LAPACK  3.7.0
LAPACK: Linear Algebra PACKage
subroutine dlarrj ( integer  N,
double precision, dimension( * )  D,
double precision, dimension( * )  E2,
integer  IFIRST,
integer  ILAST,
double precision  RTOL,
integer  OFFSET,
double precision, dimension( * )  W,
double precision, dimension( * )  WERR,
double precision, dimension( * )  WORK,
integer, dimension( * )  IWORK,
double precision  PIVMIN,
double precision  SPDIAM,
integer  INFO 

DLARRJ performs refinement of the initial estimates of the eigenvalues of the matrix T.

Download DLARRJ + dependencies [TGZ] [ZIP] [TXT]

 Given the initial eigenvalue approximations of T, DLARRJ
 does  bisection to refine the eigenvalues of T,
 W( IFIRST-OFFSET ) through W( ILAST-OFFSET ), to more accuracy. Initial
 guesses for these eigenvalues are input in W, the corresponding estimate
 of the error in these guesses in WERR. During bisection, intervals
 [left, right] are maintained by storing their mid-points and
 semi-widths in the arrays W and WERR respectively.
          N is INTEGER
          The order of the matrix.
          D is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N)
          The N diagonal elements of T.
          E2 is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N-1)
          The Squares of the (N-1) subdiagonal elements of T.
          IFIRST is INTEGER
          The index of the first eigenvalue to be computed.
          ILAST is INTEGER
          The index of the last eigenvalue to be computed.
          Tolerance for the convergence of the bisection intervals.
          An interval [LEFT,RIGHT] has converged if
          OFFSET is INTEGER
          Offset for the arrays W and WERR, i.e., the IFIRST-OFFSET
          through ILAST-OFFSET elements of these arrays are to be used.
          W is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N)
          On input, W( IFIRST-OFFSET ) through W( ILAST-OFFSET ) are
          estimates of the eigenvalues of L D L^T indexed IFIRST through
          On output, these estimates are refined.
          WERR is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N)
          On input, WERR( IFIRST-OFFSET ) through WERR( ILAST-OFFSET ) are
          the errors in the estimates of the corresponding elements in W.
          On output, these errors are refined.
          WORK is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (2*N)
          IWORK is INTEGER array, dimension (2*N)
          The minimum pivot in the Sturm sequence for T.
          The spectral diameter of T.
          INFO is INTEGER
          Error flag.
Univ. of Tennessee
Univ. of California Berkeley
Univ. of Colorado Denver
NAG Ltd.
December 2016
Beresford Parlett, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Jim Demmel, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Inderjit Dhillon, University of Texas, Austin, USA
Osni Marques, LBNL/NERSC, USA
Christof Voemel, University of California, Berkeley, USA

Definition at line 170 of file dlarrj.f.

170 *
171 * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.7.0) --
172 * -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, --
173 * -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..--
174 * December 2016
175 *
176 * .. Scalar Arguments ..
177  INTEGER ifirst, ilast, info, n, offset
178  DOUBLE PRECISION pivmin, rtol, spdiam
179 * ..
180 * .. Array Arguments ..
181  INTEGER iwork( * )
182  DOUBLE PRECISION d( * ), e2( * ), w( * ),
183  $ werr( * ), work( * )
184 * ..
185 *
186 * =====================================================================
187 *
188 * .. Parameters ..
189  DOUBLE PRECISION zero, one, two, half
190  parameter ( zero = 0.0d0, one = 1.0d0, two = 2.0d0,
191  $ half = 0.5d0 )
192  INTEGER maxitr
193 * ..
194 * .. Local Scalars ..
195  INTEGER cnt, i, i1, i2, ii, iter, j, k, next, nint,
196  $ olnint, p, prev, savi1
197  DOUBLE PRECISION dplus, fac, left, mid, right, s, tmp, width
198 *
199 * ..
200 * .. Intrinsic Functions ..
201  INTRINSIC abs, max
202 * ..
203 * .. Executable Statements ..
204 *
205  info = 0
206 *
207  maxitr = int( ( log( spdiam+pivmin )-log( pivmin ) ) /
208  $ log( two ) ) + 2
209 *
210 * Initialize unconverged intervals in [ WORK(2*I-1), WORK(2*I) ].
211 * The Sturm Count, Count( WORK(2*I-1) ) is arranged to be I-1, while
212 * Count( WORK(2*I) ) is stored in IWORK( 2*I ). The integer IWORK( 2*I-1 )
213 * for an unconverged interval is set to the index of the next unconverged
214 * interval, and is -1 or 0 for a converged interval. Thus a linked
215 * list of unconverged intervals is set up.
216 *
218  i1 = ifirst
219  i2 = ilast
220 * The number of unconverged intervals
221  nint = 0
222 * The last unconverged interval found
223  prev = 0
224  DO 75 i = i1, i2
225  k = 2*i
226  ii = i - offset
227  left = w( ii ) - werr( ii )
228  mid = w(ii)
229  right = w( ii ) + werr( ii )
230  width = right - mid
231  tmp = max( abs( left ), abs( right ) )
233 * The following test prevents the test of converged intervals
234  IF( width.LT.rtol*tmp ) THEN
235 * This interval has already converged and does not need refinement.
236 * (Note that the gaps might change through refining the
237 * eigenvalues, however, they can only get bigger.)
238 * Remove it from the list.
239  iwork( k-1 ) = -1
240 * Make sure that I1 always points to the first unconverged interval
241  IF((i.EQ.i1).AND.(i.LT.i2)) i1 = i + 1
242  IF((prev.GE.i1).AND.(i.LE.i2)) iwork( 2*prev-1 ) = i + 1
243  ELSE
244 * unconverged interval found
245  prev = i
246 * Make sure that [LEFT,RIGHT] contains the desired eigenvalue
247 *
248 * Do while( CNT(LEFT).GT.I-1 )
249 *
250  fac = one
251  20 CONTINUE
252  cnt = 0
253  s = left
254  dplus = d( 1 ) - s
255  IF( ) cnt = cnt + 1
256  DO 30 j = 2, n
257  dplus = d( j ) - s - e2( j-1 )/dplus
258  IF( ) cnt = cnt + 1
259  30 CONTINUE
260  IF( cnt.GT.i-1 ) THEN
261  left = left - werr( ii )*fac
262  fac = two*fac
263  GO TO 20
264  END IF
265 *
266 * Do while( CNT(RIGHT).LT.I )
267 *
268  fac = one
269  50 CONTINUE
270  cnt = 0
271  s = right
272  dplus = d( 1 ) - s
273  IF( ) cnt = cnt + 1
274  DO 60 j = 2, n
275  dplus = d( j ) - s - e2( j-1 )/dplus
276  IF( ) cnt = cnt + 1
277  60 CONTINUE
278  IF( cnt.LT.i ) THEN
279  right = right + werr( ii )*fac
280  fac = two*fac
281  GO TO 50
282  END IF
283  nint = nint + 1
284  iwork( k-1 ) = i + 1
285  iwork( k ) = cnt
286  END IF
287  work( k-1 ) = left
288  work( k ) = right
289  75 CONTINUE
292  savi1 = i1
293 *
294 * Do while( NINT.GT.0 ), i.e. there are still unconverged intervals
295 * and while (ITER.LT.MAXITR)
296 *
297  iter = 0
298  80 CONTINUE
299  prev = i1 - 1
300  i = i1
301  olnint = nint
303  DO 100 p = 1, olnint
304  k = 2*i
305  ii = i - offset
306  next = iwork( k-1 )
307  left = work( k-1 )
308  right = work( k )
309  mid = half*( left + right )
311 * semiwidth of interval
312  width = right - mid
313  tmp = max( abs( left ), abs( right ) )
315  IF( ( width.LT.rtol*tmp ) .OR.
316  $ (iter.EQ.maxitr) )THEN
317 * reduce number of unconverged intervals
318  nint = nint - 1
319 * Mark interval as converged.
320  iwork( k-1 ) = 0
321  IF( i1.EQ.i ) THEN
322  i1 = next
323  ELSE
324 * Prev holds the last unconverged interval previously examined
325  IF(prev.GE.i1) iwork( 2*prev-1 ) = next
326  END IF
327  i = next
328  GO TO 100
329  END IF
330  prev = i
331 *
332 * Perform one bisection step
333 *
334  cnt = 0
335  s = mid
336  dplus = d( 1 ) - s
337  IF( ) cnt = cnt + 1
338  DO 90 j = 2, n
339  dplus = d( j ) - s - e2( j-1 )/dplus
340  IF( ) cnt = cnt + 1
341  90 CONTINUE
342  IF( cnt.LE.i-1 ) THEN
343  work( k-1 ) = mid
344  ELSE
345  work( k ) = mid
346  END IF
347  i = next
349  100 CONTINUE
350  iter = iter + 1
351 * do another loop if there are still unconverged intervals
352 * However, in the last iteration, all intervals are accepted
353 * since this is the best we can do.
354  IF( ( nint.GT.0 ).AND.(iter.LE.maxitr) ) GO TO 80
355 *
356 *
357 * At this point, all the intervals have converged
358  DO 110 i = savi1, ilast
359  k = 2*i
360  ii = i - offset
361 * All intervals marked by '0' have been refined.
362  IF( iwork( k-1 ).EQ.0 ) THEN
363  w( ii ) = half*( work( k-1 )+work( k ) )
364  werr( ii ) = work( k ) - w( ii )
365  END IF
366  110 CONTINUE
367 *
370 *
371 * End of DLARRJ
372 *

Here is the caller graph for this function: