This is the complete list of members for lfg::LFGQueue, including all inherited members.
AddQueueData(ObjectGuid guid, time_t joinTime, LfgDungeonSet const &dungeons, LfgRolesMap const &rolesMap) | lfg::LFGQueue | |
AddToCurrentQueue(ObjectGuid guid) | lfg::LFGQueue | private |
AddToNewQueue(ObjectGuid guid) | lfg::LFGQueue | private |
AddToQueue(ObjectGuid guid) | lfg::LFGQueue | |
CheckCompatibility(GuidList check) | lfg::LFGQueue | private |
CompatibleMapStore | lfg::LFGQueue | private |
currentQueueStore | lfg::LFGQueue | private |
DumpCompatibleInfo(bool full=false) const | lfg::LFGQueue | |
DumpQueueInfo() const | lfg::LFGQueue | |
FindBestCompatibleInQueue(LfgQueueDataContainer::iterator itrQueue) | lfg::LFGQueue | private |
FindGroups() | lfg::LFGQueue | |
FindNewGroups(GuidList &check, GuidList &all) | lfg::LFGQueue | private |
GetCompatibilityData(std::string const &key) | lfg::LFGQueue | private |
GetCompatibles(std::string const &key) | lfg::LFGQueue | private |
GetDetailedMatchRoles(GuidList const &check) const | lfg::LFGQueue | |
GetJoinTime(ObjectGuid guid) const | lfg::LFGQueue | |
newToQueueStore | lfg::LFGQueue | private |
QueueDataStore | lfg::LFGQueue | private |
RemoveFromCompatibles(ObjectGuid guid) | lfg::LFGQueue | private |
RemoveFromCurrentQueue(ObjectGuid guid) | lfg::LFGQueue | private |
RemoveFromNewQueue(ObjectGuid guid) | lfg::LFGQueue | private |
RemoveFromQueue(ObjectGuid guid) | lfg::LFGQueue | |
RemoveQueueData(ObjectGuid guid) | lfg::LFGQueue | |
SetCompatibilityData(std::string const &key, LfgCompatibilityData const &compatibles) | lfg::LFGQueue | private |
SetCompatibles(std::string const &key, LfgCompatibility compatibles) | lfg::LFGQueue | private |
SetQueueUpdateData(std::string const &strGuids, LfgRolesMap const &proposalRoles) | lfg::LFGQueue | private |
UpdateBestCompatibleInQueue(LfgQueueDataContainer::iterator itrQueue, std::string const &key, LfgRolesMap const &roles) | lfg::LFGQueue | private |
UpdateQueueTimers(uint8 queueId, time_t currTime) | lfg::LFGQueue | |
UpdateWaitTimeAvg(int32 waitTime, uint32 dungeonId) | lfg::LFGQueue | |
UpdateWaitTimeDps(int32 waitTime, uint32 dungeonId) | lfg::LFGQueue | |
UpdateWaitTimeHealer(int32 waitTime, uint32 dungeonId) | lfg::LFGQueue | |
UpdateWaitTimeTank(int32 waitTime, uint32 dungeonId) | lfg::LFGQueue | |
waitTimesAvgStore | lfg::LFGQueue | private |
waitTimesDpsStore | lfg::LFGQueue | private |
waitTimesHealerStore | lfg::LFGQueue | private |
waitTimesTankStore | lfg::LFGQueue | private |