LAPACK  3.7.0
LAPACK: Linear Algebra PACKage
void F77_stpsv ( int *  layout,
char *  uplow,
char *  transp,
char *  diagn,
int *  n,
float *  ap,
float *  x,
int *  incx 

Definition at line 438 of file c_sblas2.c.

439  {
440  float *A, *AP;
441  int i, j, k, LDA;
443  CBLAS_UPLO uplo;
444  CBLAS_DIAG diag;
446  get_transpose_type(transp,&trans);
447  get_uplo_type(uplow,&uplo);
448  get_diag_type(diagn,&diag);
450  if (*layout == TEST_ROW_MJR) {
451  LDA = *n;
452  A = ( float* )malloc( LDA*LDA*sizeof( float ) );
453  AP = ( float* )malloc( (((LDA+1)*LDA)/2)*sizeof( float ) );
454  if (uplo == CblasUpper) {
455  for( j=0, k=0; j<*n; j++ )
456  for( i=0; i<j+1; i++, k++ )
457  A[ LDA*i+j ]=ap[ k ];
458  for( i=0, k=0; i<*n; i++ )
459  for( j=i; j<*n; j++, k++ )
460  AP[ k ]=A[ LDA*i+j ];
462  }
463  else {
464  for( j=0, k=0; j<*n; j++ )
465  for( i=j; i<*n; i++, k++ )
466  A[ LDA*i+j ]=ap[ k ];
467  for( i=0, k=0; i<*n; i++ )
468  for( j=0; j<i+1; j++, k++ )
469  AP[ k ]=A[ LDA*i+j ];
470  }
471  cblas_stpsv( CblasRowMajor, uplo, trans, diag, *n, AP, x, *incx );
472  free(A); free(AP);
473  }
474  else
475  cblas_stpsv( CblasColMajor, uplo, trans, diag, *n, ap, x, *incx );
476 }
void get_transpose_type(char *type, CBLAS_TRANSPOSE *trans)
Definition: auxiliary.c:8
Definition: cblas.h:22
Definition: cblas.h:20
#define LDA
Definition: example_user.c:12
void get_diag_type(char *type, CBLAS_DIAG *diag)
Definition: auxiliary.c:25
void cblas_stpsv(CBLAS_LAYOUT layout, CBLAS_UPLO Uplo, CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA, CBLAS_DIAG Diag, const int N, const float *Ap, float *X, const int incX)
Definition: cblas_stpsv.c:10
Definition: cblas.h:21
void get_uplo_type(char *type, CBLAS_UPLO *uplo)
Definition: auxiliary.c:18
#define TEST_ROW_MJR
Definition: cblas_test.h:12

Here is the call graph for this function: