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00001 /*****************************************************************************
00002  * streamout.cpp : wxWindows plugin for vlc
00003  *****************************************************************************
00004  * Copyright (C) 2000-2004 the VideoLAN team
00005  * $Id: streamout.cpp 12921 2005-10-23 09:18:05Z md $
00006  *
00007  * Authors: Gildas Bazin <[email protected]>
00008  *
00009  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00010  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00011  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
00012  * (at your option) any later version.
00013  *
00014  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00015  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00017  * GNU General Public License for more details.
00018  *
00019  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00020  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
00021  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111, USA.
00022  *****************************************************************************/
00024 /*****************************************************************************
00025  * Preamble
00026  *****************************************************************************/
00027 #include <stdlib.h>                                      /* malloc(), free() */
00028 #include <errno.h>                                                 /* ENOMEM */
00029 #include <string.h>                                            /* strerror() */
00030 #include <stdio.h>
00032 #include <vlc/vlc.h>
00033 #include <vlc/intf.h>
00035 #include "wxwidgets.h"
00036 #include <wx/combobox.h>
00037 #include <wx/statline.h>
00039 #include "streamdata.h"
00041 #ifndef wxRB_SINGLE
00042 #   define wxRB_SINGLE 0
00043 #endif
00045 /*****************************************************************************
00046  * Event Table.
00047  *****************************************************************************/
00049 /* IDs for the controls and the menu commands */
00050 enum
00051 {
00052     Notebook_Event = wxID_HIGHEST,
00053     MRL_Event,
00055     FileBrowse_Event,
00056     FileName_Event,
00057     FileDump_Event,
00059     AccessType1_Event, AccessType2_Event, AccessType3_Event,
00060     AccessType4_Event, AccessType5_Event, AccessType6_Event,
00061     NetPort1_Event, NetPort2_Event, NetPort3_Event, NetPort4_Event,
00062     NetAddr1_Event, NetAddr2_Event, NetAddr3_Event, NetAddr4_Event,
00064     EncapsulationRadio1_Event, EncapsulationRadio2_Event,
00065     EncapsulationRadio3_Event, EncapsulationRadio4_Event,
00066     EncapsulationRadio5_Event, EncapsulationRadio6_Event,
00067     EncapsulationRadio7_Event, EncapsulationRadio8_Event,
00068     EncapsulationRadio9_Event, EncapsulationRadio10_Event,
00070     VideoTranscEnable_Event, VideoTranscCodec_Event, VideoTranscBitrate_Event,
00071     VideoTranscScale_Event,
00072     AudioTranscEnable_Event, AudioTranscCodec_Event, AudioTranscBitrate_Event,
00073     AudioTranscChans_Event,
00074     SubtitlesTranscEnable_Event, SubtitlesTranscCodec_Event,
00075     SubtitlesOverlayEnable_Event,
00077     SAPMisc_Event, AnnounceGroup_Event, AnnounceAddr_Event,
00078     SoutAll_Event
00079 };
00081 BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(SoutDialog, wxDialog)
00082     /* Button events */
00083     EVT_BUTTON(wxID_OK, SoutDialog::OnOk)
00084     EVT_BUTTON(wxID_CANCEL, SoutDialog::OnCancel)
00086     /* Events generated by the access output panel */
00087     EVT_CHECKBOX(AccessType1_Event, SoutDialog::OnAccessTypeChange)
00088     EVT_CHECKBOX(AccessType2_Event, SoutDialog::OnAccessTypeChange)
00089     EVT_CHECKBOX(AccessType3_Event, SoutDialog::OnAccessTypeChange)
00090     EVT_CHECKBOX(AccessType4_Event, SoutDialog::OnAccessTypeChange)
00091     EVT_CHECKBOX(AccessType5_Event, SoutDialog::OnAccessTypeChange)
00092     EVT_CHECKBOX(AccessType6_Event, SoutDialog::OnAccessTypeChange)
00093     EVT_TEXT(FileName_Event, SoutDialog::OnFileChange)
00094     EVT_BUTTON(FileBrowse_Event, SoutDialog::OnFileBrowse)
00095     EVT_CHECKBOX(FileDump_Event, SoutDialog::OnFileDump)
00097     EVT_TEXT(NetPort1_Event, SoutDialog::OnNetChange)
00098     EVT_TEXT(NetAddr1_Event, SoutDialog::OnNetChange)
00099     EVT_TEXT(NetPort2_Event, SoutDialog::OnNetChange)
00100     EVT_TEXT(NetAddr2_Event, SoutDialog::OnNetChange)
00101     EVT_TEXT(NetPort3_Event, SoutDialog::OnNetChange)
00102     EVT_TEXT(NetAddr3_Event, SoutDialog::OnNetChange)
00103     EVT_TEXT(NetPort4_Event, SoutDialog::OnNetChange)
00104     EVT_TEXT(NetAddr4_Event, SoutDialog::OnNetChange)
00106     /* Events generated by the encapsulation panel */
00107     EVT_RADIOBUTTON(EncapsulationRadio1_Event,
00108                     SoutDialog::OnEncapsulationChange)
00109     EVT_RADIOBUTTON(EncapsulationRadio2_Event,
00110                     SoutDialog::OnEncapsulationChange)
00111     EVT_RADIOBUTTON(EncapsulationRadio3_Event,
00112                     SoutDialog::OnEncapsulationChange)
00113     EVT_RADIOBUTTON(EncapsulationRadio4_Event,
00114                     SoutDialog::OnEncapsulationChange)
00115     EVT_RADIOBUTTON(EncapsulationRadio5_Event,
00116                     SoutDialog::OnEncapsulationChange)
00117     EVT_RADIOBUTTON(EncapsulationRadio6_Event,
00118                     SoutDialog::OnEncapsulationChange)
00119     EVT_RADIOBUTTON(EncapsulationRadio7_Event,
00120                     SoutDialog::OnEncapsulationChange)
00121     EVT_RADIOBUTTON(EncapsulationRadio8_Event,
00122                     SoutDialog::OnEncapsulationChange)
00123     EVT_RADIOBUTTON(EncapsulationRadio9_Event,
00124                     SoutDialog::OnEncapsulationChange)
00126     /* Events generated by the transcoding panel */
00127     EVT_CHECKBOX(VideoTranscEnable_Event, SoutDialog::OnTranscodingEnable)
00128     EVT_CHECKBOX(AudioTranscEnable_Event, SoutDialog::OnTranscodingEnable)
00129     EVT_CHECKBOX(SubtitlesTranscEnable_Event, SoutDialog::OnTranscodingEnable)
00130     EVT_CHECKBOX(SubtitlesOverlayEnable_Event, SoutDialog::OnTranscodingEnable)
00131     EVT_COMBOBOX(VideoTranscCodec_Event, SoutDialog::OnTranscodingChange)
00132     EVT_TEXT(VideoTranscCodec_Event, SoutDialog::OnTranscodingChange)
00133     EVT_COMBOBOX(AudioTranscCodec_Event, SoutDialog::OnTranscodingChange)
00134     EVT_TEXT(AudioTranscCodec_Event, SoutDialog::OnTranscodingChange)
00135     EVT_COMBOBOX(VideoTranscBitrate_Event, SoutDialog::OnTranscodingChange)
00136     EVT_TEXT(VideoTranscBitrate_Event, SoutDialog::OnTranscodingChange)
00137     EVT_COMBOBOX(AudioTranscBitrate_Event, SoutDialog::OnTranscodingChange)
00138     EVT_TEXT(AudioTranscBitrate_Event, SoutDialog::OnTranscodingChange)
00139     EVT_COMBOBOX(VideoTranscScale_Event, SoutDialog::OnTranscodingChange)
00140     EVT_TEXT(VideoTranscScale_Event, SoutDialog::OnTranscodingChange)
00141     EVT_COMBOBOX(AudioTranscChans_Event, SoutDialog::OnTranscodingChange)
00142     EVT_TEXT(AudioTranscChans_Event, SoutDialog::OnTranscodingChange)
00143     EVT_COMBOBOX(SubtitlesTranscCodec_Event, SoutDialog::OnTranscodingChange)
00144     EVT_TEXT(SubtitlesTranscCodec_Event, SoutDialog::OnTranscodingChange)
00146     /* Events generated by the misc panel */
00147     EVT_CHECKBOX(SAPMisc_Event, SoutDialog::OnSAPMiscChange)
00148     EVT_TEXT(AnnounceGroup_Event, SoutDialog::OnAnnounceGroupChange)
00149     EVT_TEXT(AnnounceAddr_Event, SoutDialog::OnAnnounceAddrChange)
00150     EVT_CHECKBOX(SoutAll_Event, SoutDialog::OnAnnounceGroupChange)
00154 /*****************************************************************************
00155  * Constructor.
00156  *****************************************************************************/
00157 SoutDialog::SoutDialog( intf_thread_t *_p_intf, wxWindow* _p_parent ):
00158     wxDialog( _p_parent, -1, wxU(_("Stream output")),
00159              wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE )
00160 {
00161     /* Initializations */
00162     p_intf = _p_intf;
00163     p_parent = _p_parent;
00164     SetIcon( *p_intf->p_sys->p_icon );
00166     /* Create a panel to put everything in */
00167     wxPanel *panel = new wxPanel( this, -1 );
00168     panel->SetAutoLayout( TRUE );
00170     /* Create MRL combobox */
00171     wxBoxSizer *mrl_sizer_sizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL );
00172     wxStaticBox *mrl_box = new wxStaticBox( panel, -1,
00173                                wxU(_("Stream output MRL")) );
00174     wxStaticBoxSizer *mrl_sizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer( mrl_box,
00175                                                         wxHORIZONTAL );
00176     wxStaticText *mrl_label = new wxStaticText( panel, -1,
00177                                                 wxU(_("Destination Target:")));
00178     mrl_combo = new wxComboBox( panel, MRL_Event, wxT(""),
00179                                 wxPoint(20,25), wxSize(120, -1) );
00180     mrl_combo->SetToolTip( wxU(_("You can use this field directly by typing "
00181         "the full MRL you want to open.\n""Alternatively, the field will be "
00182         "filled automatically when you use the controls below")) );
00184     mrl_sizer->Add( mrl_label, 0, wxALL | wxALIGN_CENTER, 5 );
00185     mrl_sizer->Add( mrl_combo, 1, wxALL | wxALIGN_CENTER, 5 );
00186     mrl_sizer_sizer->Add( mrl_sizer, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5 );
00188     /* Create the output encapsulation panel */
00189     encapsulation_panel = EncapsulationPanel( panel );
00191     /* Create the access output panel */
00192     access_panel = AccessPanel( panel );
00194     /* Create the transcoding panel */
00195     transcoding_panel = TranscodingPanel( panel );
00197     /* Create the Misc panel */
00198     misc_panel = MiscPanel( panel );
00200     /* Create the buttons */
00201     wxButton *ok_button = new wxButton( panel, wxID_OK, wxU(_("OK")) );
00202     ok_button->SetDefault();
00203     wxButton *cancel_button = new wxButton( panel, wxID_CANCEL,
00204                                             wxU(_("Cancel")) );
00206     /* Place everything in sizers */
00207     wxBoxSizer *button_sizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL );
00208     button_sizer->Add( ok_button, 0, wxALL, 5 );
00209     button_sizer->Add( cancel_button, 0, wxALL, 5 );
00210     button_sizer->Layout();
00211     wxBoxSizer *main_sizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL );
00212     wxBoxSizer *panel_sizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL );
00213     panel_sizer->Add( mrl_sizer_sizer, 0, wxEXPAND, 5 );
00214     panel_sizer->Add( access_panel, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5 );
00215     panel_sizer->Add( encapsulation_panel, 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5 );
00216     panel_sizer->Add( transcoding_panel, 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5 );
00217     panel_sizer->Add( misc_panel, 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5 );
00218     panel_sizer->Add( button_sizer, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALIGN_BOTTOM |
00219                       wxALL, 5 );
00220     panel_sizer->Layout();
00221     panel->SetSizerAndFit( panel_sizer );
00222     main_sizer->Add( panel, 1, wxGROW, 0 );
00223     main_sizer->Layout();
00224     SetSizerAndFit( main_sizer );
00225 }
00227 SoutDialog::~SoutDialog()
00228 {
00229 }
00231 wxArrayString SoutDialog::GetOptions()
00232 {
00233    return SeparateEntries( mrl_combo->GetValue() );
00234 }
00236 /*****************************************************************************
00237  * Private methods.
00238  *****************************************************************************/
00239 void SoutDialog::UpdateMRL()
00240 {
00241     /* Check the demux dump option */
00242     if( dump_checkbox->IsChecked() )
00243     {
00244         wxString dumpfile;
00246         if( file_combo->GetValue().size() )
00247             dumpfile = wxT(" :demuxdump-file=\"") +
00248                        file_combo->GetValue() + wxT("\"");
00249         mrl_combo->SetValue( wxT(":demux=dump") + dumpfile );
00251         return;
00252     }
00254     /* Let's start with the transcode options */
00255     wxString transcode;
00256     if( video_transc_checkbox->IsChecked() ||
00257         audio_transc_checkbox->IsChecked() ||
00258         subtitles_transc_checkbox->IsChecked() ||
00259         subtitles_overlay_checkbox->IsChecked() )
00260     {
00261         transcode = wxT("transcode{");
00262         if( video_transc_checkbox->IsChecked() )
00263         {
00264             transcode += wxT("vcodec=") + video_codec_combo->GetValue();
00265             transcode += wxT(",vb=") + video_bitrate_combo->GetValue();
00266             transcode += wxT(",scale=") + video_scale_combo->GetValue();
00267             if( audio_transc_checkbox->IsChecked() ||
00268                 subtitles_transc_checkbox->IsChecked() ||
00269                 subtitles_overlay_checkbox->IsChecked() )
00270                 transcode += wxT(",");
00271         }
00272         if( audio_transc_checkbox->IsChecked() )
00273         {
00274             transcode += wxT("acodec=") + audio_codec_combo->GetValue();
00275             transcode += wxT(",ab=") + audio_bitrate_combo->GetValue();
00276             transcode += wxT(",channels=") + audio_channels_combo->GetValue();
00277             if( subtitles_transc_checkbox->IsChecked() ||
00278                 subtitles_overlay_checkbox->IsChecked() )
00279                 transcode += wxT(",");
00280         }
00281         if( subtitles_transc_checkbox->IsChecked() )
00282         {
00283             transcode += wxT("scodec=") + subtitles_codec_combo->GetValue();
00284         }
00285         if( subtitles_overlay_checkbox->IsChecked() )
00286         {
00287             transcode += wxT("soverlay");
00288         }
00289         transcode += wxT("}");
00290     }
00292     /* Encapsulation */
00293     wxString encapsulation;
00294     switch( i_encapsulation_type )
00295     {
00296     case PS_ENCAPSULATION:
00297         encapsulation = wxT("ps");
00298         break;
00299     case MPEG1_ENCAPSULATION:
00300         encapsulation = wxT("mpeg1");
00301         break;
00302     case AVI_ENCAPSULATION:
00303         encapsulation = wxT("avi");
00304         break;
00305     case OGG_ENCAPSULATION:
00306         encapsulation = wxT("ogg");
00307         break;
00308     case RAW_ENCAPSULATION:
00309         encapsulation = wxT("raw");
00310         break;
00311     case MP4_ENCAPSULATION:
00312         encapsulation = wxT("mp4");
00313         break;
00314     case MOV_ENCAPSULATION:
00315         encapsulation = wxT("mov");
00316         break;
00317     case ASF_ENCAPSULATION:
00318         encapsulation = wxT("asf");
00319         break;
00320     case WAV_ENCAPSULATION:
00321         encapsulation = wxT("wav");
00322         break;
00323     case TS_ENCAPSULATION:
00324     default:
00325         encapsulation = wxT("ts");
00326         break;
00327     }
00329     /* Now continue with the duplicate option */
00330     wxString dup_opts;
00331     if( access_checkboxes[PLAY_ACCESS_OUT]->IsChecked() )
00332     {
00333         dup_opts += wxT("dst=display");
00334     }
00335     if( access_checkboxes[FILE_ACCESS_OUT]->IsChecked() )
00336     {
00337         if( !dup_opts.IsEmpty() ) dup_opts += wxT(",");
00338         dup_opts += wxT("dst=std{access=file,mux=");
00339         dup_opts += encapsulation + wxT(",url=\"");
00340         dup_opts += file_combo->GetValue() + wxT("\"}");
00341     }
00342     if( access_checkboxes[HTTP_ACCESS_OUT]->IsChecked() )
00343     {
00344         if( !dup_opts.IsEmpty() ) dup_opts += wxT(",");
00345         dup_opts += wxT("dst=std{access=http,mux=");
00346         dup_opts += encapsulation + wxT(",url=");
00347         dup_opts += net_addrs[HTTP_ACCESS_OUT]->GetLineText(0);
00348         dup_opts += wxString::Format( wxT(":%d"),
00349                                       net_ports[HTTP_ACCESS_OUT]->GetValue() );
00350         dup_opts += wxT("}");
00351     }
00352     if( access_checkboxes[MMSH_ACCESS_OUT]->IsChecked() )
00353     {
00354         if( !dup_opts.IsEmpty() ) dup_opts += wxT(",");
00355         dup_opts += wxT("dst=std{access=mmsh,mux=");
00356         dup_opts += encapsulation;
00357         if( i_encapsulation_type == ASF_ENCAPSULATION ) dup_opts += wxT("h");
00358         dup_opts += wxT(",url=");
00359         dup_opts += net_addrs[MMSH_ACCESS_OUT]->GetLineText(0);
00360         dup_opts += wxString::Format( wxT(":%d"),
00361                                       net_ports[MMSH_ACCESS_OUT]->GetValue() );
00362         dup_opts += wxT("}");
00363     }
00364     if( access_checkboxes[RTP_ACCESS_OUT]->IsChecked() )
00365     {
00366         if( !dup_opts.IsEmpty() ) dup_opts += wxT(",");
00367         dup_opts += wxT("dst=std{access=rtp,mux=");
00368         dup_opts += encapsulation + wxT(",url=");
00370         wxString rtp_addr = net_addrs[RTP_ACCESS_OUT]->GetLineText(0);
00371         if ((rtp_addr[0u] != '[') && (rtp_addr.Find(':') != -1))
00372         {
00373             dup_opts += wxT ("[") + rtp_addr + wxT ("]");
00374         }
00375         else
00376         {
00377             dup_opts += rtp_addr;
00378         }
00379         dup_opts += wxString::Format( wxT(":%d"),
00380                                       net_ports[RTP_ACCESS_OUT]->GetValue() );
00382         /* SAP if RTP */
00383         if( sap_checkbox->IsChecked() )
00384         {
00385             dup_opts += wxT(",sap");
00386             if( ! announce_group->GetLineText(0).IsEmpty() )
00387             {
00388                 dup_opts += wxT(",group=\"");
00389                 dup_opts += announce_group->GetLineText(0);
00390                 dup_opts += wxT("\"");
00391             }
00392             if( ! announce_addr->GetLineText(0).IsEmpty() )
00393             {
00394                 dup_opts += wxT(",name=\"");
00395                 dup_opts += announce_addr->GetLineText(0);
00396                 dup_opts += wxT("\"");
00397             }
00398         }
00400         dup_opts += wxT("}");
00401     }
00403     if( access_checkboxes[UDP_ACCESS_OUT]->IsChecked() )
00404     {
00405         if( !dup_opts.IsEmpty() ) dup_opts += wxT(",");
00406         dup_opts += wxT("dst=std{access=udp,mux=");
00407         dup_opts += encapsulation + wxT(",url=");
00409         wxString udp_addr = net_addrs[UDP_ACCESS_OUT]->GetLineText(0);
00410         if ((udp_addr[0u] != '[') && (udp_addr.Find(':') != -1))
00411         {
00412             dup_opts += wxT ("[") + udp_addr + wxT ("]");
00413         }
00414         else
00415         {
00416             dup_opts += udp_addr;
00417         }
00418         dup_opts += wxString::Format( wxT(":%d"),
00419                                       net_ports[UDP_ACCESS_OUT]->GetValue() );
00421         /* SAP if UDP */
00422         if( sap_checkbox->IsChecked() )
00423         {
00424             dup_opts += wxT(",sap");
00425             if( ! announce_group->GetLineText(0).IsEmpty() )
00426             {
00427                 dup_opts += wxT(",group=\"");
00428                 dup_opts += announce_group->GetLineText(0);
00429                 dup_opts += wxT("\"");
00430             }
00431             if( ! announce_addr->GetLineText(0).IsEmpty() )
00432             {
00433                 dup_opts += wxT(",name=\"");
00434                 dup_opts += announce_addr->GetLineText(0);
00435                 dup_opts += wxT("\"");
00436             }
00437         }
00439         dup_opts += wxT("}");
00440     }
00442     wxString duplicate;
00443     if( !dup_opts.IsEmpty() )
00444     {
00445         if( !transcode.IsEmpty() ) duplicate = wxT(":");
00446         duplicate += wxT("duplicate{") + dup_opts + wxT("}");
00447     }
00449     wxString misc;
00450     if( (!transcode.IsEmpty() || !duplicate.IsEmpty()) &&
00451         sout_all_checkbox->IsChecked() )
00452     {
00453         misc = wxT(" :sout-all");
00454     }
00456     if( !transcode.IsEmpty() || !duplicate.IsEmpty() )
00457         mrl_combo->SetValue( wxT(":sout=#") + transcode + duplicate + misc );
00458     else
00459         mrl_combo->SetValue( wxT("") );
00460 }
00462 wxPanel *SoutDialog::AccessPanel( wxWindow* parent )
00463 {
00464     int i;
00465     wxPanel *panel = new wxPanel( parent, -1, wxDefaultPosition,
00466                                   wxSize(200, 200) );
00468     wxStaticBox *panel_box = new wxStaticBox( panel, -1,
00469                                               wxU(_("Output methods")) );
00470     wxStaticBoxSizer *panel_sizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer( panel_box,
00471                                                           wxVERTICAL );
00473     /*wxFlexGridSizer *sizer = new wxFlexGridSizer( 2, 4, 20 );*/
00474     wxFlexGridSizer *sizer = new wxFlexGridSizer( 2, 0, 20 );
00475     static const wxString access_output_array[] =
00476     {
00477         wxU(_("Play locally")),
00478         wxU(_("File")),
00479         wxU(_("HTTP")),
00480         wxU(_("MMSH")),
00481         wxU(_("RTP")),
00482         wxU(_("UDP")),
00483     };
00485     for( i=0; i < ACCESS_OUT_NUM; i++ )
00486     {
00487         access_checkboxes[i] = new wxCheckBox( panel, AccessType1_Event + i,
00488                                                access_output_array[i] );
00489         access_subpanels[i] = new wxPanel( panel, -1 );
00490     }
00492     /* Play locally row */
00493     wxFlexGridSizer *subpanel_sizer;
00494     wxStaticText *label;
00495     label = new wxStaticText( access_subpanels[0], -1, wxT("") );
00496     subpanel_sizer = new wxFlexGridSizer( 1, 1, 20 );
00497     subpanel_sizer->Add( label, 0, wxALIGN_RIGHT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL );
00498     access_subpanels[0]->SetSizerAndFit( subpanel_sizer );
00499     access_subpanels[0]->Hide();
00501     /* File row */
00502     /*subpanel_sizer = new wxFlexGridSizer( 3, 2, 20 );*/
00503     subpanel_sizer = new wxFlexGridSizer( 4, 1, 10);
00504     label = new wxStaticText( access_subpanels[1], -1, wxU(_("Filename")) );
00505     file_combo = new wxComboBox( access_subpanels[1], FileName_Event, wxT(""),
00506                                  wxPoint(20,25), wxSize(200, -1) );
00507     wxButton *browse_button = new wxButton( access_subpanels[1],
00508                                   FileBrowse_Event, wxU(_("Browse...")) );
00509     subpanel_sizer->Add( label, 0, wxALIGN_RIGHT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL );
00510     subpanel_sizer->Add( file_combo, 1,
00511                          wxEXPAND | wxALIGN_RIGHT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL );
00512     subpanel_sizer->Add( browse_button, 0,
00513                          wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL );
00514     /*subpanel_sizer->Add( new wxPanel(access_subpanels[1], -1), 0,*/
00515     /*                     wxALIGN_RIGHT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL );*/
00516     dump_checkbox = new wxCheckBox( access_subpanels[1], FileDump_Event,
00517                                     wxU(_("Dump raw input")) );
00518     subpanel_sizer->Add( dump_checkbox, 0,
00519                          wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxTOP, 5 );
00521     access_subpanels[1]->SetSizerAndFit( subpanel_sizer );
00523     /* Net rows */
00524     for( i = HTTP_ACCESS_OUT; i < ACCESS_OUT_NUM; i++ )
00525     {
00526         subpanel_sizer = new wxFlexGridSizer( 4, 1, 20 );
00527         label = new wxStaticText( access_subpanels[i], -1, wxU(_("Address")) );
00528         net_addrs[i] = new wxTextCtrl( access_subpanels[i],
00529                                    NetAddr1_Event + i - HTTP_ACCESS_OUT,
00530                                    wxT(""), wxDefaultPosition,
00531                                    wxSize( 200, -1 ), wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER);
00532         subpanel_sizer->Add( label, 0,
00533                              wxALIGN_RIGHT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL );
00534         subpanel_sizer->Add( net_addrs[i], 1, wxEXPAND |
00535                              wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL );
00537         int val = config_GetInt( p_intf, "server-port" );
00538         label = new wxStaticText( access_subpanels[i], -1, wxU(_("Port")) );
00539         net_ports[i] = new wxSpinCtrl( access_subpanels[i],
00540                                    NetPort1_Event + i - HTTP_ACCESS_OUT,
00541                                    wxString::Format(wxT("%d"), val),
00542                                    wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
00543                                    wxSP_ARROW_KEYS,
00544                                    0, 65535, val );
00546         subpanel_sizer->Add( label, 0,
00547                              wxALIGN_RIGHT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL );
00548         subpanel_sizer->Add( net_ports[i], 0,
00549                              wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL );
00551         access_subpanels[i]->SetSizerAndFit( subpanel_sizer );
00552     }
00555     /* Stuff everything into the main panel */
00556     for( i=1; i < ACCESS_OUT_NUM; i++ )
00557     {
00558         sizer->Add( access_checkboxes[i], 0,
00559                     wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL  | wxALL, 5 );
00560         sizer->Add( access_subpanels[i], 1, wxEXPAND | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL
00561                     | wxALIGN_LEFT  | wxALL, 5 );
00562     }
00564     panel_sizer->Add( access_checkboxes[0], 0,
00565                       wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL  | wxALL, 5 );
00566     panel_sizer->Add( sizer, 1, wxEXPAND | wxTOP, 3 );
00568     panel->SetSizerAndFit( panel_sizer );
00570     /* Update access type panel */
00571     for( i=1; i < ACCESS_OUT_NUM; i++ )
00572     {
00573         access_subpanels[i]->Disable();
00574     }
00576     return panel;
00577 }
00579 wxPanel *SoutDialog::MiscPanel( wxWindow* parent )
00580 {
00581     wxPanel *panel = new wxPanel( parent, -1, wxDefaultPosition,
00582                                   wxSize(200, 200) );
00584     wxStaticBox *panel_box = new wxStaticBox( panel, -1,
00585                                    wxU(_("Miscellaneous options")) );
00586     wxStaticBoxSizer *panel_sizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer( panel_box,
00587                                                           wxVERTICAL );
00589     /* Announce Row */
00590     misc_subpanels[ANN_MISC_SOUT] = new wxPanel( panel, -1 );
00591     misc_subpanels[TTL_MISC_SOUT] = new wxPanel( panel, -1 );
00592     wxFlexGridSizer *subpanel_sizer = new wxFlexGridSizer( 3, 4, 20 );
00593     wxFlexGridSizer *subpanel_sub_sizer = new wxFlexGridSizer( 5, 4, 20 );
00594     wxFlexGridSizer *subpanel2_sizer = new wxFlexGridSizer( 3, 4, 20 );
00596     sap_checkbox = new wxCheckBox( misc_subpanels[ANN_MISC_SOUT],SAPMisc_Event,
00597                                    wxU(_("SAP announce")) );
00598     wxStaticText *label_g = new wxStaticText( misc_subpanels[ANN_MISC_SOUT], -1,
00599                                             wxU(_("Group name")) );
00600     announce_group = new wxTextCtrl( misc_subpanels[ANN_MISC_SOUT],
00601                                     AnnounceGroup_Event,
00602                                     wxT(""), wxDefaultPosition,
00603                                     wxSize( 100, -1 ), wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER);
00605     wxStaticText *label = new wxStaticText( misc_subpanels[ANN_MISC_SOUT], -1,
00606                                             wxU(_("Channel name")) );
00607     announce_addr = new wxTextCtrl( misc_subpanels[ANN_MISC_SOUT],
00608                                     AnnounceAddr_Event,
00609                                     wxT(""), wxDefaultPosition,
00610                                     wxSize( 100, -1 ), wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER);
00612     wxStaticText *ttl_label = new wxStaticText( misc_subpanels[TTL_MISC_SOUT], -1,
00613                         wxU(_("Time-To-Live (TTL)")) );
00614     ttl_spin = new wxSpinCtrl( misc_subpanels[TTL_MISC_SOUT], -1, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
00615                    0, 1, 255, config_GetInt( p_intf, "ttl" ) );
00617     subpanel_sizer->Add( sap_checkbox, 0,
00618                          wxALIGN_RIGHT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL );
00619     subpanel_sub_sizer->Add( label_g, 0, wxALIGN_RIGHT |
00620                              wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL );
00621     subpanel_sub_sizer->Add( announce_group, 1, wxEXPAND |
00622                              wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL );
00623     subpanel_sub_sizer->Add( label, 0, wxALIGN_RIGHT |
00624                              wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL );
00625     subpanel_sub_sizer->Add( announce_addr, 1, wxEXPAND |
00626                              wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL );
00627     subpanel_sizer->Add( subpanel_sub_sizer, 1, wxEXPAND |
00628                          wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL );
00630     sout_all_checkbox = new wxCheckBox( misc_subpanels[TTL_MISC_SOUT],
00631                     SoutAll_Event, wxU(_("Select all elementary streams")) );
00632     subpanel2_sizer->Add( sout_all_checkbox, 1,
00633                       wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxLEFT, 5 );
00634     subpanel2_sizer->Add( ttl_label, 0, wxALIGN_RIGHT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL );
00635     subpanel2_sizer->Add( ttl_spin, 0, wxALIGN_RIGHT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL );
00637     misc_subpanels[ANN_MISC_SOUT]->SetSizerAndFit( subpanel_sizer );
00638     misc_subpanels[TTL_MISC_SOUT]->SetSizerAndFit( subpanel2_sizer );
00640     /* Stuff everything into the main panel */
00641     panel_sizer->Add( misc_subpanels[ANN_MISC_SOUT], 1,
00642                       wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxLEFT, 5 );
00644     panel_sizer->Add( misc_subpanels[TTL_MISC_SOUT], 1,
00645                       wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL, 5 );
00648     panel->SetSizerAndFit( panel_sizer );
00650     /* Update misc panel */
00651     misc_subpanels[ANN_MISC_SOUT]->Disable();
00652     announce_group->Disable();
00653     announce_addr->Disable();
00655     return panel;
00656 }
00658 wxPanel *SoutDialog::EncapsulationPanel( wxWindow* parent )
00659 {
00660     unsigned int i;
00661     wxPanel *panel = new wxPanel( parent, -1, wxDefaultPosition,
00662                                   wxSize(200, 200) );
00664     wxStaticBox *panel_box = new wxStaticBox( panel, -1,
00665                                               wxU(_("Encapsulation Method")) );
00666     wxStaticBoxSizer *panel_sizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer( panel_box,
00667                                                           wxHORIZONTAL );
00669     static const wxString encapsulation_array[] =
00670     {
00671         wxT("MPEG TS"),
00672         wxT("MPEG PS"),
00673         wxT("MPEG 1"),
00674         wxT("Ogg"),
00675         wxT("ASF"),
00676         wxT("MP4"),
00677         wxT("MOV"),
00678         wxT("WAV"),
00679         wxT("Raw")
00680     };
00682     /* Stuff everything into the main panel */
00683     for( i = 0; i < WXSIZEOF(encapsulation_array); i++ )
00684     {
00685         encapsulation_radios[i] =
00686             new wxRadioButton( panel, EncapsulationRadio1_Event + i,
00687                                encapsulation_array[i] );
00688         panel_sizer->Add( encapsulation_radios[i], 0,
00689                           wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL |
00690                           wxALL, 4 );
00691     }
00692     /* Hide avi one */
00693     for( i = WXSIZEOF(encapsulation_array); i < ENCAPS_NUM; i++ )
00694     {
00695         encapsulation_radios[i] =
00696             new wxRadioButton( panel, EncapsulationRadio1_Event + i, wxT("") );
00697         encapsulation_radios[i]->Hide();
00698     }
00700     panel->SetSizerAndFit( panel_sizer );
00702     /* Update encapsulation panel */
00703     encapsulation_radios[TS_ENCAPSULATION]->SetValue(true);
00704     i_encapsulation_type = TS_ENCAPSULATION;
00706     return panel;
00707 }
00709 wxPanel *SoutDialog::TranscodingPanel( wxWindow* parent )
00710 {
00711     wxPanel *panel = new wxPanel( parent, -1, wxDefaultPosition,
00712                                   wxSize(200, 200) );
00714     wxStaticBox *panel_box = new wxStaticBox( panel, -1,
00715                                               wxU(_("Transcoding options")) );
00716     wxStaticBoxSizer *panel_sizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer( panel_box,
00717                                                           wxVERTICAL );
00719     /* Create video transcoding checkox */
00720     static const wxString wxvcodecs_array[] =
00721     {
00722         wxT("mp1v"),
00723         wxT("mp2v"),
00724         wxT("mp4v"),
00725         wxT("DIV1"),
00726         wxT("DIV2"),
00727         wxT("DIV3"),
00728         wxT("H263"),
00729         wxT("h264"),
00730         wxT("WMV1"),
00731         wxT("WMV2"),
00732         wxT("MJPG"),
00733         wxT("theo")
00734     };
00735     /*
00736     static const wxString vbitrates_array[] =
00737     {
00738             wxT("3072"),
00739             wxT("2048"),
00740             wxT("1024"),
00741             wxT("768"),
00742             wxT("512"),
00743             wxT("384"),
00744             wxT("256"),
00745             wxT("192"),
00746             wxT("128"),
00747             wxT("96"),
00748             wxT("64"),
00749             wxT("32"),
00750             wxT("16")
00751     };
00752 */
00753     static const wxString vscales_array[] =
00754     {
00755             wxT("0.25"),
00756             wxT("0.5"),
00757             wxT("0.75"),
00758             wxT("1"),
00759             wxT("1.25"),
00760             wxT("1.5"),
00761             wxT("1.75"),
00762             wxT("2")
00763     };
00765     wxFlexGridSizer *video_sizer = new wxFlexGridSizer( 6, 1, 20 );
00766 #if defined( __WXMSW__ )
00767     wxFlexGridSizer *video_sub_sizer = new wxFlexGridSizer( 4, 5, 20 );
00768 #else
00769     wxFlexGridSizer *video_sub_sizer = new wxFlexGridSizer( 2, 5, 20 );
00770 #endif
00771     video_transc_checkbox =
00772         new wxCheckBox( panel, VideoTranscEnable_Event, wxU(_("Video codec")));
00773     video_codec_combo =
00774         new wxComboBox( panel, VideoTranscCodec_Event, wxvcodecs_array[2],
00775                         wxPoint(20,25), wxDefaultSize,
00776                         WXSIZEOF(wxvcodecs_array),
00777                         wxvcodecs_array, wxCB_READONLY );
00778     video_codec_combo->SetSelection(2);
00779     wxStaticText *bitrate_label =
00780         new wxStaticText( panel, -1, wxU(_("Bitrate (kb/s)")));
00781     video_bitrate_combo =
00782         new wxComboBox( panel, VideoTranscBitrate_Event, wxT("1024"),
00783                         wxPoint(20,25), wxDefaultSize,
00784                         WXSIZEOF(vbitrates_array), vbitrates_array );
00785     wxStaticText *scale_label =
00786         new wxStaticText( panel, -1, wxU(_("Scale")));
00787     video_scale_combo =
00788         new wxComboBox( panel, VideoTranscScale_Event, wxT("1"),
00789                         wxPoint(20,25), wxDefaultSize,
00790                         WXSIZEOF(vscales_array), vscales_array );
00791     video_sizer->Add( video_transc_checkbox, 0,
00792                       wxALIGN_RIGHT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL );
00793     video_sizer->Add( video_codec_combo, 1,
00794                       wxEXPAND | wxALIGN_RIGHT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL );
00795     video_sub_sizer->Add( bitrate_label, 0,
00796                       wxALIGN_RIGHT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL );
00797     video_sub_sizer->Add( video_bitrate_combo, 1,
00798                       wxEXPAND | wxALIGN_RIGHT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL );
00799     video_sub_sizer->Add( scale_label, 0,
00800                       wxALIGN_RIGHT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL );
00801     video_sub_sizer->Add( video_scale_combo, 1,
00802                       wxEXPAND | wxALIGN_RIGHT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL );
00803     video_sizer->Add( video_sub_sizer, 1, wxEXPAND |
00804                          wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL );
00806     /* Create audio transcoding checkox */
00807     static const wxString wxacodecs_array[] =
00808     {
00809         wxT("mpga"),
00810         wxT("mp2a"),
00811         wxT("mp3"),
00812         wxT("mp4a"),
00813         wxT("a52"),
00814         wxT("vorb"),
00815         wxT("flac"),
00816         wxT("spx"),
00817         wxT("s16l"),
00818         wxT("fl32")
00819     };
00820     static const wxString achannels_array[] =
00821     {
00822         wxT("1"),
00823         wxT("2"),
00824         wxT("4"),
00825         wxT("6")
00826     };
00827 /*
00828     static const wxString abitrates_array[] =
00829     {
00830             wxT("512"),
00831             wxT("256"),
00832             wxT("192"),
00833             wxT("128"),
00834             wxT("96"),
00835             wxT("64"),
00836             wxT("32"),
00837             wxT("16")
00838     };
00839 */
00840     wxFlexGridSizer *audio_sizer = new wxFlexGridSizer( 3, 1, 20 );
00841     audio_transc_checkbox =
00842         new wxCheckBox( panel, AudioTranscEnable_Event, wxU(_("Audio codec")));
00843     audio_codec_combo =
00844         new wxComboBox( panel, AudioTranscCodec_Event, wxacodecs_array[0],
00845                         wxPoint(10,25), wxDefaultSize,
00846                         WXSIZEOF(wxacodecs_array),
00847                         wxacodecs_array, wxCB_READONLY );
00848     audio_codec_combo->SetSelection(0);
00849 #if defined( __WXMSW__ )
00850     wxFlexGridSizer *audio_sub_sizer = new wxFlexGridSizer( 4, 5, 20 );
00851 #else
00852     wxFlexGridSizer *audio_sub_sizer = new wxFlexGridSizer( 2, 5, 20 );
00853 #endif
00854     bitrate_label =
00855         new wxStaticText( panel, -1, wxU(_("Bitrate (kb/s)")));
00856     audio_bitrate_combo =
00857         new wxComboBox( panel, AudioTranscBitrate_Event, wxT("192"),
00858                         wxPoint(10,25), wxDefaultSize,
00859                         WXSIZEOF(abitrates_array), abitrates_array );
00860     wxStaticText *channels_label =
00861         new wxStaticText( panel, -1, wxU(_("Channels")));
00862     audio_channels_combo =
00863         new wxComboBox( panel, AudioTranscChans_Event, achannels_array[1],
00864                         wxPoint(10,25), wxDefaultSize,
00865                         WXSIZEOF(achannels_array), achannels_array );
00866     audio_channels_combo->SetSelection(1);
00867     audio_sub_sizer->Add( bitrate_label, 0,
00868                       wxALIGN_RIGHT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL );
00869     audio_sub_sizer->Add( audio_bitrate_combo, 1,
00870                       wxEXPAND | wxALIGN_RIGHT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL );
00871     audio_sub_sizer->Add( channels_label, 0,
00872                       wxALIGN_RIGHT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL );
00873     audio_sub_sizer->Add( audio_channels_combo, 1,
00874                       wxEXPAND | wxALIGN_RIGHT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL );
00876     audio_sizer->Add( audio_transc_checkbox, 0,
00877                       wxALIGN_RIGHT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL );
00878     audio_sizer->Add( audio_codec_combo, 1,
00879                       wxEXPAND | wxALIGN_RIGHT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL );
00880     audio_sizer->Add( audio_sub_sizer, 1,
00881                       wxEXPAND | wxALIGN_RIGHT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL );
00883     /* Create subtitles transcoding checkox */
00884     static const wxString wxscodecs_array[] =
00885     {
00886         wxT("dvbs")
00887     };
00889     wxFlexGridSizer *subtitles_sizer = new wxFlexGridSizer( 3, 1, 20 );
00890     subtitles_transc_checkbox =
00891         new wxCheckBox( panel, SubtitlesTranscEnable_Event,
00892                         wxU(_("Subtitles codec")));
00893     subtitles_codec_combo =
00894         new wxComboBox( panel, SubtitlesTranscCodec_Event, wxscodecs_array[0],
00895                         wxPoint(10,25), wxDefaultSize,
00896                         WXSIZEOF(wxscodecs_array),
00897                         wxscodecs_array, wxCB_READONLY );
00898     subtitles_codec_combo->SetSelection(0);
00899     subtitles_overlay_checkbox =
00900         new wxCheckBox( panel, SubtitlesOverlayEnable_Event,
00901                         wxU(_("Subtitles overlay")));
00903     subtitles_sizer->Add( subtitles_transc_checkbox, 0,
00904                           wxALIGN_RIGHT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL );
00905     subtitles_sizer->Add( subtitles_codec_combo, 1,
00906                           wxEXPAND | wxALIGN_RIGHT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL );
00907     subtitles_sizer->Add( subtitles_overlay_checkbox, 0,
00908                           wxALIGN_RIGHT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL );
00910     /* Stuff everything into the main panel */
00911     panel_sizer->Add( video_sizer, 0,
00912                       wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL, 5 );
00913     panel_sizer->Add( audio_sizer, 0,
00914                       wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL, 5 );
00915     panel_sizer->Add( subtitles_sizer, 0,
00916                       wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL, 5 );
00918     panel->SetSizerAndFit( panel_sizer );
00920     /* Update transcoding panel */
00921     wxCommandEvent event( 0, VideoTranscEnable_Event );
00922     event.SetInt( 0 );
00923     OnTranscodingEnable( event );
00924     event.SetId( AudioTranscEnable_Event );
00925     OnTranscodingEnable( event );
00926     event.SetId( SubtitlesTranscEnable_Event );
00927     OnTranscodingEnable( event );
00929     return panel;
00930 }
00932 /*****************************************************************************
00933  * Events methods.
00934  *****************************************************************************/
00935 void SoutDialog::OnOk( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) )
00936 {
00937     mrl_combo->Append( mrl_combo->GetValue() );
00938     config_PutInt( p_intf, "ttl", ttl_spin->GetValue());
00939     EndModal( wxID_OK );
00940 }
00942 void SoutDialog::OnCancel( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) )
00943 {
00944     EndModal( wxID_CANCEL );
00945 }
00947 void SoutDialog::OnMRLChange( wxCommandEvent& event )
00948 {
00949     //mrl = event.GetString();
00950 }
00952 /*****************************************************************************
00953  * Access output panel event methods.
00954  *****************************************************************************/
00955 void SoutDialog::OnAccessTypeChange( wxCommandEvent& event )
00956 {
00957     int i;
00958     i_access_type = event.GetId() - AccessType1_Event;
00960     access_subpanels[i_access_type]->Enable( event.GetInt() );
00962     switch( i_access_type )
00963     {
00964     case UDP_ACCESS_OUT:
00965     case RTP_ACCESS_OUT:
00966         misc_subpanels[ANN_MISC_SOUT]->Enable( event.GetInt() );
00968         for( i = 1; i < ENCAPS_NUM; i++ )
00969         {
00970             encapsulation_radios[i]->Enable( !event.GetInt() );
00971         }
00972         if( event.GetInt() )
00973         {
00974             encapsulation_radios[TS_ENCAPSULATION]->SetValue(true);
00975             i_encapsulation_type = TS_ENCAPSULATION;
00976         }
00977         break;
00978     }
00979     UpdateMRL();
00980 }
00982 /*****************************************************************************
00983  * AnnounceMisc panel event methods.
00984  *****************************************************************************/
00985 void SoutDialog::OnSAPMiscChange( wxCommandEvent& event )
00986 {
00987     announce_addr->Enable( event.GetInt() );
00988     announce_group->Enable( event.GetInt() );
00989     UpdateMRL();
00990 }
00992 /*****************************************************************************
00993  * SAPAddr panel event methods.
00994  *****************************************************************************/
00995 void SoutDialog::OnAnnounceAddrChange( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) )
00996 {
00997     UpdateMRL();
00998 }
01000 void SoutDialog::OnAnnounceGroupChange( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) )
01001 {
01002     UpdateMRL();
01003 }
01005 /*****************************************************************************
01006  * File access output event methods.
01007  *****************************************************************************/
01008 void SoutDialog::OnFileChange( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) )
01009 {
01010     UpdateMRL();
01011 }
01013 void SoutDialog::OnFileBrowse( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) )
01014 {
01015     wxFileDialog dialog( this, wxU(_("Save file")), wxT(""), wxT(""), wxT("*"),
01016                          wxSAVE | wxOVERWRITE_PROMPT );
01018     if( dialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK )
01019     {
01020         file_combo->SetValue( dialog.GetPath() );
01021         UpdateMRL();
01022     }
01023 }
01025 void SoutDialog::OnFileDump( wxCommandEvent& event )
01026 {
01027     misc_panel->Enable( !event.GetInt() );
01028     encapsulation_panel->Enable( !event.GetInt() );
01029     transcoding_panel->Enable( !event.GetInt() );
01031     for( int i = 0; i < ACCESS_OUT_NUM; i++ )
01032     {
01033         if( i != FILE_ACCESS_OUT )
01034         {
01035             access_checkboxes[i]->Enable( !event.GetInt() );
01036             access_subpanels[i]->Enable( !event.GetInt() &&
01037                                          access_checkboxes[i]->IsChecked() );
01038         }
01039     }
01041     UpdateMRL();
01042 }
01044 /*****************************************************************************
01045  * Net access output event methods.
01046  *****************************************************************************/
01047 void SoutDialog::OnNetChange( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) )
01048 {
01049     UpdateMRL();
01050 }
01052 /*****************************************************************************
01053  * Encapsulation panel event methods.
01054  *****************************************************************************/
01055 void SoutDialog::OnEncapsulationChange( wxCommandEvent& event )
01056 {
01057     i_encapsulation_type = event.GetId() - EncapsulationRadio1_Event;
01058     UpdateMRL();
01059 }
01061 /*****************************************************************************
01062  * Transcoding panel event methods.
01063  *****************************************************************************/
01064 void SoutDialog::OnTranscodingEnable( wxCommandEvent& event )
01065 {
01066     switch( event.GetId() )
01067     {
01068     case VideoTranscEnable_Event:
01069         video_codec_combo->Enable( event.GetInt() );
01070         video_bitrate_combo->Enable( event.GetInt() );
01071         video_scale_combo->Enable( event.GetInt() );
01072         break;
01073     case AudioTranscEnable_Event:
01074         audio_codec_combo->Enable( event.GetInt() );
01075         audio_bitrate_combo->Enable( event.GetInt() );
01076         audio_channels_combo->Enable( event.GetInt() );
01077         break;
01078     case SubtitlesTranscEnable_Event:
01079         subtitles_overlay_checkbox->Enable( !event.GetInt() );
01080         subtitles_codec_combo->Enable( event.GetInt() );
01081         break;
01082     case SubtitlesOverlayEnable_Event:
01083         subtitles_transc_checkbox->Enable( !event.GetInt() );
01084         break;
01085     }
01087     UpdateMRL();
01088 }
01090 void SoutDialog::OnTranscodingChange( wxCommandEvent& event )
01091 {
01092     UpdateMRL();
01093 }

Generated on Tue Dec 20 10:14:47 2005 for vlc-0.8.4a by  doxygen 1.4.2