This is the complete list of members for Channel, including all inherited members.
_announce | Channel | private |
_bannedStore | Channel | private |
_channelId | Channel | private |
_flags | Channel | private |
_IsSaved | Channel | private |
_name | Channel | private |
_ownerGUID | Channel | private |
_ownership | Channel | private |
_password | Channel | private |
_playersStore | Channel | private |
_team | Channel | private |
Announce(Player const *player) | Channel | |
Ban(Player const *player, std::string const &badname) | Channel | inline |
BannedContainer typedef | Channel | private |
Channel(std::string const &name, uint32 channel_id, uint32 Team=0) | Channel | |
CleanOldChannelsInDB() | Channel | static |
DeclineInvite(Player const *player) | Channel | |
DeVoice(Player const *player) | Channel | |
GetChannelId() const | Channel | inline |
GetFlags() const | Channel | inline |
GetName() const | Channel | inline |
GetNumPlayers() const | Channel | inline |
GetPassword() const | Channel | inline |
GetPlayerFlags(ObjectGuid const &guid) const | Channel | inlineprivate |
HasFlag(uint8 flag) const | Channel | inline |
Invite(Player const *player, std::string const &newp) | Channel | |
IsAnnounce() const | Channel | inline |
IsBanned(ObjectGuid const &guid) const | Channel | inlineprivate |
IsConstant() const | Channel | inline |
IsLFG() const | Channel | inline |
IsOn(ObjectGuid const &who) const | Channel | inlineprivate |
JoinChannel(Player *player, std::string const &pass) | Channel | |
JoinNotify(Player const *player) | Channel | |
Kick(Player const *player, std::string const &badname) | Channel | inline |
KickOrBan(Player const *player, std::string const &badname, bool ban) | Channel | |
LeaveChannel(Player *player, bool send=true) | Channel | |
LeaveNotify(Player const *player) | Channel | |
List(Player const *player) | Channel | |
MakeAnnouncementsOff(WorldPackets::Channel::ChannelNotify &data, ObjectGuid const &guid) | Channel | private |
MakeAnnouncementsOn(WorldPackets::Channel::ChannelNotify &data, ObjectGuid const &guid) | Channel | private |
MakeBanned(WorldPackets::Channel::ChannelNotify &data) | Channel | private |
MakeChannelOwner(WorldPackets::Channel::ChannelNotify &data) | Channel | private |
MakeInvalidName(WorldPackets::Channel::ChannelNotify &data) | Channel | private |
MakeInvite(WorldPackets::Channel::ChannelNotify &data, ObjectGuid const &guid) | Channel | private |
MakeInviteWrongFaction(WorldPackets::Channel::ChannelNotify &data) | Channel | private |
MakeJoined(WorldPackets::Channel::ChannelNotify &data, ObjectGuid const &guid) | Channel | private |
MakeLeft(WorldPackets::Channel::ChannelNotify &data, ObjectGuid const &guid) | Channel | private |
MakeModeChange(WorldPackets::Channel::ChannelNotify &data, ObjectGuid const &guid, uint8 oldFlags, uint8 newFlags) | Channel | private |
MakeMuted(WorldPackets::Channel::ChannelNotify &data) | Channel | private |
MakeNotifyPacket(WorldPackets::Channel::ChannelNotify &data, uint8 notifyType) | Channel | private |
MakeNotInArea(WorldPackets::Channel::ChannelNotify &data) | Channel | private |
MakeNotInLfg(WorldPackets::Channel::ChannelNotify &data) | Channel | private |
MakeNotMember(WorldPackets::Channel::ChannelNotify &data) | Channel | private |
MakeNotModerated(WorldPackets::Channel::ChannelNotify &data) | Channel | private |
MakeNotModerator(WorldPackets::Channel::ChannelNotify &data) | Channel | private |
MakeNotOwner(WorldPackets::Channel::ChannelNotify &data) | Channel | private |
MakeOwnerChanged(WorldPackets::Channel::ChannelNotify &data, ObjectGuid const &guid) | Channel | private |
MakePasswordChanged(WorldPackets::Channel::ChannelNotify &data, ObjectGuid const &guid) | Channel | private |
MakePlayerAlreadyMember(WorldPackets::Channel::ChannelNotify &data, ObjectGuid const &guid) | Channel | private |
MakePlayerBanned(WorldPackets::Channel::ChannelNotify &data, ObjectGuid const &bad, ObjectGuid const &good) | Channel | private |
MakePlayerInviteBanned(WorldPackets::Channel::ChannelNotify &data, std::string const &name) | Channel | private |
MakePlayerInvited(WorldPackets::Channel::ChannelNotify &data, std::string const &name) | Channel | private |
MakePlayerKicked(WorldPackets::Channel::ChannelNotify &data, ObjectGuid const &bad, ObjectGuid const &good) | Channel | private |
MakePlayerNotBanned(WorldPackets::Channel::ChannelNotify &data, std::string const &name) | Channel | private |
MakePlayerNotFound(WorldPackets::Channel::ChannelNotify &data, std::string const &name) | Channel | private |
MakePlayerUnbanned(WorldPackets::Channel::ChannelNotify &data, ObjectGuid const &bad, ObjectGuid const &good) | Channel | private |
MakeThrottled(WorldPackets::Channel::ChannelNotify &data) | Channel | private |
MakeVoiceOff(WorldPackets::Channel::ChannelNotify &data, ObjectGuid const &guid) | Channel | private |
MakeVoiceOn(WorldPackets::Channel::ChannelNotify &data, ObjectGuid const &guid) | Channel | private |
MakeWrongFaction(WorldPackets::Channel::ChannelNotify &data) | Channel | private |
MakeWrongPassword(WorldPackets::Channel::ChannelNotify &data) | Channel | private |
MakeYouJoined(WorldPackets::Channel::ChannelNotify &data) | Channel | private |
MakeYouLeft(WorldPackets::Channel::ChannelNotify &data) | Channel | private |
Password(Player const *player, std::string const &pass) | Channel | |
PlayerContainer typedef | Channel | private |
Say(ObjectGuid const &guid, std::string const &what, uint32 lang) | Channel | |
SendToAll(WorldPacket const *data, ObjectGuid const &guid=ObjectGuid::Empty) | Channel | private |
SendToAllButOne(WorldPacket const *data, ObjectGuid const &who) | Channel | private |
SendToOne(WorldPacket const *data, ObjectGuid const &who) | Channel | private |
SendWhoOwner(Player const *player) | Channel | |
SetAnnounce(bool nannounce) | Channel | inline |
SetMode(Player const *player, std::string const &p2n, bool mod, bool set) | Channel | |
SetModerator(Player const *player, std::string const &newname) | Channel | inline |
SetModerator(ObjectGuid const &guid, bool set) | Channel | private |
SetMute(Player const *player, std::string const &newname) | Channel | inline |
SetMute(ObjectGuid const &guid, bool set) | Channel | private |
SetOwner(ObjectGuid const &guid, bool exclaim=true) | Channel | |
SetOwner(Player const *player, std::string const &name) | Channel | |
SetOwnership(bool ownership) | Channel | inline |
SetPassword(std::string const &npassword) | Channel | inline |
SilenceAll(Player const *player, std::string const &name) | Channel | |
SilenceVoice(Player const *player, std::string const &name) | Channel | |
UnBan(Player const *player, std::string const &badname) | Channel | |
UnsetModerator(Player const *player, std::string const &newname) | Channel | inline |
UnsetMute(Player const *player, std::string const &newname) | Channel | inline |
UnsilenceAll(Player const *player, std::string const &name) | Channel | |
UnsilenceVoice(Player const *player, std::string const &name) | Channel | |
UpdateChannelInDB() const | Channel | private |
UpdateChannelUseageInDB() const | Channel | private |
Voice(Player const *player) | Channel |