This is the complete list of members for BattlegroundMgr, including all inherited members.
_battlegroundMapTemplates | BattlegroundMgr | private |
_battlegroundTemplates | BattlegroundMgr | private |
AddBattleground(Battleground *bg) | BattlegroundMgr | |
AddToBGFreeSlotQueue(BattlegroundTypeId bgTypeId, Battleground *bg) | BattlegroundMgr | |
BattlegroundDataContainer typedef | BattlegroundMgr | private |
BattlegroundMapTemplateContainer typedef | BattlegroundMgr | private |
BattlegroundMgr() | BattlegroundMgr | private |
BattlegroundSelectionWeightMap typedef | BattlegroundMgr | private |
BattlegroundTemplateMap typedef | BattlegroundMgr | private |
BGArenaType(BattlegroundQueueTypeId bgQueueTypeId) | BattlegroundMgr | static |
bgDataStore | BattlegroundMgr | private |
BGQueueTypeId(BattlegroundTypeId bgTypeId, uint8 arenaType) | BattlegroundMgr | static |
BGTemplateId(BattlegroundQueueTypeId bgQueueTypeId) | BattlegroundMgr | static |
BGTypeToWeekendHolidayId(BattlegroundTypeId bgTypeId) | BattlegroundMgr | static |
BuildBattlegroundStatusActive(WorldPackets::Battleground::BattlefieldStatusActive *battlefieldStatus, Battleground *bg, Player *player, uint32 ticketId, uint32 joinTime, uint32 arenaType) | BattlegroundMgr | |
BuildBattlegroundStatusFailed(WorldPackets::Battleground::BattlefieldStatusFailed *battlefieldStatus, Battleground *bg, Player *pPlayer, uint32 ticketId, uint32 arenaType, GroupJoinBattlegroundResult result, ObjectGuid const *errorGuid=nullptr) | BattlegroundMgr | |
BuildBattlegroundStatusHeader(WorldPackets::Battleground::BattlefieldStatusHeader *battlefieldStatus, Battleground *bg, Player *player, uint32 ticketId, uint32 joinTime, uint32 arenaType) | BattlegroundMgr | |
BuildBattlegroundStatusNeedConfirmation(WorldPackets::Battleground::BattlefieldStatusNeedConfirmation *battlefieldStatus, Battleground *bg, Player *player, uint32 ticketId, uint32 joinTime, uint32 timeout, uint32 arenaType) | BattlegroundMgr | |
BuildBattlegroundStatusNone(WorldPackets::Battleground::BattlefieldStatusNone *battlefieldStatus, Player *player, uint32 ticketId, uint32 joinTime, uint32 arenaType) | BattlegroundMgr | |
BuildBattlegroundStatusQueued(WorldPackets::Battleground::BattlefieldStatusQueued *battlefieldStatus, Battleground *bg, Player *player, uint32 ticketId, uint32 joinTime, uint32 avgWaitTime, uint32 arenaType, bool asGroup) | BattlegroundMgr | |
CheckBattleMasters() | BattlegroundMgr | |
CreateBattleground(BattlegroundTemplate const *bgTemplate) | BattlegroundMgr | private |
CreateClientVisibleInstanceId(BattlegroundTypeId bgTypeId, BattlegroundBracketId bracket_id) | BattlegroundMgr | private |
CreateNewBattleground(BattlegroundTypeId bgTypeId, PvPDifficultyEntry const *bracketEntry, uint8 arenaType, bool isRated) | BattlegroundMgr | |
DeleteAllBattlegrounds() | BattlegroundMgr | |
GetBattleground(uint32 InstanceID, BattlegroundTypeId bgTypeId) | BattlegroundMgr | |
GetBattlegroundQueue(BattlegroundQueueTypeId bgQueueTypeId) | BattlegroundMgr | inline |
GetBattlegroundTemplate(BattlegroundTypeId bgTypeId) | BattlegroundMgr | |
GetBattlegroundTemplateByMapId(uint32 mapId) | BattlegroundMgr | inlineprivate |
GetBattlegroundTemplateByTypeId(BattlegroundTypeId id) | BattlegroundMgr | inlineprivate |
GetBattleMasterBG(uint32 entry) const | BattlegroundMgr | inline |
GetBGFreeSlotQueueStore(BattlegroundTypeId bgTypeId) | BattlegroundMgr | |
GetMaxRatingDifference() const | BattlegroundMgr | |
GetPrematureFinishTime() const | BattlegroundMgr | |
GetRandomBG(BattlegroundTypeId id) | BattlegroundMgr | private |
GetRatingDiscardTimer() const | BattlegroundMgr | |
instance() | BattlegroundMgr | static |
isArenaTesting() const | BattlegroundMgr | inline |
IsArenaType(BattlegroundTypeId bgTypeId) | BattlegroundMgr | privatestatic |
IsBGWeekend(BattlegroundTypeId bgTypeId) | BattlegroundMgr | static |
isTesting() const | BattlegroundMgr | inline |
LoadBattlegroundTemplates() | BattlegroundMgr | |
LoadBattleMastersEntry() | BattlegroundMgr | |
m_ArenaTesting | BattlegroundMgr | private |
m_BattlegroundQueues | BattlegroundMgr | private |
m_NextRatedArenaUpdate | BattlegroundMgr | private |
m_QueueUpdateScheduler | BattlegroundMgr | private |
m_Testing | BattlegroundMgr | private |
mBattleMastersMap | BattlegroundMgr | private |
RemoveBattleground(BattlegroundTypeId bgTypeId, uint32 instanceId) | BattlegroundMgr | |
RemoveFromBGFreeSlotQueue(BattlegroundTypeId bgTypeId, uint32 instanceId) | BattlegroundMgr | |
ScheduleQueueUpdate(uint32 arenaMatchmakerRating, uint8 arenaType, BattlegroundQueueTypeId bgQueueTypeId, BattlegroundTypeId bgTypeId, BattlegroundBracketId bracket_id) | BattlegroundMgr | |
SendAreaSpiritHealerQueryOpcode(Player *player, Battleground *bg, ObjectGuid const &guid) | BattlegroundMgr | |
SendBattlegroundList(Player *player, ObjectGuid const &guid, BattlegroundTypeId bgTypeId) | BattlegroundMgr | |
SendToBattleground(Player *player, uint32 InstanceID, BattlegroundTypeId bgTypeId) | BattlegroundMgr | |
SetHolidayWeekends(uint32 mask) | BattlegroundMgr | |
ToggleArenaTesting() | BattlegroundMgr | |
ToggleTesting() | BattlegroundMgr | |
Update(uint32 diff) | BattlegroundMgr | |
WeekendHolidayIdToBGType(HolidayIds holiday) | BattlegroundMgr | static |
~BattlegroundMgr() | BattlegroundMgr | private |