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00001 /*
00002 ** 2003 October 31
00003 **
00004 ** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
00005 ** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
00006 **
00007 **    May you do good and not evil.
00008 **    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
00009 **    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
00010 **
00011 *************************************************************************
00012 ** This file contains the C functions that implement date and time
00013 ** functions for SQLite.  
00014 **
00015 ** There is only one exported symbol in this file - the function
00016 ** sqliteRegisterDateTimeFunctions() found at the bottom of the file.
00017 ** All other code has file scope.
00018 **
00019 ** $Id: date.c,v 2004/07/20 00:40:01 drh Exp $
00020 **
00021 ** NOTES:
00022 **
00023 ** SQLite processes all times and dates as Julian Day numbers.  The
00024 ** dates and times are stored as the number of days since noon
00025 ** in Greenwich on November 24, 4714 B.C. according to the Gregorian
00026 ** calendar system.
00027 **
00028 ** 1970-01-01 00:00:00 is JD 2440587.5
00029 ** 2000-01-01 00:00:00 is JD 2451544.5
00030 **
00031 ** This implemention requires years to be expressed as a 4-digit number
00032 ** which means that only dates between 0000-01-01 and 9999-12-31 can
00033 ** be represented, even though julian day numbers allow a much wider
00034 ** range of dates.
00035 **
00036 ** The Gregorian calendar system is used for all dates and times,
00037 ** even those that predate the Gregorian calendar.  Historians usually
00038 ** use the Julian calendar for dates prior to 1582-10-15 and for some
00039 ** dates afterwards, depending on locale.  Beware of this difference.
00040 **
00041 ** The conversion algorithms are implemented based on descriptions
00042 ** in the following text:
00043 **
00044 **      Jean Meeus
00045 **      Astronomical Algorithms, 2nd Edition, 1998
00046 **      ISBM 0-943396-61-1
00047 **      Willmann-Bell, Inc
00048 **      Richmond, Virginia (USA)
00049 */
00050 #include "os.h"
00051 #include "sqliteInt.h"
00052 #include <ctype.h>
00053 #include <stdlib.h>
00054 #include <assert.h>
00055 #include <time.h>
00059 /*
00060 ** A structure for holding a single date and time.
00061 */
00062 typedef struct DateTime DateTime;
00063 struct DateTime {
00064   double rJD;      /* The julian day number */
00065   int Y, M, D;     /* Year, month, and day */
00066   int h, m;        /* Hour and minutes */
00067   int tz;          /* Timezone offset in minutes */
00068   double s;        /* Seconds */
00069   char validYMD;   /* True if Y,M,D are valid */
00070   char validHMS;   /* True if h,m,s are valid */
00071   char validJD;    /* True if rJD is valid */
00072   char validTZ;    /* True if tz is valid */
00073 };
00076 /*
00077 ** Convert zDate into one or more integers.  Additional arguments
00078 ** come in groups of 5 as follows:
00079 **
00080 **       N       number of digits in the integer
00081 **       min     minimum allowed value of the integer
00082 **       max     maximum allowed value of the integer
00083 **       nextC   first character after the integer
00084 **       pVal    where to write the integers value.
00085 **
00086 ** Conversions continue until one with nextC==0 is encountered.
00087 ** The function returns the number of successful conversions.
00088 */
00089 static int getDigits(const char *zDate, ...){
00090   va_list ap;
00091   int val;
00092   int N;
00093   int min;
00094   int max;
00095   int nextC;
00096   int *pVal;
00097   int cnt = 0;
00098   va_start(ap, zDate);
00099   do{
00100     N = va_arg(ap, int);
00101     min = va_arg(ap, int);
00102     max = va_arg(ap, int);
00103     nextC = va_arg(ap, int);
00104     pVal = va_arg(ap, int*);
00105     val = 0;
00106     while( N-- ){
00107       if( !isdigit(*zDate) ){
00108         return cnt;
00109       }
00110       val = val*10 + *zDate - '0';
00111       zDate++;
00112     }
00113     if( val<min || val>max || (nextC!=0 && nextC!=*zDate) ){
00114       return cnt;
00115     }
00116     *pVal = val;
00117     zDate++;
00118     cnt++;
00119   }while( nextC );
00120   return cnt;
00121 }
00123 /*
00124 ** Read text from z[] and convert into a floating point number.  Return
00125 ** the number of digits converted.
00126 */
00127 static int getValue(const char *z, double *pR){
00128   const char *zEnd;
00129   *pR = sqliteAtoF(z, &zEnd);
00130   return zEnd - z;
00131 }
00133 /*
00134 ** Parse a timezone extension on the end of a date-time.
00135 ** The extension is of the form:
00136 **
00137 **        (+/-)HH:MM
00138 **
00139 ** If the parse is successful, write the number of minutes
00140 ** of change in *pnMin and return 0.  If a parser error occurs,
00141 ** return 0.
00142 **
00143 ** A missing specifier is not considered an error.
00144 */
00145 static int parseTimezone(const char *zDate, DateTime *p){
00146   int sgn = 0;
00147   int nHr, nMn;
00148   while( isspace(*zDate) ){ zDate++; }
00149   p->tz = 0;
00150   if( *zDate=='-' ){
00151     sgn = -1;
00152   }else if( *zDate=='+' ){
00153     sgn = +1;
00154   }else{
00155     return *zDate!=0;
00156   }
00157   zDate++;
00158   if( getDigits(zDate, 2, 0, 14, ':', &nHr, 2, 0, 59, 0, &nMn)!=2 ){
00159     return 1;
00160   }
00161   zDate += 5;
00162   p->tz = sgn*(nMn + nHr*60);
00163   while( isspace(*zDate) ){ zDate++; }
00164   return *zDate!=0;
00165 }
00167 /*
00168 ** Parse times of the form HH:MM or HH:MM:SS or HH:MM:SS.FFFF.
00169 ** The HH, MM, and SS must each be exactly 2 digits.  The
00170 ** fractional seconds FFFF can be one or more digits.
00171 **
00172 ** Return 1 if there is a parsing error and 0 on success.
00173 */
00174 static int parseHhMmSs(const char *zDate, DateTime *p){
00175   int h, m, s;
00176   double ms = 0.0;
00177   if( getDigits(zDate, 2, 0, 24, ':', &h, 2, 0, 59, 0, &m)!=2 ){
00178     return 1;
00179   }
00180   zDate += 5;
00181   if( *zDate==':' ){
00182     zDate++;
00183     if( getDigits(zDate, 2, 0, 59, 0, &s)!=1 ){
00184       return 1;
00185     }
00186     zDate += 2;
00187     if( *zDate=='.' && isdigit(zDate[1]) ){
00188       double rScale = 1.0;
00189       zDate++;
00190       while( isdigit(*zDate) ){
00191         ms = ms*10.0 + *zDate - '0';
00192         rScale *= 10.0;
00193         zDate++;
00194       }
00195       ms /= rScale;
00196     }
00197   }else{
00198     s = 0;
00199   }
00200   p->validJD = 0;
00201   p->validHMS = 1;
00202   p->h = h;
00203   p->m = m;
00204   p->s = s + ms;
00205   if( parseTimezone(zDate, p) ) return 1;
00206   p->validTZ = p->tz!=0;
00207   return 0;
00208 }
00210 /*
00211 ** Convert from YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS to julian day.  We always assume
00212 ** that the YYYY-MM-DD is according to the Gregorian calendar.
00213 **
00214 ** Reference:  Meeus page 61
00215 */
00216 static void computeJD(DateTime *p){
00217   int Y, M, D, A, B, X1, X2;
00219   if( p->validJD ) return;
00220   if( p->validYMD ){
00221     Y = p->Y;
00222     M = p->M;
00223     D = p->D;
00224   }else{
00225     Y = 2000;  /* If no YMD specified, assume 2000-Jan-01 */
00226     M = 1;
00227     D = 1;
00228   }
00229   if( M<=2 ){
00230     Y--;
00231     M += 12;
00232   }
00233   A = Y/100;
00234   B = 2 - A + (A/4);
00235   X1 = 365.25*(Y+4716);
00236   X2 = 30.6001*(M+1);
00237   p->rJD = X1 + X2 + D + B - 1524.5;
00238   p->validJD = 1;
00239   p->validYMD = 0;
00240   if( p->validHMS ){
00241     p->rJD += (p->h*3600.0 + p->m*60.0 + p->s)/86400.0;
00242     if( p->validTZ ){
00243       p->rJD += p->tz*60/86400.0;
00244       p->validHMS = 0;
00245       p->validTZ = 0;
00246     }
00247   }
00248 }
00250 /*
00251 ** Parse dates of the form
00252 **
00253 **     YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.FFF
00254 **     YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
00255 **     YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM
00256 **     YYYY-MM-DD
00257 **
00258 ** Write the result into the DateTime structure and return 0
00259 ** on success and 1 if the input string is not a well-formed
00260 ** date.
00261 */
00262 static int parseYyyyMmDd(const char *zDate, DateTime *p){
00263   int Y, M, D, neg;
00265   if( zDate[0]=='-' ){
00266     zDate++;
00267     neg = 1;
00268   }else{
00269     neg = 0;
00270   }
00271   if( getDigits(zDate,4,0,9999,'-',&Y,2,1,12,'-',&M,2,1,31,0,&D)!=3 ){
00272     return 1;
00273   }
00274   zDate += 10;
00275   while( isspace(*zDate) ){ zDate++; }
00276   if( parseHhMmSs(zDate, p)==0 ){
00277     /* We got the time */
00278   }else if( *zDate==0 ){
00279     p->validHMS = 0;
00280   }else{
00281     return 1;
00282   }
00283   p->validJD = 0;
00284   p->validYMD = 1;
00285   p->Y = neg ? -Y : Y;
00286   p->M = M;
00287   p->D = D;
00288   if( p->validTZ ){
00289     computeJD(p);
00290   }
00291   return 0;
00292 }
00294 /*
00295 ** Attempt to parse the given string into a Julian Day Number.  Return
00296 ** the number of errors.
00297 **
00298 ** The following are acceptable forms for the input string:
00299 **
00300 **      YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.FFF  +/-HH:MM
00301 **      DDDD.DD 
00302 **      now
00303 **
00304 ** In the first form, the +/-HH:MM is always optional.  The fractional
00305 ** seconds extension (the ".FFF") is optional.  The seconds portion
00306 ** (":SS.FFF") is option.  The year and date can be omitted as long
00307 ** as there is a time string.  The time string can be omitted as long
00308 ** as there is a year and date.
00309 */
00310 static int parseDateOrTime(const char *zDate, DateTime *p){
00311   memset(p, 0, sizeof(*p));
00312   if( parseYyyyMmDd(zDate,p)==0 ){
00313     return 0;
00314   }else if( parseHhMmSs(zDate, p)==0 ){
00315     return 0;
00316   }else if( sqliteStrICmp(zDate,"now")==0){
00317     double r;
00318     if( sqliteOsCurrentTime(&r)==0 ){
00319       p->rJD = r;
00320       p->validJD = 1;
00321       return 0;
00322     }
00323     return 1;
00324   }else if( sqliteIsNumber(zDate) ){
00325     p->rJD = sqliteAtoF(zDate, 0);
00326     p->validJD = 1;
00327     return 0;
00328   }
00329   return 1;
00330 }
00332 /*
00333 ** Compute the Year, Month, and Day from the julian day number.
00334 */
00335 static void computeYMD(DateTime *p){
00336   int Z, A, B, C, D, E, X1;
00337   if( p->validYMD ) return;
00338   if( !p->validJD ){
00339     p->Y = 2000;
00340     p->M = 1;
00341     p->D = 1;
00342   }else{
00343     Z = p->rJD + 0.5;
00344     A = (Z - 1867216.25)/36524.25;
00345     A = Z + 1 + A - (A/4);
00346     B = A + 1524;
00347     C = (B - 122.1)/365.25;
00348     D = 365.25*C;
00349     E = (B-D)/30.6001;
00350     X1 = 30.6001*E;
00351     p->D = B - D - X1;
00352     p->M = E<14 ? E-1 : E-13;
00353     p->Y = p->M>2 ? C - 4716 : C - 4715;
00354   }
00355   p->validYMD = 1;
00356 }
00358 /*
00359 ** Compute the Hour, Minute, and Seconds from the julian day number.
00360 */
00361 static void computeHMS(DateTime *p){
00362   int Z, s;
00363   if( p->validHMS ) return;
00364   Z = p->rJD + 0.5;
00365   s = (p->rJD + 0.5 - Z)*86400000.0 + 0.5;
00366   p->s = 0.001*s;
00367   s = p->s;
00368   p->s -= s;
00369   p->h = s/3600;
00370   s -= p->h*3600;
00371   p->m = s/60;
00372   p->s += s - p->m*60;
00373   p->validHMS = 1;
00374 }
00376 /*
00377 ** Compute both YMD and HMS
00378 */
00379 static void computeYMD_HMS(DateTime *p){
00380   computeYMD(p);
00381   computeHMS(p);
00382 }
00384 /*
00385 ** Clear the YMD and HMS and the TZ
00386 */
00387 static void clearYMD_HMS_TZ(DateTime *p){
00388   p->validYMD = 0;
00389   p->validHMS = 0;
00390   p->validTZ = 0;
00391 }
00393 /*
00394 ** Compute the difference (in days) between localtime and UTC (a.k.a. GMT)
00395 ** for the time value p where p is in UTC.
00396 */
00397 static double localtimeOffset(DateTime *p){
00398   DateTime x, y;
00399   time_t t;
00400   struct tm *pTm;
00401   x = *p;
00402   computeYMD_HMS(&x);
00403   if( x.Y<1971 || x.Y>=2038 ){
00404     x.Y = 2000;
00405     x.M = 1;
00406     x.D = 1;
00407     x.h = 0;
00408     x.m = 0;
00409     x.s = 0.0;
00410   } else {
00411     int s = x.s + 0.5;
00412     x.s = s;
00413   }
00414 = 0;
00415   x.validJD = 0;
00416   computeJD(&x);
00417   t = (x.rJD-2440587.5)*86400.0 + 0.5;
00418   sqliteOsEnterMutex();
00419   pTm = localtime(&t);
00420   y.Y = pTm->tm_year + 1900;
00421   y.M = pTm->tm_mon + 1;
00422   y.D = pTm->tm_mday;
00423   y.h = pTm->tm_hour;
00424   y.m = pTm->tm_min;
00425   y.s = pTm->tm_sec;
00426   sqliteOsLeaveMutex();
00427   y.validYMD = 1;
00428   y.validHMS = 1;
00429   y.validJD = 0;
00430   y.validTZ = 0;
00431   computeJD(&y);
00432   return y.rJD - x.rJD;
00433 }
00435 /*
00436 ** Process a modifier to a date-time stamp.  The modifiers are
00437 ** as follows:
00438 **
00439 **     NNN days
00440 **     NNN hours
00441 **     NNN minutes
00442 **     NNN.NNNN seconds
00443 **     NNN months
00444 **     NNN years
00445 **     start of month
00446 **     start of year
00447 **     start of week
00448 **     start of day
00449 **     weekday N
00450 **     unixepoch
00451 **     localtime
00452 **     utc
00453 **
00454 ** Return 0 on success and 1 if there is any kind of error.
00455 */
00456 static int parseModifier(const char *zMod, DateTime *p){
00457   int rc = 1;
00458   int n;
00459   double r;
00460   char *z, zBuf[30];
00461   z = zBuf;
00462   for(n=0; n<sizeof(zBuf)-1 && zMod[n]; n++){
00463     z[n] = tolower(zMod[n]);
00464   }
00465   z[n] = 0;
00466   switch( z[0] ){
00467     case 'l': {
00468       /*    localtime
00469       **
00470       ** Assuming the current time value is UTC (a.k.a. GMT), shift it to
00471       ** show local time.
00472       */
00473       if( strcmp(z, "localtime")==0 ){
00474         computeJD(p);
00475         p->rJD += localtimeOffset(p);
00476         clearYMD_HMS_TZ(p);
00477         rc = 0;
00478       }
00479       break;
00480     }
00481     case 'u': {
00482       /*
00483       **    unixepoch
00484       **
00485       ** Treat the current value of p->rJD as the number of
00486       ** seconds since 1970.  Convert to a real julian day number.
00487       */
00488       if( strcmp(z, "unixepoch")==0 && p->validJD ){
00489         p->rJD = p->rJD/86400.0 + 2440587.5;
00490         clearYMD_HMS_TZ(p);
00491         rc = 0;
00492       }else if( strcmp(z, "utc")==0 ){
00493         double c1;
00494         computeJD(p);
00495         c1 = localtimeOffset(p);
00496         p->rJD -= c1;
00497         clearYMD_HMS_TZ(p);
00498         p->rJD += c1 - localtimeOffset(p);
00499         rc = 0;
00500       }
00501       break;
00502     }
00503     case 'w': {
00504       /*
00505       **    weekday N
00506       **
00507       ** Move the date to the same time on the next occurrance of
00508       ** weekday N where 0==Sunday, 1==Monday, and so forth.  If the
00509       ** date is already on the appropriate weekday, this is a no-op.
00510       */
00511       if( strncmp(z, "weekday ", 8)==0 && getValue(&z[8],&r)>0
00512                  && (n=r)==r && n>=0 && r<7 ){
00513         int Z;
00514         computeYMD_HMS(p);
00515         p->validTZ = 0;
00516         p->validJD = 0;
00517         computeJD(p);
00518         Z = p->rJD + 1.5;
00519         Z %= 7;
00520         if( Z>n ) Z -= 7;
00521         p->rJD += n - Z;
00522         clearYMD_HMS_TZ(p);
00523         rc = 0;
00524       }
00525       break;
00526     }
00527     case 's': {
00528       /*
00529       **    start of TTTTT
00530       **
00531       ** Move the date backwards to the beginning of the current day,
00532       ** or month or year.
00533       */
00534       if( strncmp(z, "start of ", 9)!=0 ) break;
00535       z += 9;
00536       computeYMD(p);
00537       p->validHMS = 1;
00538       p->h = p->m = 0;
00539       p->s = 0.0;
00540       p->validTZ = 0;
00541       p->validJD = 0;
00542       if( strcmp(z,"month")==0 ){
00543         p->D = 1;
00544         rc = 0;
00545       }else if( strcmp(z,"year")==0 ){
00546         computeYMD(p);
00547         p->M = 1;
00548         p->D = 1;
00549         rc = 0;
00550       }else if( strcmp(z,"day")==0 ){
00551         rc = 0;
00552       }
00553       break;
00554     }
00555     case '+':
00556     case '-':
00557     case '0':
00558     case '1':
00559     case '2':
00560     case '3':
00561     case '4':
00562     case '5':
00563     case '6':
00564     case '7':
00565     case '8':
00566     case '9': {
00567       n = getValue(z, &r);
00568       if( n<=0 ) break;
00569       if( z[n]==':' ){
00570         /* A modifier of the form (+|-)HH:MM:SS.FFF adds (or subtracts) the
00571         ** specified number of hours, minutes, seconds, and fractional seconds
00572         ** to the time.  The ".FFF" may be omitted.  The ":SS.FFF" may be
00573         ** omitted.
00574         */
00575         const char *z2 = z;
00576         DateTime tx;
00577         int day;
00578         if( !isdigit(*z2) ) z2++;
00579         memset(&tx, 0, sizeof(tx));
00580         if( parseHhMmSs(z2, &tx) ) break;
00581         computeJD(&tx);
00582         tx.rJD -= 0.5;
00583         day = (int)tx.rJD;
00584         tx.rJD -= day;
00585         if( z[0]=='-' ) tx.rJD = -tx.rJD;
00586         computeJD(p);
00587         clearYMD_HMS_TZ(p);
00588        p->rJD += tx.rJD;
00589         rc = 0;
00590         break;
00591       }
00592       z += n;
00593       while( isspace(z[0]) ) z++;
00594       n = strlen(z);
00595       if( n>10 || n<3 ) break;
00596       if( z[n-1]=='s' ){ z[n-1] = 0; n--; }
00597       computeJD(p);
00598       rc = 0;
00599       if( n==3 && strcmp(z,"day")==0 ){
00600         p->rJD += r;
00601       }else if( n==4 && strcmp(z,"hour")==0 ){
00602         p->rJD += r/24.0;
00603       }else if( n==6 && strcmp(z,"minute")==0 ){
00604         p->rJD += r/(24.0*60.0);
00605       }else if( n==6 && strcmp(z,"second")==0 ){
00606         p->rJD += r/(24.0*60.0*60.0);
00607       }else if( n==5 && strcmp(z,"month")==0 ){
00608         int x, y;
00609         computeYMD_HMS(p);
00610         p->M += r;
00611         x = p->M>0 ? (p->M-1)/12 : (p->M-12)/12;
00612         p->Y += x;
00613         p->M -= x*12;
00614         p->validJD = 0;
00615         computeJD(p);
00616         y = r;
00617         if( y!=r ){
00618           p->rJD += (r - y)*30.0;
00619         }
00620       }else if( n==4 && strcmp(z,"year")==0 ){
00621         computeYMD_HMS(p);
00622         p->Y += r;
00623         p->validJD = 0;
00624         computeJD(p);
00625       }else{
00626         rc = 1;
00627       }
00628       clearYMD_HMS_TZ(p);
00629       break;
00630     }
00631     default: {
00632       break;
00633     }
00634   }
00635   return rc;
00636 }
00638 /*
00639 ** Process time function arguments.  argv[0] is a date-time stamp.
00640 ** argv[1] and following are modifiers.  Parse them all and write
00641 ** the resulting time into the DateTime structure p.  Return 0
00642 ** on success and 1 if there are any errors.
00643 */
00644 static int isDate(int argc, const char **argv, DateTime *p){
00645   int i;
00646   if( argc==0 ) return 1;
00647   if( argv[0]==0 || parseDateOrTime(argv[0], p) ) return 1;
00648   for(i=1; i<argc; i++){
00649     if( argv[i]==0 || parseModifier(argv[i], p) ) return 1;
00650   }
00651   return 0;
00652 }
00655 /*
00656 ** The following routines implement the various date and time functions
00657 ** of SQLite.
00658 */
00660 /*
00661 **    julianday( TIMESTRING, MOD, MOD, ...)
00662 **
00663 ** Return the julian day number of the date specified in the arguments
00664 */
00665 static void juliandayFunc(sqlite_func *context, int argc, const char **argv){
00666   DateTime x;
00667   if( isDate(argc, argv, &x)==0 ){
00668     computeJD(&x);
00669     sqlite_set_result_double(context, x.rJD);
00670   }
00671 }
00673 /*
00674 **    datetime( TIMESTRING, MOD, MOD, ...)
00675 **
00676 ** Return YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
00677 */
00678 static void datetimeFunc(sqlite_func *context, int argc, const char **argv){
00679   DateTime x;
00680   if( isDate(argc, argv, &x)==0 ){
00681     char zBuf[100];
00682     computeYMD_HMS(&x);
00683     sprintf(zBuf, "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",x.Y, x.M, x.D, x.h, x.m,
00684            (int)(x.s));
00685     sqlite_set_result_string(context, zBuf, -1);
00686   }
00687 }
00689 /*
00690 **    time( TIMESTRING, MOD, MOD, ...)
00691 **
00692 ** Return HH:MM:SS
00693 */
00694 static void timeFunc(sqlite_func *context, int argc, const char **argv){
00695   DateTime x;
00696   if( isDate(argc, argv, &x)==0 ){
00697     char zBuf[100];
00698     computeHMS(&x);
00699     sprintf(zBuf, "%02d:%02d:%02d", x.h, x.m, (int)x.s);
00700     sqlite_set_result_string(context, zBuf, -1);
00701   }
00702 }
00704 /*
00705 **    date( TIMESTRING, MOD, MOD, ...)
00706 **
00707 ** Return YYYY-MM-DD
00708 */
00709 static void dateFunc(sqlite_func *context, int argc, const char **argv){
00710   DateTime x;
00711   if( isDate(argc, argv, &x)==0 ){
00712     char zBuf[100];
00713     computeYMD(&x);
00714     sprintf(zBuf, "%04d-%02d-%02d", x.Y, x.M, x.D);
00715     sqlite_set_result_string(context, zBuf, -1);
00716   }
00717 }
00719 /*
00720 **    strftime( FORMAT, TIMESTRING, MOD, MOD, ...)
00721 **
00722 ** Return a string described by FORMAT.  Conversions as follows:
00723 **
00724 **   %d  day of month
00725 **   %f  ** fractional seconds  SS.SSS
00726 **   %H  hour 00-24
00727 **   %j  day of year 000-366
00728 **   %J  ** Julian day number
00729 **   %m  month 01-12
00730 **   %M  minute 00-59
00731 **   %s  seconds since 1970-01-01
00732 **   %S  seconds 00-59
00733 **   %w  day of week 0-6  sunday==0
00734 **   %W  week of year 00-53
00735 **   %Y  year 0000-9999
00736 **   %%  %
00737 */
00738 static void strftimeFunc(sqlite_func *context, int argc, const char **argv){
00739   DateTime x;
00740   int n, i, j;
00741   char *z;
00742   const char *zFmt = argv[0];
00743   char zBuf[100];
00744   if( argv[0]==0 || isDate(argc-1, argv+1, &x) ) return;
00745   for(i=0, n=1; zFmt[i]; i++, n++){
00746     if( zFmt[i]=='%' ){
00747       switch( zFmt[i+1] ){
00748         case 'd':
00749         case 'H':
00750         case 'm':
00751         case 'M':
00752         case 'S':
00753         case 'W':
00754           n++;
00755           /* fall thru */
00756         case 'w':
00757         case '%':
00758           break;
00759         case 'f':
00760           n += 8;
00761           break;
00762         case 'j':
00763           n += 3;
00764           break;
00765         case 'Y':
00766           n += 8;
00767           break;
00768         case 's':
00769         case 'J':
00770           n += 50;
00771           break;
00772         default:
00773           return;  /* ERROR.  return a NULL */
00774       }
00775       i++;
00776     }
00777   }
00778   if( n<sizeof(zBuf) ){
00779     z = zBuf;
00780   }else{
00781     z = sqliteMalloc( n );
00782     if( z==0 ) return;
00783   }
00784   computeJD(&x);
00785   computeYMD_HMS(&x);
00786   for(i=j=0; zFmt[i]; i++){
00787     if( zFmt[i]!='%' ){
00788       z[j++] = zFmt[i];
00789     }else{
00790       i++;
00791       switch( zFmt[i] ){
00792         case 'd':  sprintf(&z[j],"%02d",x.D); j+=2; break;
00793         case 'f': {
00794           int s = x.s;
00795           int ms = (x.s - s)*1000.0;
00796           sprintf(&z[j],"%02d.%03d",s,ms);
00797           j += strlen(&z[j]);
00798           break;
00799         }
00800         case 'H':  sprintf(&z[j],"%02d",x.h); j+=2; break;
00801         case 'W': /* Fall thru */
00802         case 'j': {
00803           int n;             /* Number of days since 1st day of year */
00804           DateTime y = x;
00805           y.validJD = 0;
00806           y.M = 1;
00807           y.D = 1;
00808           computeJD(&y);
00809           n = x.rJD - y.rJD;
00810           if( zFmt[i]=='W' ){
00811             int wd;   /* 0=Monday, 1=Tuesday, ... 6=Sunday */
00812             wd = ((int)(x.rJD+0.5)) % 7;
00813             sprintf(&z[j],"%02d",(n+7-wd)/7);
00814             j += 2;
00815           }else{
00816             sprintf(&z[j],"%03d",n+1);
00817             j += 3;
00818           }
00819           break;
00820         }
00821         case 'J':  sprintf(&z[j],"%.16g",x.rJD); j+=strlen(&z[j]); break;
00822         case 'm':  sprintf(&z[j],"%02d",x.M); j+=2; break;
00823         case 'M':  sprintf(&z[j],"%02d",x.m); j+=2; break;
00824         case 's': {
00825           sprintf(&z[j],"%d",(int)((x.rJD-2440587.5)*86400.0 + 0.5));
00826           j += strlen(&z[j]);
00827           break;
00828         }
00829         case 'S':  sprintf(&z[j],"%02d",(int)(x.s+0.5)); j+=2; break;
00830         case 'w':  z[j++] = (((int)(x.rJD+1.5)) % 7) + '0'; break;
00831         case 'Y':  sprintf(&z[j],"%04d",x.Y); j+=strlen(&z[j]); break;
00832         case '%':  z[j++] = '%'; break;
00833       }
00834     }
00835   }
00836   z[j] = 0;
00837   sqlite_set_result_string(context, z, -1);
00838   if( z!=zBuf ){
00839     sqliteFree(z);
00840   }
00841 }
00844 #endif /* !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_DATETIME_FUNCS) */
00846 /*
00847 ** This function registered all of the above C functions as SQL
00848 ** functions.  This should be the only routine in this file with
00849 ** external linkage.
00850 */
00851 void sqliteRegisterDateTimeFunctions(sqlite *db){
00853   static struct {
00854      char *zName;
00855      int nArg;
00856      int dataType;
00857      void (*xFunc)(sqlite_func*,int,const char**);
00858   } aFuncs[] = {
00859     { "julianday", -1, SQLITE_NUMERIC, juliandayFunc   },
00860     { "date",      -1, SQLITE_TEXT,    dateFunc        },
00861     { "time",      -1, SQLITE_TEXT,    timeFunc        },
00862     { "datetime",  -1, SQLITE_TEXT,    datetimeFunc    },
00863     { "strftime",  -1, SQLITE_TEXT,    strftimeFunc    },
00864   };
00865   int i;
00867   for(i=0; i<sizeof(aFuncs)/sizeof(aFuncs[0]); i++){
00868     sqlite_create_function(db, aFuncs[i].zName,
00869            aFuncs[i].nArg, aFuncs[i].xFunc, 0);
00870     if( aFuncs[i].xFunc ){
00871       sqlite_function_type(db, aFuncs[i].zName, aFuncs[i].dataType);
00872     }
00873   }
00874 #endif
00875 }

Generated on Sun Dec 25 12:29:51 2005 for sqlite 2.8.17 by  doxygen 1.4.2