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CFileExecutor Member List

This is the complete list of members for CFileExecutor, including all inherited members.

DDECallback(UINT wType, UINT wFmt, HCONV hConv, HSZ hsz1, HSZ hsz2, HDDEDATA hData, DWORD dwData1, DWORD dwData2)CFileExecutor [protected, static]
DisplayURL(LPCTSTR pszURL)CFileExecutor [static]
Enqueue(LPCTSTR pszFiles, BOOL bForce=FALSE)CFileExecutor [static]
Execute(LPCTSTR pszFile, BOOL bForce=FALSE)CFileExecutor [static]
GetFileComponents(LPCTSTR pszFile, CString &strPath, CString &strType)CFileExecutor [protected, static]
GetLibraryWindow()CFileExecutor [protected, static]
GetMediaWindow(BOOL bFocus)CFileExecutor [protected, static]
ShowBitziTicket(DWORD nFile)CFileExecutor [static]

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