RTBKit  0.9
Open-source framework to create real-time ad bidding systems.
Redis::Reply Member List
This is the complete list of members for Redis::Reply, including all inherited members.
asInt() const (defined in Redis::Reply)Redis::Reply
asInt(long long defaultIfNotInteger) (defined in Redis::Reply)Redis::Reply
asJson() const (defined in Redis::Reply)Redis::Reply
asString() const (defined in Redis::Reply)Redis::Reply
deepCopy() const Redis::Reply
doDeepCopy(redisReply *r) (defined in Redis::Reply)Redis::Reply [static]
doDelete(redisReply *reply) (defined in Redis::Reply)Redis::Reply [inline, static]
getString() const (defined in Redis::Reply)Redis::Reply
initialized() const (defined in Redis::Reply)Redis::Reply [inline]
length() const (defined in Redis::Reply)Redis::Reply [inline]
noDelete(redisReply *reply) (defined in Redis::Reply)Redis::Reply [inline, static]
operator Json::Value() const (defined in Redis::Reply)Redis::Reply [inline]
operator long long int() const (defined in Redis::Reply)Redis::Reply [inline]
operator std::string() const (defined in Redis::Reply)Redis::Reply [inline]
operator[](size_t index) const (defined in Redis::Reply)Redis::Reply [inline]
Reply() (defined in Redis::Reply)Redis::Reply [inline]
Reply(redisReply *reply, bool needDelete) (defined in Redis::Reply)Redis::Reply [inline]
type() const (defined in Redis::Reply)Redis::Reply
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