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00001 /*****************************************************************************
00002  * telnet.c: VLM interface plugin
00003  *****************************************************************************
00004  * Copyright (C) 2000-2005 the VideoLAN team
00005  * $Id: telnet.c 11892 2005-07-28 18:14:28Z courmisch $
00006  *
00007  * Authors: Simon Latapie <[email protected]>
00008  *          Laurent Aimar <[email protected]>
00009  *
00010  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00011  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00012  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
00013  * (at your option) any later version.
00014  *
00015  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00016  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00018  * GNU General Public License for more details.
00019  *
00020  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00021  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
00022  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111, USA.
00023  *****************************************************************************/
00025 /*****************************************************************************
00026  * Preamble
00027  *****************************************************************************/
00028 #include <stdlib.h>                                      /* malloc(), free() */
00030 #include <vlc/vlc.h>
00031 #include <vlc/intf.h>
00033 #include <vlc/input.h>
00035 #include <sys/stat.h>
00037 #include <errno.h>
00038 #include <fcntl.h>
00040 #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TIME_H
00041 #    include <sys/time.h>
00042 #endif
00044 #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H
00045 #   include <unistd.h>
00046 #endif
00048 #if defined( UNDER_CE )
00049 #   include <winsock.h>
00050 #elif defined( WIN32 )
00051 #   include <winsock2.h>
00052 #else
00053 #   include <sys/socket.h>
00054 #endif
00056 #include "network.h"
00058 #include "vlc_vlm.h"
00060 #define READ_MODE_PWD 1
00061 #define READ_MODE_CMD 2
00062 #define WRITE_MODE_PWD 3 // when we write the word "Password:"
00063 #define WRITE_MODE_CMD 4
00065 /* telnet commands */
00066 #define TEL_WILL    251
00067 #define TEL_WONT    252
00068 #define TEL_DO      253
00069 #define TEL_DONT    254
00070 #define TEL_IAC     255
00071 #define TEL_ECHO    1
00073 /*****************************************************************************
00074  * Module descriptor
00075  *****************************************************************************/
00076 static int  Open ( vlc_object_t * );
00077 static void Close( vlc_object_t * );
00079 #define TELNETHOST_TEXT N_( "Telnet Interface host" )
00080 #define TELNETHOST_LONGTEXT N_( "Default to listen on all network interfaces" )
00081 #define TELNETPORT_TEXT N_( "Telnet Interface port" )
00082 #define TELNETPORT_LONGTEXT N_( "Default to 4212" )
00083 #define TELNETPORT_DEFAULT 4212
00084 #define TELNETPWD_TEXT N_( "Telnet Interface password" )
00085 #define TELNETPWD_LONGTEXT N_( "Default to admin" )
00086 #define TELNETPWD_DEFAULT "admin"
00088 vlc_module_begin();
00089     set_shortname( "Telnet" );
00090     set_category( CAT_INTERFACE );
00091     set_subcategory( SUBCAT_INTERFACE_GENERAL );
00092     add_string( "telnet-host", "", NULL, TELNETHOST_TEXT,
00093                  TELNETHOST_LONGTEXT, VLC_TRUE );
00094     add_integer( "telnet-port", TELNETPORT_DEFAULT, NULL, TELNETPORT_TEXT,
00095                  TELNETPORT_LONGTEXT, VLC_TRUE );
00096     add_string( "telnet-password", TELNETPWD_DEFAULT, NULL, TELNETPWD_TEXT,
00097                 TELNETPWD_LONGTEXT, VLC_TRUE );
00098     set_description( _("VLM remote control interface") );
00099     add_category_hint( "VLM", NULL, VLC_FALSE );
00100     set_capability( "interface", 0 );
00101     set_callbacks( Open , Close );
00102 vlc_module_end();
00104 /*****************************************************************************
00105  * Local prototypes.
00106  *****************************************************************************/
00107 static void Run( intf_thread_t * );
00109 typedef struct
00110 {
00111     int        i_mode; /* read or write */
00112     int        fd;
00113     char       buffer_read[1000]; // 1000 byte per command should be sufficient
00114     char      *buffer_write;
00115     char      *p_buffer_read;
00116     char      *p_buffer_write; // the position in the buffer
00117     int        i_buffer_write; // the number of byte we still have to send
00118     int        i_tel_cmd; // for specific telnet commands
00120 } telnet_client_t;
00122 static char *MessageToString( vlm_message_t *, int );
00123 static void Write_message( telnet_client_t *, vlm_message_t *, char *, int );
00125 struct intf_sys_t
00126 {
00127    telnet_client_t **clients;
00128    int             i_clients;
00129    int             *pi_fd;
00130    vlm_t           *mediatheque;
00131 };
00133 /* 
00134  * getPort: Decide which port to use. There are two possibilities to
00135  * specify a port: integrated in the --telnet-host option with :PORT
00136  * or using the --telnet-port option. The --telnet-port option has
00137  * precedence. 
00138  * This code relies upon the fact the url.i_port is 0 if the :PORT 
00139  * option is missing from --telnet-host.
00140  */
00141 static int getPort(intf_thread_t *p_intf, vlc_url_t url, int i_port)
00142     {
00143     // Print error if two different ports have been specified
00144     if (url.i_port != 0  &&
00145         i_port != TELNETPORT_DEFAULT && 
00146         url.i_port != i_port )
00147     {
00148             msg_Err( p_intf, "ignoring port %d and using %d", url.i_port,
00149                  i_port);
00150     }
00151     if (i_port != TELNETPORT_DEFAULT)
00152     {
00153             return i_port;
00154     }
00155     if (url.i_port != 0)
00156     {
00157             return url.i_port;
00158     }
00159     // return default
00160     return i_port;
00161 }
00163 /*****************************************************************************
00164  * Open: initialize dummy interface
00165  *****************************************************************************/
00166 static int Open( vlc_object_t *p_this )
00167 {
00168     intf_thread_t *p_intf = (intf_thread_t*) p_this;
00169     vlm_t *mediatheque;
00170     char *psz_address;
00171     vlc_url_t url;
00172     int i_telnetport;
00174     if( !(mediatheque = vlm_New( p_intf )) )
00175     {
00176         msg_Err( p_intf, "cannot start VLM" );
00177         return VLC_EGENERIC;
00178     }
00180     msg_Info( p_intf, "Using the VLM interface plugin..." );
00182     i_telnetport = config_GetInt( p_intf, "telnet-port" );
00183     psz_address  = config_GetPsz( p_intf, "telnet-host" );
00185     vlc_UrlParse(&url, psz_address, 0);
00187     // There might be two ports given, resolve any potentially
00188     // conflict
00189     url.i_port = getPort(p_intf, url, i_telnetport);
00191     p_intf->p_sys = malloc( sizeof( intf_sys_t ) );
00192     if( ( p_intf->p_sys->pi_fd = net_ListenTCP( p_intf, url.psz_host, url.i_port ) )
00193                 == NULL )
00194     {
00195         msg_Err( p_intf, "cannot listen for telnet" );
00196         free( p_intf->p_sys );
00197         return VLC_EGENERIC;
00198     }
00199     msg_Info( p_intf, 
00200               "Telnet interface started on interface %s %d",
00201               url.psz_host, url.i_port );
00203     p_intf->p_sys->i_clients   = 0;
00204     p_intf->p_sys->clients     = NULL;
00205     p_intf->p_sys->mediatheque = mediatheque;
00206     p_intf->pf_run = Run;
00208     return VLC_SUCCESS;
00209 }
00211 /*****************************************************************************
00212  * Close:
00213  *****************************************************************************/
00214 static void Close( vlc_object_t *p_this )
00215 {
00216     intf_thread_t *p_intf = (intf_thread_t*)p_this;
00217     intf_sys_t    *p_sys  = p_intf->p_sys;
00218     int i;
00220     for( i = 0; i < p_sys->i_clients; i++ )
00221     {
00222         telnet_client_t *cl = p_sys->clients[i];
00224         net_Close( cl->fd );
00225         free( cl );
00226     }
00227     if( p_sys->clients != NULL ) free( p_sys->clients );
00229     net_ListenClose( p_sys->pi_fd );
00231     vlm_Delete( p_sys->mediatheque );
00233     free( p_sys );
00234 }
00236 /*****************************************************************************
00237  * Run: main loop
00238  *****************************************************************************/
00239 static void Run( intf_thread_t *p_intf )
00240 {
00241     intf_sys_t     *p_sys = p_intf->p_sys;
00242     struct timeval  timeout;
00243     char           *psz_password;
00245     psz_password = config_GetPsz( p_intf, "telnet-password" );
00247     while( !p_intf->b_die )
00248     {
00249         fd_set fds_read, fds_write;
00250         int    i_handle_max = 0;
00251         int    i_ret, i_len, fd, i;
00253         /* if a new client wants to communicate */
00254         fd = net_Accept( p_intf, p_sys->pi_fd, p_sys->i_clients > 0 ? 0 : -1 );
00255         if( fd > 0 )
00256         {
00257             telnet_client_t *cl;
00259             /* to be non blocking */
00260 #if defined( WIN32 ) || defined( UNDER_CE )
00261             {
00262                 unsigned long i_dummy = 1;
00263                 ioctlsocket( fd, FIONBIO, &i_dummy );
00264             }
00265 #else
00266             fcntl( fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK );
00267 #endif
00268             cl = malloc( sizeof( telnet_client_t ));
00269             cl->i_tel_cmd = 0;
00270             cl->fd = fd;
00271             cl->buffer_write = NULL;
00272             cl->p_buffer_write = cl->buffer_write;
00273             Write_message( cl, NULL, "Password:\xff\xfb\x01", WRITE_MODE_PWD );
00275             TAB_APPEND( p_sys->i_clients, p_sys->clients, cl );
00276         }
00278         /* to do a proper select */
00279         FD_ZERO( &fds_read );
00280         FD_ZERO( &fds_write );
00282         for( i = 0 ; i < p_sys->i_clients ; i++ )
00283         {
00284             telnet_client_t *cl = p_sys->clients[i];
00286             if( cl->i_mode == WRITE_MODE_PWD || cl->i_mode == WRITE_MODE_CMD )
00287             {
00288                 FD_SET( cl->fd , &fds_write );
00289             }
00290             else
00291             {
00292                 FD_SET( cl->fd , &fds_read );
00293             }
00294             i_handle_max = __MAX( i_handle_max, cl->fd );
00295         }
00297         timeout.tv_sec = 0;
00298         timeout.tv_usec = 500*1000;
00300         i_ret = select( i_handle_max + 1, &fds_read, &fds_write, 0, &timeout );
00301         if( i_ret == -1 && errno != EINTR )
00302         {
00303             msg_Warn( p_intf, "cannot select sockets" );
00304             msleep( 1000 );
00305             continue;
00306         }
00307         else if( i_ret <= 0 )
00308         {
00309             continue;
00310         }
00312         /* check if there is something to do with the socket */
00313         for( i = 0 ; i < p_sys->i_clients ; i++ )
00314         {
00315             telnet_client_t *cl = p_sys->clients[i];
00317             if( FD_ISSET(cl->fd , &fds_write) && cl->i_buffer_write > 0 )
00318             {
00319                 i_len = send( cl->fd , cl->p_buffer_write ,
00320                               cl->i_buffer_write , 0 );
00321                 if( i_len > 0 )
00322                 {
00323                     cl->p_buffer_write += i_len;
00324                     cl->i_buffer_write -= i_len;
00325                 }
00326             }
00327             else if( FD_ISSET( cl->fd, &fds_read) )
00328             {
00329                 int i_end = 0;
00330                 int i_recv;
00332                 while( (i_recv=recv( cl->fd, cl->p_buffer_read, 1, 0 )) > 0 &&
00333                        cl->p_buffer_read - cl->buffer_read < 999 )
00334                 {
00335                     switch( cl->i_tel_cmd )
00336                     {
00337                     case 0:
00338                         switch( *(uint8_t *)cl->p_buffer_read )
00339                         {
00340                         case '\r':
00341                             break;
00342                         case '\n':
00343                             *cl->p_buffer_read = '\n';
00344                             i_end = 1;
00345                             break;
00346                         case TEL_IAC: // telnet specific command
00347                             cl->i_tel_cmd = 1;
00348                             cl->p_buffer_read++;
00349                             break;
00350                         default:
00351                             cl->p_buffer_read++;
00352                             break;
00353                         }
00354                         break;
00355                     case 1:
00356                         switch( *(uint8_t *)cl->p_buffer_read )
00357                         {
00358                         case TEL_WILL: case TEL_WONT:
00359                         case TEL_DO: case TEL_DONT:
00360                             cl->i_tel_cmd++;
00361                             cl->p_buffer_read++;
00362                             break;
00363                         default:
00364                             cl->i_tel_cmd = 0;
00365                             cl->p_buffer_read--;
00366                             break;
00367                         }
00368                         break;
00369                     case 2:
00370                         cl->i_tel_cmd = 0;
00371                         cl->p_buffer_read -= 2;
00372                         break;
00373                     }
00375                     if( i_end != 0 ) break;
00376                 }
00378                 if( cl->p_buffer_read - cl->buffer_read == 999 )
00379                 {
00380                     Write_message( cl, NULL, "Line too long\r\n",
00381                                    cl->i_mode + 2 );
00382                 }
00384                 if (i_recv == 0)
00385                 {
00386                     net_Close( cl->fd );
00387                     TAB_REMOVE( p_intf->p_sys->i_clients ,
00388                                 p_intf->p_sys->clients , cl );
00389                     free( cl );
00390                 }
00391             }
00392         }
00394         /* and now we should bidouille the data we received / send */
00395         for( i = 0 ; i < p_sys->i_clients ; i++ )
00396         {
00397             telnet_client_t *cl = p_sys->clients[i];
00399             if( cl->i_mode >= WRITE_MODE_PWD && cl->i_buffer_write == 0 )
00400             {
00401                // we have finished to send
00402                cl->i_mode -= 2; // corresponding READ MODE
00403             }
00404             else if( cl->i_mode == READ_MODE_PWD &&
00405                      *cl->p_buffer_read == '\n' )
00406             {
00407                 *cl->p_buffer_read = '\0';
00408                 if( strcmp( psz_password, cl->buffer_read ) == 0 )
00409                 {
00410                     Write_message( cl, NULL, "\xff\xfc\x01\r\nWelcome, "
00411                                    "Master\r\n> ", WRITE_MODE_CMD );
00412                 }
00413                 else
00414                 {
00415                     /* wrong password */
00416                     Write_message( cl, NULL, "\r\nWrong password. ",
00417                                    WRITE_MODE_PWD );
00418                 }
00419             }
00420             else if( cl->i_mode == READ_MODE_CMD &&
00421                      *cl->p_buffer_read == '\n' )
00422             {
00423                 /* ok, here is a command line */
00424                 if( !strncmp( cl->buffer_read, "logout", 6 ) ||
00425                     !strncmp( cl->buffer_read, "quit", 4 )  ||
00426                     !strncmp( cl->buffer_read, "exit", 4 ) )
00427                 {
00428                     net_Close( cl->fd );
00429                     TAB_REMOVE( p_intf->p_sys->i_clients ,
00430                                 p_intf->p_sys->clients , cl );
00431                     free( cl );
00432                 }
00433                 else if( !strncmp( cl->buffer_read, "shutdown", 8 ) )
00434                 {
00435                     msg_Err( p_intf, "shutdown requested" );
00436                     p_intf->p_vlc->b_die = VLC_TRUE;
00437                 }
00438                 else
00439                 {
00440                     vlm_message_t *message;
00442                     /* create a standard string */
00443                     *cl->p_buffer_read = '\0';
00445                     vlm_ExecuteCommand( p_sys->mediatheque, cl->buffer_read,
00446                                         &message );
00447                     Write_message( cl, message, NULL, WRITE_MODE_CMD );
00448                     vlm_MessageDelete( message );
00449                 }
00450             }
00451         }
00452     }
00453 }
00455 static void Write_message( telnet_client_t *client, vlm_message_t *message,
00456                            char *string_message, int i_mode )
00457 {
00458     char *psz_message;
00460     client->p_buffer_read = client->buffer_read;
00461     (client->p_buffer_read)[0] = 0; // if (cl->p_buffer_read)[0] = '\n'
00462     if( client->buffer_write ) free( client->buffer_write );
00464     /* generate the psz_message string */
00465     if( message )
00466     {
00467         /* ok, look for vlm_message_t */
00468         psz_message = MessageToString( message, 0 );
00469     }
00470     else
00471     {
00472         /* it is a basic string_message */
00473         psz_message = strdup( string_message );
00474     }
00476     client->buffer_write = client->p_buffer_write = psz_message;
00477     client->i_buffer_write = strlen( psz_message );
00478     client->i_mode = i_mode;
00479 }
00481 /* We need the level of the message to put a beautiful indentation.
00482  * first level is 0 */
00483 static char *MessageToString( vlm_message_t *message, int i_level )
00484 {
00485 #define STRING_CR "\r\n"
00486 #define STRING_TAIL "> "
00488     char *psz_message;
00489     int i, i_message = sizeof( STRING_TAIL );
00491     if( !message || !message->psz_name )
00492     {
00493         return strdup( STRING_CR STRING_TAIL );
00494     }
00495     else if( !i_level && !message->i_child && !message->psz_value  )
00496     {
00497         /* A command is successful. Don't write anything */
00498         return strdup( STRING_CR STRING_TAIL );
00499     }
00501     i_message += strlen( message->psz_name ) + i_level * sizeof( "    " ) + 1;
00502     psz_message = malloc( i_message ); *psz_message = 0;
00503     for( i = 0; i < i_level; i++ ) strcat( psz_message, "    " );
00504     strcat( psz_message, message->psz_name );
00506     if( message->psz_value )
00507     {
00508         i_message += sizeof( " : " ) + strlen( message->psz_value ) +
00509             sizeof( STRING_CR );
00510         psz_message = realloc( psz_message, i_message );
00511         strcat( psz_message, " : " );
00512         strcat( psz_message, message->psz_value );
00513         strcat( psz_message, STRING_CR );
00514     }
00515     else
00516     {
00517         i_message += sizeof( STRING_CR );
00518         psz_message = realloc( psz_message, i_message );
00519         strcat( psz_message, STRING_CR );
00520     }
00522     for( i = 0; i < message->i_child; i++ )
00523     {
00524         char *child_message =
00525             MessageToString( message->child[i], i_level + 1 );
00527         i_message += strlen( child_message );
00528         psz_message = realloc( psz_message, i_message );
00529         strcat( psz_message, child_message );
00530         free( child_message );
00531     }
00533     if( i_level == 0 ) strcat( psz_message, STRING_TAIL );
00535     return psz_message;
00536 }

Generated on Tue Dec 20 10:14:31 2005 for vlc-0.8.4a by  doxygen 1.4.2