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DB2Storage< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for DB2Storage< T >, including all inherited members.

_dataTableDB2Storage< T >private
_dataTableExDB2Storage< T >private
_fieldCountDB2Storage< T >private
_fileNameDB2Storage< T >private
_formatDB2Storage< T >private
_hotfixStatementDB2Storage< T >private
_indexTableDB2Storage< T >private
_indexTableSizeDB2Storage< T >private
_stringPoolListDB2Storage< T >private
AsCharDB2Storage< T >
AssertEntry(uint32 id) const DB2Storage< T >inline
AsTDB2Storage< T >
begin()DB2Storage< T >inline
DB2Storage(char const *fileName, char const *format, HotfixDatabaseStatements preparedStmtIndex)DB2Storage< T >inline
end()DB2Storage< T >inline
EraseRecord(uint32 id) overrideDB2Storage< T >inlinevirtual
GetFieldCount() const DB2Storage< T >inline
GetFileName() const DB2Storage< T >inline
GetFormat() const DB2Storage< T >inline
GetHash() const DB2StorageBaseinline
GetNumRows() const DB2Storage< T >inline
HasRecord(uint32 id) const overrideDB2Storage< T >inlinevirtual
iterator typedefDB2Storage< T >
Load(std::string const &path, uint32 locale)DB2Storage< T >inline
LoadFromDB()DB2Storage< T >inline
LoadStringsFrom(std::string const &path, uint32 locale)DB2Storage< T >inline
LoadStringsFromDB(uint32 locale)DB2Storage< T >inline
LookupEntry(uint32 id) const DB2Storage< T >inline
Sort(SortFunc pred)DB2Storage< T >inline
SortFunc typedefDB2Storage< T >
StringPoolList typedefDB2Storage< T >private
WriteRecord(uint32 id, uint32 locale, ByteBuffer &buffer) const overrideDB2Storage< T >inlinevirtual
~DB2Storage()DB2Storage< T >inline