LAPACK  3.7.0
LAPACK: Linear Algebra PACKage
subroutine csyconvf_rook ( character  UPLO,
character  WAY,
integer  N,
complex, dimension( lda, * )  A,
integer  LDA,
complex, dimension( * )  E,
integer, dimension( * )  IPIV,
integer  INFO 


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 If parameter WAY = 'C':
 CSYCONVF_ROOK converts the factorization output format used in
 CSYTRF_ROOK provided on entry in parameter A into the factorization
 output format used in CSYTRF_RK (or CSYTRF_BK) that is stored
 on exit in parameters A and E. IPIV format for CSYTRF_ROOK and
 CSYTRF_RK (or CSYTRF_BK) is the same and is not converted.

 If parameter WAY = 'R':
 CSYCONVF_ROOK performs the conversion in reverse direction, i.e.
 converts the factorization output format used in CSYTRF_RK
 (or CSYTRF_BK) provided on entry in parametes A and E into
 the factorization output format used in CSYTRF_ROOK that is stored
 on exit in parameter A. IPIV format for CSYTRF_ROOK and
 CSYTRF_RK (or CSYTRF_BK) is the same and is not converted.

 CSYCONVF_ROOK can also convert in Hermitian matrix case, i.e. between
 formats used in CHETRF_ROOK and CHETRF_RK (or CHETRF_BK).
          UPLO is CHARACTER*1
          Specifies whether the details of the factorization are
          stored as an upper or lower triangular matrix A.
          = 'U':  Upper triangular
          = 'L':  Lower triangular
          WAY is CHARACTER*1
          = 'C': Convert
          = 'R': Revert
          N is INTEGER
          The order of the matrix A.  N >= 0.
          A is COMPLEX array, dimension (LDA,N)

          1) If WAY ='C':

          On entry, contains factorization details in format used in
            a) all elements of the symmetric block diagonal
               matrix D on the diagonal of A and on superdiagonal
               (or subdiagonal) of A, and
            b) If UPLO = 'U': multipliers used to obtain factor U
               in the superdiagonal part of A.
               If UPLO = 'L': multipliers used to obtain factor L
               in the superdiagonal part of A.

          On exit, contains factorization details in format used in
          CSYTRF_RK or CSYTRF_BK:
            a) ONLY diagonal elements of the symmetric block diagonal
               matrix D on the diagonal of A, i.e. D(k,k) = A(k,k);
               (superdiagonal (or subdiagonal) elements of D
                are stored on exit in array E), and
            b) If UPLO = 'U': factor U in the superdiagonal part of A.
               If UPLO = 'L': factor L in the subdiagonal part of A.

          2) If WAY = 'R':

          On entry, contains factorization details in format used in
          CSYTRF_RK or CSYTRF_BK:
            a) ONLY diagonal elements of the symmetric block diagonal
               matrix D on the diagonal of A, i.e. D(k,k) = A(k,k);
               (superdiagonal (or subdiagonal) elements of D
                are stored on exit in array E), and
            b) If UPLO = 'U': factor U in the superdiagonal part of A.
               If UPLO = 'L': factor L in the subdiagonal part of A.

          On exit, contains factorization details in format used in
            a) all elements of the symmetric block diagonal
               matrix D on the diagonal of A and on superdiagonal
               (or subdiagonal) of A, and
            b) If UPLO = 'U': multipliers used to obtain factor U
               in the superdiagonal part of A.
               If UPLO = 'L': multipliers used to obtain factor L
               in the superdiagonal part of A.
          LDA is INTEGER
          The leading dimension of the array A.  LDA >= max(1,N).
          E is COMPLEX array, dimension (N)

          1) If WAY ='C':

          On entry, just a workspace.

          On exit, contains the superdiagonal (or subdiagonal)
          elements of the symmetric block diagonal matrix D
          with 1-by-1 or 2-by-2 diagonal blocks, where
          If UPLO = 'U': E(i) = D(i-1,i), i=2:N, E(1) is set to 0;
          If UPLO = 'L': E(i) = D(i+1,i), i=1:N-1, E(N) is set to 0.

          2) If WAY = 'R':

          On entry, contains the superdiagonal (or subdiagonal)
          elements of the symmetric block diagonal matrix D
          with 1-by-1 or 2-by-2 diagonal blocks, where
          If UPLO = 'U': E(i) = D(i-1,i),i=2:N, E(1) not referenced;
          If UPLO = 'L': E(i) = D(i+1,i),i=1:N-1, E(N) not referenced.

          On exit, is not changed
          IPIV is INTEGER array, dimension (N)
          On entry, details of the interchanges and the block
          structure of D as determined:
          1) by CSYTRF_ROOK, if WAY ='C';
          2) by CSYTRF_RK (or CSYTRF_BK), if WAY ='R'.
          The IPIV format is the same for all these routines.

          On exit, is not changed.
          INFO is INTEGER
          = 0:  successful exit
          < 0:  if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value
Univ. of Tennessee
Univ. of California Berkeley
Univ. of Colorado Denver
NAG Ltd.
December 2016
  December 2016,  Igor Kozachenko,
                  Computer Science Division,
                  University of California, Berkeley

Definition at line 202 of file csyconvf_rook.f.

202 *
203 * -- LAPACK computational routine (version 3.7.0) --
204 * -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, --
205 * -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..--
206 * December 2016
207 *
208 * .. Scalar Arguments ..
209  CHARACTER uplo, way
210  INTEGER info, lda, n
211 * ..
212 * .. Array Arguments ..
213  INTEGER ipiv( * )
214  COMPLEX a( lda, * ), e( * )
215 * ..
216 *
217 * =====================================================================
218 *
219 * .. Parameters ..
220  COMPLEX zero
221  parameter ( zero = ( 0.0e+0, 0.0e+0 ) )
222 * ..
223 * .. External Functions ..
224  LOGICAL lsame
225  EXTERNAL lsame
226 *
227 * .. External Subroutines ..
228  EXTERNAL cswap, xerbla
229 * .. Local Scalars ..
230  LOGICAL upper, convert
231  INTEGER i, ip, ip2
232 * ..
233 * .. Executable Statements ..
234 *
235  info = 0
236  upper = lsame( uplo, 'U' )
237  convert = lsame( way, 'C' )
238  IF( .NOT.upper .AND. .NOT.lsame( uplo, 'L' ) ) THEN
239  info = -1
240  ELSE IF( .NOT.convert .AND. .NOT.lsame( way, 'R' ) ) THEN
241  info = -2
242  ELSE IF( n.LT.0 ) THEN
243  info = -3
244  ELSE IF( lda.LT.max( 1, n ) ) THEN
245  info = -5
247  END IF
248  IF( info.NE.0 ) THEN
249  CALL xerbla( 'CSYCONVF_ROOK', -info )
251  END IF
252 *
253 * Quick return if possible
254 *
255  IF( n.EQ.0 )
256  $ RETURN
257 *
258  IF( upper ) THEN
259 *
260 * Begin A is UPPER
261 *
262  IF ( convert ) THEN
263 *
264 * Convert A (A is upper)
265 *
266 *
267 * Convert VALUE
268 *
269 * Assign superdiagonal entries of D to array E and zero out
270 * corresponding entries in input storage A
271 *
272  i = n
273  e( 1 ) = zero
274  DO WHILE ( i.GT.1 )
275  IF( ipiv( i ).LT.0 ) THEN
276  e( i ) = a( i-1, i )
277  e( i-1 ) = zero
278  a( i-1, i ) = zero
279  i = i - 1
280  ELSE
281  e( i ) = zero
282  END IF
283  i = i - 1
284  END DO
285 *
286 * Convert PERMUTATIONS
287 *
288 * Apply permutaions to submatrices of upper part of A
289 * in factorization order where i decreases from N to 1
290 *
291  i = n
292  DO WHILE ( i.GE.1 )
293  IF( ipiv( i ).GT.0 ) THEN
294 *
295 * 1-by-1 pivot interchange
296 *
297 * Swap rows i and IPIV(i) in A(1:i,N-i:N)
298 *
299  ip = ipiv( i )
300  IF( i.LT.n ) THEN
301  IF( ip.NE.i ) THEN
302  CALL cswap( n-i, a( i, i+1 ), lda,
303  $ a( ip, i+1 ), lda )
304  END IF
305  END IF
306 *
307  ELSE
308 *
309 * 2-by-2 pivot interchange
310 *
311 * Swap rows i and IPIV(i) and i-1 and IPIV(i-1)
312 * in A(1:i,N-i:N)
313 *
314  ip = -ipiv( i )
315  ip2 = -ipiv( i-1 )
316  IF( i.LT.n ) THEN
317  IF( ip.NE.i ) THEN
318  CALL cswap( n-i, a( i, i+1 ), lda,
319  $ a( ip, i+1 ), lda )
320  END IF
321  IF( ip2.NE.(i-1) ) THEN
322  CALL cswap( n-i, a( i-1, i+1 ), lda,
323  $ a( ip2, i+1 ), lda )
324  END IF
325  END IF
326  i = i - 1
327 *
328  END IF
329  i = i - 1
330  END DO
331 *
332  ELSE
333 *
334 * Revert A (A is upper)
335 *
336 *
338 *
339 * Apply permutaions to submatrices of upper part of A
340 * in reverse factorization order where i increases from 1 to N
341 *
342  i = 1
343  DO WHILE ( i.LE.n )
344  IF( ipiv( i ).GT.0 ) THEN
345 *
346 * 1-by-1 pivot interchange
347 *
348 * Swap rows i and IPIV(i) in A(1:i,N-i:N)
349 *
350  ip = ipiv( i )
351  IF( i.LT.n ) THEN
352  IF( ip.NE.i ) THEN
353  CALL cswap( n-i, a( ip, i+1 ), lda,
354  $ a( i, i+1 ), lda )
355  END IF
356  END IF
357 *
358  ELSE
359 *
360 * 2-by-2 pivot interchange
361 *
362 * Swap rows i-1 and IPIV(i-1) and i and IPIV(i)
363 * in A(1:i,N-i:N)
364 *
365  i = i + 1
366  ip = -ipiv( i )
367  ip2 = -ipiv( i-1 )
368  IF( i.LT.n ) THEN
369  IF( ip2.NE.(i-1) ) THEN
370  CALL cswap( n-i, a( ip2, i+1 ), lda,
371  $ a( i-1, i+1 ), lda )
372  END IF
373  IF( ip.NE.i ) THEN
374  CALL cswap( n-i, a( ip, i+1 ), lda,
375  $ a( i, i+1 ), lda )
376  END IF
377  END IF
378 *
379  END IF
380  i = i + 1
381  END DO
382 *
383 * Revert VALUE
384 * Assign superdiagonal entries of D from array E to
385 * superdiagonal entries of A.
386 *
387  i = n
388  DO WHILE ( i.GT.1 )
389  IF( ipiv( i ).LT.0 ) THEN
390  a( i-1, i ) = e( i )
391  i = i - 1
392  END IF
393  i = i - 1
394  END DO
395 *
396 * End A is UPPER
397 *
398  END IF
399 *
400  ELSE
401 *
402 * Begin A is LOWER
403 *
404  IF ( convert ) THEN
405 *
406 * Convert A (A is lower)
407 *
408 *
409 * Convert VALUE
410 * Assign subdiagonal entries of D to array E and zero out
411 * corresponding entries in input storage A
412 *
413  i = 1
414  e( n ) = zero
415  DO WHILE ( i.LE.n )
416  IF( i.LT.n .AND. ipiv(i).LT.0 ) THEN
417  e( i ) = a( i+1, i )
418  e( i+1 ) = zero
419  a( i+1, i ) = zero
420  i = i + 1
421  ELSE
422  e( i ) = zero
423  END IF
424  i = i + 1
425  END DO
426 *
427 * Convert PERMUTATIONS
428 *
429 * Apply permutaions to submatrices of lower part of A
430 * in factorization order where i increases from 1 to N
431 *
432  i = 1
433  DO WHILE ( i.LE.n )
434  IF( ipiv( i ).GT.0 ) THEN
435 *
436 * 1-by-1 pivot interchange
437 *
438 * Swap rows i and IPIV(i) in A(i:N,1:i-1)
439 *
440  ip = ipiv( i )
441  IF ( i.GT.1 ) THEN
442  IF( ip.NE.i ) THEN
443  CALL cswap( i-1, a( i, 1 ), lda,
444  $ a( ip, 1 ), lda )
445  END IF
446  END IF
447 *
448  ELSE
449 *
450 * 2-by-2 pivot interchange
451 *
452 * Swap rows i and IPIV(i) and i+1 and IPIV(i+1)
453 * in A(i:N,1:i-1)
454 *
455  ip = -ipiv( i )
456  ip2 = -ipiv( i+1 )
457  IF ( i.GT.1 ) THEN
458  IF( ip.NE.i ) THEN
459  CALL cswap( i-1, a( i, 1 ), lda,
460  $ a( ip, 1 ), lda )
461  END IF
462  IF( ip2.NE.(i+1) ) THEN
463  CALL cswap( i-1, a( i+1, 1 ), lda,
464  $ a( ip2, 1 ), lda )
465  END IF
466  END IF
467  i = i + 1
468 *
469  END IF
470  i = i + 1
471  END DO
472 *
473  ELSE
474 *
475 * Revert A (A is lower)
476 *
477 *
479 *
480 * Apply permutaions to submatrices of lower part of A
481 * in reverse factorization order where i decreases from N to 1
482 *
483  i = n
484  DO WHILE ( i.GE.1 )
485  IF( ipiv( i ).GT.0 ) THEN
486 *
487 * 1-by-1 pivot interchange
488 *
489 * Swap rows i and IPIV(i) in A(i:N,1:i-1)
490 *
491  ip = ipiv( i )
492  IF ( i.GT.1 ) THEN
493  IF( ip.NE.i ) THEN
494  CALL cswap( i-1, a( ip, 1 ), lda,
495  $ a( i, 1 ), lda )
496  END IF
497  END IF
498 *
499  ELSE
500 *
501 * 2-by-2 pivot interchange
502 *
503 * Swap rows i+1 and IPIV(i+1) and i and IPIV(i)
504 * in A(i:N,1:i-1)
505 *
506  i = i - 1
507  ip = -ipiv( i )
508  ip2 = -ipiv( i+1 )
509  IF ( i.GT.1 ) THEN
510  IF( ip2.NE.(i+1) ) THEN
511  CALL cswap( i-1, a( ip2, 1 ), lda,
512  $ a( i+1, 1 ), lda )
513  END IF
514  IF( ip.NE.i ) THEN
515  CALL cswap( i-1, a( ip, 1 ), lda,
516  $ a( i, 1 ), lda )
517  END IF
518  END IF
519 *
520  END IF
521  i = i - 1
522  END DO
523 *
524 * Revert VALUE
525 * Assign subdiagonal entries of D from array E to
526 * subgiagonal entries of A.
527 *
528  i = 1
529  DO WHILE ( i.LE.n-1 )
530  IF( ipiv( i ).LT.0 ) THEN
531  a( i + 1, i ) = e( i )
532  i = i + 1
533  END IF
534  i = i + 1
535  END DO
536 *
537  END IF
538 *
539 * End A is LOWER
540 *
541  END IF
544 *
545 * End of CSYCONVF_ROOK
546 *
subroutine xerbla(SRNAME, INFO)
Definition: xerbla.f:62
logical function lsame(CA, CB)
Definition: lsame.f:55
subroutine cswap(N, CX, INCX, CY, INCY)
Definition: cswap.f:52

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function: