LAPACK  3.7.0
LAPACK: Linear Algebra PACKage
subroutine cher2k ( character  UPLO,
character  TRANS,
integer  N,
integer  K,
complex  ALPHA,
complex, dimension(lda,*)  A,
integer  LDA,
complex, dimension(ldb,*)  B,
integer  LDB,
real  BETA,
complex, dimension(ldc,*)  C,
integer  LDC 


 CHER2K  performs one of the hermitian rank 2k operations

    C := alpha*A*B**H + conjg( alpha )*B*A**H + beta*C,


    C := alpha*A**H*B + conjg( alpha )*B**H*A + beta*C,

 where  alpha and beta  are scalars with  beta  real,  C is an  n by n
 hermitian matrix and  A and B  are  n by k matrices in the first case
 and  k by n  matrices in the second case.
          UPLO is CHARACTER*1
           On  entry,   UPLO  specifies  whether  the  upper  or  lower
           triangular  part  of the  array  C  is to be  referenced  as

              UPLO = 'U' or 'u'   Only the  upper triangular part of  C
                                  is to be referenced.

              UPLO = 'L' or 'l'   Only the  lower triangular part of  C
                                  is to be referenced.
          TRANS is CHARACTER*1
           On entry,  TRANS  specifies the operation to be performed as

              TRANS = 'N' or 'n'    C := alpha*A*B**H          +
                                         conjg( alpha )*B*A**H +

              TRANS = 'C' or 'c'    C := alpha*A**H*B          +
                                         conjg( alpha )*B**H*A +
          N is INTEGER
           On entry,  N specifies the order of the matrix C.  N must be
           at least zero.
          K is INTEGER
           On entry with  TRANS = 'N' or 'n',  K  specifies  the number
           of  columns  of the  matrices  A and B,  and on  entry  with
           TRANS = 'C' or 'c',  K  specifies  the number of rows of the
           matrices  A and B.  K must be at least zero.
          ALPHA is COMPLEX
           On entry, ALPHA specifies the scalar alpha.
          A is COMPLEX array of DIMENSION ( LDA, ka ), where ka is
           k  when  TRANS = 'N' or 'n',  and is  n  otherwise.
           Before entry with  TRANS = 'N' or 'n',  the  leading  n by k
           part of the array  A  must contain the matrix  A,  otherwise
           the leading  k by n  part of the array  A  must contain  the
           matrix A.
          LDA is INTEGER
           On entry, LDA specifies the first dimension of A as declared
           in  the  calling  (sub)  program.   When  TRANS = 'N' or 'n'
           then  LDA must be at least  max( 1, n ), otherwise  LDA must
           be at least  max( 1, k ).
          B is COMPLEX array of DIMENSION ( LDB, kb ), where kb is
           k  when  TRANS = 'N' or 'n',  and is  n  otherwise.
           Before entry with  TRANS = 'N' or 'n',  the  leading  n by k
           part of the array  B  must contain the matrix  B,  otherwise
           the leading  k by n  part of the array  B  must contain  the
           matrix B.
          LDB is INTEGER
           On entry, LDB specifies the first dimension of B as declared
           in  the  calling  (sub)  program.   When  TRANS = 'N' or 'n'
           then  LDB must be at least  max( 1, n ), otherwise  LDB must
           be at least  max( 1, k ).
          BETA is REAL
           On entry, BETA specifies the scalar beta.
          C is COMPLEX array of DIMENSION ( LDC, n ).
           Before entry  with  UPLO = 'U' or 'u',  the leading  n by n
           upper triangular part of the array C must contain the upper
           triangular part  of the  hermitian matrix  and the strictly
           lower triangular part of C is not referenced.  On exit, the
           upper triangular part of the array  C is overwritten by the
           upper triangular part of the updated matrix.
           Before entry  with  UPLO = 'L' or 'l',  the leading  n by n
           lower triangular part of the array C must contain the lower
           triangular part  of the  hermitian matrix  and the strictly
           upper triangular part of C is not referenced.  On exit, the
           lower triangular part of the array  C is overwritten by the
           lower triangular part of the updated matrix.
           Note that the imaginary parts of the diagonal elements need
           not be set,  they are assumed to be zero,  and on exit they
           are set to zero.
          LDC is INTEGER
           On entry, LDC specifies the first dimension of C as declared
           in  the  calling  (sub)  program.   LDC  must  be  at  least
           max( 1, n ).
Univ. of Tennessee
Univ. of California Berkeley
Univ. of Colorado Denver
NAG Ltd.
December 2016
Further Details:
  Level 3 Blas routine.

  -- Written on 8-February-1989.
     Jack Dongarra, Argonne National Laboratory.
     Iain Duff, AERE Harwell.
     Jeremy Du Croz, Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd.
     Sven Hammarling, Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd.

  -- Modified 8-Nov-93 to set C(J,J) to REAL( C(J,J) ) when BETA = 1.
     Ed Anderson, Cray Research Inc.

Definition at line 199 of file cher2k.f.

199 *
200 * -- Reference BLAS level3 routine (version 3.7.0) --
201 * -- Reference BLAS is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, --
202 * -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..--
203 * December 2016
204 *
205 * .. Scalar Arguments ..
206  COMPLEX alpha
207  REAL beta
208  INTEGER k,lda,ldb,ldc,n
209  CHARACTER trans,uplo
210 * ..
211 * .. Array Arguments ..
212  COMPLEX a(lda,*),b(ldb,*),c(ldc,*)
213 * ..
214 *
215 * =====================================================================
216 *
217 * .. External Functions ..
218  LOGICAL lsame
219  EXTERNAL lsame
220 * ..
221 * .. External Subroutines ..
222  EXTERNAL xerbla
223 * ..
224 * .. Intrinsic Functions ..
225  INTRINSIC conjg,max,real
226 * ..
227 * .. Local Scalars ..
228  COMPLEX temp1,temp2
229  INTEGER i,info,j,l,nrowa
230  LOGICAL upper
231 * ..
232 * .. Parameters ..
233  REAL one
234  parameter(one=1.0e+0)
235  COMPLEX zero
236  parameter(zero= (0.0e+0,0.0e+0))
237 * ..
238 *
239 * Test the input parameters.
240 *
241  IF (lsame(trans,'N')) THEN
242  nrowa = n
243  ELSE
244  nrowa = k
245  END IF
246  upper = lsame(uplo,'U')
247 *
248  info = 0
249  IF ((.NOT.upper) .AND. (.NOT.lsame(uplo,'L'))) THEN
250  info = 1
251  ELSE IF ((.NOT.lsame(trans,'N')) .AND.
252  + (.NOT.lsame(trans,'C'))) THEN
253  info = 2
254  ELSE IF (n.LT.0) THEN
255  info = 3
256  ELSE IF (k.LT.0) THEN
257  info = 4
258  ELSE IF (lda.LT.max(1,nrowa)) THEN
259  info = 7
260  ELSE IF (ldb.LT.max(1,nrowa)) THEN
261  info = 9
262  ELSE IF (ldc.LT.max(1,n)) THEN
263  info = 12
264  END IF
265  IF (info.NE.0) THEN
266  CALL xerbla('CHER2K',info)
268  END IF
269 *
270 * Quick return if possible.
271 *
272  IF ((n.EQ.0) .OR. (((
273  + (k.EQ.0)).AND. ( RETURN
274 *
275 * And when
276 *
277  IF ( THEN
278  IF (upper) THEN
279  IF (beta.EQ.REAL(zero)) then
280  DO 20 j = 1,n
281  DO 10 i = 1,j
282  c(i,j) = zero
283  10 CONTINUE
284  20 CONTINUE
285  ELSE
286  DO 40 j = 1,n
287  DO 30 i = 1,j - 1
288  c(i,j) = beta*c(i,j)
289  30 CONTINUE
290  c(j,j) = beta*REAL(c(j,j))
291  40 CONTINUE
292  END IF
293  ELSE
294  IF (beta.EQ.REAL(zero)) then
295  DO 60 j = 1,n
296  DO 50 i = j,n
297  c(i,j) = zero
298  50 CONTINUE
299  60 CONTINUE
300  ELSE
301  DO 80 j = 1,n
302  c(j,j) = beta*REAL(c(j,j))
303  DO 70 i = j + 1,n
304  c(i,j) = beta*c(i,j)
305  70 CONTINUE
306  80 CONTINUE
307  END IF
308  END IF
310  END IF
311 *
312 * Start the operations.
313 *
314  IF (lsame(trans,'N')) THEN
315 *
316 * Form C := alpha*A*B**H + conjg( alpha )*B*A**H +
317 * C.
318 *
319  IF (upper) THEN
320  DO 130 j = 1,n
321  IF (beta.EQ.REAL(zero)) then
322  DO 90 i = 1,j
323  c(i,j) = zero
324  90 CONTINUE
326  DO 100 i = 1,j - 1
327  c(i,j) = beta*c(i,j)
328  100 CONTINUE
329  c(j,j) = beta*REAL(c(j,j))
330  ELSE
331  c(j,j) = REAL(c(j,j))
332  END IF
333  DO 120 l = 1,k
334  IF ((a(j,l) .OR. (b(j,l) THEN
335  temp1 = alpha*conjg(b(j,l))
336  temp2 = conjg(alpha*a(j,l))
337  DO 110 i = 1,j - 1
338  c(i,j) = c(i,j) + a(i,l)*temp1 +
339  + b(i,l)*temp2
340  110 CONTINUE
341  c(j,j) = REAL(C(J,J)) +
342  + REAL(a(j,l)*temp1+b(j,l)*temp2)
343  END IF
344  120 CONTINUE
345  130 CONTINUE
346  ELSE
347  DO 180 j = 1,n
348  IF (beta.EQ.REAL(zero)) then
349  DO 140 i = j,n
350  c(i,j) = zero
351  140 CONTINUE
353  DO 150 i = j + 1,n
354  c(i,j) = beta*c(i,j)
355  150 CONTINUE
356  c(j,j) = beta*REAL(c(j,j))
357  ELSE
358  c(j,j) = REAL(c(j,j))
359  END IF
360  DO 170 l = 1,k
361  IF ((a(j,l) .OR. (b(j,l) THEN
362  temp1 = alpha*conjg(b(j,l))
363  temp2 = conjg(alpha*a(j,l))
364  DO 160 i = j + 1,n
365  c(i,j) = c(i,j) + a(i,l)*temp1 +
366  + b(i,l)*temp2
367  160 CONTINUE
368  c(j,j) = REAL(C(J,J)) +
369  + REAL(a(j,l)*temp1+b(j,l)*temp2)
370  END IF
371  170 CONTINUE
372  180 CONTINUE
373  END IF
374  ELSE
375 *
376 * Form C := alpha*A**H*B + conjg( alpha )*B**H*A +
377 * C.
378 *
379  IF (upper) THEN
380  DO 210 j = 1,n
381  DO 200 i = 1,j
382  temp1 = zero
383  temp2 = zero
384  DO 190 l = 1,k
385  temp1 = temp1 + conjg(a(l,i))*b(l,j)
386  temp2 = temp2 + conjg(b(l,i))*a(l,j)
387  190 CONTINUE
388  IF (i.EQ.j) THEN
389  IF (beta.EQ.REAL(zero)) then
390  c(j,j) = REAL(alpha*temp1+
391  + conjg(alpha)*temp2)
392  ELSE
393  c(j,j) = beta*REAL(C(J,J)) +
394  + REAL(alpha*temp1+
395  + conjg(alpha)*temp2)
396  END IF
397  ELSE
398  IF (beta.EQ.REAL(zero)) then
399  c(i,j) = alpha*temp1 + conjg(alpha)*temp2
400  ELSE
401  c(i,j) = beta*c(i,j) + alpha*temp1 +
402  + conjg(alpha)*temp2
403  END IF
404  END IF
405  200 CONTINUE
406  210 CONTINUE
407  ELSE
408  DO 240 j = 1,n
409  DO 230 i = j,n
410  temp1 = zero
411  temp2 = zero
412  DO 220 l = 1,k
413  temp1 = temp1 + conjg(a(l,i))*b(l,j)
414  temp2 = temp2 + conjg(b(l,i))*a(l,j)
415  220 CONTINUE
416  IF (i.EQ.j) THEN
417  IF (beta.EQ.REAL(zero)) then
418  c(j,j) = REAL(alpha*temp1+
419  + conjg(alpha)*temp2)
420  ELSE
421  c(j,j) = beta*REAL(C(J,J)) +
422  + REAL(alpha*temp1+
423  + conjg(alpha)*temp2)
424  END IF
425  ELSE
426  IF (beta.EQ.REAL(zero)) then
427  c(i,j) = alpha*temp1 + conjg(alpha)*temp2
428  ELSE
429  c(i,j) = beta*c(i,j) + alpha*temp1 +
430  + conjg(alpha)*temp2
431  END IF
432  END IF
433  230 CONTINUE
434  240 CONTINUE
435  END IF
436  END IF
437 *
439 *
440 * End of CHER2K.
441 *
subroutine xerbla(SRNAME, INFO)
Definition: xerbla.f:62
logical function lsame(CA, CB)
Definition: lsame.f:55

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function: