LAPACK  3.7.0
LAPACK: Linear Algebra PACKage
subroutine dgeequ ( integer  M,
integer  N,
double precision, dimension( lda, * )  A,
integer  LDA,
double precision, dimension( * )  R,
double precision, dimension( * )  C,
double precision  ROWCND,
double precision  COLCND,
double precision  AMAX,
integer  INFO 


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 DGEEQU computes row and column scalings intended to equilibrate an
 M-by-N matrix A and reduce its condition number.  R returns the row
 scale factors and C the column scale factors, chosen to try to make
 the largest element in each row and column of the matrix B with
 elements B(i,j)=R(i)*A(i,j)*C(j) have absolute value 1.

 R(i) and C(j) are restricted to be between SMLNUM = smallest safe
 number and BIGNUM = largest safe number.  Use of these scaling
 factors is not guaranteed to reduce the condition number of A but
 works well in practice.
          M is INTEGER
          The number of rows of the matrix A.  M >= 0.
          N is INTEGER
          The number of columns of the matrix A.  N >= 0.
          A is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA,N)
          The M-by-N matrix whose equilibration factors are
          to be computed.
          LDA is INTEGER
          The leading dimension of the array A.  LDA >= max(1,M).
          R is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (M)
          If INFO = 0 or INFO > M, R contains the row scale factors
          for A.
          C is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N)
          If INFO = 0,  C contains the column scale factors for A.
          If INFO = 0 or INFO > M, ROWCND contains the ratio of the
          smallest R(i) to the largest R(i).  If ROWCND >= 0.1 and
          AMAX is neither too large nor too small, it is not worth
          scaling by R.
          If INFO = 0, COLCND contains the ratio of the smallest
          C(i) to the largest C(i).  If COLCND >= 0.1, it is not
          worth scaling by C.
          Absolute value of largest matrix element.  If AMAX is very
          close to overflow or very close to underflow, the matrix
          should be scaled.
          INFO is INTEGER
          = 0:  successful exit
          < 0:  if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value
          > 0:  if INFO = i,  and i is
                <= M:  the i-th row of A is exactly zero
                >  M:  the (i-M)-th column of A is exactly zero
Univ. of Tennessee
Univ. of California Berkeley
Univ. of Colorado Denver
NAG Ltd.
December 2016

Definition at line 141 of file dgeequ.f.

141 *
142 * -- LAPACK computational routine (version 3.7.0) --
143 * -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, --
144 * -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..--
145 * December 2016
146 *
147 * .. Scalar Arguments ..
148  INTEGER info, lda, m, n
149  DOUBLE PRECISION amax, colcnd, rowcnd
150 * ..
151 * .. Array Arguments ..
152  DOUBLE PRECISION a( lda, * ), c( * ), r( * )
153 * ..
154 *
155 * =====================================================================
156 *
157 * .. Parameters ..
158  DOUBLE PRECISION one, zero
159  parameter ( one = 1.0d+0, zero = 0.0d+0 )
160 * ..
161 * .. Local Scalars ..
162  INTEGER i, j
163  DOUBLE PRECISION bignum, rcmax, rcmin, smlnum
164 * ..
165 * .. External Functions ..
167  EXTERNAL dlamch
168 * ..
169 * .. External Subroutines ..
170  EXTERNAL xerbla
171 * ..
172 * .. Intrinsic Functions ..
173  INTRINSIC abs, max, min
174 * ..
175 * .. Executable Statements ..
176 *
177 * Test the input parameters.
178 *
179  info = 0
180  IF( m.LT.0 ) THEN
181  info = -1
182  ELSE IF( n.LT.0 ) THEN
183  info = -2
184  ELSE IF( lda.LT.max( 1, m ) ) THEN
185  info = -4
186  END IF
187  IF( info.NE.0 ) THEN
188  CALL xerbla( 'DGEEQU', -info )
190  END IF
191 *
192 * Quick return if possible
193 *
194  IF( m.EQ.0 .OR. n.EQ.0 ) THEN
195  rowcnd = one
196  colcnd = one
197  amax = zero
199  END IF
200 *
201 * Get machine constants.
202 *
203  smlnum = dlamch( 'S' )
204  bignum = one / smlnum
205 *
206 * Compute row scale factors.
207 *
208  DO 10 i = 1, m
209  r( i ) = zero
210  10 CONTINUE
211 *
212 * Find the maximum element in each row.
213 *
214  DO 30 j = 1, n
215  DO 20 i = 1, m
216  r( i ) = max( r( i ), abs( a( i, j ) ) )
217  20 CONTINUE
218  30 CONTINUE
219 *
220 * Find the maximum and minimum scale factors.
221 *
222  rcmin = bignum
223  rcmax = zero
224  DO 40 i = 1, m
225  rcmax = max( rcmax, r( i ) )
226  rcmin = min( rcmin, r( i ) )
227  40 CONTINUE
228  amax = rcmax
229 *
230  IF( ) THEN
231 *
232 * Find the first zero scale factor and return an error code.
233 *
234  DO 50 i = 1, m
235  IF( r( i ) ) THEN
236  info = i
238  END IF
239  50 CONTINUE
240  ELSE
241 *
242 * Invert the scale factors.
243 *
244  DO 60 i = 1, m
245  r( i ) = one / min( max( r( i ), smlnum ), bignum )
246  60 CONTINUE
247 *
248 * Compute ROWCND = min(R(I)) / max(R(I))
249 *
250  rowcnd = max( rcmin, smlnum ) / min( rcmax, bignum )
251  END IF
252 *
253 * Compute column scale factors
254 *
255  DO 70 j = 1, n
256  c( j ) = zero
257  70 CONTINUE
258 *
259 * Find the maximum element in each column,
260 * assuming the row scaling computed above.
261 *
262  DO 90 j = 1, n
263  DO 80 i = 1, m
264  c( j ) = max( c( j ), abs( a( i, j ) )*r( i ) )
265  80 CONTINUE
266  90 CONTINUE
267 *
268 * Find the maximum and minimum scale factors.
269 *
270  rcmin = bignum
271  rcmax = zero
272  DO 100 j = 1, n
273  rcmin = min( rcmin, c( j ) )
274  rcmax = max( rcmax, c( j ) )
275  100 CONTINUE
276 *
277  IF( ) THEN
278 *
279 * Find the first zero scale factor and return an error code.
280 *
281  DO 110 j = 1, n
282  IF( c( j ) ) THEN
283  info = m + j
285  END IF
286  110 CONTINUE
287  ELSE
288 *
289 * Invert the scale factors.
290 *
291  DO 120 j = 1, n
292  c( j ) = one / min( max( c( j ), smlnum ), bignum )
293  120 CONTINUE
294 *
295 * Compute COLCND = min(C(J)) / max(C(J))
296 *
297  colcnd = max( rcmin, smlnum ) / min( rcmax, bignum )
298  END IF
299 *
301 *
302 * End of DGEEQU
303 *
double precision function dlamch(CMACH)
Definition: dlamch.f:65
subroutine xerbla(SRNAME, INFO)
Definition: xerbla.f:62

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function: