DSpace 1.5.2 Manual

The DSpace Foundation


Table of Contents

1. DSpace System Documentation: Introduction
2. DSpace System Documentation: Functional Overview
2.1. Data Model
2.2. Plugin Manager
2.3. Metadata
2.4. Packager Plugins
2.5. Crosswalk Plugins
2.6. E-People and Groups
2.6.1. E-Person
2.6.2. Groups
2.7. Authentication
2.8. Authorization
2.9. Ingest Process and Workflow
2.9.1. Workflow Steps
2.10. Supervision and Collaboration
2.11. Handles
2.12. Bitstream 'Persistent' Identifiers
2.13. Storage Resource Broker (SRB) Support
2.14. Search and Browse
2.15. HTML Support
2.16. OAI Support
2.17. OpenURL Support
2.18. Creative Commons Support
2.19. Subscriptions
2.20. Import and Export
2.21. Registration
2.22. Statistics
2.23. Checksum Checker
2.24. Usage Instrumentation
3. DSpace System Documentation: Installation
3.1. Prerequisite Software
3.1.1. UNIX-like OS or Microsoft Windows
3.1.2. Java JDK 5 or later (standard SDK is fine, you don't need J2EE)
3.1.3. Apache Maven 2.0.8 or later (Java build tool)
3.1.4. Apache Ant 1.6.2 or later (Java build tool)
3.1.5. Relational Database: (PostgreSQL or Oracle).
3.1.6. Servlet Engine: (Jakarta Tomcat 4.x, Jetty, Caucho Resin or equivalent).
3.1.7. Perl (required for [dspace]/bin/dspace-info.pl)
3.2. Installation Options
3.2.1. Overview of Install Options
3.2.2. Overview of DSpace Directories
3.2.3. Installation
3.3. Advanced Installation
3.3.1. 'cron' Jobs
3.3.2. Multilingual Installation
3.3.3. DSpace over HTTPS
3.3.4. The Handle Server
3.3.5. Google and HTML sitemaps
3.4. Windows Installation
3.4.1. Pre-requisite Software
3.4.2. Installation Steps
3.5. Checking Your Installation
3.6. Known Bugs
3.7. Common Problems
4. DSpace System Documentation: Updating a DSpace Installation
4.1. Updating From 1.5 or 1.5.1 to 1.5.2
4.2. Updating From 1.4.2 to 1.5
4.3. Updating From 1.4.1 to 1.4.2
4.4. Updating From 1.4 to 1.4.x
4.5. Updating From 1.3.2 to 1.4.x
4.6. Updating From 1.3.1 to 1.3.2
4.7. Updating From 1.2.x to 1.3.x
4.8. Updating From 1.2.1 to 1.2.2
4.9. Updating From 1.2 to 1.2.1
4.10. Updating From 1.1 (or 1.1.1) to 1.2
4.11. Updating From 1.1 to 1.1.1
4.12. Updating From 1.0.1 to 1.1
5. DSpace System Documentation: Configuration and Customization
5.1. General Configuration
5.1.1. The dspace.cfg Configuration Properties File
5.1.2. Configuring Lucene Search Indexes
5.1.3. Browse Configuration
5.1.4. Configuring Media Filters
5.1.5. Wording of E-mail Messages
5.2. The Metadata and Bitstream Format Registries
5.2.1. Metadata Schema Registry
5.2.2. Metadata Format Registries
5.2.3. Bitstream Format Registry
5.3. The Default Submission License
5.3.1. Possible Points in a License
5.4. Submission Configuration
5.5. XMLUI Interface Customizations (Manakin)
5.5.1. XMLUI Configuration Properties
5.5.2. Configuring Themes and Aspects
5.5.3. Multilingual Support
5.5.4. Creating a New Theme
5.5.5. Adding Static Content
5.6. JSPUI Interface Customizations
5.6.1. JSPUI Configuration Properties
5.6.2. Configuring Controlled Vocabularies
5.6.3. Configuring Multilingual Support
5.6.4. Customizing the JSP pages
5.7. Advanced DSpace Customizations
5.7.1. Checksum Checker
5.7.2. Custom Authentication
5.7.3. Configuring System Statistical Reports
5.7.4. Activating Additional OAI-PMH Crosswalks
5.7.5. Configuring Packager Plugins
5.7.6. Configuring Crosswalk Plugins
5.7.7. XPDF Filter
5.7.8. Creating a new Media/Format Filter
5.7.9. Configuration Files for Other Applications
5.7.10. Browse Index Creation
5.7.11. Configuring Usage Instrumentation Plugins
6. DSpace System Documentation: Storage Layer
6.1. RDBMS
6.1.1. Maintenance and Backup
6.1.2. Configuring the RDBMS Component
6.2. Bitstream Store
6.2.1. Backup
6.2.2. Configuring the Bitstream Store
7. DSpace System Documentation: Directories and Files
7.1. Overview
7.2. Source Directory Layout
7.3. Installed Directory Layout
7.4. Contents of JSPUI Web Application
7.5. Contents of XMLUI Web Application (aka Manakin)
7.6. Log Files
8. DSpace System Documentation: Architecture
8.1. Overview
9. DSpace System Documentation: Application Layer
9.1. Web User Interface
9.1.1. Web UI Files
9.1.2. The Build Process
9.1.3. Servlets and JSPs
9.1.4. Custom JSP Tags
9.1.5. Internationalisation
9.1.6. HTML Content in Items
9.1.7. Thesis Blocking
9.2. OAI-PMH Data Provider
9.2.1. Sets
9.2.2. Unique Identifier
9.2.3. Access control
9.2.4. Modification Date (OAI Date Stamp)
9.2.5. 'About' Information
9.2.6. Deletions
9.2.7. Flow Control (Resumption Tokens)
9.3. Community and Collection Structure Importer
9.3.1. Limitation
9.4. Package Importer and Exporter
9.4.1. Ingesting
9.4.2. Disseminating
9.4.3. METS packages
9.5. Item Importer and Exporter
9.5.1. DSpace simple archive format
9.5.2. Importing Items
9.5.3. Exporting Items
9.6. Transferring Items Between DSpace Instances
9.7. Registering (Not Importing) Bitstreams
9.7.1. Accessible Storage
9.7.2. Registering Items Using the Item Importer
9.7.3. Internal Identification and Retrieval of Registered Items
9.7.4. Exporting Registered Items
9.7.5. METS Export of Registered Items
9.7.6. Deleting Registered Items
9.8. METS Tools
9.8.1. The Export Tool
9.8.2. The AIP Format
9.8.3. Limitations
9.9. MediaFilters: Transforming DSpace Content
9.10. Sub-Community Management
10. DSpace System Documentation: Business Logic Layer
10.1. Core Classes
10.1.1. The Configuration Manager (ConfigurationManager)
10.1.2. Constants
10.1.3. Context
10.1.4. Email
10.1.5. LogManager
10.1.6. Utils
10.2. Content Management API
10.2.1. Other Classes
10.2.2. Modifications
10.2.3. What's In Memory?
10.2.4. Dublin Core Metadata
10.2.5. Support for Other Metadata Schemas
10.2.6. Packager Plugins
10.3. Plugin Manager
10.3.1. Concepts
10.3.2. Using the Plugin Manager
10.3.3. Implementation
10.3.4. Configuring Plugins
10.3.5. Validating the Configuration
10.3.6. Use Cases
10.4. Workflow System
10.5. Administration Toolkit
10.6. E-person/Group Manager
10.7. Authorization
10.7.1. Special Groups
10.7.2. Miscellaneous Authorization Notes
10.8. Handle Manager/Handle Plugin
10.9. Search
10.9.1. Our Lucene Implementation
10.9.2. Indexed Fields
10.9.3. Harvesting API
10.10. Browse API
10.10.1. Using the API
10.10.2. Index Maintenance
10.10.3. Caveats
10.11. Checksum checker
11. Customizing and Configuring Submission User Interface
11.1. Understanding the Submission Configuration File
11.1.1. The Structure of item-submission.xml
11.1.2. Defining Steps (<step>) within the item-submission.xml
11.2. Reordering/Removing Submission Steps
11.3. Assigning a custom Submission Process to a Collection
11.3.1. Getting A Collection's Handle
11.4. Custom Metadata-entry Pages for Submission
11.4.1. Introduction
11.4.2. Describing Custom Metadata Forms
11.4.3. The Structure of input-forms.xml
11.4.4. Deploying Your Custom Forms
11.5. Configuring the File Upload step
11.6. Creating new Submission Steps
11.6.1. Creating a Non-Interactive Step
12. docbook/DRISchemaReference.html
13. DRI Schema Reference
13.1. Introduction
13.1.1. The Purpose of DRI
13.1.2. The Development of DRI
13.2. DRI in Manakin
13.2.1. Themes
13.2.2. Aspect Chains
13.3. Common Design Patterns
13.3.1. Localization and Internationalization
13.3.2. Standard attribute triplet
13.3.3. Structure-oriented markup
13.4. Schema Overview
13.5. Merging of DRI Documents
13.6. Version Changes
13.6.1. Changes from 1.0 to 1.1
13.7. Element Reference
13.7.1. BODY
13.7.2. cell
13.7.3. div
13.7.4. DOCUMENT
13.7.5. field
13.7.6. figure
13.7.7. head
13.7.8. help
13.7.9. hi
13.7.10. instance
13.7.11. item
13.7.12. label
13.7.13. list
13.7.14. META
13.7.15. metadata
13.7.16. OPTIONS
13.7.17. p
13.7.18. pageMeta
13.7.19. params
13.7.20. reference
13.7.21. referenceSet
13.7.22. repository
13.7.23. repositoryMeta
13.7.24. row
13.7.25. table
13.7.26. trail
13.7.27. userMeta
13.7.28. value
13.7.29. xref
14. DSpace System Documentation: Version History
14.1. Changes in DSpace 1.5.2
14.1.1. General Improvements
14.1.2. Bug fixes and smaller patches
14.2. Changes in DSpace 1.5.1
14.2.1. General Improvements
14.2.2. Bug fixes and smaller patches
14.3. Changes in DSpace 1.5
14.3.1. General Improvements
14.3.2. Bug fixes and smaller patches
14.4. Changes in DSpace 1.4.1
14.4.1. General Improvements
14.4.2. Bug fixes
14.5. Changes in DSpace 1.4
14.5.1. General Improvements
14.5.2. Bug fixes
14.6. Changes in DSpace 1.3.2
14.6.1. General Improvements
14.6.2. Bug fixes
14.7. Changes in DSpace 1.3.1
14.7.1. Bug fixes
14.8. Changes in DSpace 1.3
14.8.1. General Improvements
14.8.2. Bug fixes
14.9. Changes in DSpace 1.2.2
14.9.1. General Improvements
14.9.2. Bug fixes
14.9.3. Changes in JSPs
14.10. Changes in DSpace 1.2.1
14.10.1. General Improvements
14.10.2. Bug fixes
14.10.3. Changed JSPs
14.11. Changes in DSpace 1.2
14.11.1. General Improvments
14.11.2. Administration
14.11.3. Import/Export/OAI
14.11.4. Miscellaneous
14.11.5. JSP file changes between 1.1 and 1.2
14.12. Changes in DSpace 1.1.1
14.12.1. Bug fixes
14.12.2. Improvements
14.13. Changes in DSpace 1.1
15. DSpace System Documentation: Appendices
15.1. Default Dublin Core Metadata Registry
15.2. Default Bitstream Format Registry

List of Tables

2.1. MIT Libraries' Definitions of Bitstream Format Support Levels
2.2. Objects in the DSpace Data Model
5.1. dspace.cfg Main Properties (Not Complete)
7.1. DSpace Log File Locations
8.1. Source Code Packages
9.1. Locations of Web UI Source Files

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