generated exact solution.
447 *
448  CALL zget04( n, nrhs, x, lda, xact, lda, rcondc,
449  $ result( 4 ) )
450 *
451 *+ TESTS 5, 6, and 7
452 * Use iterative refinement to improve the solution.
453 *
454  srnamt = 'ZPORFS'
455  CALL zporfs( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, afac, lda, b,
456  $ lda, x, lda, rwork, rwork( nrhs+1 ),
457  $ work, rwork( 2*nrhs+1 ), info )
458 *
459 * Check error code from ZPORFS.
460 *
461  IF( info.NE.0 )
462  $ CALL alaerh( path, 'ZPORFS', info, 0, uplo, n,
463  $ n, -1, -1, nrhs, imat, nfail,
464  $ nerrs, nout )
465 *
466  CALL zget04( n, nrhs, x, lda, xact, lda, rcondc,
467  $ result( 5 ) )
468  CALL zpot05( uplo, n, nrhs, a, lda, b, lda, x, lda,
469  $ xact, lda, rwork, rwork( nrhs+1 ),
470  $ result( 6 ) )
471 *
472 * Print information about the tests that did not pass
473 * the threshold.
474 *
475  DO 70 k = 3, 7
476  IF( result( k ).GE.thresh ) THEN
477  IF( nfail.EQ.0 .AND. nerrs.EQ.0 )
478  $ CALL alahd( nout, path )
479  WRITE( nout, fmt = 9998 )uplo, n, nrhs,
480  $ imat, k, result( k )
481  nfail = nfail + 1
482  END IF
483  70 CONTINUE
484  nrun = nrun + 5
485  80 CONTINUE
486 *
487 *+ TEST 8
488 * Get an estimate of RCOND = 1/CNDNUM.
489 *
490  anorm = zlanhe( '1', uplo, n, a, lda, rwork )
491  srnamt = 'ZPOCON'
492  CALL zpocon( uplo, n, afac, lda, anorm, rcond, work,
493  $ rwork, info )
494 *
495 * Check error code from ZPOCON.
496 *
497  IF( info.NE.0 )
498  $ CALL alaerh( path, 'ZPOCON', info, 0, uplo, n, n,
499  $ -1, -1, -1, imat, nfail, nerrs, nout )
500 *
501  result( 8 ) = dget06( rcond, rcondc )
502 *
503 * Print the test ratio if it is .GE. THRESH.
504 *
505  IF( result( 8 ).GE.thresh ) THEN
506  IF( nfail.EQ.0 .AND. nerrs.EQ.0 )
507  $ CALL alahd( nout, path )
508  WRITE( nout, fmt = 9997 )uplo, n, imat, 8,
509  $ result( 8 )
510  nfail = nfail + 1
511  END IF
512  nrun = nrun + 1
513  90 CONTINUE
514  100 CONTINUE
515  110 CONTINUE
516  120 CONTINUE
517 *
518 * Print a summary of the results.
519 *
520  CALL alasum( path, nout, nfail, nrun, nerrs )
521 *
522  9999 FORMAT( ' UPLO = ''', a1, ''', N =', i5, ', NB =', i4, ', type ',
523  $ i2, ', test ', i2, ', ratio =', g12.5 )
524  9998 FORMAT( ' UPLO = ''', a1, ''', N =', i5, ', NRHS=', i3, ', type ',
525  $ i2, ', test(', i2, ') =', g12.5 )
526  9997 FORMAT( ' UPLO = ''', a1, ''', N =', i5, ',', 10x, ' type ', i2,
527  $ ', test(', i2, ') =', g12.5 )
529 *
530 * End of ZCHKPO
531 *
subroutine alahd(IOUNIT, PATH)
Definition: alahd.f:107
Definition: alaerh.f:149
double precision function zlanhe(NORM, UPLO, N, A, LDA, WORK)
ZLANHE returns the value of the 1-norm, or the Frobenius norm, or the infinity norm, or the element of largest absolute value of a complex Hermitian matrix.
Definition: zlanhe.f:126
subroutine zerrpo(PATH, NUNIT)
Definition: zerrpo.f:57
subroutine zget04(N, NRHS, X, LDX, XACT, LDXACT, RCOND, RESID)
Definition: zget04.f:104
subroutine zpotrf(UPLO, N, A, LDA, INFO)
ZPOTRF VARIANT: right looking block version of the algorithm, calling Level 3 BLAS.
Definition: zpotrf.f:102
subroutine zporfs(UPLO, N, NRHS, A, LDA, AF, LDAF, B, LDB, X, LDX, FERR, BERR, WORK, RWORK, INFO)
Definition: zporfs.f:185
subroutine zpot02(UPLO, N, NRHS, A, LDA, X, LDX, B, LDB, RWORK, RESID)
Definition: zpot02.f:129
subroutine zlarhs(PATH, XTYPE, UPLO, TRANS, M, N, KL, KU, NRHS, A, LDA, X, LDX, B, LDB, ISEED, INFO)
Definition: zlarhs.f:211
subroutine zlacpy(UPLO, M, N, A, LDA, B, LDB)
ZLACPY copies all or part of one two-dimensional array to another.
Definition: zlacpy.f:105
subroutine xlaenv(ISPEC, NVALUE)
Definition: xlaenv.f:83
Definition: zpot03.f:128
subroutine zlatb4(PATH, IMAT, M, N, TYPE, KL, KU, ANORM, MODE, CNDNUM, DIST)
Definition: zlatb4.f:123
subroutine zlaipd(N, A, INDA, VINDA)
Definition: zlaipd.f:85
subroutine zpot01(UPLO, N, A, LDA, AFAC, LDAFAC, RWORK, RESID)
Definition: zpot01.f:108
double precision function dget06(RCOND, RCONDC)
Definition: dget06.f:57
subroutine zlatms(M, N, DIST, ISEED, SYM, D, MODE, COND, DMAX, KL, KU, PACK, A, LDA, WORK, INFO)
Definition: zlatms.f:334
subroutine zpotri(UPLO, N, A, LDA, INFO)
Definition: zpotri.f:97
subroutine zpot05(UPLO, N, NRHS, A, LDA, B, LDB, X, LDX, XACT, LDXACT, FERR, BERR, RESLTS)
Definition: zpot05.f:167
subroutine zpocon(UPLO, N, A, LDA, ANORM, RCOND, WORK, RWORK, INFO)
Definition: zpocon.f:123
subroutine alasum(TYPE, NOUT, NFAIL, NRUN, NERRS)
Definition: alasum.f:75
subroutine zpotrs(UPLO, N, NRHS, A, LDA, B, LDB, INFO)
Definition: zpotrs.f:112

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function: