![]() |
This is the complete list of members for ScriptMgr, including all inherited members.
_scheduledScripts | ScriptMgr | private |
_script_loader_callback | ScriptMgr | private |
_scriptCount | ScriptMgr | private |
CreateAuraScripts(uint32 spellId, std::list< AuraScript * > &scriptVector) | ScriptMgr | |
CreateBattleground(BattlegroundTypeId typeId) | ScriptMgr | |
CreateInstanceData(InstanceMap *map) | ScriptMgr | |
CreateOutdoorPvP(OutdoorPvPData const *data) | ScriptMgr | |
CreateSpellScriptLoaders(uint32 spellId, std::vector< std::pair< SpellScriptLoader *, std::multimap< uint32, uint32 >::iterator > > &scriptVector) | ScriptMgr | |
CreateSpellScripts(uint32 spellId, std::list< SpellScript * > &scriptVector) | ScriptMgr | |
DecreaseScheduledScriptCount() | ScriptMgr | inline |
DecreaseScheduledScriptCount(uint64 count) | ScriptMgr | inline |
FillSpellSummary() | ScriptMgr | |
GetChatCommands() | ScriptMgr | |
GetCreatureAI(Creature *creature) | ScriptMgr | |
GetDialogStatus(Player *player, Creature *creature) | ScriptMgr | |
GetDialogStatus(Player *player, GameObject *go) | ScriptMgr | |
GetGameObjectAI(GameObject *go) | ScriptMgr | |
GetScriptCount() const | ScriptMgr | inline |
IncreaseScheduledScriptsCount() | ScriptMgr | inline |
IncrementScriptCount() | ScriptMgr | inline |
Initialize() | ScriptMgr | |
instance() | ScriptMgr | static |
IsScriptScheduled() const | ScriptMgr | inline |
LoadDatabase() | ScriptMgr | |
ModifyMeleeDamage(Unit *target, Unit *attacker, uint32 &damage) | ScriptMgr | |
ModifyPeriodicDamageAurasTick(Unit *target, Unit *attacker, uint32 &damage) | ScriptMgr | |
ModifySpellDamageTaken(Unit *target, Unit *attacker, int32 &damage) | ScriptMgr | |
OnAccountLogin(uint32 accountId) | ScriptMgr | |
OnAddCreaturePassenger(Transport *transport, Creature *creature) | ScriptMgr | |
OnAddPassenger(Vehicle *veh, Unit *passenger, int8 seatId) | ScriptMgr | |
OnAddPassenger(Transport *transport, Player *player) | ScriptMgr | |
OnAreaTrigger(Player *player, AreaTriggerEntry const *trigger, bool entered) | ScriptMgr | |
OnAuctionAdd(AuctionHouseObject *ah, AuctionEntry *entry) | ScriptMgr | |
OnAuctionExpire(AuctionHouseObject *ah, AuctionEntry *entry) | ScriptMgr | |
OnAuctionRemove(AuctionHouseObject *ah, AuctionEntry *entry) | ScriptMgr | |
OnAuctionSuccessful(AuctionHouseObject *ah, AuctionEntry *entry) | ScriptMgr | |
OnBaseGainCalculation(uint32 &gain, uint8 playerLevel, uint8 mobLevel) | ScriptMgr | |
OnColorCodeCalculation(XPColorChar &color, uint8 playerLevel, uint8 mobLevel) | ScriptMgr | |
OnConditionCheck(Condition const *condition, ConditionSourceInfo &sourceInfo) | ScriptMgr | |
OnConfigLoad(bool reload) | ScriptMgr | |
OnCreateMap(Map *map) | ScriptMgr | |
OnCreatureKill(Player *killer, Creature *killed) | ScriptMgr | |
OnCreatureUpdate(Creature *creature, uint32 diff) | ScriptMgr | |
OnCriteriaCheck(uint32 scriptId, Player *source, Unit *target) | ScriptMgr | |
OnDamage(Unit *attacker, Unit *victim, uint32 &damage) | ScriptMgr | |
OnDestroyMap(Map *map) | ScriptMgr | |
OnDummyEffect(Unit *caster, uint32 spellId, SpellEffIndex effIndex, Item *target) | ScriptMgr | |
OnDummyEffect(Unit *caster, uint32 spellId, SpellEffIndex effIndex, Creature *target) | ScriptMgr | |
OnDummyEffect(Unit *caster, uint32 spellId, SpellEffIndex effIndex, GameObject *target) | ScriptMgr | |
OnDynamicObjectUpdate(DynamicObject *dynobj, uint32 diff) | ScriptMgr | |
OnEmailChange(uint32 accountId) | ScriptMgr | |
OnFailedAccountLogin(uint32 accountId) | ScriptMgr | |
OnFailedEmailChange(uint32 accountId) | ScriptMgr | |
OnFailedPasswordChange(uint32 accountId) | ScriptMgr | |
OnGainCalculation(uint32 &gain, Player *player, Unit *unit) | ScriptMgr | |
OnGameObjectDamaged(GameObject *go, Player *player) | ScriptMgr | |
OnGameObjectDestroyed(GameObject *go, Player *player) | ScriptMgr | |
OnGameObjectLootStateChanged(GameObject *go, uint32 state, Unit *unit) | ScriptMgr | |
OnGameObjectStateChanged(GameObject *go, uint32 state) | ScriptMgr | |
OnGameObjectUpdate(GameObject *go, uint32 diff) | ScriptMgr | |
OnGivePlayerXP(Player *player, uint32 &amount, Unit *victim) | ScriptMgr | |
OnGossipHello(Player *player, Creature *creature) | ScriptMgr | |
OnGossipHello(Player *player, GameObject *go) | ScriptMgr | |
OnGossipSelect(Player *player, Creature *creature, uint32 sender, uint32 action) | ScriptMgr | |
OnGossipSelect(Player *player, GameObject *go, uint32 sender, uint32 action) | ScriptMgr | |
OnGossipSelectCode(Player *player, Creature *creature, uint32 sender, uint32 action, const char *code) | ScriptMgr | |
OnGossipSelectCode(Player *player, GameObject *go, uint32 sender, uint32 action, const char *code) | ScriptMgr | |
OnGrayLevelCalculation(uint8 &grayLevel, uint8 playerLevel) | ScriptMgr | |
OnGroupAddMember(Group *group, ObjectGuid guid) | ScriptMgr | |
OnGroupChangeLeader(Group *group, ObjectGuid newLeaderGuid, ObjectGuid oldLeaderGuid) | ScriptMgr | |
OnGroupDisband(Group *group) | ScriptMgr | |
OnGroupInviteMember(Group *group, ObjectGuid guid) | ScriptMgr | |
OnGroupRateCalculation(float &rate, uint32 count, bool isRaid) | ScriptMgr | |
OnGroupRemoveMember(Group *group, ObjectGuid guid, RemoveMethod method, ObjectGuid kicker, const char *reason) | ScriptMgr | |
OnGuildAddMember(Guild *guild, Player *player, uint8 &plRank) | ScriptMgr | |
OnGuildBankEvent(Guild *guild, uint8 eventType, uint8 tabId, ObjectGuid::LowType playerGuid, uint64 itemOrMoney, uint16 itemStackCount, uint8 destTabId) | ScriptMgr | |
OnGuildCreate(Guild *guild, Player *leader, const std::string &name) | ScriptMgr | |
OnGuildDisband(Guild *guild) | ScriptMgr | |
OnGuildEvent(Guild *guild, uint8 eventType, ObjectGuid::LowType playerGuid1, ObjectGuid::LowType playerGuid2, uint8 newRank) | ScriptMgr | |
OnGuildInfoChanged(Guild *guild, const std::string &newInfo) | ScriptMgr | |
OnGuildItemMove(Guild *guild, Player *player, Item *pItem, bool isSrcBank, uint8 srcContainer, uint8 srcSlotId, bool isDestBank, uint8 destContainer, uint8 destSlotId) | ScriptMgr | |
OnGuildMemberDepositMoney(Guild *guild, Player *player, uint64 &amount) | ScriptMgr | |
OnGuildMemberWitdrawMoney(Guild *guild, Player *player, uint64 &amount, bool isRepair) | ScriptMgr | |
OnGuildMOTDChanged(Guild *guild, const std::string &newMotd) | ScriptMgr | |
OnGuildRemoveMember(Guild *guild, ObjectGuid guid, bool isDisbanding, bool isKicked) | ScriptMgr | |
OnHeal(Unit *healer, Unit *reciever, uint32 &gain) | ScriptMgr | |
OnHonorCalculation(float &honor, uint8 level, float multiplier) | ScriptMgr | |
OnInstall(Vehicle *veh) | ScriptMgr | |
OnInstallAccessory(Vehicle *veh, Creature *accessory) | ScriptMgr | |
OnItemExpire(Player *player, ItemTemplate const *proto) | ScriptMgr | |
OnItemRemove(Player *player, Item *item) | ScriptMgr | |
OnItemUse(Player *player, Item *item, SpellCastTargets const &targets) | ScriptMgr | |
OnLoadGridMap(Map *map, GridMap *gmap, uint32 gx, uint32 gy) | ScriptMgr | |
OnMapUpdate(Map *map, uint32 diff) | ScriptMgr | |
OnMotdChange(std::string &newMotd) | ScriptMgr | |
OnNetworkStart() | ScriptMgr | |
OnNetworkStop() | ScriptMgr | |
OnOpenStateChange(bool open) | ScriptMgr | |
OnPacketReceive(WorldSession *session, WorldPacket const &packet) | ScriptMgr | |
OnPacketSend(WorldSession *session, WorldPacket const &packet) | ScriptMgr | |
OnPasswordChange(uint32 accountId) | ScriptMgr | |
OnPlayerBindToInstance(Player *player, Difficulty difficulty, uint32 mapid, bool permanent, uint8 extendState) | ScriptMgr | |
OnPlayerChat(Player *player, uint32 type, uint32 lang, std::string &msg) | ScriptMgr | |
OnPlayerChat(Player *player, uint32 type, uint32 lang, std::string &msg, Player *receiver) | ScriptMgr | |
OnPlayerChat(Player *player, uint32 type, uint32 lang, std::string &msg, Group *group) | ScriptMgr | |
OnPlayerChat(Player *player, uint32 type, uint32 lang, std::string &msg, Guild *guild) | ScriptMgr | |
OnPlayerChat(Player *player, uint32 type, uint32 lang, std::string &msg, Channel *channel) | ScriptMgr | |
OnPlayerClearEmote(Player *player) | ScriptMgr | |
OnPlayerCreate(Player *player) | ScriptMgr | |
OnPlayerDelete(ObjectGuid guid, uint32 accountId) | ScriptMgr | |
OnPlayerDuelEnd(Player *winner, Player *loser, DuelCompleteType type) | ScriptMgr | |
OnPlayerDuelRequest(Player *target, Player *challenger) | ScriptMgr | |
OnPlayerDuelStart(Player *player1, Player *player2) | ScriptMgr | |
OnPlayerEnterMap(Map *map, Player *player) | ScriptMgr | |
OnPlayerFailedDelete(ObjectGuid guid, uint32 accountId) | ScriptMgr | |
OnPlayerFreeTalentPointsChanged(Player *player, uint32 newPoints) | ScriptMgr | |
OnPlayerKilledByCreature(Creature *killer, Player *killed) | ScriptMgr | |
OnPlayerLeaveMap(Map *map, Player *player) | ScriptMgr | |
OnPlayerLevelChanged(Player *player, uint8 oldLevel) | ScriptMgr | |
OnPlayerLogin(Player *player, bool firstLogin) | ScriptMgr | |
OnPlayerLogout(Player *player) | ScriptMgr | |
OnPlayerMoneyChanged(Player *player, int64 &amount) | ScriptMgr | |
OnPlayerMoneyLimit(Player *player, int64 amount) | ScriptMgr | |
OnPlayerReputationChange(Player *player, uint32 factionID, int32 &standing, bool incremental) | ScriptMgr | |
OnPlayerSave(Player *player) | ScriptMgr | |
OnPlayerSpellCast(Player *player, Spell *spell, bool skipCheck) | ScriptMgr | |
OnPlayerTalentsReset(Player *player, bool noCost) | ScriptMgr | |
OnPlayerTextEmote(Player *player, uint32 textEmote, uint32 emoteNum, ObjectGuid guid) | ScriptMgr | |
OnPlayerUpdateZone(Player *player, uint32 newZone, uint32 newArea) | ScriptMgr | |
OnPVPKill(Player *killer, Player *killed) | ScriptMgr | |
OnQuestAccept(Player *player, Item *item, Quest const *quest) | ScriptMgr | |
OnQuestAccept(Player *player, Creature *creature, Quest const *quest) | ScriptMgr | |
OnQuestAccept(Player *player, GameObject *go, Quest const *quest) | ScriptMgr | |
OnQuestReward(Player *player, Creature *creature, Quest const *quest, uint32 opt) | ScriptMgr | |
OnQuestReward(Player *player, GameObject *go, Quest const *quest, uint32 opt) | ScriptMgr | |
OnQuestSelect(Player *player, Creature *creature, Quest const *quest) | ScriptMgr | |
OnQuestStatusChange(Player *player, uint32 questId, QuestStatus status) | ScriptMgr | |
OnRelocate(Transport *transport, uint32 waypointId, uint32 mapId, float x, float y, float z) | ScriptMgr | |
OnRemovePassenger(Vehicle *veh, Unit *passenger) | ScriptMgr | |
OnRemovePassenger(Transport *transport, Player *player) | ScriptMgr | |
OnReset(Vehicle *veh) | ScriptMgr | |
OnShutdown() | ScriptMgr | |
OnShutdownCancel() | ScriptMgr | |
OnShutdownInitiate(ShutdownExitCode code, ShutdownMask mask) | ScriptMgr | |
OnSocketClose(std::shared_ptr< WorldSocket > socket) | ScriptMgr | |
OnSocketOpen(std::shared_ptr< WorldSocket > socket) | ScriptMgr | |
OnStartup() | ScriptMgr | |
OnTransportUpdate(Transport *transport, uint32 diff) | ScriptMgr | |
OnUninstall(Vehicle *veh) | ScriptMgr | |
OnUnloadGridMap(Map *map, GridMap *gmap, uint32 gx, uint32 gy) | ScriptMgr | |
OnWeatherChange(Weather *weather, WeatherState state, float grade) | ScriptMgr | |
OnWeatherUpdate(Weather *weather, uint32 diff) | ScriptMgr | |
OnWorldUpdate(uint32 diff) | ScriptMgr | |
OnZeroDifferenceCalculation(uint8 &diff, uint8 playerLevel) | ScriptMgr | |
ScriptLoaderCallbackType typedef | ScriptMgr | |
ScriptMgr() | ScriptMgr | private |
ScriptObject class | ScriptMgr | friend |
ScriptsVersion() const | ScriptMgr | inline |
SetScriptLoader(ScriptLoaderCallbackType script_loader_callback) | ScriptMgr | inline |
Unload() | ScriptMgr | |
~ScriptMgr() | ScriptMgr | privatevirtual |