LAPACK  3.7.0
LAPACK: Linear Algebra PACKage
subroutine xerbla ( character*6  SRNAME,
integer  INFO 

Definition at line 3124 of file sblat2.f.

3124 *
3125 * This is a special version of XERBLA to be used only as part of
3126 * the test program for testing error exits from the Level 2 BLAS
3127 * routines.
3128 *
3129 * XERBLA is an error handler for the Level 2 BLAS routines.
3130 *
3131 * It is called by the Level 2 BLAS routines if an input parameter is
3132 * invalid.
3133 *
3134 * Auxiliary routine for test program for Level 2 Blas.
3135 *
3136 * -- Written on 10-August-1987.
3137 * Richard Hanson, Sandia National Labs.
3138 * Jeremy Du Croz, NAG Central Office.
3139 *
3140 * .. Scalar Arguments ..
3141  INTEGER info
3142  CHARACTER*6 srname
3143 * .. Scalars in Common ..
3144  INTEGER infot, nout
3145  LOGICAL lerr, ok
3146  CHARACTER*6 srnamt
3147 * .. Common blocks ..
3148  COMMON /infoc/infot, nout, ok, lerr
3149  COMMON /srnamc/srnamt
3150 * .. Executable Statements ..
3151  lerr = .true.
3152  IF( info.NE.infot )THEN
3153  IF( infot.NE.0 )THEN
3154  WRITE( nout, fmt = 9999 )info, infot
3155  ELSE
3156  WRITE( nout, fmt = 9997 )info
3157  END IF
3158  ok = .false.
3159  END IF
3160  IF( srname.NE.srnamt )THEN
3161  WRITE( nout, fmt = 9998 )srname, srnamt
3162  ok = .false.
3163  END IF
3164  RETURN
3165 *
3166  9999 FORMAT( ' ******* XERBLA WAS CALLED WITH INFO = ', i6, ' INSTEAD',
3167  $ ' OF ', i2, ' *******' )
3168  9998 FORMAT( ' ******* XERBLA WAS CALLED WITH SRNAME = ', a6, ' INSTE',
3169  $ 'AD OF ', a6, ' *******' )
3170  9997 FORMAT( ' ******* XERBLA WAS CALLED WITH INFO = ', i6,
3171  $ ' *******' )
3172 *
3173 * End of XERBLA
3174 *