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1 /* Copyright (C) 2009 - 2010 by /dev/rsa for ScriptDev2 <>
2  * This program is free software licensed under GPL version 2
3  * Please see the included DOCS/LICENSE.TXT for more information */
5 #ifndef DEF_CRUSADER_H
6 #define DEF_CRUSADER_H
8 #define DataHeader "TCR"
11 {
16  BOSS_LICH_KING = 4, // not really a boss but oh well
30  INCREASE = 501,
31  DECREASE = 502,
32 };
35 {
40 };
43 {
44  DESPAWN_TIME = 1200000
45 };
48 {
49  {563.912f, 261.625f, 394.73f, 4.70437f}, // 0 Center
50  {575.451f, 261.496f, 394.73f, 4.6541f}, // 1 Left
51  {549.951f, 261.55f, 394.73f, 4.74835f} // 2 Right
52 };
55 {
56  {559.257996f, 90.266197f, 395.122986f, 0}, // 0 Barrent
58  {563.672974f, 139.571f, 393.837006f, 0}, // 1 Center
59  {563.833008f, 187.244995f, 394.5f, 0}, // 2 Backdoor
60  {577.347839f, 195.338888f, 395.14f, 0}, // 3 - Right
61  {550.955933f, 195.338888f, 395.14f, 0}, // 4 - Left
62  {563.833008f, 195.244995f, 394.585561f, 0}, // 5 - Center
63  {573.5f, 180.5f, 395.14f, 0}, // 6 Move 0 Right
64  {553.5f, 180.5f, 395.14f, 0}, // 7 Move 0 Left
65  {573.0f, 170.0f, 395.14f, 0}, // 8 Move 1 Right
66  {555.5f, 170.0f, 395.14f, 0}, // 9 Move 1 Left
67  {563.8f, 216.1f, 395.1f, 0}, // 10 Behind the door
69  {575.042358f, 195.260727f, 395.137146f, 0}, // 5
70  {552.248901f, 195.331955f, 395.132658f, 0}, // 6
71  {573.342285f, 195.515823f, 395.135956f, 0}, // 7
72  {554.239929f, 195.825577f, 395.137909f, 0}, // 8
73  {571.042358f, 195.260727f, 395.137146f, 0}, // 9
74  {556.720581f, 195.015472f, 395.132658f, 0}, // 10
75  {569.534119f, 195.214478f, 395.139526f, 0}, // 11
76  {569.231201f, 195.941071f, 395.139526f, 0}, // 12
77  {558.811610f, 195.985779f, 394.671661f, 0}, // 13
78  {567.641724f, 195.351501f, 394.659943f, 0}, // 14
79  {560.633972f, 195.391708f, 395.137543f, 0}, // 15
80  {565.816956f, 195.477921f, 395.136810f, 0} // 16
81 };
84 {
85  {508.104767f, 138.247345f, 395.128052f, 0}, // 0 - Fizzlebang start location
86  {548.610596f, 139.807800f, 394.321838f, 0}, // 1 - fizzlebang end
87  {581.854187f, 138.0f, 394.319f, 0}, // 2 - Portal Right
88  {550.558838f, 138.0f, 394.319f, 0} // 3 - Portal Left
89 };
92 {
93  {514.231f, 105.569f, 418.234f, 0}, // 0 - Horde Initial Pos 0
94  {508.334f, 115.377f, 418.234f, 0}, // 1 - Horde Initial Pos 1
95  {506.454f, 126.291f, 418.234f, 0}, // 2 - Horde Initial Pos 2
96  {506.243f, 106.596f, 421.592f, 0}, // 3 - Horde Initial Pos 3
97  {499.885f, 117.717f, 421.557f, 0}, // 4 - Horde Initial Pos 4
99  {613.127f, 100.443f, 419.74f, 0}, // 5 - Ally Initial Pos 0
100  {621.126f, 128.042f, 418.231f, 0}, // 6 - Ally Initial Pos 1
101  {618.829f, 113.606f, 418.232f, 0}, // 7 - Ally Initial Pos 2
102  {625.845f, 112.914f, 421.575f, 0}, // 8 - Ally Initial Pos 3
103  {615.566f, 109.653f, 418.234f, 0}, // 9 - Ally Initial Pos 4
105  {535.469f, 113.012f, 394.66f, 0}, // 10 - Horde Final Pos 0
106  {526.417f, 137.465f, 394.749f, 0}, // 11 - Horde Final Pos 1
107  {528.108f, 111.057f, 395.289f, 0}, // 12 - Horde Final Pos 2
108  {519.92f, 134.285f, 395.289f, 0}, // 13 - Horde Final Pos 3
109  {533.648f, 119.148f, 394.646f, 0}, // 14 - Horde Final Pos 4
110  {531.399f, 125.63f, 394.708f, 0}, // 15 - Horde Final Pos 5
111  {528.958f, 131.47f, 394.73f, 0}, // 16 - Horde Final Pos 6
112  {526.309f, 116.667f, 394.833f, 0}, // 17 - Horde Final Pos 7
113  {524.238f, 122.411f, 394.819f, 0}, // 18 - Horde Final Pos 8
114  {521.901f, 128.488f, 394.832f, 0} // 19 - Horde Final Pos 9
115 };
118 {
119  {586.060242f, 117.514809f, 394.41f, 0}, // 0 - Dark essence 1
120  {541.602112f, 161.879837f, 394.41f, 0}, // 1 - Dark essence 2
121  {541.021118f, 117.262932f, 394.41f, 0}, // 2 - Light essence 1
122  {586.200562f, 162.145523f, 394.41f, 0} // 3 - Light essence 2
123 };
126 {
127  {563.549f, 152.474f, 394.393f, 0}, // 0 - Lich king start
128  {563.547f, 141.613f, 393.908f, 0} // 1 - Lich king end
129 };
132 {
133  {783.9305f, 132.9722f, 142.6711f, 3.141593f}, // 0 - Anub'arak Spawn Location (sniffed)
134  {695.240051f, 137.834824f, 142.200000f, 0}, // 1 - Anub'arak move point location
135  {694.886353f, 102.484665f, 142.119614f, 0}, // 3 - Nerub Spawn
136  {694.500671f, 185.363968f, 142.117905f, 0}, // 5 - Nerub Spawn
137  {731.987244f, 83.3824690f, 142.119614f, 0}, // 2 - Nerub Spawn
138  {740.184509f, 193.443390f, 142.117584f, 0} // 4 - Nerub Spawn
139 };
142 {
143  {648.9167f, 131.0208f, 141.6161f, 0}, // 0 - Highlord Tirion Fordring
144  {649.1614f, 142.0399f, 141.3057f, 0}, // 1 - Argent Mage
145  {644.6250f, 149.2743f, 140.6015f, 0} // 2 - Portal to Dalaran
146 };
149 {
152 };
155 {
157  GORMOK_DONE = 1001,
162  SNAKES_DONE = 2004,
165 };
168 {
169  MSG_BEASTS = 724001,
170  MSG_JARAXXUS = 724002,
171  MSG_CRUSADERS = 724003,
172  MSG_VALKIRIES = 724004,
173  MSG_LICH_KING = 724005,
174  MSG_ANUBARAK = 724006
175 };
178 {
179  NPC_BARRENT = 34816,
180  NPC_TIRION = 34996,
183  NPC_FIZZLEBANG = 35458,
184  NPC_GARROSH = 34995,
185  NPC_VARIAN = 34990,
186  NPC_LICH_KING = 35877,
188  NPC_THRALL = 34994,
189  NPC_PROUDMOORE = 34992,
191  NPC_TRIGGER = 35651,
193  NPC_ICEHOWL = 34797,
194  NPC_GORMOK = 34796,
195  NPC_DREADSCALE = 34799,
196  NPC_ACIDMAW = 35144,
198  NPC_JARAXXUS = 34780,
221  NPC_HORDE_MAGE = 34449,
232  NPC_LIGHTBANE = 34497,
233  NPC_DARKBANE = 34496,
238  NPC_ANUBARAK = 34564
239 };
242 {
248  // Tribute Chest (heroic)
249  // 10-man modes
250  GO_TRIBUTE_CHEST_10H_25 = 195668, // 10man 01-24 attempts
251  GO_TRIBUTE_CHEST_10H_45 = 195667, // 10man 25-44 attempts
252  GO_TRIBUTE_CHEST_10H_50 = 195666, // 10man 45-49 attempts
253  GO_TRIBUTE_CHEST_10H_99 = 195665, // 10man 50 attempts
254  // 25-man modes
255  GO_TRIBUTE_CHEST_25H_25 = 195672, // 25man 01-24 attempts
256  GO_TRIBUTE_CHEST_25H_45 = 195671, // 25man 25-44 attempts
257  GO_TRIBUTE_CHEST_25H_50 = 195670, // 25man 45-49 attempts
258  GO_TRIBUTE_CHEST_25H_99 = 195669, // 25man 50 attempts
260  GO_ARGENT_COLISEUM_FLOOR = 195527, //20943
263  GO_WEB_DOOR = 195485,
265 };
268 {
269  // Northrend Beasts
274  // Lord Jaraxxus
279  // Tribute
291  // Dummy spells - not existing in dbc but we don't need that
297  // Timed events
299 };
301 #endif
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:170
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:23
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:14
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:173
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:184
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:258
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:262
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:272
Definition: onyxias_lair.h:64
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:31
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:188
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:295
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:245
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:17
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:225
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:270
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:190
const Position LichKingLoc[]
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:125
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:206
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:30
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:203
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:233
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:157
const Position EndSpawnLoc[]
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:141
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:25
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:38
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:163
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:246
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:292
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:257
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:150
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:213
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:212
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:261
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:200
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:185
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:211
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:13
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:227
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:164
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:156
Definition: baradin_hold.h:30
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:182
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:37
Definition: baradin_hold.h:48
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:286
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:253
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:210
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:281
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:162
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:24
Definition: hyjal.h:51
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:179
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:215
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:263
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:230
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:189
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:244
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:250
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:169
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:280
Definition: stratholme.h:79
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:221
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:191
const Position ToCSpawnLoc[]
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:47
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:293
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:251
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:276
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:275
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:186
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:224
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:217
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:282
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:172
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:252
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:193
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:277
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:160
Definition: boss_alysrazor.cpp:95
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:243
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:44
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:232
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:228
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:273
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:260
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:159
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:289
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:15
const Position TwinValkyrsLoc[]
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:117
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:278
const Position ToCCommonLoc[]
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:54
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:20
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:271
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:255
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:195
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:219
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:27
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:235
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:18
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:36
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:174
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:208
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:298
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:283
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:226
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:229
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:236
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:218
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:183
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:167
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:204
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:194
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:264
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:28
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:238
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:181
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:222
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:256
const Position AnubarakLoc[]
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:131
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:161
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:294
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:198
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:287
Definition: Position.h:27
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:158
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:12
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:16
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:151
const Position FactionChampionLoc[]
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:91
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:288
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:21
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:223
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:196
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:214
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:205
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:284
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:180
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:154
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:171
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:209
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:220
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:207
Definition: baradin_hold.h:37
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:39
const Position JaraxxusLoc[]
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:83
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:202
Definition: trial_of_the_crusader.h:285