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00002 // Microsoft Visual C++ generated include file.
00003 // Used by Shareaza.rc
00004 //
00005 #define IDR_MANIFEST                    1
00006 #define IDC_SETUP                       3
00007 #define IDD_SETTINGS_CONNECTION         107
00008 #define IDR_POPUPS                      126
00009 #define IDB_MENUBAR                     127
00010 #define IDR_MAINFRAME                   128
00011 #define IDR_SYSTEMFRAME                 129
00012 #define IDR_NEIGHBOURSFRAME             130
00013 #define IDR_PACKETFRAME                 131
00014 #define IDR_HOSTCACHEFRAME              132
00015 #define IDR_SEARCHMONITORFRAME          133
00016 #define IDR_SEARCHFRAME                 134
00017 #define IDR_HITMONITORFRAME             135
00018 #define IDR_DOWNLOADSFRAME              136
00019 #define IDB_SORT_ASC                    137
00020 #define IDR_LIBRARYFRAME                137
00021 #define IDB_SORT_DESC                   138
00022 #define IDD_CONNECT_TO                  138
00023 #define IDR_UPLOADSFRAME                138
00024 #define IDD_NEW_SEARCH                  139
00025 #define IDB_SHELL_BASE                  139
00026 #define IDR_TRAFFICFRAME                139
00027 #define IDD_FILTER_SEARCH               140
00028 #define IDB_FOLDERS                     140
00029 #define IDR_CHATFRAME                   140
00030 #define IDR_SECURITYFRAME               141
00031 #define IDD_SCHEMA_COLUMNS              141
00032 #define IDD_FILE_PROPERTIES             142
00033 #define IDR_DISCOVERYFRAME              142
00034 #define IDR_BROWSEHOSTFRAME             143
00035 #define IDD_SETTINGS_GNUTELLA           143
00036 #define IDR_HOMEFRAME                   144
00037 #define IDD_SETTINGS_ADVANCED           144
00038 #define IDD_SETTINGS_DOWNLOADS          145
00039 #define IDR_MEDIAFRAME                  145
00040 #define IDD_SETTINGS_UPLOADS            146
00041 #define IDR_SEARCHPADFRAME              146
00042 #define IDD_SETTINGS_GENERAL            147
00043 #define IDC_HAND                        147
00044 #define IDR_HELPFRAME                   147
00045 #define IDD_ABOUT                       148
00046 #define IDD_FILTER_SAVE_AS              149
00047 #define IDD_GRAPH_LIST                  150
00048 #define IDD_GRAPH_ITEM                  151
00049 #define IDB_COLOURDOT                   151
00050 #define IDD_WIZARD_WELCOME              152
00051 #define IDD_WIZARD_CONNECTION           153
00052 #define IDB_WIZARD                      154
00053 #define IDD_WIZARD_SHARING              154
00054 #define IDD_WIZARD_FINISHED             155
00055 #define IDB_WIZARD_DOT                  158
00056 #define IDR_CHILDFRAME                  159
00057 #define IDD_FOLDER_SCAN                 160
00058 #define IDB_SECURITY                    160
00059 #define IDI_BROWSE                      160
00060 #define IDR_HIDDEN                      161
00061 #define IDD_DOWNLOAD                    162
00062 #define IDD_BITZI_DOWNLOAD              163
00063 #define IDD_SECURE_RULE                 165
00064 #define IDD_FILE_COPY                   167
00065 #define IDD_URL_ACTION                  168
00066 #define IDD_WIZARD_INTERFACE            169
00067 #define IDD_URL_COPY                    172
00068 #define IDD_SPLASH                      173
00069 #define IDD_DISCOVERY_SERVICE           174
00070 #define IDI_WEB_URL                     175
00071 #define IDD_SETTINGS_BANDWIDTH          175
00072 #define IDD_URL_EXPORT                  176
00073 #define IDD_UPGRADE                     177
00074 #define IDD_SETTINGS_COMMUNITY          178
00075 #define IDD_DOWNLOAD_MONITOR            180
00076 #define IDI_EXECUTABLE                  181
00077 #define IDD_SETTINGS_SKINS              181
00078 #define IDI_SKIN                        182
00079 #define IDD_FILE_PREVIEW                182
00080 #define IDI_POINTER_ARROW               183
00081 #define IDD_LANGUAGE                    183
00082 #define IDD_SETTINGS_RICH               184
00083 #define IDI_WORLD                       185
00084 #define IDD_SETTINGS_PLUGINS            185
00085 #define IDI_FLAG_ENGLISH                186
00086 #define IDD_FOLDER_PROPERTIES           186
00087 #define IDD_SETTINGS_MEDIA              187
00088 #define IDI_CHECKMARK                   188
00089 #define IDD_SETTINGS_INTERFACE          188
00090 #define IDD_SETTINGS_LIBRARY            189
00091 #define IDD_FILE_METADATA               190
00092 #define IDI_FILE                        191
00093 #define IDD_FILE_GENERAL                191
00094 #define IDD_FILE_SOURCES                192
00095 #define IDB_FORTYEIGHT                  193
00096 #define IDC_COPY                        194
00097 #define IDC_MOVE                        195
00098 #define IDR_LARGE_LOGO                  196
00099 #define IDD_SETTINGS_WEB                198
00100 #define IDD_PROFILE_IDENTITY            199
00101 #define IDI_HOST_OUTGOING               200
00102 #define IDI_HOST_INCOMING               201
00103 #define IDD_PROFILE_FAVOURITES          201
00104 #define IDI_PROPERTIES                  202
00105 #define IDD_PROFILE_PROFILE             202
00106 #define IDI_DOWNLOAD_MONITOR            203
00107 #define IDD_PROFILE_CONTACT             204
00108 #define IDD_PROFILE_BIO                 205
00109 #define IDD_PROFILE_FILES               206
00110 #define IDI_CONTACT_YAHOO               206
00111 #define IDD_PROFILE_CERTIFICATE         207
00112 #define IDI_CONTACT_AOL                 207
00113 #define IDD_SHARE_MANAGER               208
00114 #define IDI_CONTACT_ICQ                 208
00115 #define IDD_PROFILE_AVATAR              209
00116 #define IDD_MEDIA_VIS                   210
00117 #define IDD_WIZARD_PROFILE              211
00118 #define IDI_COMPUTER_GRAY               212
00119 #define IDD_FILE_COMMENTS               212
00120 #define IDI_DISCOVERY_GRAY              213
00121 #define IDD_WARNINGS                    213
00122 #define IDI_SEARCH_FOLDER               214
00123 #define IDD_PROMOTE                     214
00124 #define IDI_DISCOVERY_BLUE              215
00125 #define IDB_SMALL_STAR                  216
00126 #define IDD_EXISTING_FILE               217
00127 #define IDD_CLOSE_MODE                  218
00128 #define IDD_SETTINGS_DONKEY             219
00129 #define IDD_SETTINGS_NETWORKS           220
00130 #define IDB_BANNER_MARK                 221
00131 #define IDD_SETTINGS_PROTOCOLS          221
00132 #define IDB_MEDIA_STATES                222
00133 #define IDD_QUEUE_PROPERTIES            222
00134 #define IDD_SETTINGS_BITTORRENT         223
00135 #define IDB_TASKPANEL_FOOTER            224
00136 #define IDB_TASKBOX_CAPTION             225
00137 #define IDB_PROTOCOLS                   227
00138 #define IDD_DONKEY_SERVERS              230
00139 #define IDD_WIZARD_NETWORKS             231
00140 #define IDD_FILE_SHARING                232
00141 #define IDD_DONKEY_IMPORT               235
00142 #define IDI_CLIPBOARD                   236
00143 #define IDD_DOWNLOAD_GROUP              236
00144 #define IDI_PAINTBRUSHES                237
00145 #define IDD_TORRENT_TRACKER             238
00146 #define IDR_TORRENT_ICON                239
00147 #define IDD_HELP                        240
00148 #define IDB_NAVBAR_IMAGE                241
00149 #define IDD_DELETE_FILE                 242
00150 #define IDI_COLLECTION_MASK             243
00151 #define IDI_COLLECTION                  244
00152 #define IDD_COLLECTION_EXPORT           245
00153 #define IDB_NAVBAR_ALPHA                246
00154 #define IDD_TORRENT_SEED                247
00155 #define IDB_REMOTE_SKIN                 248
00156 #define IDD_DOWNLOAD_EDIT               248
00157 #define IDD_SETTINGS_REMOTE             249
00158 #define IDD_SETTINGS_SCHEDULER          250
00159 #define IDD_DOWNLOAD_REVIEWS            251
00160 #define IDI_FIREWALLED                  252
00161 #define IDR_HOME_HEADER_1               257
00162 #define IDR_HOME_HEADER_2               258
00163 #define IDR_SPLASH                      259
00164 #define IDI_SMALL                       260
00165 #define IDI_ICON                        261
00166 #define IDB_PANEL_MARK                  262
00167 #define IDR_BITTORRENT_ICON             263
00168 #define IDI_MAIL                        265
00169 #define IDD_CODEPAGES                   266
00170 #define IDB_SCHEDULER_HEADER            270
00171 #define IDB_SCHEDULER_TIMESLICES        271
00172 #define IDB_SHELL_BASE_RTL              272
00173 #define IDB_NAVBAR_IMAGE_RTL            273
00174 #define IDB_NAVBAR_ALPHA_RTL            274
00175 #define IDC_CONNECT_HOST                1000
00176 #define IDC_CONNECT_PORT                1001
00177 #define IDC_SCHEMAS                     1002
00178 #define IDC_SEARCH                      1004
00179 #define IDC_FILTER                      1005
00180 #define IDC_COLUMNS                     1006
00181 #define IDI_COMPUTER                    1006
00182 #define IDC_CONNECT_ULTRAPEER           1007
00183 #define IDI_CONTACT_MSN                 1007
00184 #define IDC_FILE_SHA1                   1009
00185 #define IDC_FILE_TYPE                   1010
00186 #define IDC_FILE_SIZE                   1011
00187 #define IDC_FILE_ICON                   1012
00188 #define IDC_FILE_NAME                   1013
00189 #define IDC_FILE_PATH                   1014
00190 #define IDC_FILE_URN                    1014
00191 #define IDC_INBOUND_HOST                1015
00192 #define IDC_FILE_INDEX                  1015
00193 #define IDC_INBOUND_PORT                1016
00194 #define IDC_FILE_TIGER                  1016
00195 #define IDC_OUTBOUND_HOST               1017
00196 #define IDC_FILE_MODIFIED               1017
00197 #define IDC_FILE_MD5                    1018
00198 #define IDC_FILE_ED2K                   1019
00199 #define IDC_INBOUND_SPEED               1020
00200 #define IDC_CAN_ACCEPT                  1021
00201 #define IDC_TIMEOUT_CONNECTION          1022
00202 #define IDC_TIMEOUT_HANDSHAKE           1023
00203 #define IDC_ULTRAPEER_ENABLE            1023
00204 #define IDC_ULTRAPEER_FORCE             1024
00205 #define IDC_OUTBOUND_SPEED              1024
00206 #define IDC_ULTRALEAF_ENABLE            1025
00207 #define IDC_ULTRALEAF_FORCE             1026
00208 #define IDC_MAX_PEERS                   1027
00209 #define IDC_G2_PEERS                    1027
00210 #define IDC_MAX_PEERS_SPIN              1028
00211 #define IDC_G2_PEERS_SPIN               1028
00212 #define IDC_MAX_LEAFS                   1029
00213 #define IDC_G2_LEAFS                    1029
00214 #define IDC_MAX_LEAFS_SPIN              1030
00215 #define IDC_G2_LEAFS_SPIN               1030
00216 #define IDC_AGENT                       1031
00217 #define IDC_MAX_HUBS                    1032
00218 #define IDC_G2_HUBS                     1032
00219 #define IDC_MAX_HUBS_SPIN               1033
00220 #define IDC_G2_HUBS_SPIN                1033
00221 #define IDC_G1_HUBS                     1034
00222 #define IDC_G1_HUBS_SPIN                1035
00223 #define IDC_G1_LEAFS                    1036
00224 #define IDC_G1_LEAFS_SPIN               1037
00225 #define IDC_G1_PEERS                    1038
00226 #define IDC_G1_PEERS_SPIN               1039
00227 #define IDC_PROPERTIES                  1040
00228 #define IDC_REQUIRE_CONNECT             1043
00229 #define IDC_INCOMPLETE_FOLDER           1044
00230 #define IDC_INCOMPLETE_BROWSE           1045
00231 #define IDC_DOWNLOADS_FOLDER            1046
00232 #define IDC_DOWNLOADS_BROWSE            1047
00233 #define IDC_MAX_FILES                   1048
00234 #define IDC_MAX_FILES_SPIN              1049
00235 #define IDC_MAX_TRANSFERS               1050
00236 #define IDC_MAX_TRANSFERS_SPIN          1051
00237 #define IDC_MAX_TPF                     1052
00238 #define IDC_MAX_TPF_SPIN                1053
00240 #define IDC_DOWNLOADS_QUEUE_LIMIT       1056
00241 #define IDC_MAX_HOST                    1059
00242 #define IDC_MAX_HOST_SPIN               1060
00243 #define IDC_SOURCE_MESH                 1061
00244 #define IDC_HIGH_HASH                   1061
00245 #define IDC_WATCH_FOLDERS               1062
00246 #define IDC_STORE_VIEWS                 1063
00247 #define IDC_TIMEOUT_CONNECTION_SPIN     1064
00248 #define IDC_BROWSE_FILES                1064
00249 #define IDC_TIMEOUT_HANDSHAKE_SPIN      1065
00250 #define IDC_VALUE                       1065
00251 #define IDC_VALUE_SPIN                  1066
00252 #define IDC_SHARE_PARTIALS              1066
00253 #define IDC_GRAPH_ITEMS                 1067
00254 #define IDC_SHARE_PREVIEW               1067
00255 #define IDC_GRAPH_ADD                   1068
00256 #define IDC_HUB_UNSHARE                 1068
00257 #define IDC_GRAPH_EDIT                  1069
00258 #define IDC_SHARE_PREVIEW_DYNAMIC       1069
00259 #define IDC_VIRTUAL_FILES               1069
00260 #define IDC_GRAPH_LEGEND                1071
00261 #define IDC_GRAPH_AXIS                  1072
00262 #define IDC_GRAPH_SOURCE                1072
00263 #define IDC_GRAPH_GRID                  1073
00264 #define IDC_GRAPH_PARAM                 1073
00265 #define IDC_GRAPH_UNITS                 1074
00266 #define IDC_GRAPH_COLOUR                1075
00267 #define IDC_GRAPH_COLOUR_BOX            1076
00268 #define IDC_GRAPH_REMOVE                1077
00269 #define IDC_GRAPH_SPEED                 1078
00270 #define IDC_GRAPH_SPEED_SPIN            1079
00271 #define IDC_INBOUND_BIND                1082
00272 #define IDC_INBOUND_RANDOM              1083
00273 #define IDC_CHAT_ENABLE                 1084
00274 #define IDC_RATES_IN_BYTES              1085
00275 #define IDC_CHAT_ALLNETWORKS            1085
00276 #define IDC_CHAT_FILTER                 1086
00277 #define IDC_EXPAND_MATCHES              1087
00278 #define IDC_CONNECTION_TYPE             1087
00279 #define IDC_CHAT_CENSOR                 1087
00280 #define IDC_CONNECTION_SPEED            1088
00281 #define IDC_SHARE_FOLDERS               1088
00282 #define IDC_SCHEMA_TYPES                1088
00283 #define IDC_HIGHLIGHT_NEW               1088
00284 #define IDC_SHARE_ADD                   1089
00285 #define IDC_CLOSE_MODE                  1089
00286 #define IDC_CONNECTION_LAN_SELECT       1089
00287 #define IDC_SHARE_REMOVE                1090
00288 #define IDC_CONNECTION_GROUP            1090
00289 #define IDC_WEB                         1091
00290 #define IDC_AUTO_CONNECT                1091
00291 #define IDC_CONNECTION_HOME_SELECT      1091
00292 #define IDC_TITLE                       1092
00293 #define IDC_TRAY_MINIMISE               1092
00294 #define IDC_FILTER_PUSH                 1093
00295 #define IDC_AUTO_START                  1093
00296 #define IDC_FILTER_BUSY                 1094
00297 #define IDC_SWITCH_TO_TRANSFERS         1094
00298 #define IDC_FILTER_UNSTABLE             1095
00299 #define IDC_EXPAND_DOWNLOAD             1095
00300 #define IDC_FILTER_REJECT               1096
00301 #define IDC_PROMPT_URLS                 1096
00302 #define IDC_FILTER_LOCAL                1097
00303 #define IDC_DOWNLOADS_SIMPLEBAR         1097
00304 #define IDC_FILTER_BOGUS                1098
00305 #define IDC_MIN_SIZE                    1099
00306 #define IDC_MAX_SIZE                    1100
00307 #define IDC_SCAN_FILE                   1100
00308 #define IDC_SCAN_FILES                  1101
00309 #define IDC_SOURCES                     1101
00310 #define IDC_SCAN_VOLUME                 1102
00311 #define IDC_URL                         1102
00312 #define IDC_CAPTION                     1103
00313 #define IDC_PROGRESS                    1104
00314 #define IDC_PROGRESS_FILE               1105
00315 #define IDC_DOWNLOAD_GRAPH              1105
00316 #define IDC_HIDE_SEARCH                 1106
00317 #define IDC_ADULT_FILTER                1107
00318 #define IDC_IP_1                        1108
00319 #define IDC_CLEAR_DOWNLOADS             1108
00320 #define IDC_IP_2                        1109
00321 #define IDC_CLEAR_UPLOADS               1109
00322 #define IDC_IP_3                        1110
00323 #define IDC_IP_4                        1111
00324 #define IDC_MASK_1                      1112
00325 #define IDC_MASK_2                      1113
00326 #define IDC_MASK_3                      1114
00327 #define IDC_MASK_4                      1115
00328 #define IDC_RULE_ACTION                 1116
00329 #define IDC_RULE_EXPIRE                 1117
00330 #define IDC_MESSAGE                     1117
00331 #define IDC_EXPIRE_D                    1118
00332 #define IDC_EXPIRE_H                    1119
00333 #define IDC_PLACEHOLDER                 1119
00334 #define IDC_EXPIRE_M                    1120
00335 #define IDC_FILES                       1120
00336 #define IDC_IGNORE_LOCAL                1121
00337 #define IDC_RULE_TYPE                   1121
00338 #define IDC_URL_DOWNLOAD                1122
00339 #define IDC_URL_SEARCH                  1123
00340 #define IDC_URL_NAME_VALUE              1124
00341 #define IDC_URL_NAME_TITLE              1125
00342 #define IDC_URL_URN_TITLE               1126
00343 #define IDC_URL_URN_VALUE               1127
00344 #define IDC_MESSAGE_1                   1128
00345 #define IDC_INTERFACE_0                 1129
00346 #define IDC_INTERFACE_1                 1130
00347 #define IDC_MESSAGE_2                   1131
00348 #define IDC_DESCRIPTION_0               1131
00349 #define IDC_DESCRIPTION_1               1132
00350 #define IDC_MESSAGE_3                   1132
00351 #define IDC_WIZARD_CONNECT              1133
00352 #define IDC_MESSAGE_4                   1133
00353 #define IDC_WIZARD_AUTO                 1134
00354 #define IDC_URL_MAGNET                  1135
00355 #define IDC_WIZARD_STARTUP              1135
00356 #define IDC_URL_HOST                    1137
00357 #define IDC_URL_ED2K                    1138
00358 #define IDC_ADDRESS                     1140
00359 #define IDC_SERVICE_TYPE                1141
00360 #define IDC_HASH_INTEGRITY              1142
00361 #define IDC_UPIN_LIMIT                  1144
00362 #define IDC_UPIN_MAX                    1145
00363 #define IDC_UPIN_TOTAL                  1146
00364 #define IDC_UPIN_SPIN                   1147
00365 #define IDC_UPIN_SPIN2                  1148
00366 #define IDC_PIN_LIMIT                   1150
00367 #define IDC_PIN_MAX                     1151
00368 #define IDC_PIN_TOTAL                   1152
00369 #define IDC_HEAD_RECEIVE                1153
00370 #define IDC_HEAD_TRANSMIT               1154
00371 #define IDC_HEAD_UP_1                   1155
00372 #define IDC_DL_TOTAL                    1158
00373 #define IDC_PIN_SPIN                    1159
00374 #define IDC_HEAD_UP_2                   1161
00375 #define IDC_UPOUT_LIMIT                 1162
00376 #define IDC_UPOUT_SPIN                  1163
00377 #define IDC_URL_FORMAT                  1163
00378 #define IDC_UPOUT_MAX                   1164
00379 #define IDC_URL_TOKEN                   1164
00380 #define IDC_UPOUT_TOTAL                 1165
00381 #define IDC_URL_PRESET                  1165
00382 #define IDC_POUT_LIMIT                  1166
00383 #define IDC_POUT_SPIN                   1167
00384 #define IDC_POUT_MAX                    1168
00385 #define IDC_RULE_COMMENT                1168
00386 #define IDC_POUT_TOTAL                  1169
00387 #define IDC_DONT_CHECK                  1169
00388 #define IDC_FILE_HASH_LABEL             1170
00389 #define IDC_LOC_CITY                    1172
00390 #define IDC_UL_TOTAL                    1173
00391 #define IDC_LOC_COUNTRY                 1173
00392 #define IDC_IN_TOTAL                    1174
00393 #define IDC_PROFILE_NICK                1174
00394 #define IDC_OUT_TOTAL                   1175
00395 #define IDC_PROFILE_FIRST               1175
00396 #define IDC_LOC_LAT                     1176
00397 #define IDC_LIN_LIMIT                   1176
00398 #define IDC_LOC_LONG                    1177
00399 #define IDC_SOURCES_SPIN                1177
00400 #define IDC_LIN_SPIN                    1177
00401 #define IDC_DOWNLOAD_STOP               1178
00402 #define IDC_PROFILE_EMAIL               1178
00403 #define IDC_LIN_MAX                     1178
00404 #define IDC_DOWNLOAD_LAUNCH             1179
00405 #define IDC_PROFILE_LAST                1179
00406 #define IDC_LIN_TOTAL                   1179
00407 #define IDC_DOWNLOAD_LIBRARY            1180
00408 #define IDC_LOUT_LIMIT                  1180
00409 #define IDC_DOWNLOAD_FILE               1181
00410 #define IDC_LOUT_SPIN                   1181
00411 #define IDC_DOWNLOAD_STATUS             1182
00412 #define IDC_LOUT_MAX                    1182
00413 #define IDC_DOWNLOAD_TIME               1183
00414 #define IDC_LOUT_TOTAL                  1183
00415 #define IDC_DOWNLOAD_SOURCES            1184
00416 #define IDC_DOWNLOAD_CLOSE              1185
00417 #define IDC_DOWNLOAD_SPEED              1186
00418 #define IDC_LIN_SPIN2                   1186
00419 #define IDC_DOWNLOAD_ICON               1187
00420 #define IDC_UDP_TOTAL                   1187
00421 #define IDC_DOWNLOAD_CANCEL             1188
00422 #define IDC_PIN_SPIN2                   1188
00423 #define IDC_NEW_WINDOW                  1189
00424 #define IDC_DOWNLOAD_VOLUME             1189
00425 #define IDC_DL_SPIN2                    1189
00426 #define IDC_GROUP_NETWORK               1190
00427 #define IDC_ALWAYS_OPEN                 1190
00428 #define IDC_UPOUT_SPIN2                 1190
00429 #define IDC_GROUP_CONTENT               1191
00430 #define IDC_LOUT_SPIN2                  1191
00431 #define IDC_RULE_CONTENT                1192
00432 #define IDC_POUT_SPIN2                  1192
00433 #define IDC_RULE_MATCH_0                1193
00434 #define IDC_UL_SPIN2                    1193
00435 #define IDC_RULE_MATCH_1                1194
00436 #define IDC_SKINS                       1194
00437 #define IDC_UDP_SPIN2                   1194
00438 #define IDC_INCLUDE_SELF                1195
00439 #define IDC_CONNECT_PROMPT              1196
00440 #define IDC_PREVIEW_STATUS              1198
00441 #define IDC_SKINS_WEB                   1199
00442 #define IDC_SKINS_BROWSE                1200
00443 #define IDC_SKIN_DESC                   1201
00444 #define IDC_SKIN_AUTHOR                 1202
00445 #define IDC_SKIN_NAME                   1203
00446 #define IDC_SKINS_DELETE                1204
00447 #define IDC_DESCRIPTION                 1204
00448 #define IDC_G1_ALWAYS                   1205
00449 #define IDC_PLUGINS_WEB                 1206
00450 #define IDC_G1_TODAY                    1206
00451 #define IDC_GUID                        1207
00452 #define IDC_PLUGINS_SETUP               1207
00453 #define IDC_G2_TODAY                    1207
00454 #define IDC_DEFLATE_HUB2LEAF            1208
00455 #define IDC_GUID_TIME                   1209
00456 #define IDC_DEFLATE_HUB2HUB             1209
00457 #define IDC_GUID_CREATE                 1210
00458 #define IDC_DEFLATE_LEAF2HUB            1210
00459 #define IDC_PROFILE_GENDER              1211
00460 #define IDC_EDIT_PROFILE                1211
00461 #define IDC_VIS_SIZE                    1212
00462 #define IDC_FILE_RATING                 1212
00463 #define IDC_CONNECT_PROTOCOL            1212
00464 #define IDC_MARKED_LIST                 1212
00465 #define IDC_PROFILE_AGE                 1213
00466 #define IDC_SHOW_SYSTEM                 1215
00467 #define IDC_MEDIA_PLAY                  1216
00468 #define IDC_MEDIA_ENQUEUE               1217
00469 #define IDC_MEDIA_ADD                   1218
00470 #define IDC_MEDIA_REMOVE                1219
00471 #define IDC_MEDIA_TYPES                 1220
00472 #define IDC_TIP_DELAY                   1221
00473 #define IDC_TIP_ALPHA                   1222
00474 #define IDC_TIP_DISPLAY                 1223
00475 #define IDC_TIP_DELAY_SPIN              1224
00476 #define IDC_SAFE_TYPES                  1225
00477 #define IDC_SAFE_ADD                    1226
00478 #define IDC_SAFE_REMOVE                 1227
00479 #define IDC_PRIVATE_TYPES               1228
00480 #define IDC_AGENT_LIST                  1228
00481 #define IDC_PRIVATE_ADD                 1229
00482 #define IDC_AGENT_ADD                   1229
00483 #define IDC_PRIVATE_REMOVE              1230
00484 #define IDC_AGENT_REMOVE                1230
00485 #define IDC_MESSAGE_COPY                1231
00486 #define IDC_MESSAGE_MOVE                1232
00487 #define IDC_RECENT_TOTAL                1232
00488 #define IDC_RECENT_TOTAL_SPIN           1233
00489 #define IDC_RECENT_DAYS                 1234
00490 #define IDC_RECENT_DAYS_SPIN            1235
00491 #define IDC_RECENT_CLEAR                1236
00492 #define IDC_FILE_SHARE                  1238
00493 #define IDC_FILE_SOURCE                 1240
00494 #define IDC_FILE_SOURCES                1241
00495 #define IDC_SOURCE_NEW                  1242
00496 #define IDC_SOURCE_REMOVE               1243
00497 #define IDC_BETA_NAME                   1243
00498 #define IDC_BETA_PASSWORD               1244
00499 #define IDC_BETA_STATUS                 1245
00500 #define IDC_PLUGINS                     1246
00501 #define IDC_URI_MAGNET                  1248
00502 #define IDC_URI_GNUTELLA                1249
00503 #define IDC_SHARE_OVERRIDE_0            1249
00504 #define IDC_URI_ED2K                    1250
00505 #define IDC_SHARE_OVERRIDE_1            1250
00506 #define IDC_PROFILE_YAHOO               1250
00507 #define IDC_WEB_HOOK                    1251
00508 #define IDC_PROFILE_ICQ                 1251
00509 #define IDC_WEB_LIST                    1251
00510 #define IDC_PROFILE_AOL                 1252
00511 #define IDC_WEB_URL                     1252
00512 #define IDC_URI_PIOLET                  1252
00513 #define IDC_WEB_NAME                    1253
00514 #define IDC_PROFILE_MSN                 1253
00515 #define IDC_URI_TORRENT                 1253
00516 #define IDC_WEB_ADD                     1254
00517 #define IDC_WEB_REMOVE                  1255
00518 #define IDC_INTEREST_LIST               1256
00519 #define IDC_INTEREST_ALL                1257
00520 #define IDC_INTEREST_ADD                1258
00521 #define IDC_INTEREST_REMOVE             1259
00522 #define IDC_PROFILE_BIO                 1259
00523 #define IDC_FILE_LIST                   1260
00524 #define IDC_PREVIEW                     1262
00525 #define IDC_AVATAR_BROWSE               1263
00526 #define IDC_AVATAR_REMOVE               1264
00527 #define IDC_MEDIA_SERVICE               1264
00528 #define IDC_MEDIA_VIS                   1265
00529 #define IDC_PROFILE_EDIT                1266
00530 #define IDC_EXT_LIST                    1267
00531 #define IDC_EXT_ADD                     1268
00532 #define IDC_EXT_REMOVE                  1269
00533 #define IDC_APPLY_METADATA              1272
00534 #define IDC_NAME                        1273
00535 #define IDC_FILE_COMMENTS               1274
00536 #define IDC_FOLDER                      1274
00537 #define IDC_CONNECTION_LAN_LABEL        1275
00538 #define IDC_CONNECTION_HOME_LABEL       1276
00539 #define IDC_BROWSE_USER                 1276
00540 #define IDC_RESPECT                     1277
00541 #define IDC_SAVE                        1278
00542 #define IDC_ACTION_0                    1279
00543 #define IDC_ACTION_1                    1280
00544 #define IDC_CLOSE_0                     1280
00545 #define IDC_ACTION_2                    1281
00546 #define IDC_CLOSE_1                     1281
00547 #define IDC_CONNECT_ADVANCED            1281
00548 #define IDC_CLOSE_2                     1282
00549 #define IDC_G2_ENABLE                   1283
00550 #define IDC_G2_SETUP                    1284
00551 #define IDC_ED2K_ENABLE                 1285
00552 #define IDC_ED2K_SETUP                  1286
00553 #define IDC_G1_ENABLE                   1287
00554 #define IDC_ENABLE                      1287
00555 #define IDC_G1_SETUP                    1288
00556 #define IDC_ENABLE_ALWAYS               1288
00557 #define IDC_SERVER_WALK                 1289
00558 #define IDC_RESULTS                     1290
00559 #define IDC_RESULTS_SPIN                1291
00560 #define IDC_LINKS                       1292
00561 #define IDC_IMPORT_DOWNLOADS            1293
00562 #define IDC_PROTOCOLS                   1294
00563 #define IDC_LINKS_SPIN                  1294
00564 #define IDC_MINIMUM_VALUE               1295
00565 #define IDC_DISCOVERY_GO                1295
00566 #define IDC_MINIMUM_CHECK               1296
00567 #define IDC_MAXIMUM_VALUE               1297
00568 #define IDC_MAXIMUM_CHECK               1298
00569 #define IDC_PROTOCOLS_CHECK             1300
00570 #define IDC_PROTOCOLS_LIST              1301
00571 #define IDC_TRANSFERS_MIN               1302
00572 #define IDC_TRANSFERS_MIN_SPIN          1303
00573 #define IDC_CAPACITY                    1304
00574 #define IDC_CAPACITY_SPIN               1305
00575 #define IDC_ROTATE_ENABLE               1306
00576 #define IDC_ROTATE_TIME                 1307
00577 #define IDC_ROTATE_TIME_SPIN            1308
00578 #define IDC_MARKED_CHECK                1309
00579 #define IDC_BANDWIDTH_VALUE             1310
00580 #define IDC_PARTIAL_ENABLE              1311
00581 #define IDC_TRANSFERS_MAX               1312
00582 #define IDC_TRANSFERS_MAX_SPIN          1313
00583 #define IDC_BANDWIDTH_SLIDER            1314
00584 #define IDC_QUEUES                      1315
00585 #define IDC_BANDWIDTH_POINTS            1315
00586 #define IDC_QUEUE_NEW                   1316
00587 #define IDC_REWARD_ENABLE               1316
00588 #define IDC_QUEUE_EDIT                  1317
00589 #define IDC_MATCH_CHECK                 1317
00590 #define IDC_QUEUE_DELETE                1318
00591 #define IDC_UPLOADS_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT     1319
00592 #define IDC_MATCH_TEXT                  1321
00593 #define IDC_FILE_NETWORKS               1322
00594 #define IDC_FILE_TAGS                   1324
00595 #define IDC_LOG                         1327
00596 #define IDC_IMPORT                      1328
00597 #define IDC_CLOSE                       1329
00598 #define IDC_ENABLE_TODAY                1329
00599 #define IDC_TORRENT_FILE                1330
00600 #define IDC_FILTER_LIST                 1331
00601 #define IDC_FILTER_ADD                  1332
00602 #define IDC_FILTER_REMOVE               1333
00603 #define IDC_ICON_LIST                   1334
00604 #define IDC_TORRENT_NAME                1335
00605 #define IDC_TORRENT_TRACKER             1336
00606 #define IDC_TORRENT_FILES               1337
00607 #define IDC_TORRENT_COMPLETED           1338
00608 #define IDC_TORRENT_INCOMPLETE          1339
00609 #define IDC_TORRENT_REFRESH             1340
00610 #define IDC_TORRENT_VIEW                1341
00611 #define IDC_TORRENT_STARTDOWNLOADS      1342
00612 #define IDC_TORRENT_COMMENTS            1343
00613 #define IDC_TORRENT_CREATEDBY           1344
00614 #define IDC_TORRENT_CREATIONDATE        1345
00615 #define IDC_TORRENT_NAME2               1345
00616 #define IDC_RATE_COMMENTS               1346
00617 #define IDC_MESSAGE_AVAILABLE           1347
00618 #define IDC_MESSAGE_DELETED             1348
00619 #define IDC_BANNER                      1349
00620 #define IDC_RATE_VALUE_0                1350
00621 #define IDC_RATE_VALUE_1                1351
00622 #define IDC_RATE_VALUE_2                1352
00623 #define IDC_RATE_VALUE_3                1353
00624 #define IDC_RATE_PROMPT                 1354
00625 #define IDC_DELETE_ALL                  1355
00626 #define IDC_DOWNLOAD                    1357
00627 #define IDC_SEED                        1358
00628 #define IDC_PROFILE_JABBER              1359
00629 #define IDC_URN_SHA1                    1362
00630 #define IDC_URN_TIGER                   1363
00631 #define IDC_URN_ED2K                    1364
00632 #define IDC_TORRENT_INFO                1365
00633 #define IDC_FORGET_VERIFY               1367
00634 #define IDC_FORGET_SOURCES              1368
00635 #define IDC_COMPLETE_AND_VERIFY         1369
00636 #define IDC_ERASE_FROM                  1370
00637 #define IDC_ERASE_TO                    1371
00638 #define IDC_ERASE                       1372
00639 #define IDC_THROTTLE_MODE               1374
00640 #define IDC_REMOTE_ENABLE               1377
00641 #define IDC_REMOTE_USERNAME             1378
00642 #define IDC_REMOTE_PASSWORD             1379
00643 #define IDC_REMOTE_URL                  1380
00644 #define IDC_COLLECTIONS_FOLDER          1381
00645 #define IDC_COLLECTIONS_BROWSE          1382
00646 #define IDC_TORRENTS_FOLDER             1383
00647 #define IDC_TORRENTS_BROWSE             1384
00648 #define IDC_TORRENT_LINKS_SPIN          1385
00649 #define IDC_TORRENT_DEFAULTTRACKER      1386
00650 #define IDC_TORRENT_ENDGAME             1387
00651 #define IDC_TORRENT_INTERFACE           1388
00652 #define IDC_TORRENT_CLIENTLINKS         1389
00653 #define IDC_TORRENT_DOWNLOADS           1390
00654 #define IDC_TORRENT_DOWNLOADS_SPIN      1391
00655 #define IDC_TORRENTS_TORRENTMAKER       1392
00657 #define IDC_TORRENT_AUTOCLEAR           1394
00658 #define IDC_TORRENT_CLEAR_PERCENTAGE    1395
00659 #define IDC_TORRENT_CLEAR_SPIN          1396
00660 #define IDC_G1_CLIENTMODE               1396
00661 #define IDC_G2_CLIENTMODE               1397
00662 #define IDC_TORRENT_PREFERENCE          1397
00663 #define IDC_REVIEWS                     1397
00664 #define IDC_REVIEW_FILENAME             1398
00665 #define IDC_CODEPAGES                   1399
00666 #define IDC_SCHEDULER_ENABLE            1400
00667 #define IDC_SCHEDULER_LIMITED           1401
00668 #define IDC_SCHEDULER_LIMITED_SPIN      1402
00670 #define IDC_SCHEDULER_ALLOWHUB          1404
00671 #define IDC_SCHEDULER_DISPLAY           1405
00672 #define IDC_G2_ALWAYS                   1409
00673 #define IDC_FILTERS                     1500
00674 #define IDC_SAVE_FILTER                 1501
00675 #define IDC_SET_DEFAULT_FILTER          1502
00676 #define IDC_DELETE_FILTER               1503
00677 #define IDS_FILTER_DELETE_CONFIRM       7000
00678 #define IDS_SCHEMAS                     7001
00679 #define IDS_MULTIPLE_VALUES             7002
00680 #define IDS_MULTIPLE                    7003
00681 #define IDS_FILTER_REPLACE              7004
00682 #define IDS_FILTER_NO_NAME              7005
00683 #define IDS_SETTINGS                    8000
00684 #define IDS_WIZARD                      8001
00685 #define IDS_FILE_PROPERTIES             8002
00686 #define IDS_USER_PROFILE                8003
00687 #define IDS_SYSTEM_MESSAGE              8004
00688 #define IDS_CLOSING_AFTER               8005
00689 #define IDS_TABBAR_NOT_CONNECTED        8006
00690 #define IDS_TABBAR_CONNECTED            8007
00691 #define IDS_UPGRADE_LAUNCH              8008
00692 #define IDS_SKIN_DELETE                 8009
00693 #define IDS_BETA_EXPIRED                8010
00694 #define IDS_VIEW_MODE_CONFIRM           8011
00696 #define IDS_STATUS_BAR_CONNECTED_UP     8061
00697 #define IDS_STATUS_BAR_CONNECTED_HUB    8062
00699 #define IDS_STATUS_BAR_CONNECTED        8064
00700 #define IDS_STATUS_BAR_CONNECTING       8065
00701 #define IDS_STATUS_BAR_DISCONNECTED     8066
00702 #define IDS_STATUS_BAR_BANDWIDTH        8067
00703 #define IDS_TRAY_TIP                    8068
00704 #define IDS_NETWORK_CONNECT             8069
00705 #define IDS_NETWORK_CONNECTING          8070
00706 #define IDS_NETWORK_CONNECTED           8071
00707 #define IDS_NETWORK_DISCONNECT          8072
00708 #define IDS_SEARCH_DETAILS_EMPTY        8096
00713 #define IDS_SEARCH_DETAILS_WRITES       8101
00714 #define IDS_SEARCH_DETAILS_RATES        8102
00715 #define IDS_SEARCH_DETAILS_PREVIEW      8103
00718 #define IDS_SEARCH_AGAIN                8128
00719 #define IDS_SEARCH_NONE                 8129
00720 #define IDS_SEARCH_WORKING              8130
00721 #define IDS_SEARCH_EMPTY                8131
00722 #define IDS_SEARCH_FILTERED             8132
00723 #define IDS_SEARCH_ACTIVE               8133
00724 #define IDS_SEARCH_CLEAR_PREVIOUS       8134
00725 #define IDS_SEARCH_NO_METADATA          8135
00726 #define IDS_SEARCH_PLAIN_TEXT           8136
00727 #define IDS_SEARCH_PANEL_SHOW           8141
00728 #define IDS_SEARCH_PANEL_HIDE           8142
00729 #define IDS_SEARCH_PANEL_SEARCHING      8143
00730 #define IDS_SEARCH_PANEL_START          8144
00731 #define IDS_SEARCH_PANEL_MORE           8145
00732 #define IDS_SEARCH_PANEL_STOP           8146
00733 #define IDS_SEARCH_PANEL_AFT            8147
00734 #define IDS_SEARCH_PANEL_INPUT_1        8148
00735 #define IDS_SEARCH_PANEL_INPUT_2        8149
00740 #define IDS_SEARCH_PANEL_RESULTS_NONE   8154
00744 #define IDS_SEARCH_PANEL_CLEAR          8158
00745 #define IDS_SEARCH_PANEL_ADVANCED       8159
00746 #define IDS_BROWSE_CONNECTING           8160
00747 #define IDS_BROWSE_PUSHED               8161
00748 #define IDS_BROWSE_REQUESTING           8162
00749 #define IDS_BROWSE_DOWNLOADING          8163
00750 #define IDS_BROWSE_CANT_CONNECT         8164
00751 #define IDS_BROWSE_NOT_SUPPORTED        8165
00752 #define IDS_SEARCH_PANEL_INPUT_3        8166
00753 #define IDS_SEARCH_ALL_NETWORKS         8167
00754 #define IDS_SEARCH_PAD_HEADER           8176
00755 #define IDS_SEARCH_PAD_WORDS            8177
00756 #define IDS_SEARCH_PAD_TYPE             8178
00757 #define IDS_SEARCH_PAD_CLEAR_HISTORY    8179
00758 #define IDS_SEARCH_PANEL_INPUT_4        8180
00759 #define IDS_SEARCH_PANEL_INPUT_5        8181
00760 #define IDS_HASH_MESSAGE                8208
00761 #define IDS_DLM_TIME_DAH                8223
00762 #define IDS_DLM_DOWNLOADING             8224
00763 #define IDS_DLM_PAUSED                  8225
00764 #define IDS_DLM_COMPLETED               8226
00765 #define IDS_DLM_TIME_HAM                8227
00766 #define IDS_DLM_TIME_MAS                8228
00767 #define IDS_DLM_TIME_S                  8229
00768 #define IDS_DLM_SOURCING                8230
00769 #define IDS_DLM_NO_SOURCES              8231
00770 #define IDS_DLM_OPEN_OPEN               8232
00771 #define IDS_DLM_OPEN_PREVIEW            8233
00772 #define IDS_DLM_TOTAL_SPEED             8235
00773 #define IDS_DLM_ESTIMATED_TIME          8236
00774 #define IDS_DLM_VOLUME_DOWNLOADED       8237
00775 #define IDS_DLM_NUMBER_OF_SOURCES       8238
00776 #define IDS_DLM_COMPLETED_WORD          8239
00777 #define IDS_DLM_MOVING                  8240
00778 #define IDS_DLM_VERIFY                  8241
00779 #define IDS_DLM_VOLUME_UPLOADED         8243
00780 #define IDS_LIBHEAD_HOME                8288
00781 #define IDS_LIBHEAD_EXPLORE_FOLDER      8289
00782 #define IDS_LIBHEAD_EXPLORE_MANY        8290
00784 #define IDS_LIBPANEL_MULTIPLE_FILES     8292
00785 #define IDS_LIBPANEL_NO_SELECTION       8293
00787 #define IDS_LIBPANEL_RATE_FILE          8295
00788 #define IDS_TIP_NA                      8304
00789 #define IDS_TIP_LOCATION                8306
00790 #define IDS_TIP_TYPE                    8307
00791 #define IDS_TIP_SIZE                    8308
00792 #define IDS_TIP_PARTIAL                 8309
00793 #define IDS_TIP_QUEUE                   8310
00794 #define IDS_TIP_EXISTS_LIBRARY          8311
00795 #define IDS_TIP_EXISTS_DOWNLOAD         8312
00796 #define IDS_TIP_BOGUS                   8313
00797 #define IDS_TIP_EXISTS_DELETED          8314
00798 #define IDS_TIP_EXISTS_BLACKLISTED      8315
00799 #define IDS_TIP_HITS                    8316
00800 #define IDS_TIP_UPLOADS                 8317
00801 #define IDS_TIP_TODAYTOTAL              8318
00802 #define IDS_TIP_NOHASHSET               8319
00803 #define IDS_TIP_STATUS                  8320
00804 #define IDS_TIP_SPEED                   8321
00805 #define IDS_TIP_URL                     8322
00806 #define IDS_TIP_USERAGENT               8323
00807 #define IDS_TIP_INACTIVE                8324
00808 #define IDS_TIP_ACTIVE                  8325
00809 #define IDS_TIP_NEXT                    8326
00810 #define IDS_TIP_TOTAL_FILES             8327
00811 #define IDS_TIP_TOTAL_VOLUME            8328
00812 #define IDS_TIP_LIBRARY_PERCENT         8329
00813 #define IDS_TIP_FOLDER                  8330
00814 #define IDS_TIP_SOURCE_BUSY             8331
00815 #define IDS_TIP_SOURCE_FIREWALLED       8332
00816 #define IDS_TIP_SOURCE_UNSTABLE         8333
00817 #define IDS_TIP_FILE_BUSY               8334
00818 #define IDS_TIP_FILE_FIREWALLED         8335
00819 #define IDS_TIP_FILE_UNSTABLE           8336
00820 #define IDR_HTML_ABOUT                  12001
00821 #define IDR_HTML_FILENOTFOUND           12002
00822 #define IDR_HTML_HASHMISMATCH           12003
00823 #define IDR_HTML_BUSY                   12004
00824 #define IDR_HTML_BADRANGE               12005
00825 #define IDR_HTML_BROWSER                12006
00826 #define IDR_XML_DEFAULT                 12009
00827 #define IDR_XML_DEFINITIONS             12010
00828 #define IDR_HTML_DISABLED               12011
00829 #define IDS_NETWORK_STARTUP             16064
00830 #define IDS_NETWORK_CANT_LISTEN         16065
00831 #define IDS_NETWORK_DISCONNECTING       16066
00832 #define IDS_NETWORK_DISCONNECTED        16067
00833 #define IDS_NETWORK_LISTENING           16068
00834 #define IDS_NETWORK_LISTENING_TCP       16068
00835 #define IDS_NETWORK_OUTGOING            16069
00836 #define IDS_NETWORK_CANT_OUTGOING       16070
00837 #define IDS_NETWORK_FIREWALLED          16071
00838 #define IDS_NETWORK_LISTENING_UDP       16072
00839 #define IDS_NETWORK_RESOLVING           16073
00840 #define IDS_NETWORK_RESOLVE_FAIL        16074
00841 #define IDS_NETWORK_SECURITY_DENIED     16075
00844 #define IDS_NETWORK_SECURITY_BLOCKED    16078
00846 #define IDS_NETWORK_SEARCH_SENT         16081
00847 #define IDS_NETWORK_FORCE_HUB           16083
00848 #define IDS_NETWORK_DISABLE_G1          16084
00849 #define IDS_NETWORK_DISABLE_G2          16085
00850 #define IDS_NETWORK_BANDWIDTH_LOW       16087
00851 #define IDS_CONNECTION_ACCEPTED         16128
00852 #define IDS_CONNECTION_ATTEMPTING       16129
00853 #define IDS_CONNECTION_CONNECT_FAIL     16130
00856 #define IDS_CONNECTION_CONNECTED        16133
00857 #define IDS_CONNECTION_CLOSED           16134
00858 #define IDS_CONNECTION_REFUSED          16135
00859 #define IDS_CONNECTION_DROPPED          16136
00861 #define IDS_CONNECTION_ALREADY_ABORT    16138
00862 #define IDS_CONNECTION_BYE              16139
00863 #define IDS_CONNECTION_CRAWLER          16140
00864 #define IDS_CONNECTION_PEERPRUNE        16141
00865 #define IDS_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT           16144
00866 #define IDS_HANDSHAKE_ONLINE            16145
00867 #define IDS_HANDSHAKE_FAIL              16146
00868 #define IDS_HANDSHAKE_BOOTSTRAP         16147
00869 #define IDS_HANDSHAKE_REJECTED          16148
00870 #define IDS_HANDSHAKE_RETRY             16149
00871 #define IDS_HANDSHAKE_SURPLUS           16150
00872 #define IDS_HANDSHAKE_IAMLEAF           16151
00873 #define IDS_HANDSHAKE_CANTBEPEER        16152
00874 #define IDS_HANDSHAKE_BACK2LEAF         16153
00875 #define IDS_HANDSHAKE_GOTPEER           16154
00876 #define IDS_HANDSHAKE_GOTLEAF           16155
00877 #define IDS_HANDSHAKE_NOULTRAPEER       16156
00878 #define IDS_HANDSHAKE_NEEDAPEER         16157
00879 #define IDS_HANDSHAKE_ONLINE_G2         16158
00880 #define IDS_HANDSHAKE_NOTG2             16159
00881 #define IDS_PROTOCOL_TOO_LARGE          16192
00882 #define IDS_PROTOCOL_NO_TTL             16193
00883 #define IDS_PROTOCOL_HIGH_TTL           16194
00884 #define IDS_PROTOCOL_SIZE_PING          16195
00885 #define IDS_PROTOCOL_SIZE_PONG          16196
00886 #define IDS_PROTOCOL_PACKET_DUMP        16197
00887 #define IDS_PROTOCOL_LEAF_FORWARD       16198
00888 #define IDS_PROTOCOL_UNKNOWN            16199
00889 #define IDS_PROTOCOL_ZERO_PONG          16200
00890 #define IDS_PROTOCOL_BAD_QUERY          16201
00891 #define IDS_PROTOCOL_BAD_HIT            16202
00892 #define IDS_PROTOCOL_SIZE_PUSH          16203
00893 #define IDS_PROTOCOL_QRP_UNEXPECTED     16208
00894 #define IDS_PROTOCOL_QRP_FAILED         16209
00895 #define IDS_PROTOCOL_QRP_UPDATED        16210
00896 #define IDS_PROTOCOL_ZERO_PUSH          16211
00897 #define IDS_PROTOCOL_GGEP_REQUIRED      16212
00898 #define IDS_PROTOCOL_QRP_SENT           16213
00899 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_ADDED              16256
00900 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED          16257
00901 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_PAUSED             16258
00902 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_RESUMED            16259
00903 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_REMOVE             16260
00904 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_FILE_CREATE        16261
00906 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_FILE_OPEN_ERROR    16263
00907 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_CONNECTING         16264
00908 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_CONNECT_ERROR      16265
00909 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_CONNECTED          16266
00911 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_FRAGMENT_END       16268
00913 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_REQUEST_TIMEOUT    16270
00914 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_TRAFFIC_TIMEOUT    16271
00915 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_FILENOTFOUND       16272
00916 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_NOHTTP             16273
00917 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_HTTPCODE           16274
00918 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_WRONG_HASH         16275
00919 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_WRONG_SIZE         16276
00920 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_WRONG_RANGE        16277
00921 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_DROPPED            16278
00922 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_CONTENT            16279
00923 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_BUSY               16280
00924 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_CONFIRM_CLEAR      16281
00925 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_CONFIRM_EXECUTE    16282
00926 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_DISABLED           16282
00927 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_ALREADY            16283
00928 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_BAD_PUSH           16284
00929 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_UNKNOWN_PUSH       16285
00930 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_PUSHED             16286
00932 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_SOURCES            16288
00933 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_PUSH_SENT          16289
00934 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_USEFUL_RANGE       16290
00935 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_MOVED              16291
00936 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_CANT_MOVE          16292
00937 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_RESOLVING          16293
00938 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_CANT_RESOLVE       16294
00939 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_BOOST              16295
00940 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_VERIFY_SUCCESS     16296
00941 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_VERIFY_FAIL        16297
00942 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_QUEUED             16298
00944 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_CONFIRM_DELETE     16300
00945 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_TIGER_REQUEST      16301
00946 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_TIGER_RANGE        16302
00947 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_TIGER_RECV         16303
00948 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_TIGER_CORRUPT      16304
00949 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_TIGER_MISMATCH     16305
00950 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_TIGER_READY        16306
00951 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_CLOSING_EXTRA      16307
00954 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_METADATA_RECV      16310
00955 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_HASHSET_REQUEST    16311
00956 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_HASHSET_ERROR      16312
00957 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_HASHSET_READY      16313
00958 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_HASHSET_CORRUPT    16314
00959 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_INFLATE_ERROR      16315
00960 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_QUEUE_TIMEOUT      16316
00961 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_QUEUE_DROP         16317
00962 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_DISK_SPACE         16318
00963 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_VERIFY_DROP        16319
00964 #define IDS_UPLOAD_NOHTTP               16320
00965 #define IDS_UPLOAD_CONNECT              16321
00966 #define IDS_UPLOAD_CONNECT_ERROR        16322
00967 #define IDS_UPLOAD_DROPPED              16323
00968 #define IDS_UPLOAD_REQUEST_TIMEOUT      16324
00969 #define IDS_UPLOAD_FILENOTFOUND         16325
00970 #define IDS_UPLOAD_HASH_MISMATCH        16326
00971 #define IDS_UPLOAD_BUSY_OLD             16327
00972 #define IDS_UPLOAD_GIV                  16328
00973 #define IDS_UPLOAD_CANTOPEN             16329
00974 #define IDS_UPLOAD_CONTENT              16330
00975 #define IDS_UPLOAD_FINISHED             16331
00976 #define IDS_UPLOAD_ACCEPTED             16332
00977 #define IDS_UPLOAD_QUEUED               16333
00978 #define IDS_UPLOAD_PUSH_FILENOTFOUND    16334
00979 #define IDS_UPLOAD_REMOVE               16335
00980 #define IDS_UPLOAD_BROWSER              16336
00981 #define IDS_UPLOAD_HEADERS              16337
00982 #define IDS_UPLOAD_BAD_RANGE            16338
00983 #define IDS_UPLOAD_ABOUT                16339
00984 #define IDS_UPLOAD_BROWSE_DENIED        16340
00985 #define IDS_UPLOAD_BROWSE               16341
00986 #define IDS_UPLOAD_TRAFFIC_TIMEOUT      16342
00987 #define IDS_UPLOAD_DROPPED_OLDER        16343
00988 #define IDS_UPLOAD_DROPPED_NEWER        16344
00989 #define IDS_UPLOAD_DELETED              16345
00990 #define IDS_UPLOAD_PARTIAL_CONTENT      16346
00991 #define IDS_UPLOAD_BUSY_FAST            16347
00992 #define IDS_UPLOAD_PUSH_BUSY            16348
00993 #define IDS_UPLOAD_TIGER_SEND           16349
00994 #define IDS_UPLOAD_METADATA_SEND        16350
00995 #define IDS_UPLOAD_BUSY_HOST            16351
00996 #define IDS_UPLOAD_PREVIEW_SEND         16352
00997 #define IDS_UPLOAD_PREVIEW_BUSY         16353
00998 #define IDS_UPLOAD_PREVIEW_EMPTY        16354
00999 #define IDS_UPLOAD_PREVIEW_DYNAMIC      16355
01000 #define IDS_UPLOAD_BROWSE_BUSY          16356
01001 #define IDS_UPLOAD_FILE                 16357
01002 #define IDS_UPLOAD_QUEUE_DROP           16358
01003 #define IDS_UPLOAD_QUEUE_TIMEOUT        16359
01004 #define IDS_UPLOAD_BUSY_QUEUE           16360
01005 #define IDS_UPLOAD_DISABLED             16361
01006 #define IDS_UPLOAD_CANCEL_ED2K          16362
01007 #define IDS_UPLOAD_QUEUE_TORRENT        16363
01008 #define IDS_UPLOAD_QUEUE_HISTORY        16364
01009 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_CLEAR_GROUP        16365
01010 #define IDS_UPLOAD_QUEUE_QUEUE          16366
01011 #define IDS_UPLOAD_QUEUE_ED2K_CORE      16367
01012 #define IDS_UPLOAD_QUEUE_ED2K_PARTIALS  16368
01013 #define IDS_UPLOAD_QUEUE_ED2K_GUARD     16369
01014 #define IDS_UPLOAD_QUEUE_SMALL_FILES    16370
01015 #define IDS_UPLOAD_QUEUE_MEDIUM_FILES   16371
01016 #define IDS_UPLOAD_QUEUE_LARGE_FILES    16372
01018 #define IDS_UPLOAD_QUEUE_NEW            16374
01019 #define IDS_UPLOAD_QUEUE_PARTIAL        16375
01020 #define IDS_UPLOAD_QUEUE_COMPLETE       16376
01021 #define IDS_UPLOAD_QUEUE_HTTP_GUARD     16377
01022 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_416_WITHOUT_RANGE  16378
01023 #define IDS_LIBRARY_CONFIRM_EXECUTE     16384
01024 #define IDS_LIBRARY_METADATA_MANY       16385
01025 #define IDS_LIBRARY_METADATA_EDIT       16386
01026 #define IDS_LIBRARY_BITZI_HASHED        16387
01027 #define IDS_LIBRARY_BITZI_MESSAGE       16388
01028 #define IDS_LIBRARY_DELETE              16389
01029 #define IDS_LIBRARY_ENQUEUE             16390
01030 #define IDS_NEIGHBOURS_NOT_CONNECTED    16391
01031 #define IDS_NEIGHBOURS_CONNECT          16392
01032 #define IDS_LIBRARY_VERIFY_FAIL         16393
01033 #define IDS_LIBRARY_VERIFY_FIX          16394
01034 #define IDS_LIBRARY_DOWNLOADS_ADD       16395
01035 #define IDS_LIBRARY_DOWNLOADS_SHARE     16396
01036 #define IDS_LIBRARY_FOLDER_DELETE       16397
01037 #define IDS_LIBRARY_RENAME_FAIL         16398
01038 #define IDS_LIBRARY_DELETE_FAIL         16399
01039 #define IDS_LIBRARY_TARGET_EXISTS       16400
01040 #define IDS_LIBRARY_TYPE_FILTER_ALL     16401
01047 #define IDS_LIBRARY_COPYURI             16408
01048 #define IDS_LIBRARY_EXPORTURIS          16409
01050 #define IDS_LIBRARY_MOVE_FAIL           16411
01051 #define IDS_CHAT_CONNECTED_X            16448
01052 #define IDS_CHAT_ONLINE_X               16449
01053 #define IDS_CHAT_CLOSED_X               16450
01054 #define IDS_CHAT_DROPPED_X              16451
01055 #define IDS_CHAT_UNRECOGNISED_X         16452
01056 #define IDS_CHAT_CONNECTING_X           16453
01057 #define IDS_CHAT_ACCEPTED_X             16454
01058 #define IDS_CHAT_NICK_X                 16455
01059 #define IDS_CHAT_CONNECT_FAIL_X         16456
01060 #define IDS_CHAT_PROTOCOL_X             16457
01061 #define IDS_CHAT_RESPONSE_X             16458
01062 #define IDS_CHAT_UNCONNECTED_X          16459
01063 #define IDS_GRAPH_TOTAL_BANDWIDTH_IN    16512
01064 #define IDS_GRAPH_TOTAL_BANDWIDTH_OUT   16513
01069 #define IDS_GRAPH_DOWNLOADS_FILES       16518
01072 #define IDS_GRAPH_UPLOADS_TRANSFERS     16521
01073 #define IDS_GRAPH_UPLOADS_BANDWIDTH     16522
01074 #define IDS_GRAPH_GNUTELLA_PACKETS_IN   16523
01076 #define IDS_GRAPH_GNUTELLA_ROUTED       16525
01077 #define IDS_GRAPH_GNUTELLA_DROPPED      16526
01078 #define IDS_GRAPH_GNUTELLA_LOST         16527
01079 #define IDS_GRAPH_GNUTELLA_QUERIES      16528
01084 #define IDS_URL_RECEIVED                16768
01085 #define IDS_URL_PARSE_ERROR             16769
01086 #define IDS_URL_BUSY                    16770
01087 #define IDS_URL_ALREADY_HAVE            16771
01088 #define IDS_URL_HOST                    16772
01089 #define IDS_URL_PORT                    16773
01090 #define IDS_URL_CONNECT                 16774
01091 #define IDS_URL_BROWSE                  16775
01092 #define IDS_URL_ADD                     16776
01093 #define IDS_URL_FILENAME                16777
01094 #define IDS_URL_URL                     16778
01095 #define IDS_URL_TYPE                    16779
01096 #define IDS_URL_UNSPECIFIED             16780
01097 #define IDS_BITZI_REQUESTING            16781
01098 #define IDS_BITZI_SUCCESS               16782
01099 #define IDS_BITZI_FINISHED              16783
01100 #define IDS_BITZI_CLOSE                 16784
01101 #define IDS_MEDIAVIS_NOVIS              16785
01102 #define IDS_WIZARD_NEED_SPEED           16800
01103 #define IDS_WIZARD_NEED_CONNECTION      16801
01104 #define IDS_WIZARD_SHARE_CONFIRM        16802
01105 #define IDS_WIZARD_SHARE_ALREADY        16803
01106 #define IDS_PROFILE_NO_NICK             16804
01107 #define IDS_PROFILE_NO_LOCATION         16805
01108 #define IDS_WIZARD_PORT_FORWARD         16806
01109 #define IDS_SETTINGS_NEED_BANDWIDTH     16807
01110 #define IDS_PROFILE_NO_VITALS           16808
01111 #define IDS_WIZARD_EXIT                 16809
01112 #define IDS_WIZARD_YEARS_OLD            16810
01113 #define IDS_SETTINGS_AUTOMATIC_IP       16811
01114 #define IDS_SETTINGS_WARN_QUEUELIMIT    16816
01118 #define IDS_DISCOVERY_BOOTSTRAP         16864
01119 #define IDS_DISCOVERY_QUERY             16865
01120 #define IDS_DISCOVERY_WEB_SUCCESS       16866
01121 #define IDS_DISCOVERY_FAILED            16867
01122 #define IDS_DISCOVERY_FAIL_REMOVE       16868
01123 #define IDS_DISCOVERY_DEFAULTS          16869
01124 #define IDS_DISCOVERY_UPDATING          16870
01125 #define IDS_DISCOVERY_SUBMIT            16871
01126 #define IDS_BROWSE_CONNECTING_TO        16928
01127 #define IDS_BROWSE_CANT_CONNECT_TO      16929
01128 #define IDS_BROWSE_PUSHED_TO            16930
01129 #define IDS_BROWSE_CANT_PUSH_TO         16931
01130 #define IDS_BROWSE_SENT_REQUEST         16932
01131 #define IDS_BROWSE_NOT_HTTP             16933
01132 #define IDS_BROWSE_HTTPCODE             16934
01133 #define IDS_BROWSE_BAD_RESPONSE         16935
01134 #define IDS_BROWSE_DOWNLOADING_FROM     16936
01135 #define IDS_BROWSE_PACKET_ERROR         16938
01136 #define IDS_BROWSE_FINISHED             16939
01137 #define IDS_BROWSE_DROPPED              16940
01138 #define IDS_BROWSE_TIMEOUT              16941
01139 #define IDS_BROWSE_CLOSED               16942
01140 #define IDS_BROWSE_TITLE_FORMAT         16943
01141 #define IDS_BROWSE_INTRO_FORMAT         16944
01142 #define IDS_MEDIA_PLUGIN_CREATE         16992
01143 #define IDS_MEDIA_FILTER                16993
01144 #define IDS_MEDIA_LOAD_FAIL             16994
01145 #define IDS_MEDIA_LOAD_FAIL_HELP        16995
01146 #define IDS_MEDIA_PARTIAL_RENDER        16996
01147 #define IDS_MEDIA_EMPTY                 16997
01148 #define IDS_MEDIA_TITLE                 16998
01149 #define IDS_MEDIA_PLAYLIST              16999
01150 #define IDS_CHAT_CONNECTING_TO          17024
01151 #define IDS_CHAT_CANT_CONNECT           17025
01152 #define IDS_CHAT_PUSH_SENT              17026
01153 #define IDS_CHAT_PUSH_DONE              17027
01154 #define IDS_CHAT_CONNECTED              17028
01155 #define IDS_CHAT_HANDSHAKE_FAIL         17029
01156 #define IDS_CHAT_HANDSHAKE_G1           17030
01157 #define IDS_CHAT_HANDSHAKE_G2           17031
01158 #define IDS_CHAT_PROFILE_ACCEPTED       17032
01159 #define IDS_CHAT_PRIVATE_START          17033
01160 #define IDS_CHAT_PRIVATE_ONLINE         17034
01161 #define IDS_CHAT_PRIVATE_REFUSED        17035
01162 #define IDS_CHAT_PRIVATE_AWAY           17036
01163 #define IDS_CHAT_DROPPED                17037
01164 #define IDS_CHAT_CLOSED                 17038
01165 #define IDS_CHAT_CANT_PUSH              17039
01166 #define IDS_CHAT_NOT_CONNECTED_1        17040
01167 #define IDS_CHAT_NOT_CONNECTED_2        17041
01168 #define IDS_CHAT_NEED_PROFILE           17042
01169 #define IDS_CHAT_PRIORITY_GRANTED       17043
01170 #define IDS_NEIGHBOUR_G1PP              17100
01171 #define IDS_NEIGHBOUR_G1LU              17101
01172 #define IDS_NEIGHBOUR_G1UL              17102
01173 #define IDS_NEIGHBOUR_G2HH              17103
01174 #define IDS_NEIGHBOUR_G2LH              17104
01175 #define IDS_NEIGHBOUR_G2HL              17105
01176 #define IDS_NEIGHBOUR_ED2K_LOW          17106
01177 #define IDS_NEIGHBOUR_ED2K_HIGH         17107
01178 #define IDS_NEIGHBOUR_HANDSHAKE         17108
01179 #define IDS_NEIGHBOUR_INBOUND           17109
01180 #define IDS_NEIGHBOUR_OUTBOUND          17110
01181 #define IDS_NEIGHBOUR_CURRENT           17111
01182 #define IDS_NEIGHBOUR_TOTAL             17112
01183 #define IDS_NEIGHBOUR_COMPRESSION       17113
01184 #define IDS_NEIGHBOUR_RATIO             17114
01185 #define IDS_NEIGHBOUR_COMPRESSION_DF    17115
01187 #define IDS_NEIGHBOUR_CONNECTING        17117
01188 #define IDS_NEIGHBOUR_HANDSHAKING       17118
01189 #define IDS_NEIGHBOUR_REJECTED          17119
01190 #define IDS_NEIGHBOUR_CLOSING           17120
01191 #define IDS_NEIGHBOUR_UNKNOWN           17121
01192 #define IDS_NEIGHBOUR_G1PEER            17122
01193 #define IDS_NEIGHBOUR_G1ULTRA           17123
01194 #define IDS_NEIGHBOUR_G1LEAF            17124
01195 #define IDS_NEIGHBOUR_G2PEER            17125
01196 #define IDS_NEIGHBOUR_G2HUB             17126
01197 #define IDS_NEIGHBOUR_G2LEAF            17127
01198 #define IDS_NEIGHBOUR_ED2K_SERVER       17128
01199 #define IDS_NEIGHBOUR_ED2K_LOWID        17129
01200 #define IDS_NEIGHBOUR_ED2K_HIGHID       17130
01201 #define IDS_ED2K_SERVER_CONNECTING      17216
01202 #define IDS_ED2K_SERVER_CONNECTED       17217
01203 #define IDS_ED2K_SERVER_MESSAGE         17218
01204 #define IDS_ED2K_SERVER_REFUSED         17219
01205 #define IDS_ED2K_SERVER_ONLINE          17220
01206 #define IDS_ED2K_SERVER_IDCHANGE        17221
01207 #define IDS_ED2K_SERVER_IDENT           17222
01208 #define IDS_ED2K_SERVER_REJECTED        17223
01209 #define IDS_ED2K_CLIENT_HANDSHAKE_FAIL  17224
01210 #define IDS_ED2K_CLIENT_DROPPED         17225
01211 #define IDS_ED2K_CLIENT_BAD_PACKET      17226
01212 #define IDS_ED2K_CLIENT_ACCEPTED        17227
01213 #define IDS_ED2K_CLIENT_SENT_HASHSET    17228
01214 #define IDS_ED2K_CLIENT_CLOSED          17229
01215 #define IDS_ED2K_CLIENT_CONNECTING      17230
01216 #define IDS_ED2K_CLIENT_WRONG_GUID      17231
01219 #define IDS_ED2K_CLIENT_DISABLED        17234
01220 #define IDS_ED2K_EPI_START              17248
01221 #define IDS_ED2K_EPI_FINISHED           17249
01222 #define IDS_ED2K_EPI_FOLDER             17250
01223 #define IDS_ED2K_EPI_FILE_FAILED        17251
01224 #define IDS_ED2K_EPI_FILE_START         17252
01225 #define IDS_ED2K_EPI_CANT_OPEN_PART     17253
01226 #define IDS_ED2K_EPI_DETECTED           17254
01227 #define IDS_ED2K_EPI_FILE_OLD           17255
01228 #define IDS_ED2K_EPI_COPY_START         17256
01229 #define IDS_ED2K_EPI_COPY_FINISHED      17257
01230 #define IDS_ED2K_EPI_FILE_CREATED       17258
01231 #define IDS_ED2K_EPI_ALREADY            17259
01232 #define IDS_ED2K_EPI_DISK_SPACE         17260
01233 #define IDS_BT_CLIENT_ACCEPTED          17472
01234 #define IDS_BT_CLIENT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT   17473
01236 #define IDS_BT_CLIENT_LOST              17475
01237 #define IDS_BT_CLIENT_WRONG_GUID        17476
01238 #define IDS_BT_CLIENT_WRONG_FILE        17477
01239 #define IDS_BT_CLIENT_UNKNOWN_FILE      17478
01240 #define IDS_BT_CLIENT_ONLINE            17479
01241 #define IDS_BT_CLIENT_INACTIVE_FILE     17480
01242 #define IDS_BT_PREFETCH_FILE            17481
01243 #define IDS_BT_PREFETCH_ERROR           17482
01244 #define IDS_BT_TRACK_ERROR              17483
01245 #define IDS_BT_TRACK_PARSE_ERROR        17484
01246 #define IDS_BT_TRACK_SUCCESS            17485
01247 #define IDS_BT_CLIENT_CONNECTING        17486
01248 #define IDS_BT_CLIENT_HANDSHAKING       17487
01249 #define IDS_BT_TRACK_CHANGE             17488
01250 #define IDS_BT_CLIENT_EXTENDED          17489
01251 #define IDS_BT_CLIENT_EXCHANGE          17490
01252 #define IDS_BT_SEED_ALREADY             17491
01253 #define IDS_BT_SEED_PARSE_ERROR         17492
01254 #define IDS_BT_SEED_CREATE_FAIL         17493
01255 #define IDS_BT_SEED_SOURCE_LOST         17494
01256 #define IDS_BT_SEED_SOURCE_SIZE         17495
01257 #define IDS_BT_SEED_COPY_FAIL           17496
01258 #define IDS_BT_SEED_ERROR               17497
01259 #define IDS_BT_SEED_VERIFY_FAIL         17498
01260 #define IDS_BT_TRACKER_RETRY            17500
01261 #define IDS_BT_TRACKER_DOWN             17501
01262 #define IDS_BT_CLIENT_DROP_CONNECTING   17505
01263 #define IDS_BT_CLIENT_DROP_HANDSHAKE    17506
01264 #define IDS_BT_CLIENT_DROP_CONNECTED    17507
01265 #define IDS_BT_CLIENT_DUPLICATE         17510
01266 #define IDS_BT_CLIENT_MAX_CONNECTIONS   17511
01267 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_EDIT_RENAME        18496
01268 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_EDIT_BAD_SHA1      18497
01269 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_EDIT_BAD_TIGER     18498
01270 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_EDIT_BAD_ED2K      18499
01271 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_EDIT_CHANGE_SHA1   18500
01273 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_EDIT_CHANGE_ED2K   18502
01276 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_EDIT_BAD_RANGE     18505
01277 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_EDIT_CANT_ERASE    18506
01278 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_EDIT_ERASED        18507
01279 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_QUEUE_HUGE         18508
01282 #define IDS_REMOTE_DISABLED             19000
01283 #define IDS_REMOTE_ENABLED              19001
01284 #define IDS_REMOTE_UNAVAILABLE          19002
01285 #define IDS_GENERAL_NOURNAVAILABLE      20000
01286 #define IDS_GENERAL_CLOSE               20001
01287 #define IDS_GENERAL_OF                  20002
01288 #define IDS_GENERAL_RTL_WARNING         20003
01289 #define IDS_GENERAL_RTL_NOTSUPPORTED    20004
01290 #define IDS_GENERAL_NO                  20005
01291 #define IDS_GENERAL_YES                 20006
01292 #define IDS_GENERAL_AUTO                20007
01293 #define IDS_STATUS_CONNECTING           20100
01294 #define IDS_STATUS_REQUESTING           20101
01295 #define IDS_STATUS_RESPONSE             20102
01296 #define IDS_STATUS_DOWNLOADING          20103
01297 #define IDS_STATUS_TIGERTREE            20104
01298 #define IDS_STATUS_HASHSET              20105
01299 #define IDS_STATUS_METADATA             20106
01300 #define IDS_STATUS_BUSY                 20107
01301 #define IDS_STATUS_ENQUEUE              20108
01302 #define IDS_STATUS_QUEUED               20109
01303 #define IDS_STATUS_UNKNOWN              20110
01304 #define IDS_STATUS_COMPLETED            20111
01305 #define IDS_STATUS_SEEDING              20112
01306 #define IDS_STATUS_MOVING               20113
01307 #define IDS_STATUS_PAUSED               20114
01308 #define IDS_STATUS_FILEERROR            20115
01309 #define IDS_STATUS_CANTMOVE             20116
01310 #define IDS_STATUS_VERIFYING            20117
01311 #define IDS_STATUS_ACTIVE               20118
01312 #define IDS_STATUS_PENDING              20119
01313 #define IDS_STATUS_SEARCHING            20120
01314 #define IDS_STATUS_CREATING             20121
01315 #define IDS_STATUS_TORRENT              20122
01316 #define IDS_STATUS_TRACKERDOWN          20123
01317 #define IDS_STATUS_NOSOURCES            20124
01318 #define IDS_STATUS_VERIFIED             20125
01319 #define IDS_STATUS_UNVERIFIED           20126
01320 #define IDS_STATUS_SOURCE               20127
01321 #define IDS_STATUS_SOURCES              20128
01322 #define IDS_STATUS_SOURCESTENS          20129
01323 #define IDS_STATUS_SOURCES11TO19        20130
01324 #define IDS_STATUS_SOURCES2TO4          20131
01325 #define IDS_STATUS_SOURCES5TO9          20132
01326 #define IDS_STATUS_UNINTERESTED         20133
01327 #define IDS_STATUS_CHOKED               20134
01328 #define IDS_STATUS_NEXT                 20135
01329 #define IDS_STATUS_Q                    20136
01330 #define IDS_DAY_SUNDAY                  20200
01331 #define IDS_DAY_MONDAY                  20201
01332 #define IDS_DAY_TUESDAY                 20202
01333 #define IDS_DAY_WEDNESDAY               20203
01334 #define IDS_DAY_THURSDAY                20204
01335 #define IDS_DAY_FRIDAY                  20205
01336 #define IDS_DAY_SATURDAY                20206
01337 #define IDS_RATING_NORATING             20210
01338 #define IDS_RATING_1                    20211
01339 #define IDS_RATING_2                    20212
01340 #define IDS_RATING_3                    20213
01341 #define IDS_RATING_4                    20214
01342 #define IDS_RATING_5                    20215
01343 #define IDS_RATING_6                    20216
01344 #define ID_HELP_ABOUT                   32772
01345 #define ID_CHECKMARK                    32774
01346 #define ID_NETWORK_EXIT                 32776
01347 #define ID_NETWORK_CONNECT              32777
01348 #define ID_NETWORK_DISCONNECT           32778
01349 #define ID_TOOLS_SETTINGS               32779
01350 #define ID_VIEW_SYSTEM                  32782
01351 #define ID_VIEW_NEIGHBOURS              32783
01352 #define ID_VIEW_TRAFFIC                 32784
01353 #define ID_VIEW_LIBRARY                 32785
01354 #define ID_VIEW_DOWNLOADS               32786
01355 #define ID_VIEW_UPLOADS                 32787
01356 #define ID_VIEW_HOSTS                   32788
01357 #define ID_VIEW_PACKETS                 32789
01358 #define ID_NEIGHBOURS_DISCONNECT        32790
01359 #define ID_SYSTEM_CLEAR                 32791
01360 #define ID_NEIGHBOURS_VIEW_ALL          32793
01361 #define ID_NEIGHBOURS_VIEW_INCOMING     32794
01362 #define ID_NEIGHBOURS_VIEW_OUTGOING     32795
01363 #define ID_VIEW_SEARCH_MONITOR          32796
01364 #define ID_VIEW_RESULTS_MONITOR         32797
01365 #define ID_HOSTCACHE_CONNECT            32798
01366 #define ID_HOSTCACHE_DISCONNECT         32799
01367 #define ID_HOSTCACHE_REMOVE             32800
01368 #define ID_NETWORK_CONNECT_TO           32801
01369 #define ID_NETWORK_SEARCH               32807
01370 #define ID_SEARCH_DOWNLOAD              32808
01371 #define ID_SEARCH_SEARCH                32809
01372 #define ID_SEARCH_FILTER                32810
01373 #define ID_SEARCH_FILTER_REMOVE         32811
01374 #define ID_HITMONITOR_CLEAR             32813
01375 #define ID_SEARCHMONITOR_PAUSE          32814
01376 #define ID_HITMONITOR_PAUSE             32815
01377 #define ID_SEARCHMONITOR_CLEAR          32816
01378 #define ID_SEARCH_COPY                  32817
01379 #define ID_HITMONITOR_SEARCH            32819
01380 #define ID_HOSTCACHE_G2_HORIZON         32820
01381 #define ID_HOSTCACHE_G2_CACHE           32821
01382 #define ID_HOSTCACHE_G1_CACHE           32822
01383 #define ID_SEARCH_COLUMNS               32823
01384 #define ID_SEARCH_DOWNLOADNOW           32824
01385 #define ID_DOWNLOADS_RESUME             32826
01386 #define ID_DOWNLOADS_CLEAR_COMPLETED    32828
01387 #define ID_DOWNLOADS_SOURCES            32829
01388 #define ID_DOWNLOADS_LAUNCH             32830
01389 #define ID_DOWNLOADS_CLEAR              32831
01390 #define ID_DOWNLOADS_PAUSE              32832
01391 #define ID_DOWNLOADS_VIEW_REVIEWS       32833
01392 #define ID_LIBRARY_EXPLORE              32834
01393 #define ID_LIBRARY_SCAN                 32835
01394 #define ID_LIBRARY_SHARED_FILE          32836
01395 #define ID_LIBRARY_REMOVE               32837
01396 #define ID_LIBRARY_ADD                  32838
01397 #define ID_LIBRARY_PROPERTIES           32839
01398 #define ID_LIBRARY_COLUMNS              32840
01399 #define ID_DOWNLOADS_CLEAR_PAUSED       32842
01400 #define ID_UPLOADS_LAUNCH               32843
01401 #define ID_UPLOADS_DISCONNECT           32844
01402 #define ID_UPLOADS_CLEAR_COMPLETED      32845
01403 #define ID_UPLOADS_CLEAR                32846
01404 #define ID_UPLOADS_EDIT_QUEUE           32847
01405 #define ID_TRANSFERS_DISCONNECT         32848
01406 #define ID_TRANSFERS_FORGET             32849
01407 #define ID_UPLOADS_HELP                 32850
01408 #define ID_HELP_HOMEPAGE                32851
01409 #define ID_HELP_WEB_1                   32852
01410 #define ID_HELP_WEB_2                   32853
01411 #define ID_HELP_WEB_3                   32854
01412 #define ID_HELP_WEB_4                   32855
01413 #define ID_HELP_WEB_5                   32856
01414 #define ID_HELP_WEB_6                   32857
01415 #define ID_HELP_FAQ                     32858
01416 #define ID_HELP_GUIDE                   32859
01417 #define ID_SEARCH_CHAT                  32860
01418 #define ID_TRAFFIC_GRID                 32862
01419 #define ID_TRAFFIC_AXIS                 32863
01420 #define ID_TRAFFIC_LEGEND               32864
01421 #define ID_TRAFFIC_SETUP                32865
01422 #define ID_TRAFFIC_CLEAR                32866
01423 #define ID_TOOLS_WIZARD                 32867
01424 #define ID_CHILD_RESTORE                32869
01425 #define ID_CHILD_CLOSE                  32870
01426 #define ID_CHILD_MAXIMISE               32871
01427 #define ID_CHILD_MINIMISE               32872
01428 #define ID_TRANSFERS_CHAT               32876
01429 #define ID_UPLOADS_CHAT                 32877
01430 #define ID_SEARCH_CLEAR                 32878
01431 #define ID_TRAY_OPEN                    32879
01432 #define ID_NETWORK_AUTO_CLOSE           32881
01433 #define ID_UPLOADS_AUTO_CLEAR           32882
01434 #define ID_LIBRARY_SEARCH               32883
01435 #define ID_TRAFFIC_WINDOW               32884
01436 #define ID_NEIGHBOURS_CHAT              32885
01437 #define ID_SEARCH_STOP                  32889
01438 #define ID_TOOLS_DOWNLOAD               32890
01439 #define ID_DOWNLOADS_URL                32891
01440 #define ID_LIBRARY_BITZI_WEB            32892
01441 #define ID_LIBRARY_BITZI_DOWNLOAD       32893
01442 #define ID_VIEW_SECURITY                32895
01443 #define ID_SECURITY_EDIT                32896
01444 #define ID_SECURITY_REMOVE              32897
01445 #define ID_SECURITY_RESET               32898
01446 #define ID_SECURITY_ADD                 32899
01447 #define ID_SECURITY_POLICY_ACCEPT       32900
01448 #define ID_SECURITY_POLICY_DENY         32901
01449 #define ID_LIBRARY_REFRESH              32902
01450 #define ID_LIBRARY_MOVE                 32904
01451 #define ID_LIBRARY_COPY                 32905
01452 #define ID_LIBRARY_DELETE               32906
01453 #define ID_LIBRARY_ENQUEUE              32909
01454 #define ID_DOWNLOADS_ENQUEUE            32910
01455 #define ID_SECURITY_MOVE_UP             32912
01456 #define ID_SECURITY_MOVE_DOWN           32913
01457 #define ID_SECURITY_BAN                 32914
01458 #define ID_TAB_NETWORK                  32918
01459 #define ID_TAB_LIBRARY                  32919
01460 #define ID_TAB_TRANSFERS                32920
01461 #define ID_TAB_CONNECT                  32921
01462 #define ID_VIEW_TABBED                  32922
01463 #define ID_VIEW_WINDOWED                32923
01464 #define ID_LIBRARY_URL                  32924
01465 #define ID_VIEW_DISCOVERY               32925
01466 #define ID_DISCOVERY_EDIT               32927
01467 #define ID_DISCOVERY_QUERY              32928
01468 #define ID_DISCOVERY_REMOVE             32929
01469 #define ID_DISCOVERY_ADD                32930
01470 #define ID_DISCOVERY_BLOCKED            32931
01471 #define ID_DISCOVERY_GNUTELLA           32932
01472 #define ID_DISCOVERY_WEBCACHE           32933
01473 #define ID_DOWNLOADS_AUTO_CLEAR         32934
01474 #define ID_TRANSFERS_CONNECT            32935
01475 #define ID_DOWNLOADS_SHOW_SOURCES       32936
01476 #define ID_SYSTEM_VERBOSE               32937
01477 #define ID_DISCOVERY_ADVERTISE          32938
01478 #define ID_DISCOVERY_BROWSE             32939
01479 #define ID_BROWSE_STOP                  32940
01480 #define ID_BROWSE_REFRESH               32941
01481 #define ID_BROWSE_LAUNCH                32943
01482 #define ID_DOWNLOADS_BOOST              32944
01483 #define ID_TAB_HOME                     32946
01484 #define ID_DOWNLOADS_LAUNCH_COPY        32947
01485 #define ID_DOWNLOADS_MONITOR            32949
01486 #define ID_LIBRARY_SELECT_ALL           32950
01487 #define ID_SECURITY_EXPORT              32951
01488 #define ID_SECURITY_IMPORT              32952
01489 #define ID_SEARCH_FILTER_RAW            32953
01490 #define ID_SEARCH_PANEL                 32954
01491 #define ID_SYSTEM_TIMESTAMP             32956
01492 #define ID_LIBRARY_LAUNCH               32957
01493 #define ID_NEIGHBOURS_COPY              32958
01494 #define ID_TOOLS_RESKIN                 32959
01495 #define ID_MONITOR_CLOSE                32960
01496 #define ID_WINDOW_TOOLBAR               32961
01497 #define ID_WINDOW_TABBAR                32962
01498 #define ID_WINDOW_MONITOR               32963
01499 #define ID_NETWORK_BROWSE_TO            32964
01500 #define ID_TOOLS_SKIN                   32965
01501 #define ID_LIBRARY_HASH_PRIORITY        32967
01502 #define ID_DOWNLOADS_FILE_DELETE        32968
01503 #define ID_LIBRARY_RENAME               32970
01504 #define ID_UPLOADS_START                32971
01505 #define ID_DOWNLOADS_MOVE_UP            32972
01506 #define ID_DOWNLOADS_MOVE_DOWN          32973
01507 #define ID_TOOLS_LANGUAGE               32974
01508 #define ID_DOWNLOADS_SETTINGS           32975
01509 #define ID_UPLOADS_SETTINGS             32976
01510 #define ID_DOWNLOADS_FILTER_ALL         32977
01511 #define ID_DOWNLOADS_FILTER_ACTIVE      32978
01512 #define ID_DOWNLOADS_FILTER_QUEUED      32979
01513 #define ID_DOWNLOADS_FILTER_SOURCES     32980
01514 #define ID_DOWNLOADS_FILTER_PAUSED      32981
01515 #define ID_NEIGHBOURS_SETTINGS          32982
01516 #define ID_LIBRARY_TREE_PHYSICAL        32983
01517 #define ID_LIBRARY_TREE_VIRTUAL         32984
01518 #define ID_LIBRARY_SHARED_FOLDER        32985
01519 #define ID_LIBRARY_VIEW                 32986
01520 #define ID_LIBRARY_VIEW_DETAIL          32987
01521 #define ID_LIBRARY_VIEW_HOME            32988
01522 #define ID_LIBRARY_VIEW_LIST            32989
01523 #define ID_LIBRARY_VIEW_ICON            32990
01524 #define ID_LIBRARY_VIEW_THUMBNAIL       32991
01525 #define ID_LIBRARY_PARENT               32992
01526 #define ID_LIBRARY_PANEL                32993
01527 #define ID_LIBRARY_FOLDER_PROPERTIES    32994
01528 #define ID_LIBRARY_FOLDER_DELETE        32995
01529 #define ID_LIBRARY_FOLDER_NEW           32996
01530 #define ID_LIBRARY_UNLINK               32997
01531 #define ID_LIBRARY_FOLDER_METADATA      32998
01532 #define ID_VIEW_MEDIA                   32999
01533 #define ID_TAB_MEDIA                    33000
01534 #define ID_MEDIA_OPEN                   33001
01535 #define ID_MEDIA_CLOSE                  33002
01536 #define ID_MEDIA_PLAY                   33003
01537 #define ID_MEDIA_STOP                   33004
01538 #define ID_MEDIA_PREVIOUS               33005
01539 #define ID_MEDIA_NEXT                   33006
01540 #define ID_MEDIA_SIZE_FILL              33007
01541 #define ID_MEDIA_SIZE_DISTORT           33008
01542 #define ID_MEDIA_SIZE_ONE               33009
01543 #define ID_MEDIA_SIZE_TWO               33010
01544 #define ID_MEDIA_SIZE_THREE             33011
01545 #define ID_MEDIA_FULLSCREEN             33012
01546 #define ID_MEDIA_RANDOM                 33013
01547 #define ID_MEDIA_REPEAT                 33014
01548 #define ID_MEDIA_SETTINGS               33015
01549 #define ID_MEDIA_PAUSE                  33016
01550 #define ID_MEDIA_ZOOM                   33017
01551 #define ID_MEDIA_ASPECT_DEFAULT         33018
01552 #define ID_MEDIA_ASPECT_4_3             33019
01553 #define ID_MEDIA_ASPECT_16_9            33020
01554 #define ID_MEDIA_SELECT                 33021
01555 #define ID_MEDIA_ADD                    33022
01556 #define ID_MEDIA_REMOVE                 33023
01557 #define ID_MEDIA_CLEAR                  33024
01558 #define ID_MEDIA_SAVE                   33025
01559 #define ID_MEDIA_PLAYLIST               33027
01560 #define ID_LIBRARY_VIEW_TILE            33028
01561 #define ID_LIBRARY_ALBUM_OPEN           33029
01562 #define ID_LIBRARY_FOLDER_ENQUEUE       33030
01563 #define ID_LIBRARY_ALBUM_DELETE         33031
01564 #define ID_LIBRARY_ALBUM_PROPERTIES     33032
01565 #define ID_TAB_SEARCH                   33033
01566 #define ID_LIBRARY_FOLDERS              33034
01567 #define ID_TOOLS_PROFILE                33035
01568 #define ID_BROWSE_PROFILE               33036
01569 #define ID_BROWSE_FILES                 33037
01570 #define ID_MEDIA_VIS                    33040
01571 #define ID_SYSTEM_TEST                  33041
01572 #define ID_DOWNLOADS_LAUNCH_COMPLETE    33042
01573 #define ID_CHAT_CONNECT                 33043
01574 #define ID_CHAT_DISCONNECT              33044
01575 #define ID_CHAT_BROWSE                  33045
01576 #define ID_CHAT_COLOUR                  33046
01577 #define ID_CHAT_BOLD                    33047
01578 #define ID_CHAT_ITALIC                  33048
01579 #define ID_CHAT_UNDERLINE               33049
01580 #define ID_CHAT_SEND_FILE               33050
01581 #define ID_CHAT_PRIORITY                33051
01582 #define ID_CHAT_CLEAR                   33052
01583 #define ID_CHAT_EMOTICONS               33053
01584 #define ID_DOWNLOADS_SHARE              33054
01585 #define ID_MEDIA_ADD_FOLDER             33055
01587 #define ID_LIBRARY_REBUILD              33057
01588 #define ID_VIEW_HELP                    33058
01589 #define ID_TAB_HELP                     33059
01590 #define ID_DOWNLOADS_COPY               33060
01591 #define ID_LIBRARY_VIEW_ALBUM           33061
01592 #define ID_SEARCH_DETAILS               33062
01593 #define ID_HELP_WARNINGS                33063
01594 #define ID_HELP_PROMOTE                 33064
01595 #define ID_UPLOADS_FILTER_ALL           33065
01596 #define ID_UPLOADS_FILTER_ACTIVE        33066
01597 #define ID_UPLOADS_FILTER_QUEUED        33067
01598 #define ID_UPLOADS_FILTER_HISTORY       33068
01599 #define ID_SEARCH_FOR_THIS              33069
01600 #define ID_SEARCH_FOR_SIMILAR           33070
01601 #define ID_SEARCH_FOR_ARTIST            33071
01602 #define ID_SEARCH_FOR_ALBUM             33072
01603 #define ID_SEARCH_FOR_SERIES            33073
01604 #define ID_CHAT_TIMESTAMP               33074
01605 #define ID_MEDIA_STATUS                 33075
01606 #define ID_HOSTCACHE_ED2K_CACHE         33076
01607 #define ID_HOSTCACHE_IMPORT             33077
01608 #define ID_HOSTCACHE_ED2K_DOWNLOAD      33078
01609 #define ID_DISCOVERY_SERVERMET          33079
01610 #define ID_NETWORK_G2                   33080
01611 #define ID_NETWORK_G1                   33081
01612 #define ID_NETWORK_ED2K                 33082
01613 #define ID_NETWORK_HTTP                 33083
01614 #define ID_NETWORK_FTP                  33084
01615 #define ID_NETWORK_BT                   33085
01616 #define ID_HOSTCACHE_PRIORITY           33086
01617 #define ID_VIEW_BASIC                   33087
01618 #define ID_LIBRARY_SEARCH_QUICK         33088
01619 #define ID_DOWNLOAD_GROUP_NEW           33089
01620 #define ID_DOWNLOAD_GROUP_REMOVE        33090
01621 #define ID_DOWNLOAD_GROUP_PROPERTIES    33091
01622 #define ID_DOWNLOAD_GROUP_PAUSE         33092
01623 #define ID_DOWNLOAD_GROUP_RESUME        33093
01624 #define ID_DOWNLOAD_GROUP_CLEAR         33094
01625 #define ID_DOWNLOADS_TORRENT_INFO       33095
01626 #define ID_DOWNLOAD_GROUP_SHOW          33096
01627 #define ID_DOWNLOADS_HELP               33097
01628 #define ID_DOWNLOADS_FILTER_MENU        33098
01629 #define ID_UPLOADS_FILTER_MENU          33099
01631 #define ID_DOWNLOADS_CLEAR_COMPLETE     33101
01632 #define ID_LIBRARY_CREATETORRENT        33102
01633 #define ID_WINDOW_NAVBAR                33104
01634 #define ID_DOWNLOADS_RATE               33105
01635 #define ID_LIBRARY_VIEW_COLLECTION      33106
01636 #define ID_LIBRARY_FOLDER_DOWNLOAD      33107
01638 #define ID_LIBRARY_EXPORT_COLLECTION    33109
01639 #define ID_LIBRARY_SEED_TORRENT         33110
01640 #define ID_LIBRARY_REBUILD_ANSI         33111
01641 #define ID_DOWNLOADS_EDIT               33112
01642 #define ID_MEDIA_MUTE                   33113
01643 #define ID_WINDOW_REMOTE                33114
01644 #define ID_UPLOADS_FILTER_TORRENT       33115
01645 #define ID_TOOLS_SEEDTORRENT            33117
01646 #define ID_TOOLS_RESEEDTORRENT          33118
01647 #define ID_HELP_FORUMS                  33120
01648 #define ID_HELP_UPDATE                  33121
01649 #define ID_HELP_ROUTER                  33124
01650 #define ID_HELP_SECURITY                33125
01651 #define ID_HELP_CODEC                   33126
01652 #define ID_HELP_DISKSPACE               33130
01653 #define ID_HELP_DISKWRITEFAIL           33131
01654 #define ID_HELP_CONNECTIONFAIL          33132
01655 #define ID_HELP_DONKEYSERVERS           33134
01657 // Next default values for new objects
01658 // 
01661 #define _APS_3D_CONTROLS                     1
01662 #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE        275
01663 #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE         33135
01664 #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE         1418
01665 #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE           102
01666 #endif
01667 #endif

Generated on Thu Dec 15 10:39:47 2005 for Shareaza by  doxygen 1.4.2