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dtNavMeshQuery Member List

This is the complete list of members for dtNavMeshQuery, including all inherited members.

appendPortals(const int startIdx, const int endIdx, const float *endPos, const dtPolyRef *path, float *straightPath, unsigned char *straightPathFlags, dtPolyRef *straightPathRefs, int *straightPathCount, const int maxStraightPath, const int options) const dtNavMeshQueryprivate
appendVertex(const float *pos, const unsigned char flags, const dtPolyRef ref, float *straightPath, unsigned char *straightPathFlags, dtPolyRef *straightPathRefs, int *straightPathCount, const int maxStraightPath) const dtNavMeshQueryprivate
closestPointOnPoly(dtPolyRef ref, const float *pos, float *closest, bool *posOverPoly) const dtNavMeshQuery
closestPointOnPolyBoundary(dtPolyRef ref, const float *pos, float *closest) const dtNavMeshQuery
finalizeSlicedFindPath(dtPolyRef *path, int *pathCount, const int maxPath)dtNavMeshQuery
finalizeSlicedFindPathPartial(const dtPolyRef *existing, const int existingSize, dtPolyRef *path, int *pathCount, const int maxPath)dtNavMeshQuery
findDistanceToWall(dtPolyRef startRef, const float *centerPos, const float maxRadius, const dtQueryFilter *filter, float *hitDist, float *hitPos, float *hitNormal) const dtNavMeshQuery
findLocalNeighbourhood(dtPolyRef startRef, const float *centerPos, const float radius, const dtQueryFilter *filter, dtPolyRef *resultRef, dtPolyRef *resultParent, int *resultCount, const int maxResult) const dtNavMeshQuery
findNearestPoly(const float *center, const float *extents, const dtQueryFilter *filter, dtPolyRef *nearestRef, float *nearestPt) const dtNavMeshQuery
findPath(dtPolyRef startRef, dtPolyRef endRef, const float *startPos, const float *endPos, const dtQueryFilter *filter, dtPolyRef *path, int *pathCount, const int maxPath) const dtNavMeshQuery
findPolysAroundCircle(dtPolyRef startRef, const float *centerPos, const float radius, const dtQueryFilter *filter, dtPolyRef *resultRef, dtPolyRef *resultParent, float *resultCost, int *resultCount, const int maxResult) const dtNavMeshQuery
findPolysAroundShape(dtPolyRef startRef, const float *verts, const int nverts, const dtQueryFilter *filter, dtPolyRef *resultRef, dtPolyRef *resultParent, float *resultCost, int *resultCount, const int maxResult) const dtNavMeshQuery
findRandomPoint(const dtQueryFilter *filter, float(*frand)(), dtPolyRef *randomRef, float *randomPt) const dtNavMeshQuery
findRandomPointAroundCircle(dtPolyRef startRef, const float *centerPos, const float maxRadius, const dtQueryFilter *filter, float(*frand)(), dtPolyRef *randomRef, float *randomPt) const dtNavMeshQuery
findStraightPath(const float *startPos, const float *endPos, const dtPolyRef *path, const int pathSize, float *straightPath, unsigned char *straightPathFlags, dtPolyRef *straightPathRefs, int *straightPathCount, const int maxStraightPath, const int options=0) const dtNavMeshQuery
getAttachedNavMesh() const dtNavMeshQueryinline
getEdgeMidPoint(dtPolyRef from, dtPolyRef to, float *mid) const dtNavMeshQueryprivate
getEdgeMidPoint(dtPolyRef from, const dtPoly *fromPoly, const dtMeshTile *fromTile, dtPolyRef to, const dtPoly *toPoly, const dtMeshTile *toTile, float *mid) const dtNavMeshQueryprivate
getNeighbourTileAt(int x, int y, int side) const dtNavMeshQueryprivate
getNodePool() const dtNavMeshQueryinline
getPolyHeight(dtPolyRef ref, const float *pos, float *height) const dtNavMeshQuery
getPolyWallSegments(dtPolyRef ref, const dtQueryFilter *filter, float *segmentVerts, dtPolyRef *segmentRefs, int *segmentCount, const int maxSegments) const dtNavMeshQuery
getPortalPoints(dtPolyRef from, dtPolyRef to, float *left, float *right, unsigned char &fromType, unsigned char &toType) const dtNavMeshQueryprivate
getPortalPoints(dtPolyRef from, const dtPoly *fromPoly, const dtMeshTile *fromTile, dtPolyRef to, const dtPoly *toPoly, const dtMeshTile *toTile, float *left, float *right) const dtNavMeshQueryprivate
init(const dtNavMesh *nav, const int maxNodes)dtNavMeshQuery
initSlicedFindPath(dtPolyRef startRef, dtPolyRef endRef, const float *startPos, const float *endPos, const dtQueryFilter *filter, const unsigned int options=0)dtNavMeshQuery
isInClosedList(dtPolyRef ref) const dtNavMeshQuery
isValidPolyRef(dtPolyRef ref, const dtQueryFilter *filter) const dtNavMeshQuery
moveAlongSurface(dtPolyRef startRef, const float *startPos, const float *endPos, const dtQueryFilter *filter, float *resultPos, dtPolyRef *visited, int *visitedCount, const int maxVisitedSize) const dtNavMeshQuery
queryPolygons(const float *center, const float *extents, const dtQueryFilter *filter, dtPolyRef *polys, int *polyCount, const int maxPolys) const dtNavMeshQuery
queryPolygonsInTile(const dtMeshTile *tile, const float *qmin, const float *qmax, const dtQueryFilter *filter, dtPolyRef *polys, const int maxPolys) const dtNavMeshQueryprivate
raycast(dtPolyRef startRef, const float *startPos, const float *endPos, const dtQueryFilter *filter, float *t, float *hitNormal, dtPolyRef *path, int *pathCount, const int maxPath) const dtNavMeshQuery
raycast(dtPolyRef startRef, const float *startPos, const float *endPos, const dtQueryFilter *filter, const unsigned int options, dtRaycastHit *hit, dtPolyRef prevRef=0) const dtNavMeshQuery
updateSlicedFindPath(const int maxIter, int *doneIters)dtNavMeshQuery