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CSplashDlg Member List

This is the complete list of members for CSplashDlg, including all inherited members.

BOOL(WINAPI *m_pfnAnimateWindow)(HWNDCSplashDlg [protected]
CSplashDlg(int nMax=0, BOOL bSilent=FALSE)CSplashDlg
DoDataExchange(CDataExchange *pDX)CSplashDlg [virtual]
DoPaint(CDC *pDC)CSplashDlg [protected]
DWORDCSplashDlg [protected]
IDD enum valueCSplashDlg
m_bmBufferCSplashDlg [protected]
m_bmSplashCSplashDlg [protected]
m_bSilentCSplashDlg [protected]
m_dcBuffer1CSplashDlg [protected]
m_dcBuffer2CSplashDlg [protected]
m_hUser32CSplashDlg [protected]
m_nMaxCSplashDlg [protected]
m_nPosCSplashDlg [protected]
m_sStateCSplashDlg [protected]
OnInitDialog()CSplashDlg [protected, virtual]
OnPaint()CSplashDlg [protected]
OnPrintClient(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)CSplashDlg [protected]
Step(LPCTSTR pszText)CSplashDlg
~CSplashDlg()CSplashDlg [virtual]

Generated on Thu Dec 15 10:40:12 2005 for Shareaza by  doxygen 1.4.2