![]() |
This is the complete list of members for Group, including all inherited members.
_getMemberCSlot(ObjectGuid Guid) const | Group | protected |
_getMemberWSlot(ObjectGuid Guid) | Group | protected |
_homebindIfInstance(Player *player) | Group | protected |
_initRaidSubGroupsCounter() | Group | protected |
_setMembersGroup(ObjectGuid guid, uint8 group) | Group | protected |
AddInvite(Player *player) | Group | |
AddLeaderInvite(Player *player) | Group | |
AddMember(Player *player) | Group | |
AddRaidMarker(uint8 markerId, uint32 mapId, float positionX, float positionY, float positionZ, ObjectGuid transportGuid=ObjectGuid::Empty) | Group | |
BindToInstance(InstanceSave *save, bool permanent, bool load=false) | Group | |
BoundInstancesMap typedef | Group | |
BroadcastAddonMessagePacket(WorldPacket const *packet, const std::string &prefix, bool ignorePlayersInBGRaid, int group=-1, ObjectGuid ignore=ObjectGuid::Empty) | Group | |
BroadcastGroupUpdate(void) | Group | |
BroadcastPacket(WorldPacket const *packet, bool ignorePlayersInBGRaid, int group=-1, ObjectGuid ignoredPlayer=ObjectGuid::Empty) | Group | |
BroadcastWorker(Worker &worker) | Group | inline |
BroadcastWorker(Worker const &worker) const | Group | inline |
CanJoinBattlegroundQueue(Battleground const *bgOrTemplate, BattlegroundQueueTypeId bgQueueTypeId, uint32 MinPlayerCount, uint32 MaxPlayerCount, bool isRated, uint32 arenaSlot, ObjectGuid &errorGuid) | Group | |
ChangeLeader(ObjectGuid guid, int8 partyIndex=0) | Group | |
ChangeMembersGroup(ObjectGuid guid, uint8 group) | Group | |
ConvertLeaderInstancesToGroup(Player *player, Group *group, bool switchLeader) | Group | static |
ConvertToGroup() | Group | |
ConvertToLFG() | Group | |
ConvertToRaid() | Group | |
CountRollVote(ObjectGuid playerGUID, ObjectGuid Guid, uint8 Choise) | Group | |
CountTheRoll(Rolls::iterator roll) | Group | |
Create(Player *leader) | Group | |
DeleteRaidMarker(uint8 markerId) | Group | |
DelinkMember(ObjectGuid guid) | Group | |
Disband(bool hideDestroy=false) | Group | |
EndReadyCheck() | Group | |
EndRoll(Loot *loot) | Group | |
GetBoundInstance(Player *player) | Group | |
GetBoundInstance(Map *aMap) | Group | |
GetBoundInstance(MapEntry const *mapEntry) | Group | |
GetBoundInstance(Difficulty difficulty, uint32 mapId) | Group | |
GetBoundInstances(Difficulty difficulty) | Group | |
GetDbStoreId() const | Group | inline |
GetDifficultyID(MapEntry const *mapEntry) const | Group | |
GetDungeonDifficultyID() const | Group | inline |
GetFirstMember() | Group | inline |
GetFirstMember() const | Group | inline |
GetGroupType() const | Group | inline |
GetGUID() const | Group | |
GetInvited(ObjectGuid guid) const | Group | |
GetInvited(const std::string &name) const | Group | |
GetLeaderGUID() const | Group | |
GetLeaderName() const | Group | |
GetLegacyRaidDifficultyID() const | Group | inline |
GetLfgRoles(ObjectGuid guid) | Group | |
GetLooterGuid() const | Group | |
GetLootMethod() const | Group | |
GetLootThreshold() const | Group | |
GetMasterLooterGuid() const | Group | |
GetMemberGroup(ObjectGuid guid) const | Group | |
GetMemberGUID(const std::string &name) | Group | |
GetMembersCount() const | Group | inline |
GetMemberSlots() const | Group | inline |
GetRaidDifficultyID() const | Group | inline |
GetRoll(ObjectGuid Guid) | Group | |
Group() | Group | |
GroupLoot(Loot *loot, WorldObject *pLootedObject) | Group | |
HasFreeSlotSubGroup(uint8 subgroup) const | Group | |
InvitesList typedef | Group | protected |
IsAssistant(ObjectGuid guid) const | Group | |
isBFGroup() const | Group | |
isBGGroup() const | Group | |
IsCreated() const | Group | |
IsFull() const | Group | |
IsLeader(ObjectGuid guid) const | Group | |
isLFGGroup() const | Group | |
IsMember(ObjectGuid guid) const | Group | |
isRaidGroup() const | Group | |
IsReadyCheckCompleted(void) const | Group | |
IsReadyCheckStarted(void) const | Group | inline |
isRollLootActive() const | Group | inline |
LinkMember(GroupReference *pRef) | Group | |
LoadGroupFromDB(Field *field) | Group | |
LoadMemberFromDB(ObjectGuid::LowType guidLow, uint8 memberFlags, uint8 subgroup, uint8 roles) | Group | |
m_activeMarkers | Group | protected |
m_bfGroup | Group | protected |
m_bgGroup | Group | protected |
m_boundInstances | Group | protected |
m_counter | Group | protected |
m_dbStoreId | Group | protected |
m_dungeonDifficulty | Group | protected |
m_groupType | Group | protected |
m_guid | Group | protected |
m_invitees | Group | protected |
m_leaderGuid | Group | protected |
m_leaderName | Group | protected |
m_legacyRaidDifficulty | Group | protected |
m_looterGuid | Group | protected |
m_lootMethod | Group | protected |
m_lootThreshold | Group | protected |
m_markers | Group | protected |
m_masterLooterGuid | Group | protected |
m_maxEnchantingLevel | Group | protected |
m_memberMgr | Group | protected |
m_memberSlots | Group | protected |
m_raidDifficulty | Group | protected |
m_readyCheckStarted | Group | protected |
m_readyCheckTimer | Group | protected |
m_subGroupsCounts | Group | protected |
m_targetIcons | Group | protected |
MasterLoot(Loot *loot, WorldObject *pLootedObject) | Group | |
member_citerator typedef | Group | |
member_witerator typedef | Group | protected |
MemberSlotList typedef | Group | |
NeedBeforeGreed(Loot *loot, WorldObject *pLootedObject) | Group | |
RemoveAllInvites() | Group | |
RemoveInvite(Player *player) | Group | |
RemoveMember(ObjectGuid guid, const RemoveMethod &method=GROUP_REMOVEMETHOD_DEFAULT, ObjectGuid kicker=ObjectGuid::Empty, const char *reason=NULL) | Group | |
RemoveUniqueGroupMemberFlag(GroupMemberFlags flag) | Group | |
ResetInstances(uint8 method, bool isRaid, bool isLegacy, Player *SendMsgTo) | Group | |
ResetMaxEnchantingLevel() | Group | |
ResetMemberReadyChecked(void) | Group | |
RollId | Group | protected |
Rolls typedef | Group | protected |
SameSubGroup(ObjectGuid guid1, ObjectGuid guid2) const | Group | |
SameSubGroup(ObjectGuid guid1, MemberSlot const *slot2) const | Group | |
SameSubGroup(Player const *member1, Player const *member2) const | Group | |
SendLootAllPassed(Roll const &roll) | Group | |
SendLooter(Creature *creature, Player *pLooter) | Group | |
SendLootRoll(ObjectGuid SourceGuid, ObjectGuid TargetGuid, uint8 RollNumber, uint8 RollType, const Roll &r) | Group | |
SendLootRollWon(ObjectGuid SourceGuid, ObjectGuid TargetGuid, uint8 RollNumber, uint8 RollType, const Roll &r) | Group | |
SendLootStartRoll(uint32 CountDown, uint32 mapid, const Roll &r) | Group | |
SendLootStartRollToPlayer(uint32 countDown, uint32 mapId, Player *p, bool canNeed, Roll const &r) | Group | |
SendRaidMarkersChanged(WorldSession *session=nullptr, int8 partyIndex=0) | Group | |
SendTargetIconList(WorldSession *session, int8 partyIndex=0) | Group | |
SendUpdate() | Group | |
SendUpdateToPlayer(ObjectGuid playerGUID, MemberSlot *slot=NULL) | Group | |
SetBattlefieldGroup(Battlefield *bf) | Group | |
SetBattlegroundGroup(Battleground *bg) | Group | |
SetDungeonDifficultyID(Difficulty difficulty) | Group | |
SetEveryoneIsAssistant(bool apply) | Group | |
SetGroupMemberFlag(ObjectGuid guid, bool apply, GroupMemberFlags flag) | Group | |
SetLegacyRaidDifficultyID(Difficulty difficulty) | Group | |
SetLfgRoles(ObjectGuid guid, uint8 roles) | Group | |
SetLooterGuid(ObjectGuid guid) | Group | |
SetLootMethod(LootMethod method) | Group | |
SetLootThreshold(ItemQualities threshold) | Group | |
SetMasterLooterGuid(ObjectGuid guid) | Group | |
SetMemberReadyCheck(ObjectGuid guid, bool ready) | Group | |
SetMemberReadyCheck(MemberSlot *slot, bool ready) | Group | |
SetMemberReadyChecked(MemberSlot *slot) | Group | |
SetOfflineMembersReadyChecked(void) | Group | |
SetRaidDifficultyID(Difficulty difficulty) | Group | |
SetTargetIcon(uint8 symbol, ObjectGuid target, ObjectGuid changedBy, uint8 partyIndex) | Group | |
StartReadyCheck(ObjectGuid starterGuid, int8 partyIndex, uint32 duration=READYCHECK_DURATION) | Group | |
SubGroupCounterDecrease(uint8 subgroup) | Group | protected |
SubGroupCounterIncrease(uint8 subgroup) | Group | protected |
SwapMembersGroups(ObjectGuid firstGuid, ObjectGuid secondGuid) | Group | |
ToggleGroupMemberFlag(member_witerator slot, uint8 flag, bool apply) | Group | protected |
UnbindInstance(uint32 mapid, uint8 difficulty, bool unload=false) | Group | |
Update(uint32 diff) | Group | |
UpdateLooterGuid(WorldObject *pLootedObject, bool ifneed=false) | Group | |
UpdatePlayerOutOfRange(Player *player) | Group | |
UpdateReadyCheck(uint32 diff) | Group | |
~Group() | Group |