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00001 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
00002  *
00003  * proc.h
00004  *    per-process shared memory data structures
00005  *
00006  *
00007  * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2013, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
00008  * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
00009  *
00010  * src/include/storage/proc.h
00011  *
00012  *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
00013  */
00014 #ifndef _PROC_H_
00015 #define _PROC_H_
00017 #include "access/xlogdefs.h"
00018 #include "storage/latch.h"
00019 #include "storage/lock.h"
00020 #include "storage/pg_sema.h"
00022 /*
00023  * Each backend advertises up to PGPROC_MAX_CACHED_SUBXIDS TransactionIds
00024  * for non-aborted subtransactions of its current top transaction.  These
00025  * have to be treated as running XIDs by other backends.
00026  *
00027  * We also keep track of whether the cache overflowed (ie, the transaction has
00028  * generated at least one subtransaction that didn't fit in the cache).
00029  * If none of the caches have overflowed, we can assume that an XID that's not
00030  * listed anywhere in the PGPROC array is not a running transaction.  Else we
00031  * have to look at pg_subtrans.
00032  */
00033 #define PGPROC_MAX_CACHED_SUBXIDS 64    /* XXX guessed-at value */
00035 struct XidCache
00036 {
00037     TransactionId xids[PGPROC_MAX_CACHED_SUBXIDS];
00038 };
00040 /* Flags for PGXACT->vacuumFlags */
00041 #define     PROC_IS_AUTOVACUUM  0x01    /* is it an autovac worker? */
00042 #define     PROC_IN_VACUUM      0x02    /* currently running lazy vacuum */
00043 #define     PROC_IN_ANALYZE     0x04    /* currently running analyze */
00044 #define     PROC_VACUUM_FOR_WRAPAROUND 0x08     /* set by autovac only */
00046 /* flags reset at EOXact */
00047 #define     PROC_VACUUM_STATE_MASK (0x0E)
00049 /*
00050  * We allow a small number of "weak" relation locks (AccesShareLock,
00051  * RowShareLock, RowExclusiveLock) to be recorded in the PGPROC structure
00052  * rather than the main lock table.  This eases contention on the lock
00053  * manager LWLocks.  See storage/lmgr/README for additional details.
00054  */
00055 #define     FP_LOCK_SLOTS_PER_BACKEND 16
00057 /*
00058  * Each backend has a PGPROC struct in shared memory.  There is also a list of
00059  * currently-unused PGPROC structs that will be reallocated to new backends.
00060  *
00061  * links: list link for any list the PGPROC is in.  When waiting for a lock,
00062  * the PGPROC is linked into that lock's waitProcs queue.  A recycled PGPROC
00063  * is linked into ProcGlobal's freeProcs list.
00064  *
00065  * Note: twophase.c also sets up a dummy PGPROC struct for each currently
00066  * prepared transaction.  These PGPROCs appear in the ProcArray data structure
00067  * so that the prepared transactions appear to be still running and are
00068  * correctly shown as holding locks.  A prepared transaction PGPROC can be
00069  * distinguished from a real one at need by the fact that it has pid == 0.
00070  * The semaphore and lock-activity fields in a prepared-xact PGPROC are unused,
00071  * but its myProcLocks[] lists are valid.
00072  */
00073 struct PGPROC
00074 {
00075     /* proc->links MUST BE FIRST IN STRUCT (see ProcSleep,ProcWakeup,etc) */
00076     SHM_QUEUE   links;          /* list link if process is in a list */
00078     PGSemaphoreData sem;        /* ONE semaphore to sleep on */
00079     int         waitStatus;     /* STATUS_WAITING, STATUS_OK or STATUS_ERROR */
00081     Latch       procLatch;      /* generic latch for process */
00083     LocalTransactionId lxid;    /* local id of top-level transaction currently
00084                                  * being executed by this proc, if running;
00085                                  * else InvalidLocalTransactionId */
00086     int         pid;            /* Backend's process ID; 0 if prepared xact */
00087     int         pgprocno;
00089     /* These fields are zero while a backend is still starting up: */
00090     BackendId   backendId;      /* This backend's backend ID (if assigned) */
00091     Oid         databaseId;     /* OID of database this backend is using */
00092     Oid         roleId;         /* OID of role using this backend */
00094     /*
00095      * While in hot standby mode, shows that a conflict signal has been sent
00096      * for the current transaction. Set/cleared while holding ProcArrayLock,
00097      * though not required. Accessed without lock, if needed.
00098      */
00099     bool        recoveryConflictPending;
00101     /* Info about LWLock the process is currently waiting for, if any. */
00102     bool        lwWaiting;      /* true if waiting for an LW lock */
00103     uint8       lwWaitMode;     /* lwlock mode being waited for */
00104     struct PGPROC *lwWaitLink;  /* next waiter for same LW lock */
00106     /* Info about lock the process is currently waiting for, if any. */
00107     /* waitLock and waitProcLock are NULL if not currently waiting. */
00108     LOCK       *waitLock;       /* Lock object we're sleeping on ... */
00109     PROCLOCK   *waitProcLock;   /* Per-holder info for awaited lock */
00110     LOCKMODE    waitLockMode;   /* type of lock we're waiting for */
00111     LOCKMASK    heldLocks;      /* bitmask for lock types already held on this
00112                                  * lock object by this backend */
00114     /*
00115      * Info to allow us to wait for synchronous replication, if needed.
00116      * waitLSN is InvalidXLogRecPtr if not waiting; set only by user backend.
00117      * syncRepState must not be touched except by owning process or WALSender.
00118      * syncRepLinks used only while holding SyncRepLock.
00119      */
00120     XLogRecPtr  waitLSN;        /* waiting for this LSN or higher */
00121     int         syncRepState;   /* wait state for sync rep */
00122     SHM_QUEUE   syncRepLinks;   /* list link if process is in syncrep queue */
00124     /*
00125      * All PROCLOCK objects for locks held or awaited by this backend are
00126      * linked into one of these lists, according to the partition number of
00127      * their lock.
00128      */
00129     SHM_QUEUE   myProcLocks[NUM_LOCK_PARTITIONS];
00131     struct XidCache subxids;    /* cache for subtransaction XIDs */
00133     /* Per-backend LWLock.  Protects fields below. */
00134     LWLockId    backendLock;    /* protects the fields below */
00136     /* Lock manager data, recording fast-path locks taken by this backend. */
00137     uint64      fpLockBits;     /* lock modes held for each fast-path slot */
00138     Oid         fpRelId[FP_LOCK_SLOTS_PER_BACKEND];     /* slots for rel oids */
00139     bool        fpVXIDLock;     /* are we holding a fast-path VXID lock? */
00140     LocalTransactionId fpLocalTransactionId;    /* lxid for fast-path VXID
00141                                                  * lock */
00142 };
00144 /* NOTE: "typedef struct PGPROC PGPROC" appears in storage/lock.h. */
00147 extern PGDLLIMPORT PGPROC *MyProc;
00148 extern PGDLLIMPORT struct PGXACT *MyPgXact;
00150 /*
00151  * Prior to PostgreSQL 9.2, the fields below were stored as part of the
00152  * PGPROC.  However, benchmarking revealed that packing these particular
00153  * members into a separate array as tightly as possible sped up GetSnapshotData
00154  * considerably on systems with many CPU cores, by reducing the number of
00155  * cache lines needing to be fetched.  Thus, think very carefully before adding
00156  * anything else here.
00157  */
00158 typedef struct PGXACT
00159 {
00160     TransactionId xid;          /* id of top-level transaction currently being
00161                                  * executed by this proc, if running and XID
00162                                  * is assigned; else InvalidTransactionId */
00164     TransactionId xmin;         /* minimal running XID as it was when we were
00165                                  * starting our xact, excluding LAZY VACUUM:
00166                                  * vacuum must not remove tuples deleted by
00167                                  * xid >= xmin ! */
00169     uint8       vacuumFlags;    /* vacuum-related flags, see above */
00170     bool        overflowed;
00171     bool        delayChkpt;     /* true if this proc delays checkpoint start;
00172                                  * previously called InCommit */
00174     uint8       nxids;
00175 } PGXACT;
00177 /*
00178  * There is one ProcGlobal struct for the whole database cluster.
00179  */
00180 typedef struct PROC_HDR
00181 {
00182     /* Array of PGPROC structures (not including dummies for prepared txns) */
00183     PGPROC     *allProcs;
00184     /* Array of PGXACT structures (not including dummies for prepared txns) */
00185     PGXACT     *allPgXact;
00186     /* Length of allProcs array */
00187     uint32      allProcCount;
00188     /* Head of list of free PGPROC structures */
00189     PGPROC     *freeProcs;
00190     /* Head of list of autovacuum's free PGPROC structures */
00191     PGPROC     *autovacFreeProcs;
00192     /* Head of list of bgworker free PGPROC structures */
00193     PGPROC     *bgworkerFreeProcs;
00194     /* WALWriter process's latch */
00195     Latch      *walwriterLatch;
00196     /* Checkpointer process's latch */
00197     Latch      *checkpointerLatch;
00198     /* Current shared estimate of appropriate spins_per_delay value */
00199     int         spins_per_delay;
00200     /* The proc of the Startup process, since not in ProcArray */
00201     PGPROC     *startupProc;
00202     int         startupProcPid;
00203     /* Buffer id of the buffer that Startup process waits for pin on, or -1 */
00204     int         startupBufferPinWaitBufId;
00205 } PROC_HDR;
00207 extern PROC_HDR *ProcGlobal;
00209 extern PGPROC *PreparedXactProcs;
00211 /*
00212  * We set aside some extra PGPROC structures for auxiliary processes,
00213  * ie things that aren't full-fledged backends but need shmem access.
00214  *
00215  * Background writer, checkpointer and WAL writer run during normal operation.
00216  * Startup process and WAL receiver also consume 2 slots, but WAL writer is
00217  * launched only after startup has exited, so we only need 4 slots.
00218  */
00219 #define NUM_AUXILIARY_PROCS     4
00222 /* configurable options */
00223 extern int  DeadlockTimeout;
00224 extern int  StatementTimeout;
00225 extern int  LockTimeout;
00226 extern bool log_lock_waits;
00229 /*
00230  * Function Prototypes
00231  */
00232 extern int  ProcGlobalSemas(void);
00233 extern Size ProcGlobalShmemSize(void);
00234 extern void InitProcGlobal(void);
00235 extern void InitProcess(void);
00236 extern void InitProcessPhase2(void);
00237 extern void InitAuxiliaryProcess(void);
00239 extern void PublishStartupProcessInformation(void);
00240 extern void SetStartupBufferPinWaitBufId(int bufid);
00241 extern int  GetStartupBufferPinWaitBufId(void);
00243 extern bool HaveNFreeProcs(int n);
00244 extern void ProcReleaseLocks(bool isCommit);
00246 extern void ProcQueueInit(PROC_QUEUE *queue);
00247 extern int  ProcSleep(LOCALLOCK *locallock, LockMethod lockMethodTable);
00248 extern PGPROC *ProcWakeup(PGPROC *proc, int waitStatus);
00249 extern void ProcLockWakeup(LockMethod lockMethodTable, LOCK *lock);
00250 extern void CheckDeadLock(void);
00251 extern bool IsWaitingForLock(void);
00252 extern void LockErrorCleanup(void);
00254 extern void ProcWaitForSignal(void);
00255 extern void ProcSendSignal(int pid);
00257 #endif   /* PROC_H */