![]() |
This is the complete list of members for Spell, including all inherited members.
_durabilityDamageTargets | Spell | protected |
_effects | Spell | protected |
_extraAttacksTargets | Spell | protected |
_feedPetTargets | Spell | protected |
_genericVictimTargets | Spell | protected |
_handle_finish_phase() | Spell | |
_handle_immediate_phase() | Spell | |
_powerDrainTargets | Spell | protected |
_tradeSkillTargets | Spell | protected |
_triggeredCastFlags | Spell | protected |
AbilityId | Spell | |
AddDestTarget(SpellDestination const &dest, uint32 effIndex) | Spell | protected |
AddGOTarget(GameObject *target, uint32 effectMask) | Spell | protected |
AddItemTarget(Item *item, uint32 effectMask) | Spell | protected |
AddUnitTarget(Unit *target, uint32 effectMask, bool checkIfValid=true, bool implicit=true, Position const *losPosition=nullptr) | Spell | protected |
CalculateDamage(uint8 i, Unit const *target, float *var=nullptr) const | Spell | inline |
CalculateJumpSpeeds(SpellEffectInfo const *effInfo, float dist, float &speedxy, float &speedz) | Spell | protected |
CallScriptAfterCastHandlers() | Spell | protected |
CallScriptAfterHitHandlers() | Spell | protected |
CallScriptBeforeCastHandlers() | Spell | protected |
CallScriptBeforeHitHandlers() | Spell | protected |
CallScriptCheckCastHandlers() | Spell | protected |
CallScriptDestinationTargetSelectHandlers(SpellDestination &target, SpellEffIndex effIndex, SpellImplicitTargetInfo const &targetType) | Spell | protected |
CallScriptEffectHandlers(SpellEffIndex effIndex, SpellEffectHandleMode mode) | Spell | protected |
CallScriptObjectAreaTargetSelectHandlers(std::list< WorldObject * > &targets, SpellEffIndex effIndex, SpellImplicitTargetInfo const &targetType) | Spell | protected |
CallScriptObjectTargetSelectHandlers(WorldObject *&target, SpellEffIndex effIndex, SpellImplicitTargetInfo const &targetType) | Spell | protected |
CallScriptOnCastHandlers() | Spell | protected |
CallScriptOnHitHandlers() | Spell | protected |
CallScriptSuccessfulDispel(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | protected |
CanAutoCast(Unit *target) | Spell | |
cancel() | Spell | |
CancelGlobalCooldown() | Spell | protected |
CanExecuteTriggersOnHit(uint8 effMask, SpellInfo const *triggeredByAura=NULL) const | Spell | protected |
CanOpenLock(uint32 effIndex, uint32 lockid, SkillType &skillid, int32 &reqSkillValue, int32 &skillValue) | Spell | protected |
cast(bool skipCheck=false) | Spell | |
CheckArenaAndRatedBattlegroundCastRules() | Spell | |
CheckCast(bool strict) | Spell | |
CheckCasterAuras() const | Spell | |
CheckDst() | Spell | inline |
CheckEffectTarget(Unit const *target, SpellEffectInfo const *effect, Position const *losPosition) const | Spell | |
CheckEffectTarget(GameObject const *target, SpellEffectInfo const *effect) const | Spell | |
CheckEffectTarget(Item const *target, SpellEffectInfo const *effect) const | Spell | |
CheckItems() | Spell | |
CheckPetCast(Unit *target) | Spell | |
CheckPower() | Spell | |
CheckRange(bool strict) | Spell | |
CheckRuneCost(uint32 runeCostID) | Spell | |
CheckScriptEffectImplicitTargets(uint32 effIndex, uint32 effIndexToCheck) | Spell | protected |
CheckSrc() | Spell | inline |
CleanupExecuteLogList() | Spell | |
CleanupTargetList() | Spell | |
damage | Spell | protected |
Data | Spell | |
Delayed() | Spell | |
DelayedChannel() | Spell | |
destTarget | Spell | protected |
DoAllEffectOnLaunchTarget(TargetInfo &targetInfo, float *multiplier) | Spell | protected |
DoAllEffectOnTarget(TargetInfo *target) | Spell | protected |
DoAllEffectOnTarget(GOTargetInfo *target) | Spell | protected |
DoAllEffectOnTarget(ItemTargetInfo *target) | Spell | protected |
DoCreateItem(uint32 i, uint32 itemtype, std::vector< int32 > const &bonusListIDs=std::vector< int32 >()) | Spell | |
DoSpellHitOnUnit(Unit *unit, uint32 effectMask, bool scaleAura) | Spell | protected |
DoTriggersOnSpellHit(Unit *unit, uint8 effMask) | Spell | protected |
EffectActivateGarrisonBuilding(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectActivateObject(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectActivateRune(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectActivateSpec(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectAddComboPoints(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectAddExtraAttacks(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectAddFarsight(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectAddGarrisonFollower(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectApplyAreaAura(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectApplyAura(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectApplyGlyph(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectBind(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectBlock(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectCastButtons(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectChangeRaidMarker(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectCharge(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectChargeDest(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectCreateAreaTrigger(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectCreateGarrison(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectCreateHeirloomItem(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectCreateItem(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectCreateItem2(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectCreateRandomItem(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectCreateTamedPet(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectDamageFromMaxHealthPCT(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectDestroyAllTotems(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectDestroyItem(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectDiscoverTaxi(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectDisEnchant(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectDismissPet(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectDispel(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectDispelMechanic(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectDistract(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectDualWield(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectDuel(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectDummy(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectDurabilityDamage(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectDurabilityDamagePCT(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectEnableBattlePets(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectEnchantHeldItem(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectEnchantItemPerm(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectEnchantItemPrismatic(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectEnchantItemTmp(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectEnergize(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectEnergizePct(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectEnvironmentalDMG(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectFeedPet(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectForceCast(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectForceDeselect(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectGameObjectDamage(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectGameObjectRepair(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectGameObjectSetDestructionState(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectGiveCurrency(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
effectHandleMode | Spell | protected |
EffectHeal(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectHealBattlePetPct(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectHealMaxHealth(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectHealMechanical(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectHealPct(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectHealthLeech(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectInebriate(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
effectInfo | Spell | protected |
EffectInstaKill(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectInterruptCast(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectJump(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectJumpDest(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectKillCredit(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectKillCreditPersonal(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectKnockBack(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectLeap(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectLeapBack(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectLearnGarrisonBuilding(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectLearnPetSpell(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectLearnSkill(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectLearnSpell(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectMilling(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectModifyThreatPercent(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectNULL(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectOpenLock(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectParry(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectPersistentAA(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectPickPocket(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectPlayMovie(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectPlayMusic(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectPlaySound(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectPowerBurn(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectPowerDrain(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectProficiency(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectProspecting(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectPull(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectPullTowards(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectQuestClear(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectQuestComplete(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectQuestFail(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectQuestStart(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectRechargeManaGem(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectRedirectThreat(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectRemoveAura(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectRemoveTalent(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectRenamePet(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectReputation(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectResurrect(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectResurrectNew(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectResurrectPet(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectResurrectWithAura(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectSanctuary(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectSchoolDMG(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectScriptEffect(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectSelfResurrect(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectSendEvent(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectSendTaxi(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectSkill(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectSkinning(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectSkinPlayerCorpse(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectSpecCount(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectSpiritHeal(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectStealBeneficialBuff(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectStuck(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectSummonChangeItem(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectSummonCritter(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectSummonObject(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectSummonObjectWild(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectSummonPet(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectSummonPlayer(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectSummonRaFFriend(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectSummonType(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectTameCreature(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectTaunt(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectTeleportUnits(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectTeleUnitsFaceCaster(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectThreat(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectTitanGrip(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectTradeSkill(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectTransmitted(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectTriggerMissileSpell(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectTriggerRitualOfSummoning(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectTriggerSpell(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectUncageBattlePet(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectUnlearnSpecialization(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectUnlockGuildVaultTab(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectUntrainTalents(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectUnused(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectUpgradeHeirloom(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
EffectWeaponDmg(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
ExecuteLogEffectCreateItem(uint8 effIndex, uint32 entry) | Spell | |
ExecuteLogEffectDestroyItem(uint8 effIndex, uint32 entry) | Spell | |
ExecuteLogEffectDurabilityDamage(uint8 effIndex, Unit *victim, int32 itemId, int32 amount) | Spell | |
ExecuteLogEffectExtraAttacks(uint8 effIndex, Unit *victim, uint32 numAttacks) | Spell | |
ExecuteLogEffectInterruptCast(uint8 effIndex, Unit *victim, uint32 spellId) | Spell | |
ExecuteLogEffectOpenLock(uint8 effIndex, Object *obj) | Spell | |
ExecuteLogEffectResurrect(uint8 effIndex, Unit *target) | Spell | |
ExecuteLogEffectSummonObject(uint8 effIndex, WorldObject *obj) | Spell | |
ExecuteLogEffectTakeTargetPower(uint8 effIndex, Unit *target, uint32 powerType, uint32 points, float amplitude) | Spell | |
ExecuteLogEffectUnsummonObject(uint8 effIndex, WorldObject *obj) | Spell | |
finish(bool ok=true) | Spell | |
FinishTargetProcessing() | Spell | protected |
focusObject | Spell | protected |
gameObjTarget | Spell | protected |
GarrFollower | Spell | |
GarrMissionId | Spell | |
GetCaster() const | Spell | inline |
GetCastTime() const | Spell | inline |
GetCurrentContainer() const | Spell | |
GetDelayMoment() const | Spell | inline |
GetDelayStart() const | Spell | inline |
GetEffect(uint32 index) const | Spell | inline |
GetEffects() const | Spell | inline |
GetOriginalCaster() const | Spell | inline |
GetPowerCost() const | Spell | inline |
GetSearcherTypeMask(SpellTargetObjectTypes objType, ConditionContainer *condList) | Spell | |
GetSpellInfo() const | Spell | inline |
getState() const | Spell | inline |
GetTimer() const | Spell | inline |
GetTriggeredByAuraSpell() const | Spell | inline |
GlyphSlot | Spell | |
handle_delayed(uint64 t_offset) | Spell | |
handle_immediate() | Spell | |
HandleEffects(Unit *pUnitTarget, Item *pItemTarget, GameObject *pGOTarget, uint32 i, SpellEffectHandleMode mode) | Spell | |
HandleLaunchPhase() | Spell | protected |
HandleThreatSpells() | Spell | |
HasEffect(SpellEffectName effect) const | Spell | |
HasGlobalCooldown() const | Spell | protected |
HaveTargetsForEffect(uint8 effect) const | Spell | |
HitTriggerSpellList typedef | Spell | protected |
Id | Spell | |
InitExplicitTargets(SpellCastTargets const &targets) | Spell | |
IsAutoActionResetSpell() const | Spell | |
IsAutoRepeat() const | Spell | inline |
IsChannelActive() const | Spell | inline |
isDelayableNoMore() | Spell | inlineprotected |
IsDeletable() const | Spell | inline |
IsIgnoringCooldowns() const | Spell | inline |
IsInterruptable() const | Spell | inline |
IsNeedSendToClient() const | Spell | |
IsNextMeleeSwingSpell() const | Spell | |
IsTriggered() const | Spell | inline |
IsValidDeadOrAliveTarget(Unit const *target) const | Spell | protected |
ItemId | Spell | |
itemTarget | Spell | protected |
LoadScripts() | Spell | protected |
m_appliedMods | Spell | |
m_applyMultiplierMask | Spell | protected |
m_attackType | Spell | protected |
m_auraScaleMask | Spell | protected |
m_autoRepeat | Spell | protected |
m_canReflect | Spell | protected |
m_cast_count | Spell | |
m_caster | Spell | protected |
m_castFlagsEx | Spell | |
m_CastItem | Spell | |
m_castItemEntry | Spell | |
m_castItemGUID | Spell | |
m_castItemLevel | Spell | |
m_casttime | Spell | protected |
m_channeledDuration | Spell | protected |
m_channelTargetEffectMask | Spell | protected |
m_comboPointGain | Spell | |
m_customError | Spell | |
m_damage | Spell | protected |
m_damageMultipliers | Spell | protected |
m_delayAtDamageCount | Spell | protected |
m_delayMoment | Spell | protected |
m_delayStart | Spell | protected |
m_destTargets | Spell | protected |
m_diminishGroup | Spell | protected |
m_diminishLevel | Spell | protected |
m_executedCurrently | Spell | protected |
m_healing | Spell | protected |
m_hitTriggerSpells | Spell | protected |
m_immediateHandled | Spell | protected |
m_isDelayedInstantCast | Spell | protected |
m_loadedScripts | Spell | protected |
m_misc | Spell | |
m_needComboPoints | Spell | protected |
m_originalCaster | Spell | protected |
m_originalCasterGUID | Spell | protected |
m_powerCost | Spell | protected |
m_preCastSpell | Spell | |
m_preGeneratedPath | Spell | protected |
m_procAttacker | Spell | protected |
m_procEx | Spell | protected |
m_procVictim | Spell | protected |
m_referencedFromCurrentSpell | Spell | protected |
m_runesState | Spell | protected |
m_selfContainer | Spell | |
m_skipCheck | Spell | protected |
m_spellAura | Spell | protected |
m_spellInfo | Spell | |
m_spellSchoolMask | Spell | protected |
m_spellState | Spell | protected |
m_spellValue | Spell | protected |
m_SpellVisual | Spell | |
m_targets | Spell | |
m_timer | Spell | protected |
m_triggeredByAuraSpell | Spell | protected |
m_UniqueGOTargetInfo | Spell | protected |
m_UniqueItemInfo | Spell | protected |
m_UniqueTargetInfo | Spell | protected |
operator=(Spell const &right)=delete | Spell | protected |
prepare(SpellCastTargets const *targets, AuraEffect const *triggeredByAura=NULL) | Spell | |
prepareDataForTriggerSystem(AuraEffect const *triggeredByAura) | Spell | protected |
PrepareScriptHitHandlers() | Spell | protected |
PrepareTargetProcessing() | Spell | protected |
PrepareTriggersExecutedOnHit() | Spell | protected |
Raw | Spell | |
ReSetTimer() | Spell | inline |
SearchAreaTargets(std::list< WorldObject * > &targets, float range, Position const *position, Unit *referer, SpellTargetObjectTypes objectType, SpellTargetCheckTypes selectionType, ConditionContainer *condList) | Spell | |
SearchChainTargets(std::list< WorldObject * > &targets, uint32 chainTargets, WorldObject *target, SpellTargetObjectTypes objectType, SpellTargetCheckTypes selectType, ConditionContainer *condList, bool isChainHeal) | Spell | |
SearchNearbyTarget(float range, SpellTargetObjectTypes objectType, SpellTargetCheckTypes selectionType, ConditionContainer *condList=NULL) | Spell | |
SearchSpellFocus() | Spell | |
SearchTargets(SEARCHER &searcher, uint32 containerMask, Unit *referer, Position const *pos, float radius) | Spell | |
SelectEffectImplicitTargets(SpellEffIndex effIndex, SpellImplicitTargetInfo const &targetType, uint32 &processedEffectMask) | Spell | |
SelectEffectTypeImplicitTargets(uint32 effIndex) | Spell | |
SelectExplicitTargets() | Spell | |
SelectImplicitAreaTargets(SpellEffIndex effIndex, SpellImplicitTargetInfo const &targetType, uint32 effMask) | Spell | |
SelectImplicitCasterDestTargets(SpellEffIndex effIndex, SpellImplicitTargetInfo const &targetType) | Spell | |
SelectImplicitCasterObjectTargets(SpellEffIndex effIndex, SpellImplicitTargetInfo const &targetType) | Spell | |
SelectImplicitChainTargets(SpellEffIndex effIndex, SpellImplicitTargetInfo const &targetType, WorldObject *target, uint32 effMask) | Spell | |
SelectImplicitChannelTargets(SpellEffIndex effIndex, SpellImplicitTargetInfo const &targetType) | Spell | |
SelectImplicitConeTargets(SpellEffIndex effIndex, SpellImplicitTargetInfo const &targetType, uint32 effMask) | Spell | |
SelectImplicitDestDestTargets(SpellEffIndex effIndex, SpellImplicitTargetInfo const &targetType) | Spell | |
SelectImplicitNearbyTargets(SpellEffIndex effIndex, SpellImplicitTargetInfo const &targetType, uint32 effMask) | Spell | |
SelectImplicitTargetDestTargets(SpellEffIndex effIndex, SpellImplicitTargetInfo const &targetType) | Spell | |
SelectImplicitTargetObjectTargets(SpellEffIndex effIndex, SpellImplicitTargetInfo const &targetType) | Spell | |
SelectImplicitTrajTargets(SpellEffIndex effIndex) | Spell | |
SelectSpellTargets() | Spell | |
SendCastResult(Player *caster, SpellInfo const *spellInfo, uint8 cast_count, SpellCastResult result, SpellCustomErrors customError=SPELL_CUSTOM_ERROR_NONE, OpcodeServer opcode=SMSG_CAST_FAILED, uint32 *misc=nullptr) | Spell | static |
SendCastResult(SpellCastResult result) | Spell | |
SendChannelStart(uint32 duration) | Spell | |
SendChannelUpdate(uint32 time) | Spell | |
SendInterrupted(uint8 result) | Spell | |
SendLoot(ObjectGuid guid, LootType loottype) | Spell | protected |
SendPetCastResult(SpellCastResult result) | Spell | |
SendResurrectRequest(Player *target) | Spell | |
SendSpellCooldown() | Spell | |
SendSpellExecuteLog() | Spell | |
SendSpellGo() | Spell | |
SendSpellStart() | Spell | |
SetAutoRepeat(bool rep) | Spell | inline |
SetDelayStart(uint64 m_time) | Spell | inline |
SetExecutedCurrently(bool yes) | Spell | inline |
SetReferencedFromCurrent(bool yes) | Spell | inline |
SetSpellValue(SpellValueMod mod, int32 value) | Spell | |
setState(uint32 state) | Spell | inline |
Spell(Unit *caster, SpellInfo const *info, TriggerCastFlags triggerFlags, ObjectGuid originalCasterGUID=ObjectGuid::Empty, bool skipCheck=false) | Spell | |
Spell(Spell const &right)=delete | Spell | protected |
SpellScript class | Spell | friend |
SummonGuardian(uint32 i, uint32 entry, SummonPropertiesEntry const *properties, uint32 numSummons) | Spell | protected |
TakeCastItem() | Spell | |
TakePower() | Spell | |
TakeReagents() | Spell | |
TakeRunePower(bool didHit) | Spell | |
TalentId | Spell | |
TriggerGlobalCooldown() | Spell | protected |
Unit::SetCurrentCastSpell(Spell *pSpell) | Spell | friend |
unitTarget | Spell | protected |
update(uint32 difftime) | Spell | |
UpdateChanneledTargetList() | Spell | protected |
UpdatePointers() | Spell | |
UpdateSpellCastDataTargets(WorldPackets::Spells::SpellCastData &data) | Spell | protected |
UsedSpellMods typedef | Spell | |
variance | Spell | protected |
~Spell() | Spell |