3.3. EBox::GConfModule

eBox uses GConf to store its configuration, the development framework provides a wrapper around the original perl bindings. GConf gives us an easy API for storing and retrieving typed configuration values organized hierarchically. It also lets us define limited schemas for certain configuration keys, setting their type and default values.

The development framework defines a wrapper around the GConf API that provides some extra features. The wrapper is implemented as child class for EBox::Module, so all modules that want to use GConf inherit from EBox::GConfModule. Its children automatically get these features:

This is a list of the most important methods in EBox::GConfModule:


Given a key it returns all directories within.


Given a key it returns all directories within, removing any leading directory component.


Given a key it returns all entries within. Entries are all those keys which are not directories, hence they contain a value.


Given a key it returns all entries within, removing any leading directory component. Entries are all those keys which are not directories, hence they contain a value.


Given a key it returns an array using a hash reference to contain in each element the directories under the key. Also, the hash contains the key _dir which tells you the directory's name.


Given a key referencing a directory it returns true if it exists.


Returns the value of a boolean key.


Returns the value of a integer key.


Returns an array containing the list referenced by the key.


Returns the value of a string key.


It generates a unique random identifier with a leading prefix in the root of the module's namespace, if directory is passed, it will be added to the path. Note that it does not create the entry, it just returns a unique identifier, so it is up to you to create the proper entry.


It returns a hash containing all the entries in the directory referenced by the key.


It returns true if the current EBox::GConfModule instance you are accessing is read-only.


It dumps your current configuration to file.


It restores the last backup.


All changes done since your first write or delete will be dismissed.


It sets a key with a boolean value.


It sets a key with an integer value.


It sets a list of typevalues in value.


It sets values of type in key.

Let's see some examples from the above functions.

Example 3.3. Setting a string key

 $self->set_string("printers/x4235/name", "fooprinter"); 

Example 3.4. Setting a string list

$self->set_list('foo/foolist', 'string', ['foo', 'bar']);

Example 3.5. Getting and using a unique identifier

my $id = $self->get_unique_id('p', 'printers');
$self->set_string("printers/$id/name", $name);
$self->set_bool("printers/$id/configured", undef);