LAPACK  3.7.0
LAPACK: Linear Algebra PACKage
subroutine dorbdb6 ( integer  M1,
integer  M2,
integer  N,
double precision, dimension(*)  X1,
integer  INCX1,
double precision, dimension(*)  X2,
integer  INCX2,
double precision, dimension(ldq1,*)  Q1,
integer  LDQ1,
double precision, dimension(ldq2,*)  Q2,
integer  LDQ2,
double precision, dimension(*)  WORK,
integer  LWORK,
integer  INFO 


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 DORBDB6 orthogonalizes the column vector
      X = [ X1 ]
          [ X2 ]
 with respect to the columns of
      Q = [ Q1 ] .
          [ Q2 ]
 The columns of Q must be orthonormal.

 If the projection is zero according to Kahan's "twice is enough"
 criterion, then the zero vector is returned.
          M1 is INTEGER
           The dimension of X1 and the number of rows in Q1. 0 <= M1.
          M2 is INTEGER
           The dimension of X2 and the number of rows in Q2. 0 <= M2.
          N is INTEGER
           The number of columns in Q1 and Q2. 0 <= N.
          X1 is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (M1)
           On entry, the top part of the vector to be orthogonalized.
           On exit, the top part of the projected vector.
          INCX1 is INTEGER
           Increment for entries of X1.
          X2 is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (M2)
           On entry, the bottom part of the vector to be
           orthogonalized. On exit, the bottom part of the projected
          INCX2 is INTEGER
           Increment for entries of X2.
          Q1 is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDQ1, N)
           The top part of the orthonormal basis matrix.
          LDQ1 is INTEGER
           The leading dimension of Q1. LDQ1 >= M1.
          Q2 is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDQ2, N)
           The bottom part of the orthonormal basis matrix.
          LDQ2 is INTEGER
           The leading dimension of Q2. LDQ2 >= M2.
          WORK is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LWORK)
          LWORK is INTEGER
           The dimension of the array WORK. LWORK >= N.
          INFO is INTEGER
           = 0:  successful exit.
           < 0:  if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value.
Univ. of Tennessee
Univ. of California Berkeley
Univ. of Colorado Denver
NAG Ltd.
July 2012

Definition at line 156 of file dorbdb6.f.

156 *
157 * -- LAPACK computational routine (version 3.7.0) --
158 * -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, --
159 * -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..--
160 * July 2012
161 *
162 * .. Scalar Arguments ..
163  INTEGER incx1, incx2, info, ldq1, ldq2, lwork, m1, m2,
164  $ n
165 * ..
166 * .. Array Arguments ..
167  DOUBLE PRECISION q1(ldq1,*), q2(ldq2,*), work(*), x1(*), x2(*)
168 * ..
169 *
170 * =====================================================================
171 *
172 * .. Parameters ..
173  DOUBLE PRECISION alphasq, realone, realzero
174  parameter ( alphasq = 0.01d0, realone = 1.0d0,
175  $ realzero = 0.0d0 )
176  DOUBLE PRECISION negone, one, zero
177  parameter ( negone = -1.0d0, one = 1.0d0, zero = 0.0d0 )
178 * ..
179 * .. Local Scalars ..
180  INTEGER i
181  DOUBLE PRECISION normsq1, normsq2, scl1, scl2, ssq1, ssq2
182 * ..
183 * .. External Subroutines ..
184  EXTERNAL dgemv, dlassq, xerbla
185 * ..
186 * .. Intrinsic Function ..
187  INTRINSIC max
188 * ..
189 * .. Executable Statements ..
190 *
191 * Test input arguments
192 *
193  info = 0
194  IF( m1 .LT. 0 ) THEN
195  info = -1
196  ELSE IF( m2 .LT. 0 ) THEN
197  info = -2
198  ELSE IF( n .LT. 0 ) THEN
199  info = -3
200  ELSE IF( incx1 .LT. 1 ) THEN
201  info = -5
202  ELSE IF( incx2 .LT. 1 ) THEN
203  info = -7
204  ELSE IF( ldq1 .LT. max( 1, m1 ) ) THEN
205  info = -9
206  ELSE IF( ldq2 .LT. max( 1, m2 ) ) THEN
207  info = -11
208  ELSE IF( lwork .LT. n ) THEN
209  info = -13
210  END IF
211 *
212  IF( info .NE. 0 ) THEN
213  CALL xerbla( 'DORBDB6', -info )
215  END IF
216 *
217 * First, project X onto the orthogonal complement of Q's column
218 * space
219 *
220  scl1 = realzero
221  ssq1 = realone
222  CALL dlassq( m1, x1, incx1, scl1, ssq1 )
223  scl2 = realzero
224  ssq2 = realone
225  CALL dlassq( m2, x2, incx2, scl2, ssq2 )
226  normsq1 = scl1**2*ssq1 + scl2**2*ssq2
227 *
228  IF( m1 .EQ. 0 ) THEN
229  DO i = 1, n
230  work(i) = zero
231  END DO
232  ELSE
233  CALL dgemv( 'C', m1, n, one, q1, ldq1, x1, incx1, zero, work,
234  $ 1 )
235  END IF
236 *
237  CALL dgemv( 'C', m2, n, one, q2, ldq2, x2, incx2, one, work, 1 )
238 *
239  CALL dgemv( 'N', m1, n, negone, q1, ldq1, work, 1, one, x1,
240  $ incx1 )
241  CALL dgemv( 'N', m2, n, negone, q2, ldq2, work, 1, one, x2,
242  $ incx2 )
243 *
244  scl1 = realzero
245  ssq1 = realone
246  CALL dlassq( m1, x1, incx1, scl1, ssq1 )
247  scl2 = realzero
248  ssq2 = realone
249  CALL dlassq( m2, x2, incx2, scl2, ssq2 )
250  normsq2 = scl1**2*ssq1 + scl2**2*ssq2
251 *
252 * If projection is sufficiently large in norm, then stop.
253 * If projection is zero, then stop.
254 * Otherwise, project again.
255 *
256  IF( normsq2 .GE. alphasq*normsq1 ) THEN
258  END IF
259 *
260  IF( normsq2 .EQ. zero ) THEN
262  END IF
263 *
264  normsq1 = normsq2
265 *
266  DO i = 1, n
267  work(i) = zero
268  END DO
269 *
270  IF( m1 .EQ. 0 ) THEN
271  DO i = 1, n
272  work(i) = zero
273  END DO
274  ELSE
275  CALL dgemv( 'C', m1, n, one, q1, ldq1, x1, incx1, zero, work,
276  $ 1 )
277  END IF
278 *
279  CALL dgemv( 'C', m2, n, one, q2, ldq2, x2, incx2, one, work, 1 )
280 *
281  CALL dgemv( 'N', m1, n, negone, q1, ldq1, work, 1, one, x1,
282  $ incx1 )
283  CALL dgemv( 'N', m2, n, negone, q2, ldq2, work, 1, one, x2,
284  $ incx2 )
285 *
286  scl1 = realzero
287  ssq1 = realone
288  CALL dlassq( m1, x1, incx1, scl1, ssq1 )
289  scl2 = realzero
290  ssq2 = realone
291  CALL dlassq( m1, x1, incx1, scl1, ssq1 )
292  normsq2 = scl1**2*ssq1 + scl2**2*ssq2
293 *
294 * If second projection is sufficiently large in norm, then do
295 * nothing more. Alternatively, if it shrunk significantly, then
296 * truncate it to zero.
297 *
298  IF( normsq2 .LT. alphasq*normsq1 ) THEN
299  DO i = 1, m1
300  x1(i) = zero
301  END DO
302  DO i = 1, m2
303  x2(i) = zero
304  END DO
305  END IF
306 *
308 *
309 * End of DORBDB6
310 *
subroutine dgemv(TRANS, M, N, ALPHA, A, LDA, X, INCX, BETA, Y, INCY)
Definition: dgemv.f:158
subroutine dlassq(N, X, INCX, SCALE, SUMSQ)
DLASSQ updates a sum of squares represented in scaled form.
Definition: dlassq.f:105
subroutine xerbla(SRNAME, INFO)
Definition: xerbla.f:62

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function: